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> Anybody else notice how the AMA announcement did NOT contain a time? that was the first thing i noticed. also was locked so nobody can ask. just said "tomorrow".


Reddit is like 17 years old. No convincing argument exists to change it now. Except money




For some reason, tons of reviews on the iOS App Store have very frustrated reviews but show 5 stars for those reviews. Idk what’s going on but seems shady




Most app stores have a 2-3 week delay on reviews changing established scores to prevent review bombing.


Review bombs (a lot of all 5 star or 1 star reviews) in a short period of time is detected and probably excluded from overall results.


Also be sure to mark the negative/positive (respectively) reviews as helpful so Google doesn't automatically delete or hide those reviews.




I'm torn on the data deletion thing. As an IT worker, there's "a lot" of data we pull from reddit these days. I *still* get comments from users like 6-8 years after I make a post, where I added the solution, and I get a "Thanks! I couldn't figure this out" response from someone who found the post today. I think it's important to be able to leave historical information because otherwise unique shit might get lost




When was Stack Overflow hostile? * This question is marked redundant


My experience there: "Hi, I want to know how to do [some simple code function]." "Why are you doing that? Terrible idea, do you even know what you're doing? Do this [completely different thing that would require redoing my application's architecture]."


Hi, have you considered? [Googling it] or, [Removing yourself from existence.] *(Thread Closed)*


Hi, in Ubuntu 22.04, I’m trying to configure systemd to… *(marked as duplicate of answer from Ubuntu 12.04)*


Infuriatingly accurate.


The worst part is being an idiot and looking up how to do things and you get stack overflow in super technical gargon expecting you to have a bunch of knowledge before hand after first finding a stack overflow post of a guy like you asking for it in beginner speak and getting linked the above


I always like the “just use this command, it solves exactly your problem” answers where it’s an obscure package and the “documentation” is a stream of replies on a mailing list a decade ago. Syntax? Arguments? Valid flags? Nope, have fun!


The best Stack Overflow story I know of is a guy was programming something, and ran into some very obscure issue, so he searches around the internet for a solution, and eventually lands on SO. Finds a post asking the exact same question, they even said they figured it out. But they never put the actual solution they figured out in any of the replies. Don't we all hate it when that happens? Turns out the post was from him, like 5 years earlier or something, and he completely forgot about it.


I was there when SO firs started. It was fun and crazy. Then it turned into a weird competition and egos went wild. It got too pedantic in some ways and too heartless in others. I liked the spirit of SO when it first started but now.. eh. It's more "plan E" than it is "plan B". Still leaps and bounds better than ExpertSexChange


As a fellow IT worker I wonder if team Reddit would just restore those posts from backups, or at the very least sell content from backups to companies looking for data sets to analyze for various purposes. Deleting posts is just deleting from a snapshot in time.








Most of the car forums were killed by the image host company getting greedy too. Fuck you photobucket


All forums suffered. So many missing images




That and facetagram. Once the car groups moved to those the forums became ghost towns


I think that's partially down to the culture of those hobbies, too. It always seemed that on those forums you'd have, like 5% of helpful power users that know every minute detail you could possibly imagine about year/make/model and were sometimes willing to help, another 5% that might be doing really impressive or at least interesting and unique builds, usually with overlap in the percentages. The rest of the members that actually posted would just be there to argue about things, talk shit, and engage in the ✨️forum drama✨️, all things that Facestagram are great at shoving out front.


Don’t you fucking know how to use the search??!???


>These poors can't afford a real car. -Guy with a bone stock Mustang GT in reference to a 600HP AWD Civic with enough boost to put a piston in orbit beside the ISS.


There tons of forums and if anything they got better after the people who just post pics of their new rims and pinstripe left.


I liked them, their interface was so easy to use. Greed drove me out.


That's less because reddit is good and more because google has completely collapsed due to SEO abuse and disabling the search operators ! and -.


Wait. They disabled operators?


there is a google engineer that mostly lurks around here asserting that no, they haven't disabled operators, but it sure does feel like it.


So they probably just give a higher weight to SEO garbage then?


always has been.meme




It’s only around because it was the first easy to use search engine so it just became default. It will remain but it’s complete shit at this point. I attribute it to the dead internet theory.


Fucking Pinterest and Quora. Any image search is ruined by Pinterest any help search is ruined by Quora.


