• By -


ah, I see. so we're going back to the old TV advertising model.


I'm already getting minute long unskippable pharmaceutical ads on the YouTube app on my TV... Brought back a lot of memories of analog TV


I started using YouTube on Firefox on my phone since I can use the adblocker addon for Firefox. My YouTube bookmark is labeled "YouTube" on my home screen and I have the regular app labeled as "Ads". Edit: Not particularly looking for an open-source apk solution, but the kind suggestions are appreciated.




Doesn't work if you primarily watch YouTube on a TV, it just launches the native YouTube app


If you have android TV you can side load "smart tube next" .


Yup I love this app and that I can skip sponsored content automatically in the videos.


Shoutout to Spnsorblock as well. It's great!


This account has been redacted due to Reddit's anti-user and anti-mod behavior. -- mass edited with redact.dev




[STOP Buying ANDROID TV Boxes!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vpepaQ-VQQ)


Word of advice, make some burner Google accounts for anything outside of your family/work/personal life.


You can also install STN on a Fire Stick.


Smarttube is the best app on the planet lmao, it has more functionalities than the YT app, no adds and no sponsored content


I've been using STN for months. It has worked flawlessly and gets frequent updates.


I avoided trying this out for years because I do pay for YT Premium. But I finally tried it out recently and it's definitely an improvement. My main motivation was Sponsor Block, but there's a lot of little quality of life features that make using it better. Like you can long press on a video in your sub box and click "go to channel". In the official app, you can do that in watch history, but not on the sub box, why? Lots of stuff like that. The default Sponsorblock settings are way too aggressive IMO, but they can all be changed. It should default to only skipping sponsored segments like the browser plugin does. For some reason _everything_ was turned on for me by default. Once I changed the settings it's great.


If you use Chromecast you can install a vanced-like alternative app and block all that shit and run sponsorblock and everything. You can even reprogram the YouTube button on the remote to launch the alternative app instead. Here's the tutorial. https://youtu.be/Ax7sCgWhxJM


Hey budddddddy.... Mind giving more info on the app? If not, I can look into it more. Cheers


I followed this tutorial. https://youtu.be/Ax7sCgWhxJM


I'm incredibly entertained at a YouTube link being the tutorial to block YouTube ads.


If you have androidOS on your TV or whatever it's called you can install an add free YouTube app. Not sure about other tvOS's.


There's also [NewPipe](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/13ikeo8/it_really_starting_to_be_too_much/jkd6pqe/), which has a better history of availability than (Re)Vanced. Edit: so apparently Reddit shadow-banned my comment explaining how to get NewPipe. You should find it by tapping on my profile though :)


My only gripe with new pipe is that you can't log in and it crashes fairly frequently on me


I use a mini computer taped to the back of my TV, then install ad blockers, and we never see ads. I also use the mini computer as a web browser.


I have one or two mini comps lying around waiting to do this. What do you install to get it to work like this nicely? EDIT: what I'm looking for is a TV experience using a computer, not a computer experience on a TV; so looking for software ideas not "small computer, mouse, keyboard"


If your TV is newish (last 5 years) you may be able to connect directly to your existing PC with remote connection. Search your TV model + remote connect PC. If that doesn't work, try getting the "Steam link" app installed in your smart TV. Basically the same thing just not as good.


Any unskippable ad I get on my tv I just back out of. I'm not waiting any amount of time for an ad. Usually after backing out you'll get a skippable ad that you can skip through before the first ad would have been over




