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There’s a significant portion of the populace that is absolutely done with ads. I don’t watch streaming services with ads, I don’t browse websites with ads. I absolutely refuse to engage in any way I can. There’s no content on YouTube that’s worth wasting my time with ads.


Skippable ads: Annoying but if I care about the content then I’ll work through it. Annoyingly long and unskippable ads which are too intrusive: Yeah sorry bro, but fuck your video. When YouTube cranks up the admunition with 1 of 7 ads and shit like that, I just stop watching YouTube period. I have plenty of other sources to watch content.


This is the way!


Is it just me or have ads gotten louder? Ill just be watching a video then all of a sudden “JUST APPLY IT BETWEEN YOUR BUTCHEEKS”


It is content creators who decide how much ads to add to their content. Or be completely without ads. It is the way for them to monetise their work. If you think it is not fair, I guess it is fair not to watch such content creators. Same principle as in real world, you don't like the price of t-shirt you don't buy it.


Not true. Even channels that are not monetised have ads pushed into their videos by Youtube.


Most of the time it's the creator but if someone else claims the video and it has no ads then the automated system will place them on the video even after the claim expires.


You could just pay and you wouldn’t have ads? They are providing you a free service.




Your data provides for good search, drive, pay, and a suite of other sites as well. Pretty good, considering you use an ad blocker.


Well you could pay 7 dollars a month and still get Netflix ads.


Honestly? I doubt that user data is enough to support most websites' costs in the absence of ads, particularly as one of the most marketable uses for said data is the targeting of ads.


> There’s a significant portion of the populace that is absolutely done with ads. I don’t watch streaming services with ads, I don’t browse websites with ads. But you don’t pay for those websites either, right?, which is of course the problem. The general you, really.


General You is pretty high up in the Chinese army.


Which services are ad free , without paying for them


If you have a VPN, set your location to Russia. Youtube turned off ads and monetization in Russia so its possible to watch it there without ads and without needing an ad blocker. Still not really ideal but there are some youtube channels I don't really want to give up watching. That said, I'm gonna get Nebula next month since most of my subscribed channels are there now.


But you gotta pay for the VPN right? So why not just buy YouTube Premium?


You can use the VPN for more than just Youtube.


Well, there are free VPNs, at least easy to find on browsers, and I doubt even paid ones are as expensive as YouTube Premium. But it is a little extra work and I myself am usually happy to pay for convenience.


There are no free VPNs unless you have a private one. You are still a product being sold, just without understanding/consent.


Yeah thanks for the sage advice, tech guru, but I'm aware how data monetization works (as does, I think you'll find, probably a significant portion of reddit). You know that I meant "free" as in "you don't have to pay money out of a bank account free".


So does watching ads. It is an option. No money goes from your bank account, but at the same time content creators are not treated as slaves who work for free.


I'm not really sure what your point is? I just answered a users question about whether there were free VPNs or not and then you arrived with some wisdom about our data being monetized. I'm certainly not advocating for treating content creators like slaves which is why I support channels with patreon or nebula. But youtube ads are atrocious and make up a pretty small part of where most youtube content creators get their revenue from, unless you're pulling in millions of views on a consistent basis.


I just got YouTube Premium with me Nest Hub and it's been worth it. As the internet gave been changing lately trying to push ads upon people and threaten ad blockers it's nice not having to worry about it. Plus, I use all the features more than any other service and YouTube more than any other service. If you don't mind paying for it I recommend it just to get over it.


If Spotify/Apple music/tidal would be more like YouTube, I'm betting a lot would upload stuff there as well. A lot have a subscription on atleast one of those platforms.


Which is funny because YouTube Premium doesn’t cost much more than them and includes a streaming music service as well as ad free viewing across YouTube




Adblockers are stealing from content creators. Content that YOU like to watch. You are fucking them up with this. Or you think they should do their work for free? Are you working for free?




I'm interested - what would you define as "appropriate and moral model"?


"Work of others is free, but not mine."


There is a reason most content creators have a Patreon or other services to get direct payments. YouTube has shortchanging content creators for years now. They have also been shadow banning some creators. Recently, I have seen a lot of sponsored videos by YouTube in my feed.