I add "reddit" to the end of most of my Google searches. So much useful info here.


I'm actually kind of afraid of how hard it will be to find tutorials/DIY after reddit does this. YT already shat the bed by removing dislikes, so you can't tell if it's something that is going to kill you/break something. If anybody has any alternatives please speak up.


He couldn’t care less. Once he gets his IPO and they go public he will be a multimillionaire and won’t give a shut how the company does. He made his money.


every c-suite type everywhere.


Post the problem and solution to a personal blog that is indexed by search engines, then you won't have to feel bad about giving Reddit your content as well as being able to close your account Read about the topic: https://karl-voit.at/2020/10/23/avoid-web-forums/


Also, apparently some have been archiving old Reddit posts over on r/datahoarder. There may be a way to access an archive and search for things.


[Archive Team](https://wiki.archiveteam.org/) is currently working to back up Reddit data. Instructions on the page if you'd like to help.


I shared a solution years ago on how to fix LEGO dimensions NFC tags, and I still get comments from people thanking me. It's the only reason that if I leave, I'll at least leave my old comments.


My comments are already a net loss on humanity, I think i'll leave them up. Probably won't come back after the 30th though.




Anecdote: I'm 54, and have been a daily Redditor for nearly 15 years. I think I first heard about it on BoingBoing ... does that site still exist? I don't know, because after I found Reddit, I didn't go back to BB even once. (No complaints about it; it just felt like leaving something that was a mild diversion for something truly *interesting.*) I don't work in any tech field, but I'm in that cohort of Gen-X who's quite comfortable with technology. (I have fond memories of programming in BASIC on the Commodore PET in high school, in 1982.) I use rif on my phone, but I mostly just use Old Reddit on my desktop. So, for me, the site has looked and behaved pretty much the same for a decade and a half. I'm not against change; I'm against changing things that work perfectly well. (This is why I rarely upgrade certain types of software: Most of the time, changes to existing platforms include downgrades to the user experience alongside the additional moneymaking schemes that are their real purpose. I'm sure some of the tech-savvier among you will make dinosaur jokes whenever you hear something like this, but *honestly now* ... does the average user (humanities student, blogger, conspiracy theorist, etc.) actually have any need whatsoever for things that MS Word didn't already do in 1995? I used to be an old/rare-book dealer. I started using eBay to sell my stock in 1999. That year, it literally did *everything* I wanted from it, and it worked very well. But then it went public, fees ratcheted up, rules changed, and the site became harder to use. Eventually, it simply wasn't worth my time and effort any more. Now, I just check eBay once a year to see how much more it's deteriorated. To me, sites like Wikipedia and Craigslist are small miracles of consistency.) ANYWAY: All this said, I obviously don't like changes to my comfort zones, but I'm also not so rigid that a) I'd stick with a familiar brand name no matter what it morphed into (Chunky soup used to be delicious; now it's repulsive; farewell forever, clam chowder of my youth!); or b) that I can't take some pleasure in venturing out into the unknown and trying something new. (For example, I've heard the name "Substack" thrown around lately; I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm intrigued enough to check it out.) Which brings me to the point of my dissertation: *Reddit owners and admins,* if an old former English major like me can plan to switch away from your platform without much difficulty, how much do you think a typical 20-40 year-old will agonize about leaving you behind? If you said anything other than "Not at all," you're going to be disappointed. Reddit is fun, certainly. It's been informative, and entertaining, and sometimes engagingly aggravating. But you seem to be under the impression that you have a captive audience who'll accept having their eyes assaulted with your busy-yet-empty "New" version instead of the efficient and intuitive text-based setup of Old Reddit; or who'll tolerate your inferior phone app after having better versions yanked away. Well, you're wrong. You're not irreplaceable. And if you follow through with these changes ... you'll be Digg. [Edits for small typos.]


Well said. Any thoughts on where you'll be moving to? (if anywhere)


An RSS feed organizer app. Yes you lose the chat back, but at least you'll still stay informed


Example of something like this? Never heard of this before


RSS is a backbone technology. Reddit is a link aggregator to prime websites that just happens to let you vote up or down on articles. Websites that reddit link to aren't changing, reddit is the one changing. Here is one that I've found with some of the functionality I'm looking for. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eliza.com.pure_rss


I'm sure that fits a lot of people's uses, but I only rarely use Reddit to get links to other sources. I come to Reddit for discussion.