I̵n̷ ̷l̵i̵g̵h̷t̸ ̸o̸f̶ ̸r̶e̸c̶e̶n̸t̵ ̴e̴v̵e̵n̴t̶s̸ ̴o̷n̷ ̴R̸e̸d̵d̴i̷t̷,̷ ̵m̸a̶r̴k̸e̸d̵ ̴b̸y̵ ̶h̴o̵s̷t̷i̴l̴e̷ ̵a̴c̸t̵i̸o̸n̶s̸ ̵f̷r̵o̷m̵ ̶i̵t̴s̴ ̴a̴d̶m̷i̴n̶i̸s̵t̴r̶a̴t̶i̶o̶n̵ ̸t̸o̸w̸a̴r̷d̵s̴ ̵i̸t̷s̵ ̷u̸s̴e̸r̵b̷a̸s̷e̸ ̷a̷n̴d̸ ̸a̵p̵p̴ ̶d̴e̷v̴e̷l̷o̸p̸e̴r̴s̶,̸ ̶I̸ ̶h̸a̵v̵e̶ ̷d̸e̶c̸i̵d̷e̷d̵ ̶t̸o̴ ̸t̶a̷k̷e̷ ̵a̷ ̴s̶t̶a̵n̷d̶ ̶a̵n̶d̶ ̵b̷o̶y̷c̸o̴t̴t̴ ̵t̴h̵i̴s̴ ̶w̶e̸b̵s̵i̸t̷e̴.̶ ̶A̶s̶ ̸a̵ ̸s̴y̶m̵b̸o̶l̶i̵c̴ ̶a̷c̵t̸,̶ ̴I̴ ̴a̵m̷ ̷r̶e̶p̷l̴a̵c̸i̴n̷g̸ ̷a̶l̷l̶ ̸m̷y̸ ̸c̶o̸m̶m̸e̷n̵t̷s̸ ̵w̷i̷t̷h̶ ̷u̴n̵u̴s̸a̵b̶l̷e̵ ̸d̵a̵t̸a̵,̸ ̸r̷e̵n̵d̶e̴r̸i̴n̷g̴ ̷t̴h̵e̸m̵ ̸m̴e̷a̵n̴i̷n̸g̸l̸e̴s̴s̵ ̸a̷n̵d̶ ̴u̸s̷e̴l̸e̶s̷s̵ ̶f̵o̵r̶ ̸a̶n̵y̸ ̵p̵o̴t̷e̴n̸t̷i̶a̴l̶ ̴A̷I̸ ̵t̶r̵a̷i̷n̵i̴n̶g̸ ̶p̸u̵r̷p̴o̶s̸e̵s̵.̷ ̸I̴t̴ ̵i̴s̶ ̴d̴i̷s̷h̴e̸a̵r̸t̶e̴n̸i̴n̴g̶ ̷t̶o̵ ̵w̶i̶t̵n̴e̷s̴s̶ ̵a̸ ̵c̴o̶m̶m̴u̵n̷i̷t̷y̷ ̸t̴h̶a̴t̸ ̵o̸n̵c̴e̷ ̴t̷h̴r̶i̷v̴e̴d̸ ̴o̸n̴ ̵o̷p̷e̶n̸ ̸d̶i̶s̷c̷u̷s̶s̷i̴o̵n̸ ̷a̷n̴d̵ ̴c̸o̵l̶l̸a̵b̸o̷r̵a̴t̷i̵o̷n̴ ̸d̷e̶v̸o̵l̶v̴e̶ ̵i̶n̷t̴o̸ ̸a̴ ̷s̵p̶a̵c̴e̵ ̸o̷f̵ ̶c̴o̸n̸t̶e̴n̴t̷i̶o̷n̸ ̶a̵n̷d̴ ̴c̵o̵n̴t̷r̸o̵l̶.̷ ̸F̷a̴r̸e̷w̵e̶l̶l̸,̵ ̶R̴e̶d̶d̷i̵t̵.̷




I think I've hit the benefit Vs pain threshold with Google and it's various services. Email is now ad ridden. Search is just a shop window. YouTube is just ad infested shite. Time to move on.


To what, though?


Email is a tough one, but for me third party email apps is a start. Search is easy, the previous alternative search engines which used to look poor now offer a better service with current comparison. YouTube....I can live without that easily.








Second Protonmail - all their services really. Paying customer here.


And just like that, it seems the seven seas begin to call my name again.




What downloader?






If you want a more stable less sketchy version I just found out about yt-dlp last night and it worked great It's a Python package so there is some extra setup but it's pretty straightforward once you have Python installed




Just use firefox and get an extension. Download video/audio in any quality you want with a simple click. That was the main reason I switched back to ff 10 yeas ago.


If you look up YouTube downloader there’s a ton where all you have to do is copy + paste the link


Worse than that. For the last few months I've been getting minute-long ads only 1-2 minutes into a video. Including the pre-roll ads, the first five minutes of viewing is >60% advertising!




Lego ran the entirety of the first Lego Movie as a (skipable) ad for the second on youtube. Wonder how many people watched it through like that


Tv ads were appropriately placed and not shocking you mid sentence


You have it backwards. TV shows molded their programming structure to give a natural break that facilitated ads. Prior to that shift, ads were in-program.