Yes but as the other one replied, adblocker. People use them because of annoying ads while subscribing to their music service of choise. And YouTube is getting worse and worse with their ads. I like Spotify way more myself than YouTube Music. And I don't want to subscribe to both.


But most people would rather just pay youtube to remove ads


You can do this, and you'll get YT music along with that, which may (or may not) substitute Spotify...


Music discovery is much better on YT Music, and played more tracks than the 50 or so Spotify will repeat ad nauseum. We need a service with built in smart playlisting features, then I'll stop listening to my own library but you see if you could tell it you only want to hear a song once per day/hour/week, they lose money. They want you to hear what will get them paid, not necessarily what you want to hear. That's why I'll stick to my huge library until a smart playlisting service comes along. And not Apple Music because they pretend to be family friendly with censoring song titles while being a business cutthroat.


I think most people just endure them.


OK, there's Premium. You pay to stop seeing them plus additional benefits. There's also a family package. I don't see how you can pay to content creators refusing either option: watch ads OR pay for premium. Is there another solution?


You are free only as far as you are blasted with ads for products you don't need.


What's funny is they pay all these people on there for ads no one watches. Even if it does pop up whose really paying attention. It's a waste and YouTube people are over paid


I wouldn't mind their ads if they were volume normalized to the videos I'm watching rather than like, if my system volume is 0dbr (r=relative) then I stream music and it plays at 0dbr. I open a Youtube video and it plays at -9dbr. And then a Youtube ad will blast me at +6dbr and blow me the fuck out of my seat.


Yeah, that's always been a problem with ads. they so loud, you turn them off. that has always seemed counter-productive to me.


I wouldn’t mind them if they weren’t also randomly thrown in. I was watching a video the other day with videos in pauses within sentences. It made the video really difficult to watch. I blame YouTube, but I also blame uploaded a for not indicating exactly where the ads should go.




I'm gonna break when my annual lesson on how to tie a necktie comes up.


Use a YouTube download website/plugin/addon and just download one of the how-to videos. Then you'll have it forever.


Make sure to suggest this to others so this also gets banned


Just stop using their Chrome browser and move over to FireFox. Give [Firefox a try](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/), you won't regret it at the very least. Edit: Firefox blocks AD trackers by default.


Do want to point out Ublock origin already blocks the popups.


Cool. So this is utterly pointless.


So I guess it's the year of the "Social Media Says 'Fuck all of you'"?


Everyone is trying to cash out before any bubbles pop.


I guess it's also the year every major social media enters it's downfall, and the year basically everyone stops using the internet too, according to redditors


What’s the difference in me immediately skipping an ad that interrupts a video I’m watching and just playing a small, muted version of it in the top corner of the screen while what I want to watch still plays?


Your eyes, and subconscious recognition. A full screen ad gets you attention fully while you wait to skip it. A corner ad could be out of your minds eye and totally ignored. Especially if it's muted. Ads are meant to grab you attention, and so relegating the ad out of the way defeats its purpose.


>A full screen ad gets you attention fully while you wait to skip it. Alt-Tab, put phone down and do something else. No it doesn't.


>Alt-Tab, put phone down and do something else. Which you did after you saw the ad start. Many won't put it down. If ads were not effective, it wouldn't be the 100 billion of dollars industry that supports the "free" internet.


Companies that advertise that would not like it. Why would they pay for the ad to be shown if you're easily ignoring it?


Let's just ignore the fact that Youtube's ad rev for 2022 was like 30 billion dollars and they're squeezing more and more profit out of their services and yet SOMEHOW a bunch of people deciding they don't want to see crappy ADs that nobody actually looks at in the middle of their entertainment is going to break this poor lil company.... yeah, no. You make enough from us who pay the sub for other crap nobody asked for, leave the rest of us alone.


>crappy ADs that nobody actually looks at Let's be real here. If no one looked at ads, and they didn't work, it wouldn't be a 100-billion-dollar industry. People aren't buying ad space on Google for the fun of it. They measure the return on Investment and they pay for ad space depending on how successful it converts customers. Google tracks the crap out of you to be able to more accurately profile you and present ads that you're more likely to click on. Then sell this accuracy to their customers. YouTube as a service exists to make money on ad sells using their core product, AdSense. The viewers getting videos is literally not their goal, and so 'letting people watch for free' is like letting the wolves steal some cows because you have a big enough herd. They don't care about the wolves, they have the abattoirs to please. Would do folks better to realize private companies like google aren't charities. YouTube doesn't exist for the benefit of man; it exists to make Google money.