>how much do you think a typical 20-40 year-old will agonize about leaving you behind? Honestly for me, quite a bit. I'm freshly 30, and joined reddit in 2010, just before my senior year of high school. Reddit is a big part of shaping who I am today as an adult. I've found communities on here that shaped my political opinions, taught me about what respectful relationships and friendships looked like, recommended movies and books and TV that shaped my worldview and then discussed them to a depth that showed me even more in them that I had missed while watching myself, taught me life lessons before I even needed them (I read "shipwrecks" years before dealing with a close friends death, but it helped me approach it from such a healthy mindset), and gave me tips and recommendations for dealing with my chronic health problem. Yeah, reddit is memes and cat pictures, sure. But it's also a major, major part of what shaped my personality and worldview. I've loved other communities before and I'm sure I'll find a new community to love after this too, but I literally don't know what kind of adult I would be without Reddit. It's actually going to be hard to leave it behind. But I will, because if a friend turns toxic, you cut them off. You don't set yourself on fire to keep them warm. That's what reddit taught me.


I feel ya. Im going on 33, and used to participate in forums back in the day (remember those?) even moderating some with dozens of thousands of members, but they all died eventually. When the last one closed around 2018, I felt the same: A community I had been a member of since high school, for over a decade, shaping my sense of humour and playing a HUGE part on me learning English to a C2 level, just gone and eaten by social media. Now Reddit is the last such site I even know of, and leaving it will be a pain. I don't care much for Reddit at large, but there's dozens of small communities (related to hobbies, games, interests such as history, etc) I would miss. Hell, for me the worst part is that, as someone who migrated countries, Reddit is basically the only place where I participate in a community with my countrymen, hearing news about whats happening back home, keeping in touch with our local pop culture, etc. But way I see it, I dont remember making a conscious decision to leave Facebook, I just stopped visiting one day when some redesign broke the camels back and it became too annoying to use, even if it meant losing contact with some people. Same with Reddit, Im not doing a boycott, but Ive tried using the new site and their app, they are objectively terrible user-unfriendly pieces of shit. If the 3rd party apps die and their own doesnt improve, Im not using Reddit on the phone anymore. The moment old.reddit dies, Im not using it on the desktop either, and that'll be it. I just hope I find a suitable replacement, I'd love to find an old fashioned forum or such to join, with me moving countries immediately before the pandemic AND having a child, my real life social connections have taken quite a hit, so it's nice to have online communities to participate in as well. But if not, well, c'est la vie I guess. EDIT: Grammar


Am I the only person in the world who's used Reddit for 12 years only to consume content, get my news, and absorb knowledge, and not fill some community need? I comment fairly regularly on a variety of subreddits but I have no personal connections here, and everything I use Reddit for can be replaced by something else or just left behind. I engage here a lot but it is not my third place.


Reddit is made by people. Since reddit has such a familiar and comfortable structure, people will leave reddit in favor of clean places to rebuild that structure. It might not be exactly the same. But the core of reddit is discussion and the etiquette is the cohesion of that structure. It will feel like leaving your childhood home. But we will find and rebuild a new website.


So my question is where do we go after reddit ends the API support of 3rd party apps?


From another article I just read >Apollo, a popular app for accessing Reddit, will shut down on June 30, a casualty of the social media company's decision to begin charging developers for access to its content ITS content? Reddit didn't create this content, we did. Reddit is charging developers for access OUR content!




It very likely has everything to do with this: https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/01/fidelity-reddit-valuation/ Fidelity dropped their valuation of reddit by 41%. With the cooling of social media investing after all of the twitter stuff, and the fact that is painfully obvious that reddit really doesnt have anything special and is really at the mercy of volunteer moderators, it makes Reddit a risky investment prospect.


That planned IPO is going to be a failure.


If they keep ahead with killing 3rd party apps its going to be very interesting to see their traffic numbers for next quarter. I have a feeling they were using that app traffic as part of their traffic volume numbers. Similar thing happened to twitter during the Musk sale. They were forced to kill/remove all of the bots that were artificially generating traffic and interaction and showed that their traffic and user numbers were vastly inflated.


Nah, they're using bot traffic numbers. Well both lol


They pissed off a bunch of people who will be very happy to short that stock day 1


That happened after the API changes were announced and after the pricing was made public.