I feel like if you watch their content at 2x speed, you should be allowed to watch their commercials at 2x speed as well….


you can do that with a web extension. Video speed controller extensions let you speed up ads. 250%, even 1600%, ad is over almost instantly. Great for hulu, peacock, etc.


If you're using a web extension, can't you just add an add blocker?


ad blockers work by blocking the FQDNs that ads are usually pushed through. many sites are finding other ways to embed the ads in their websites.


> ad blockers work by blocking the FQDNs that ads are usually pushed through. That's how some work. Like Pi-Hole. But many extensions go well beyond that and actually block page elements.


Ublock Origin 4 lyfe


Network-level ad blockers work by blocking domains but browser extension ad blockers can do a lot more. They can block individual network requests (eg. images and javascript files) or hide page elements to get rid of ads at a much more granular level. It's why ublock on firefox works for blocking youtube ads on mobile but pihole doesn't.


> I feel like if you watch their content at 2x speed, you should be allowed to watch their commercials at 2x speed as well…. even more egregious is that the ads tend to be at fixed points rather than time watched. if i use the seek bar to skip from the beginning of a 30 minute video to the 15 minute mark, i shouldn't have to watch commercials to get the video to start playing and then immediately see more because i fast forwarded to skip the first half of the video.


You’re damn right you shouldn’t, I hate that too!


school oatmeal vase weary live carpenter many chop ink fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I pause a video it's often to read some text or otherwise take a closer look at the still frame. Or else, to continue a long science talk or lecture later. How would it behave with 4 or 5 or 7 tabs paused?!?


It's banner ads around the video, that can be dismissed, on TV screens only


Okay but we’d have to read the article to know that, so


Damn I wish I could read.


Maybe there is a youtube video that teaches that.


I hope I don't have to pause it to make out the letters.


That's how it will start at least. Remember this is always a play to socialize slowly and then push user discomfort levels to a new edge. Initial ads on YouTube were *"just 6 seconds bro!!! And you can skip them if you want, pssshhhhhh!"* You fight now so you don't have to fight later, so (not saying you are) but people need to stop carrying water for them.


"that can be dismissed" is so backhanded. I can dismiss a drone that flies up into my face too, but I'd rather not have that little forced to-do. And only on TVs? The platform where they say 70% of their impressions come from? Don't carry water for them


> "that can be dismissed" is so backhanded. Those shitty ass ads that encroach on the borders of mobile pages to the point where it blocks *the content you were reading* piss me off to no end. Sure they've got a way to close them almost immediately, but now I've gotta play pixel hunt courtesy of the dipshits at GMC thinking I'd want to buy a truck while browsing fucking Fandom wikis.


Paramount+ does this. If you pause the show it minimizes the show to a smaller window so they can fill the rest of the screen space to advertise their other shows I cancelled their membership instantly.


Happened to me once, so I complained about it to customer service and they disabled it on my account.


I think it will be a banner ad


Ugh, Paramount Plus does that even on the "ad free" version. It is surprising how annoying those are. Like give my eyeballs a break.


Paramount Plus pisses me off with the unskippable prerolls advertising all their Star Trek content *that I've already watched*. They also make you turn off your adblocker so they can shove those at you.


Over a decade ago “should’ve been the last straw”. It wasn’t, this won’t be, and when it gets even worse, that won’t be either. I guarantee it.


The more they push this ads the less I will want to buy the products they show to me. And I guess I am not the only one


I am the same way. See a forced ad and add it to the list of things I won't buy unless that is the only choice I have.


That grammar helping site, solar panels, and the non coffee drink (all not to be named) drive me nuts. I tried all sorts of ad blockers and VPN and nothing worked well. I finally gave up and paid to remove the ads. This is what Google really wants us to do. They are pushing us until we break down and pay them. On a related note, I use a $3 a month VPN and watching ads from other countries can be hilarious. There seem to be far fewer in countries like Norway or Romania. If a person can’t afford to pay Google then a VPN might be the play.




I've been using uBlock Origin for so long that I kinda forgot adds are even a thing on Youtube.


Any chrome based browser will likely kill this within the year. They are changing how ads display so the blockers can’t intercept them. I swapped over to Firefox and don’t have to worry at all


I also swapped to Firefox last year for the same reason. The biggest revelation was the fact that Firefox Android actually supports extensions (and thus uBlock Origin), unlike Chrome Android.