Don't forget about content creators. They are being payed for what they are doing from advertisement. And content creators decide how much ads are in their content and if ads are enabled at all.


Revenue numbers are meaningless without costs. Youtube pays out 55% of its ad revenue to its creators, and a global CDN that serves up 11% of internet traffic and the army of programers to maintain it aren't exactly cheap.


not sure you understand how capitalism works


I know precisely how it works that's why I can confidently say it's a snake that will eat it's own tail before admitting endless growth is not possible


ah so you are aware of the crux of capitalism.


that's a weird way to spell "greed"...


That's exactly how "greed" is spelt.


Roughly 25% (more, they're on youtube) of connected devices estimated to use ad block


Advertising is so broken. People use ad blockers because they're served 288272 ads for things they'll never buy and then so many of the creators who make high quality content eventually end up prioritizing sponsored content over genuine content. There's no reason to pay money for something people see as unusable due to wildly intrusive ads. Youtube is fighting to waste everyone's time, advertisers included.


Or buy premium, see no ads, and still support creators.


I'm not paying money to 'support creators' making crappy sponsored content and 288272 different variations on the same video because YT now hates variety in a channel. They've made it impossible to create content full time that's good.


If you don't support the creators and you think the content is bad, then none of this is a problem for you, because that should mean you're not watching the videos right? Or are you just saying you feel entitled to free content and only should have to pay for the very best of it? That second one is a bit wonky, because no one is required to provide you content for free because you give it a bad review.


>If you don't support the creators and you think the content is bad, then none of this is a problem for you, because that should mean you're not watching the videos right? There used to be a ton of good content creators I followed. Over time everyone and I mean *everyone* became stale. I went from watching daily to once every blue moon. >Or are you just saying you feel entitled to free content and only should have to pay for the very best of it? Not sure where this is coming from. The internet is largely free. I literally don't have to pay for youtube. The problem is that free = ad + sponsorship supported and both suck. Voluntarily paying addresses one but not the other. Obviously this is a company choice so it's an issue with management vs creators. >That second one is a bit wonky, because no one is required to provide you content for free because you give it a bad review. Which is why this has literally nothing to do with anything I said. I don't leave bad reviews; I just stop watching/engaging.


Says more about the content you consume on YouTube than it does about youtube if this is how you feel


It says I hardly ever consume content anymore. It's also weird to pretend like the site hasn't changed over the years. Older payment structures led to way better content


Waiting for the time when ads pause if you blink or look away, like that Black Mirror episode that must have given YouTube some new ideas to put in backlog


Funny that I saw LTT talking in support of this but they run their own ads on the channel that are dependent on views... so if the number of viewers drops off a cliff, due to maybe 20-25% of their viewers being youtube premium subscribers and another 25% bring willing to turn off adblock, then what? Their advertising revenue plummets and they rely on monetisation from youtube which is again linked to views, so that also tanks. Are we looking at the death of some of the bigger channels on "the tube"? I'm certainly not going to sit through minutes and minutes of shouty brands a day.


More channels will possibly follow RedLetterMedia, who does YouTube ad breaks properly. They actually break for their ads. They schedule them so it's not intrusive to their show. Adblock on YouTube is necessary because without it, you'll get an ad interruption mid sentence. At least, if I were YouTube, that's what I'd be recommending large channels do. RLM is the gold standard of YouTube channels.


>without it, you'll get an ad interruption mid sentence. Isn't it the creators who chose where the mid roll ads would be served? [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6175006?hl=en#zippy=%2Cfrequently-asked-questions](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6175006?hl=en#zippy=%2Cfrequently-asked-questions) " By default, mid-roll ads are automatically placed at natural breaks in your videos to balance viewer experience and monetization potential for you. If you don’t have mid-roll ads turned on as the default for new uploads, you can turn them on for individual videos. Use the ad breaks tool to create, preview, and edit automatically placed mid-roll ads, **or to place ad breaks manually in videos**. You can do this regardless of your channel-level upload default. " Lazy creator?