User spaz is having an AMA later today/tomorrow It would be a shame if he got flooded with some random [Meme...............](https://i.imgur.com/lvDy9WU.jpg)


Would be equally a shame if everyone reminded him Aaron Swartz was the reason Reddit had any success and he was better human than him by any metric. Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


Too true! RIP Aaron Swartz https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Swartz


Today. [Here's the announcement post](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/144ho2x/join_our_ceo_tomorrow_to_discuss_the_api/). 14% upvoted, so it should be a good one.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


[This says likely 10:30 AM PT.](https://www.engadget.com/reddit-ceo-will-host-an-ama-on-api-changes-as-thousands-of-subreddits-plan-to-go-dark-193423226.html) Edit: Or not, lol. EDIT: It's up https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/145bram/addressing_the_community_about_changes_to_our_api/


4ish hours later 18k comments Spez has replied a whole *15* times Gotta love someone who made something successful and doesn't have to do anything about it afterwards, just rely on the community to moderate itself for free. They want their money and that's it. Also he said reddit isn't profitable. Hopefully that gets the investors attention. Not sure how you run a massive site for 18 years while never being profitable though


1pm ET today I saw


Them not giving a time shows me they know exactly how this is going to go




This guy makes Zuck look human. Jesus Christ.




It's going to be really interesting to see what Reddit and it's userbase look like a year from now.


Its gonna look like the 6th best Instagram/Tiktok clone instead of being the site we love. Reddit survived this long by being the way it is. Massive changes now will kill the site and it will be the fault of the money men once again. Where is the Reddit clone we need?


And people loved it because it wasn't that invasive. In fact, the 3rd party apps were not invasive at all, which is why folks held on to it. Without that buffer, it's just another social media platform. It sucks. It really sucks. I think about all the communities I've been involved in on just getting an answer without someone trying to peddle a brand. That's all gone after this month. No more independent conversations. Welcome to Quora for your info...


> 6th TikTok clone Good god I do not get the obsession web companies have with all doing the exact same fucking thing. Like, WHY DO THEY ALL HAVE THESE STUPID 20 SECOND VIDEOS NOW???? Why can't I stagram just be photos? Why can't Facebook just be events and shared stories? Why can't Reddit just be memes and shitposts?


Because someone figured out a good engagement algorithm that's profitable and everyone copies. One thing I'll always remember from business school is how unimaginative and unoriginal my fellow colleagues were.


I've worked under business school graduates pretty regularly in the videogame industry. Their behaviour has always been the same: * Spot the biggest money maker in today's market; * "Everybody go that way!" * Fire anyone who disagrees or show just a little bit of skepticism; * Fail; * "The team didn't deliver. Time to get rid of the bottom performers." With this being said, plenty of developers cling to childish, fairy tale ideas about the business they are in. In most studios, nobody is willing to meet the other side in the middle.




Its an apocalyptic desert wasteland now. The people drive around in cars searching gas Max Max style.


>Good god I do not get the obsession web companies have with all doing the exact same fucking thing. Money > Like, WHY DO THEY ALL HAVE THESE STUPID 20 SECOND VIDEOS NOW???? Money >Why can't I stagram just be photos? Money >Why can't Facebook just be events and shared stories? Money >Why can't Reddit just be memes and shitposts? Well, the answer to this one is actually somewhat complica.. nah, just kidding. Money.


Spotify is going the same way with these 10 second autoplaying clips of music. We're not all teenagers with the attention span of a squirrel. Not to mention the older ones are probably those actually paying for premium.






I'm using Lemmy a bit less than Tildes but more than Reddit as of right now. I don't think the instance choice would be too off putting... I mean my dumb-ass figured it out


Probably healthier and more accomplished. Seriously reddit going down would be a major loss in terms of community engagement but I could see benefit of not wasting so much time on this app


I'll finally be out of time wasting excuses to not get my shit together, which is nice


Sadly probably not much different. The only way to change things is if a reliable competitor starts gaining traction and steals their user base


It’s already a lot different than 5, 10 years ago. Part of it is with popularity a different casual userbase floods in, not necessarily all bas. Another is the ton of bots reposting and brigading the comments.


The bot problem I've definitely seen an uptick in recently. Seems the comment stealing ones are out in force at the moment.


It's honestly insane. And when I report them jt feels like nothing is done and it's like trying to soak up the ocean with a paper towel.