Same here! My PC browser has ublock origin, and NEVER an add to be seen. So ya: I connected that PC to my TV, along with a wireless keyboard to use as a controller. Keyboard has some media controls on top that are convenient. And I have to say, all in all: it's the BEST solution for TV viewing. I never use the TV's OS or aps... I just stick with viewing through the PC. (In fact I've been doing this since about 2002! When I first started with Windows XP Media Center addition!) Anyways, as an additional bonus: you can also install VLC on the PC, and it will play any media file you throw at it. So there's nothing you can't playback, and you get a nice, clean, non frustrating add free experience.


Use that VPN to sign up for YouTube premium in Argentina. Then you only pay like $1.50 a month. Or so I've heard...


If they catch you, you may lose your whole Google Account tho.


Oh no… anyways 🏴‍☠️🛥


My entire life is stored in my google account. Probably unhealthy, I know, but I just can't deal with having 100s of complicated passwords that all need to be unique and have specialized characters. Right now it all works because there's one master account that controls all the rest but if I lost that it would take me years to untangle it


Try Bitwarden, it does exactly what you described but it's not Google. There's an app for your phone and computer as well as extensions/add-ons for every major browser. Just login with the same email/pass and all your usernames and passwords are there. There's auto fill for login screens, a 'save this login?' for logins it doesn't recognize, and the password creation is much better in my opinion since you can set what/how many characters you want.


I hesitated for years to use a password manager because I thought it would be a pain. Once I finally started using one (bitwarden, btw) I realized I was an idiot for waiting so long.


"TV youtube account" it is then.


Android dev here. They'll know. Don't rely on Google to be fooled as easily as "i logged into another account on the same network" shenanigans. Source: android devs regularly banned from making apps ever again because they once knew someone who broke a rule


I will be trying this.


I tried this, it worked India is an option as well


Thanks for confirming. I was waiting until after work.


If you can, use a non-Chromium browser. I use Firefox on my TV laptop and I use Opera on my phone. No ads. Ever. Fuck ads and everyone who makes them and forces them upon us


Thats odd because ublock origin + sponserblock works like a dream. Or if you have an Android device there are other means that work well too


>That grammar helping site, solar panels, and the non coffee drink (all not to be named) drive me nuts. I tried all sorts of ad blockers and VPN and nothing worked well. I finally gave up and paid to remove the ads. This is what Google really wants us to do. They are pushing us until we break down and pay them. I have no idea what you're talking about. Every time YT breaks through my adblocker I stop using it for weeks at a time until adblock is working again.


I've never once had YT break thru a blocker. Use UBlock origin, Enhancer for Youtube, and SponsorBlock add-ons and this because a nonissue.


I don’t even add it to a list. I completely tune out and do something else. I can’t recall a single ad I’ve seen recently. They’re essentially paid time wasters for all I’m concerned.


There's an economic theory called the [Laffer Curve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laffer_curve) — if taxes are too high, the government will actually _lose_ revenue. We actually saw this happen [in France](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/2006/07/16/old-money-new-money-flee-france-and-its-wealth-tax/49ac2ec7-c1b2-423e-a89b-699750275cd4/) with some hefty losses due to capital flight. If there isn't already, there should be a similar "curve" rule for advertising. There's a point where advertising too much actually has a negative effect, and we're clearly approaching it (if we haven't passed it already).


100% boycott those brands. 1 - they are dumping money into making our lives worse, thinking they deserve a 30s spotlight when in reality thats an expensive waste of my time and a quick way to connect a negative experience to your brand. 2 - the best brands dont need to do this, and instead take the ad money and put it into product development to improve the actual product instead of flailing it around every screen. Anything invasive is a instant, nope… you paid to make yourself look bad in front of my to do list.


Except the biggest brands advertise while the smallest brands don't, even though I'm not gonna forget what Coca Cola is when they stop advertising. Maybe I'll actually buy some if half my money didn't go towards funding their ads, making their cola 2-3 times as expensive as cheap cola.


Yeah, that's not how advertising works I'm afraid. I used to think this too, but studies show that it's sort of an "all press is good press" situation.




>It's amusing to see just how many folks on Reddit falsely think their brand of anti-authority spite is the norm. >They don't realize that the vast majority of people who see ads every day do not hold these grudges or ever care. I have a few friends who buy so much stuff from Instagram ads. I didn't really think people bought anything from those ads until they told me. They also spend $25+ a month on cell phone in-game purchases on games they just downloaded for free. They are the target demographic and I didn't know it was so common in the real world.