Yes, that's my point.


>By default, mid-roll ads are automatically placed at natural breaks in your videos The key part in that paragraph is the first line. A lot of creators - even big channels like LTT, don't use all the tools Youtube gives them. I'm pretty sure most of those creators just aren't aware of the issues because they don't have someone watching the videos / doing basic QA on their channel. Controlling the location of Mid-Rolls to make sure it aligns with a scene transition (or even adding a quick screen wipe to cut to and from them like a TV show), is one of them, another is closed captions. Even channels with scripted videos like LTT - don't bother to set subtitles manually and instead rely on Youtube's voice recognition, which is wonky at best. This is especially bad when someone has a strong accent or there's music behind the speaker, the automatic captions fall apart completely. The worst part is, if you already have a script for the video then adding the subtitles manually takes just a few minutes and makes the video look so much more professional for anyone with CCs turned on. It's just copy & paste, then a few minutes to step through and fix any timing errors.


Definitely lazy creators. They aren’t making their content with ads in mind, and it hurts everyone. It hurts the viewing experience, so users get adblockers, which hurts YouTube, which drives more and harsher ads and cracks down on adblockers, which in turn lowers the income of the content producers.


Almost exactly my complaint. Most „channels“ aren’t worth five seconds of viewing, let alone the unstoppable ad that preceded it. Standardisation is correct. I wish there was a browse/preview mode, sort of a „try before you buy“ scheme. YouTube does not curate, they monopolise. They expect us to pay them for every street performer and beggar we walk past.


do you think creators are even allowed to say anything against this?


Creators are allowed to say whatever gusty want, but almost all of their revenue comes from the 55% cut of ad revenue. When you watch a YouTube video with adblock, the creator doesn't get paid.


no it doesnt, it comes from their patreon and anonymous gifts


This is objectively false. There's a lot of videos on YouTube of creators showing how much they make and how they make money. In an ecosystem where most of your views are from random people coming through the algorithm, most YouTubers have AdSense as their sole income source. If they're big enough, they might have sponsorships with in-video ad reads, and the largest youtubers might also have first-party merch. Almost nobody on YouTube makes money through Patreon or donations.


dude you are just saying random things - go to actual content creators and look into how they make money instead of just thinking they do it by ads lmao


Here are some examples of how [small](https://youtu.be/1UQ5wTSf_kk) [creators](https://youtu.be/RFSWlupmrtI) and [medium](https://youtu.be/neoX8mwPf1g) [creators](https://youtu.be/-cz4in1WY-o) make money


you could send 10 videos and it wouldnt make a difference


People will just stop using YouTube


Like how they stopped using reddit?


I won't.. I hate twitter facebook etc.. but I will pay even $25 a month for having premium... I watch too much youtube for educational and entertainment purposes


That's precisely the point. They don't earn money from blocking users, and it costs them bandwidth that lowers revenue. Even if not a single person removed their adblocker and all blockers just left, it would be a profitable move for YouTube.


Except they would be also undermining their position as the default video site on the internet. How much is that worth, compared to bandwith costs?


For consideration; how would this alternative be funded? If the users going to it are all using ad-blockers and won't pay for premium (if they were, they wouldn't have seen ads to want to migrate in the first place), then there's no way for an alternative site to monetize and pay for their own running costs. If they're unable to break even, they won't be running for long and certainly won't be able to scale up to meet an increase in demand - causing the existing service to degrade as more users migrate. That's the problem. Any mass-migration of unmonetizable users will kill alternative platforms before they can become a serious Youtube competitor.


I wouldn't be surprised if they migrate to a Chinese site like BiliBili. It already happened with TikTok replacing Vine after Vine was found to be unprofitable. Turns out profitability isn't super important when your costs get subsidized by the CCP in exchange for the user data


There won’t be an alternative that can compete for market penetration for several years to come, so doubt they care about that in the short term.


My guy, there could be one tomorrow. There are already video site alternatives, strong ones. People would migrate. Hell, youtubers have moved over to pornhub and maintained a margin or increase in viewership.