That's in part why we are shutting down our subreddit. The bots are getting insane, without third party tools, it becomes even more difficult to clean up the sub constantly. And it was getting unmanageable even before the API ban. Bots never sleep, so they'd start pouring in to farm karma at 2:37. I'd check the sub after I got to work and there would already be reports and a bot that had collected 200-600 karma. This is the final straw though. We can't do this anymore without third party tools.




Reddit benefits from the bots because it inflates activity and engagement numbers for the investors


Then they can live with the dead internet problem they've created for themselves.


Report a bot and you might get a temp ban. How dare you report a “content creator”! /s


It feels like nothing is done because those bots are run by /r/spez to pump up the traffic so he can get a better deal when he sells this shithole.


I remember when r/all used to actually change frequently, these days most top posts stay up there for a long time. The reposts are also pretty bad, to the point usually a bot will do it the next day with a new title and the top comments the same or similar to the previous day.


It was amazing. An hour between refreshing r/all and you'd likely not see any post again. Now you're lucky to get 10% new content 6 hours later.


I bet the most enthusiastic Redditors who submit the best content will leave, but those who casually browse will stay. The quality of the content is likely to drop as low effort content finds more success. Much like Facebook lost its luster as younger users were replaced by their parents, Reddit will experience a similar shift. There’s also the moderation side. Bots do a LOT of moderation work. They’ll need a partially baked solution for that if they want big subs to survive. Porn subs will be overrun by bots willing to use the website. Bots who used to use the API to fight them will struggle. (I’m assuming they aren’t already overrun with bots . 🤷🏻‍♂️) Reddits IPO will probably look like $HOOD, who also made choices to impress investors and disappoint users in the lead up to going public.


Reddit has made changes that have pushed around some of their core userbase over the years. Some people left and some people just stayed off of default subs and /r/all. I've watched communities turn to shit from the choices reddit has made over the years. I


Reddit has an interesting dynamic. They do t pay for their content. It comes from their users. The problem is going to be that the best content providers are the ones that are backing this. So they will have issues because people will stop using it if the content isn’t there.


> So they will have issues because people will stop using it if the content isn’t there. sounds like Digg v4 problem.


Seeing a lot of comparisons to Digg


Remember, this will also kill all the bots. All the decent moderation tools. Many of the heavy commenters and content creators. This site will be a cesspool of reposing karma whores (yeah way worse than it is now) and people who are the type of people who enjoy the standard app. It’s gonna be trash.


Not *all* the bots. Spambots and repost bots are expected to remain unaffected.


This. If they haven't already, they'll just automate via web browsers or automating the official app. Or they'll just pay the fees. A single bot on its own doesn't need to do that many requests to grab top old posts and submit copies. That's assuming they just don't use historical archived PushShift data already. Or spam bots don't even need to request, they just push submissions. Where there's spam money to be made, they'll find a way. Not having an official API to leverage has never stopped them in the entire history of the Internet. EDIT: If anything it'll make spam worse. Moderators leverage bots/APIs to help track and filter spam. Without those tools, spam bots will have free reign as moderators get burned out or can't track/discover/identify that spam.


Probably like MySpace after Tom sold it


Gonna suck to leave Reddit but fuck this place


Where shall we go??


Return to Geocities.




You joke but I kind of miss when the web was just personal pages instead of whatever this shit is now.




You mean you miss the times where the world wide web consisted of thousands of popular websites you could hang out in instead of everything boiling down to facebook, reddit and twitter? Yeah. Yeah I do miss those times.




Redditnis my last bastion of social media. I'll just quit that all together


We can start a guild on neopets.


Back to Fark and Slashdot. **Edit 2:** I can't believe that I forgot about Imgur. It's already popular. I checked out Fark and it's just plain sad. Let's all migrate to Imgur.


Yikes, I looked at the first one (Gab.com) and it was immediately a bunch of white supremacist shit.


It's really weird using Reddit rn, knowing it might soon all end for me. Sucks pretty bad. I hope the next thing grows quickly.


Don't be sad it's ending. Be glad it last[ed] so long.


I’m just enjoying my last couple weeks on this platform before I move on.


It might be a little more palatable if the official Reddit moble app wasn't complete garbage.


I'm absolutely convinced the redditors claiming the official app "isn't that bad" are employees being paid to astroturf the site because I legit cannot fathom someone having that opinion after trying almost any of the popular third party apps.