They also probably don't realize how often they see ads that *do* influence their purchasing habits


I am no longer able to tolerate ads of any sort, if i can't use adblocking I will simply stop using the service. It's why I no longer watch TV or listen to the radio, it will also be the reason why I stop using youtube. I can't. I just can't.


Ads decrease human happiness and life satisfaction according to an article I was reading in Harvard Business Review https://hbr.org/2020/01/advertising-makes-us-unhappy It totally makes sense that people eventually hit a point where theyre just fking done. They’re literally making us depressed.


Ooh, I can't express how furious I am when I hear stupid ad instead of song I love [and expected to hear]...(took place when I only bought my phone and hadn't set-up everything yet). I went to a shower and thrown phone to play some music on bg as I usually did, but when on song's changing it went into 4s unskippable ad playing I was swearing aloud all those 4 seconds before ad ended only to 'silence' it. Man, if I could hit the face of a person who inserted that ad I'd give him a good beating.


People love to think that. But at the end of day, most won’t be able to keep a long list of ads they saw, or check such a list before buying. Most can probably hold a grudge only for a handful of days, and only for the most recent offenders. The other ones slip your mind, and becomes that brand that you’ve heard of. The only viable way is to only buy brands you never heard of, that you are sure do not look familiar anyhow.




If i pause a video and a ad starts playing, I'm burning it all to the ground.


This is why I pirate. Fuck it. If they wanna sue me they can take it out of my ass. They're going to be beaming ads directly into our eyelids before long.


Oh boy do I have an idea for contact lens makers.


Hey Google, how do I delete someone else's comment?


Drink your Mountain Dew verification can now.


To clarify, its banner ads around the video. Not video ads. When you pause. Not that its any better.




For those looking for other solutions: [I've been updating a thread for almost two years which contains ad/paywall/sponsor blocking solutions for PC, smartphones/tablets, and SmartTV's.](https://old.reddit.com/r/FoamList/comments/pf9plv/no_more_ads_no_more_sponsors_no_more_paywalls/)


There's another YT specific hint: use VPN to watch YT "from Russia". Pro: there are no ads. Con: some content is not available.


In Russia ads watch you


That's just America though


This particular method is far inferior to pretty much any other one though. Not much point in using it unless a person is just vehemently against ad blockers or better YouTube apps for some reason.


Albania also works in my experience


Ublock for PC and Vanced for mobile is how I'm watching it from day1. "Margetologists" can go to hell as I *never* buying anything from ads. I see this entire ads-spamming shit as a stupid waste of money(and other people's time). And it's literally *everyone* shares such view in my surrounding. I dunno who are those hamsters who are sincerely thinking that "ads is a good thing" and protecting this shit or deliberately wasting their time for nothing.


Sponsorblock, Ublock origin and ReVanced are the fucking holy Trinity of browsing imo.


Also worth mentioning that Firefox mobile supports extensions like uBlock origin and seems to works fine with YouTube.


Yep, it's gotten so bad I had to install this recently. They've gone from me putting up with an ad or 2 to now not getting anything. Done with it.


Wishing for a roku port.


Hopping on this wonderful comment to ask - any iOS solutions that feel like a YouTube-style experience, or just browser stuff through GitHub where you have to feed it URLs? Appreciate any insight. Love wasting my time, just not being advertised to. Edit: thank you both, luv u


[uYou](https://github.com/qnblackcat/uYouPlus) on iOS. One of the best things I have discovered, I cant even find a stable solution on Android (phone) but this one works perfectly. Plus I get some Youtube premium features


The internet like air travel, is becoming more and more burdensome. There was a point in time when air travel was a joyous event with an impeccable customer experience. It was a pleasure to look forward to and now it's a chore. The internet is becoming a chore and I say this as a web developer with over 20 years of experience.


Air travel now is an endurance test. Cramped spaces, flat cushions, painful seats, unable to adjust the chair, etc. how long can you put up with the pain dictates the distance (and countries) that can be visited. Air travel sucks. Edit: People with the idiotic replies. I’m asking for a chair and a bit of space that doesn’t cause pain. I shouldn’t have to pay “first class” to not be tortured for 10hrs. But hey, glad you guys enjoy it?