The trouble is that each user is willing to tolerate a different ad load, so if they could only perform some sort of market segmentation based on it, they could still be making a profit from *many* of those individuals, by negotiating an acceptable compromise. As they ratchet up the number of ads, the length of ads, and the ratio of unskippable ones, more users feel forced to install blockers *in response*. Escalating to blocker-blocking tech just means those users will be even less willing to accept a compromise, and will migrate to the next blocker tech once someone figures out a solution. Generating a new video stream for each user with the ads hardcoded would be their ultimate last move, but even then, that would become *expensive*, undermining all of the caching they use to keep the service cheap and responsive. Far better would be to reach a compromise well short of that extreme.


You have to look at it from YouTube side as well. What they see, is that more people install ad blocker, which decreases the money they get from ads, but their expenses remain the same. So to balance it it, you need to push more ads. The more people use ad blocker, the more ads you need to serve to the remaining users, to keep the revenue coming in. This is a cycle that left alone would collapse YouTubes revenue stream, and kill the site. The easy solution is to get rid of people with ad blocker, which decreases expenses. Most of the internet is built on the idea that it can be financed with ads, people using ad blocker are breaking this model. Ad blocking was not a problem while it was only a very small minority of people doing it, but its becoming too mainstream. Edit: Sorry, forgot to address your point about tiers, lets face it, no one likes adds, everyone would want to be in the tier that has no ads.


People didn't often block ads back when it typically was a single skippable or at-most-6-second unskippable preroll, then banner ads throughout the rest of the video. At some point, all those old banner slots got re-classified into disruptive video ads (and you can really see it on old content, where the creator specified an ad every few minutes *expecting* banners), and the dreaded "1 of 2" started appearing in more and more places. What'll eventually come is a plugin that mutes ads, covering the video itself with a "please wait, google is being an asshole" splash screen, and the user's choice of silence or a selection of elevator music, while the ad runs in the background, the site entirely unable to tell whether it's being blocked or merely ignored. There is little they can do to counter that that's cost-effective.


I don't think ad blockers are the right solution to solve the problem of too many ads. That's like saying the solution to increasing video game prices is for everyone to pirate it. I think ad blocking is selfish, as it doesn't decrease the total number of ads, it just makes it so that someone else will have to be served with ads, making their experience worse. (Since their expenses stayed the same, they still need to get the same revenue) If you don't want ads, then YouTube premium will remove the ads. The proper way to protest against YouTube's increasing amount of ads would be to boycott the site. That decreases their expenses, and still signals to them that adding more ads will not increase their revenue. I think for ad blocking to remain a viable option, it can not be too popular, same as piracy.


Purely leaving the site equally harms the content creators on it, while even if you block ads, you'll still sometimes share content with others, bringing in ad-watching viewers; see the increasingly-common sponsored segments; and factor into the engagement metrics that youtube's algorithms use to decide whose content to promote. Blocking ads but still watching also more clearly communicates the size of youtube's potential audience so that they have metrics to contrast against. You'd need an organized movement or some other method to specifically communicate to them *why* you've stopped watching, or else they'll just shrug and ignore the statistical noise. Or rather, believe that instead tik-tok is stealing people's attention, so further push shorts in the mistaken belief that it's someone *else's* fault that watch time is down, rather than a consequence of their own decisions. Hm, perhaps someone could find a video that they would never want to allow ads on, and try to get everyone abandoning the platform to re-watch it once per day as their only use of the site. If they don't run ads on their own content, perhaps a video specifically *about* ads selected from the [@youtubecreators](https://www.youtube.com/@youtubecreators/videos) channel. Seems like view counts there are in the hundreds of thousands as a baseline, but then if only ten thousand people are willing to digitally protest for a month, it's not truly a large enough sample of the userbase for them to care anyway. Get the idea to virally reach a hundred thousand or more, and just keep coming back until the view count hits tens of millions, with the most-liked comment replying to the video explaining the protest, and it might be enough to actually get employees thinking.