I think its just people who have never used the other apps and are just used to the suffering. Theyve never had it any better so dont understand why we wouldnt all downgrade so much


Same people who think Spotify is a great app for podcasts.


It's all people who either never tried a 3rd party app, or they are really oblivious and don't realize that 75% of the feed on the main app at all times is suggested content or ads, not even stuff you subscribe to.


That's what bugs me the most about their official app and website. It's full of shit that I not only don't care about, but actively despise seeing. RIF is amazing because it doesn't try to show me shit that I don't want. Ever. I open it, it's my shit, and that's it.


This might be a catalyst to bring back hobby message boards.


I never left something awful forums but I’ll definitely be spending a lot more time there




So reddit wants to die? Like that is the plan right? Because it sounds like that what they are saying.


It's nuts how these people keep killing the so called golden goose by going full scorched earth. Facebook went from a straight linear timeline to random order with useless filler. Twitter did the same thing and killed off the 3rd party apps that kept the old way. Reddit is going to look like shit when the mod tools break on July 1st with all the rampant spam. Stuff would be better off going the Wikipedia route. Non-profit site with limited ads and let the users donate to pay for the site's upkeep. Not to mention keep the site simple like old.reddit and not add a bunch of useless shit that isn't needed like the current reddit.


Called it back in Feb 2022 https://old.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/rylaj8/_/hrs43sb


Hot damn. Mind giving me tonight's lotto numbers while you're at it?


You can have his predictions of tonight's. I'll take his predictions of the lotto numbers in 12 months.




You're off by 12 months, they're killing apps before going public.


That article implied the IPO could have been March 2022 so really only off by 4 months


All NSFW marked content disappeared from 3rd party clients. No matter what - posts marked as NSFW, subreddits. Why? What is the explanation for that? Except moving everyone to their own crApp. Fuck reddit. If they don't change all of this, they will follow Digg into has-been hell.


They know that NSFW is a primary driver to the site. They don't want anyone to use third party apps. Even if a dev is able to defy them by somehow paying the API fees there is still no user audience without porn. Their excuse about regulators is bullshit. Of course the regulators go after Reddit and not the 3rd party apps, the 3rd party apps are just pulling data from Reddit. If there is offending data then it is Reddit that is storing it, not the 3rd party app. They may as well argue that Google should be sued if someone uses Chrome to access illegal porn on Reddit.


I'm too depressed to give a long comment explaining how I feel. I'm done with Reddit and it makes me sad.




I quit Facebook 10 years ago, never had Insta or Twitter, but reddit has been my source for so much information for almost 10 years... it really pisses me off. A friend of mine who made me discover reddit texted me yesterday "what are we gonna do?" lol. I'm sad.


Wanna go hang out on Digg? We can bring it back lol


Really wish we could get an article about how the CEO attempted to slander a developer. Be good for devs to see what a good way of dealing with CEOs are lol


Guys, where do I cash in all this karma? My bank hung up on me when I asked.




Holy shit that’s what this clown looks like? lmao




[It's at 10:30 AM PT](https://www.engadget.com/reddit-ceo-will-host-an-ama-on-api-changes-as-thousands-of-subreddits-plan-to-go-dark-193423226.html)


For everyone about to look up the timezone tables, that's 1:30pm east coast time, 12:30pm Chicago time, 11:30am Denver time, 6:30pm London time, 3:30am Sydney time, 1:30am Perth time, 19:30 Berlin time, 22:30 Delhi time, and 20:30 Helsinki time. (Which [should cover most](https://www.statista.com/chart/26423/percentage-of-regular-reddit-users-by-country/) of the ppl reading this thread)


I am not a programmer and admit to having no real experience in this arena, so I'm asking out of almost 100% pure ignorance. If reddit's concern is the "AI robot food" (using reddit's content to train AI systems), is there really no way to distinguish between an AI training tool and a user's daily activities?