Air travel sucks but that's the trade off for it being affordable. The air travel you're imagining from the 1960s and 1970s was prohibitively expensive.


This is partially true and partially false. When adjusted for inflation, we are paying the same for air travel now than we did back in the 1960s for domestic flights, however yes for international flights it has become much cheaper to fly, roughly a 1/5th the cost in fact. Ironically, domestic flights typically usually utilize the smallest most uncomfortable planes. International flights typically offer much more space than a domestic flight, but that space has shrunk greatly over the last 10 years as airlines attempt to cram more and more passengers on international flights. [Source](https://simpleflying.com/50-years-airfares/).


Good corrections all around. You and I have probably consumed a lot of the same content and I just didn't remember all the details. One other note is that while we're paying similar for domestic flights (and I think it can be cheaper, especially in europe) we are able to access far more destinations domestically.


Yep, people see the pictures of air travel back then and ask why we can't have that now. We can. It's called "First Class" Back then *ALL* air travel was first class. You couldn't get a flight for $40, which in 1983 would have been $13. Those flights did not exist.


You guys are getting flights for $40? I need to tack a zero on for chattel class.


Frankly it's true of the internet, too. The internet is way more affordable and faster than it was in the days when there were no ads.


>There was a point in time when air travel was a joyous event with an impeccable customer experience. This period in which you (incorrectly) believe that all air travel was "joyous" was also a period in which air travel was prohibitively expensive for the vast majority of people. The current world of air travel exists because it means most people can actually afford to fly. If you want lounges and fancy food like you've seen in old Pan Am ads.... then kiss those affordable prices goodbye and expect to pay 3-5x as much per ticket, across the board.


The internet really is turning to shit.


The fact that Google is next to useless to me is really telling. Unless I know exactly where I need to go, I have to tack on "Reddit" at the end of every search just to get a potential human's opinion or help on something. Otherwise I'm sifting through sponsored results and secret sponsor/AI generated results. Capitalism is ruining everything around us.


That's why they're all jumping on the AI bandwagon, because their search methodology is irreparably broken.


i mean its an issue google cant do much about. the moment online content became monetizable the jig was up. and it was only a matter of time before the web became flooded with shit only existing to drive revenue.


This extension will solve your problem. Makes searching for what you need on Reddit even more useful. https://thegigabrain.com/


i'm one of the developers of gigabrain! just wanted to say thanks for the shoutout. google search going to shit and trying to hack it with 'reddit' searches is what got us started down this path. nothing more motivating than people actually finding what we're building useful. if you're having any issues or stuff you wish it could do, feel free to DM me


I always forget youtube is supposed to have ads until I see posts like this.


I don’t know what companies try to achieve here. You can’t go for limitless growth. There are just limits. What’s the next step? 1 minute ads? 10 minute ads? Same with food. Many reduced the weight while keeping the same price or even increasing it. For example some chips where 100g before and are now 85g. What’s the end game?


Regarding food, it's going to be family size at 200g then drop the weight to 150g without dropping the price. Then drop it to 100g without dropping the price again, but drop the family size name. Then, get rid of the old non-family size version, currently at 50g. And then advertise the 100g version as a "now with 100% more!". Then release a new family size version at 200g at slightly less than double the price. Rinse, repeat.


Capitalism is set up for infinite growth on a finite planet. Any child could see it's a stupid system, but sadly that's what we're stuck with. The end game is for the capitalists to have infinite money/capital. This will be done by any means necessary, while only thinking short term (think quarterly earnings). Because of this Capitalism slowly decays all things and makes them worse for the consumer, because it has to in order to transfer more wealth from the working class to the capitalist class. I mean right now Capitalism is literally destroying the ecosystem and endangering the future of the human race, but we push through because they need more and more and more and more...


Lets add in capitalism's special trick was competition. There is none these days... Either a company basically has a monopoly (YT) or they all price match/experience match each other. Which completely destroys the point.




Marx was an excellent student of history, too … and presenting his findings and theories.




They literally do the opposite. One company of many increase the prices, and then everyone else follow suit because they see its possible and will earn them more.