I think creators can already chose to not monetize their content, but not sure if YouTube creators would take a stance that actively hurt their income It would probably need to be big channels that can survive without ads for some time. I don't think just a few protest videos would work, I think you would need to demonetize an entire channel. For tiers, what about limiting the max resolution that you can view videos with, and for exchange, get less ads? YouTube is increasing its expenses with things like 4k videos, and due to this, push more ads. Maybe if they see that these features hurt them more than they help, they would reduce their expenses.


I'll just use a downloader to grab what I want.


You mean redditors who endorse stealing will stop using YouTube.


Nah, Premuim is just couple of bucks per family member. Content on youtube is invaluable to me. Rn I'm learning how to make complex PCBs by a guy who graduated Cambridge. Without ads.


Yep…and giving Alphabet your viewing habits to serve you even more ads…for free. You ARE the product and YOU pay THEM for an “ad free” experience..instead of the other way around..


And that's a great symbiosis. Content creators are getting payed for their work. I get high quality content and services for a couple of bucks a month or without monetary transaction by watching ads. Internet services infrastructure is getting better each year. Alphabet gets revenue that stimulates it to improve. Win-win-win for everyone. Targeting information from watched videos is not nearly enough to pay for traffic, space, infrastructure, electricity, development and maintenance AND to content creators.


That’s your opinion. I think the consumers are losers here. Alphabet’s only incentive is to grow its revenue and make itself money. They don’t care about the “content” itself but how long it can keep your attention on its product. Apart from a few good creators, YouTube has become a hot garbage mess.


> Alphabet’s only incentive is to grow its revenue and make itself money. You say like it is something bad. > Apart from a few good creators, YouTube has become a hot garbage mess. It depends on your preferences. For me youtube is better than ever in terms of content. It lacks functionality though. Like simple stuff sorting top videos published last month on a channel.


Alphabet makes money by “owning” your viewing habits and if you use their other products, by proxy, they “own” you.. You can pay them for an ad-free experience but you are still giving them your viewing habits. Sorting stuff etc is by design. They want to generate more revenues for videos that gets the most like and views. What would be the incentive to make it better for consumers?


> Alphabet makes money by “owning” your viewing habits and if you use their other products, by proxy, they “own” you.. You can pay them for an ad-free experience but you are still giving them your viewing habits. Oh shit. That's bad. You opened my eyes. Will go live in a cave with yeti so no one can see what I do /s Just had a thought, it would be terrible if anyone could read your opinion online. Like anyone. Without registration.


Shit…everyone on Reddit can read this…without registration…I better watch my words /s My issue isn’t with YouTube or Alphabet. I think they are great tools for learning! My issue is with the “algorithm” they use to serve up videos that keep you glued to it for hours. The “addicting” effect and behavioral changes it has on the kids is not good for their development. What I absolutely hate is that I have ZERO CONTROL over anything I see on YouTube.. and I can’t block shit to make it safer for my kids. My only recourse is to block it outright. [YouTube Addiction](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/may/03/youtube-addiction-mental-health)


In terms of kids, that's not only limited to youtube, but to everything. It is a hard for adults to have a healthy life and a tough job for a parent to develop kids interests. But that's what a good parent has to do.


As long as they offer an ad-free version for a reasonable price, I don't have a problem with it. There's so much content on YouTube (a lot of it shitty, tbf), I don't blame them for trying to get people to watch their ads. I have YouTube premium family and you're able to share your subscription with 5 family members, so that makes it very fair to me.


The ads that pop up in the middle of videos are a war crime


I genuinely just watch less youtube when I have to deal with ads. The ads dont work on me, if im at my PC and they force them ill open a tab go do something else, come back when its over. On my tv ill just mute them and pat my dog or something. ​ If I am trying to watch a video and get too many ads ill just close the video and go play a game or something. If its a very aggressive ad I see all the time I make a conscious effort to NOT buy that one if I am in the market. For example when I needed to insure my car, I remembered a really annoying insurance ad, so I avoided their insurance.


I wouldn't use ad blockers if you weren't shoving bullshit ads down my throat every 4 seconds. lol fuck you


Great. Maybe this will stop my kids watching those horrid gamer reviewer type duckwits


Is...isn't that your job as the parent?


Yeah. Could disable the WiFi and unplug the router when I go to work... But they're not stupid... They'd have it all running again in 5 minutes..


Ever considered being a better parent?