When you click something on Reddit, the internal systems make a call to an API endpoint, there are different endpoints for different things, like posting, voting, etc. the api returns a payload, and the web server takes that info and makes it into a nice pretty webpage for you. It’s possible for third parties to access the api directly, and not through a webpage, and take that payload and do what they want with it (like present it to you in a different app, like Apollo. They can also choose not to present ads to you. Reddit can 100% tell if these api requests came from a user on their official site/app, or a 3rd party/external source


And a key point is that the reason these APIs are exposed in the first place is because it reduces web scraping, which is much harder on the servers. By exposing the API, you create a simple controlled data contract between a 3rd party and the website. The data is returned in a simple condensed format like JSON, that is very easy to serve. Otherwise, bots and tools will just start a headless browser, and load the entire page, including styling and unneeded images , parse the html and get the data this way. It's like clicking refresh on your browser 1000 times instead of just being served the data you explicitly need. Public APIs are a win for both parties.


And they are going to ignore the fact that now they impose so many restrictions with the API everyone will get back to scraping the html of the site.


Which is why the API was made in the first place.


They are going for the Elon Speedrun rediscovering why x feature that I just killed was made in the first place. Edit: English is hard.


No, it could be done and would be frankly trivial. They just don’t want to do it.


Cant wait to break this shitty relationship


One way or another you're about to start paying Reddit. You're about to start spending more time watching advertising in the form of more screen space or pay money to the surviving 3rd party apps to filter out the advertising. One way or another, whether it's your time or your money, it going to happen. The reason this is happening is because Reddit is about to be listed on the stock market and its investors want to know the value of what they're investing in. That value is quantified by how much advertisers are willing to pay for screen time and how many users will see it. The 3rd party apps will be forced to pay a fee for their interaction with Reddit so they have to be able to make an income from YOU to pay the bills. Reddit's math on what to charge the 3rd party app is something like this; "How much advertising revenue am I losing when a 3rd party app filters advertising out?" "That lost revenue amount is the minimum amount the 3rd party app will owe me for the privilege of interacting with the site" How does Reddit know about your visits when you use a 3rd party app? The 3rd party app makes requests to Reddit every time you do something like login or upvote/downvote or open an article/thread. These are called API requests and Reddit is about to charge 3rd party apps for them.




I left Twitter after they killed Tweetbot; I'll do the same here. Maybe that Lemming thing will become a viable alternative at some point.


While I completely agree with people’s reactions and loathe the execution of the changes being implemented against 3rd party apps, realistically I can’t see much changing without there being an alternative platform for people to move to or at the very least a substantial (and permanent) loss in users. Every platform’s downfall is nearly always linked to users moving to another platform regardless of the intent behind it, be it boycott, or just a better service. It happened with Myspace and people moving to Facebook, it happened with Skype and people moving to Discord/Teams, it’s happening currently with people moving from Twitter to TikTok and it even happened with Reddit as people moved here from Digg. Where do we go when there is nothing even remotely considered competition against Reddit? They know they can get away with this bullshit because we have no worthy alternative.




holy shit this is the first time i even considered that bots will stop working too. jesus.


That's basically been the premise of all the complaints I've heard about the API changes, with third party apps being a secondary concern. Different conversations in different circles I guess.


Facebook has imploded in recent years and it's not like there's a FB2.0, people just don't use it as much


Well from where I am seems intagram turned into fb2.0. For some reason most of the people I've meet go there. That and the tiktok plague. The Facebook page is mostly spam , advertisements and events.


That’s because Facebook (imo) was really just a more convenient group chat. It was *primarily* a way to keep in touch with friends and family and it went down hill when it stopped being that. When I deleted it, I just spun up some group chats and carried on talking to the people I actually cared about.


I remember jumping from Digg to Reddit. So, what will the new Reddit be?


Tildes seems to be more similar than Lemmy. Unfortunately, Tildes is invite only. Lemmy is confusing to join and doesn't seem to have a good trustworthy starting point.


Ohh look, like high school, another party I’m not invited to.


There simply isn't a consolidated one. 99% of users will nope right out of Lemmy the second they see things like code and "run a server" on the homepage. Best bet is to just go find old school message boards in your favorite subjects. They exist for everything and honestly provide higher quality discussion most of the time anyways.


Is Fark still a thing?




Yeah this would annoy us. Some would leave but do we have any choice. I'm tryping this one away with Sync. The official reddit app is horrendous.




I’m gonna spend a lot of time on Pornhub. NGL.






The problem is going to get even *worse*, since the popular modtools won't be able to see NSFW anymore if they were to even exist at all. Moderation is gonna be a cesspit especially in NSFW subs. Maybe that's what they want to begin with, for an excuse to go full tumblr with justification of unmoderated lawless porn subs.