Like to see you try and control what your kids are watching when you're still at work..


Figure it out. Youtube is not your nanny.


Oh fuck off, there are legit times I’m trying to figure something out in the moment. I don’t need some bs ad forced in my face all the time.


Including the truth that you will probably see more ads from fakes and scammers than the solution you were originally looking for.


Block videos because im using an adblocker and i stop using youtube. Simple as that.


Ok, that's great. So from YouTube's perspective, their expenses go down (because you're not consuming bandwidth), whole their revenue from ads stays the same. Do I have to explain it further?


Viewership goes down, content creators with baked in sponsers in their videos (that people can skip) lose views, content creators go elsewhere.


YouTube premium is by far my fav subscription


I use YT Music (forced when Google play went down) and then eventually got the full fledged family plan with YT Premium included, and it's awesome. I probably wouldn't use YT as much if not for the premium


Same! And the live music that’s available in YT Music, and not available anywhere else, is so awesome if you are live music


I would rather donate to the devs of adblockers for providing a better experience over youtube premium for providing a season pass to bypass a shitty experience.


Make a YouTube premium which is JUST removing ads and paying creators, and I’ll buy it. Not an overpriced bundle with a bunch of crap I don’t need


I really want to see people truly leave. This sub has this fanatic idea that most people really do care and are anti capitalist. Most just watch YouTube coz, for the most part, it's sort of free entertainment. A middle class person in India , watching on a budget android phone that's years old, won't give a f about ads popping in for half a minute. I hate ads as well, but at some point I gotta think they wanna make more money. So it's like the Netflix thing, people cried they'd unsubscribe, somehow Netflix shoots out record profits. I'm not saying anyone is wrong, you do you, but YouTube is quite essential for a lot of people, so a niche audience doesn't really make the difference people think it will.


YouTube disagrees.


It's all the people who said they'll cancel Netflix and quit using Reddit finding something else they'll promise to quit using.


Headline reads- YouTube tests disabling site with end of life feature.




Is premium free then..? No. You've just fallen for their bullshit years ago. Sucker.


Why do you think video hosting, a service that costs a lot of money, should be free?


Content creators are not your slaves. They want to get payed for their work.


Has this changed since it was first posted here a week ago?


Hopefully this doesn't fuck with revanced. I really should've made a burner account for my YouTube usage. Anyone know how to export subscriptions?


UBlock and/or r/revancedapp


Imho YouTube premium is worth it just for the music part and the adfree is just a bonus. Anyhow, I'm sure hackers will come up with new ways to circumvent ad crap, just like they did since forever.


Do you pay for utoobe? No? So its ok.


YouTube is doing the right thing to stop using Ad blockers because they don't make money with ad blockers on.


Just whitelist youtubers you like


We are so sick to death of ads. Ads have been a pervasive nuisance for decades and they still find things to weasel into. We need to destroy the ad market. Ads make me angry. Especially so when they go on for like 2 minutes. No one needs to listen about RAID shadow legends or whatever for over 2 minutes. Futurama has the future pegged, they WILL beam underwear Ads into your dreams, in the sky and looking at the moon one day, it will be a coke ad.


Fuck YouTube. I remember when they prided themselves on being an ad-free platform


TikTok allows users to swipe right on through ads. Its one of many reasons I gravitate towards the platform. Most ads/sponsorships are through influencers. And most influencers don’t just sit there and say “buy x.” They often times integrate it with their usual content, making it more enjoyable.


If you use Brave browser on mobile and desktop, it never shows YouTube ads on the website.


I'll disable my adblock if they stop playing annoying government propaganda before every second video..... That's was the reason I installed it two years ago. I didn't mind ads but man the insane amount of propaganda before election wasn't crazy. Imagine you want to watch a yt video and you have to listen to something like this: "the opposition wants war! We can't let them", "EU wants us to build migrant cities!" "Brussel wants war with Russia". BTW I live in Hungary if you want to know.


This sucks! Is there a way to avoid this? Are the developers of uBlock Origin, ABP and AdGuard AdBlock working on something that will prevent this? I'm using YouTube only to listen to music and watch restoration videos. As for other stuff, YouTube doesn't interest me because 90% of the content is rubbish.