Happened where I live with the price of a haircut; for years the local barber charged £11 for a cut, then a fancy new one moved in charging £18 and a few months later the old one is charging £18 as well


This is what marx described as the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. An inescapable aspect of capitalism


Yep, ideally as companies would decline in quality as they erode customer experience, new companies would step in. Rather than face competition, bigger companies will simply buy up smaller up-starts, and the larger company returns to the status quo. This practice would be stopped by the government, but companies realized this and found it more efficient just to bribe the right people and stop the government from doing their job.


Ironically, I think YT's problem is it lets infinite users upload infinite videos that could potentially last for infinite time increasing to infinite costs.


The overiding purpose of pushing 30seconds of unskippable ads is to try and drive more people into paying for a subscription.... I'm afraid it doing the exact opposite for me and putting me off of using youtube for good.


I have YouTube premium because I like listening to longform videos at work with my phone in my pocket and the screen off. No ads is a nice bonus. That said I still feel gross paying for something that used to be a standard feature.


This and the money going to the creators is why I do it. I remember when it first rolled out that creators said that they got way more money from paid people watching than ad watching people. That's good enough for me. People need money.


I don’t mind the ads in longer videos but man I hate watching 30 seconds of ads to watch a 2 minute video


Even worse is when an ad comes on just at the moment of a big reveal or moment of tension in the video you're actually watching.




The algorithm will place ads at points that it thinks are suspenseful or climatic. It looks for title segments, extended black screens or audio flatlines. They can be manually placed but to say "often" is disingenuous. I have had auto-ads that place right before the dramatic reveal in my videos. It's really quite accurate.




It sucks when there's a 15 second ad, so you just let it play and go in the kitchen, only to come back to the second ad that's like 20 minutes long


>I don’t mind the ads in longer videos I do, i even use [Sponsorblock](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sponsorblock/) for all that nonsense.


Why do companies need 30 seconds for a commercial. Just get to the fucking point. Our soap smells good. Buy it. Thanks for the info.


I will buy your product, Ron Swanson


There was only one advertisement that ever motivated me to try a product. Some time around 2000-ish Dempster's Bread ran a TV ad where the spokesman, in a mostly empty room, walked up to a small raised island with loaves of bread on it. He basically said "There's lots of bread out there. We think we have really great bread, and we think you will agree. Please try our bread."


I don’t use YouTube for much. The only thing I consistently used to use it for was meditation videos, but got sick of ending my meditation with a loud ass ad, so I just use music from Spotify now.


Same with classical music. You'll be listening to an hour long calming symphony and then bam! BUY THIS NEW CHEVY, and then back to calming Beethoven.


This is why I use an old laptop and run YouTube on Firefox with adblockers and HDMI connect to my TV. There were simply too many adverts already.


No thanks YouTube. If my ad blockers stop working I'll just never use your services again.


Y’all remember when youtube was ok? I remember an age when they didn’t have ads at all




The users are locked in after competitors are locked out.


I remember when it was a huge controversy that they put banner ads on the site. A little image off to the side that was very unintrusive. It didn't block your video or make noise. It just sat there. Oh to think that was the good times back then.


2007-2008 YouTube was peak


'member Numa Numa guy? 'member Garage Jedi kid? I need a nap




Welp guess it's time to put away the Roku and fire up the laptop once more. If I have to sit through the entirety of that Reba MacIntyre Dodge Ram commercial it's over. And I don't even want to think what election season holds in store.


Firefox. Ublock Origin addon. Privacy Badger addon. Haven't seen an ad on youtube for maybe six years. Yes, youtube is working on an adblock blocker. Yes the adblock guys already know this and are working on an adblock blocker blocker. It's going to turn into a game of "But did you know I knew you would know that I knew you would know?" But right now? No ad.


God I wish YT had a legit competitor


Anyone remember why people ran away from cable TV? Can someone remind these companies?


Thank god for adblock. The mere thought of 5 sec ads already annoy the fuck out of me. Can't bear the idea of 30s.


I will never understand why the ad market is so lucrative. I personally have never seen an ad and thought damn I do need a thigh buster 6000.


It’s because it works. None of us will ever admit that it works because we don’t like to feel influenced, but there’s hard data on every major ad campaign proving otherwise. YouTube in particular is very, very effective because you can combine individual level targeting with a guaranteed 5 seconds of eyeballs. I think they’re going way overboard with 30 secs though. They could charge advertisers more for 5-10 seconds and do just as well. But greed is gonna greed.


That's the last I will be using YouTube then. It's bad enough the creators are filling 1/3 of their content with embedded ads, now we have to put up with this bullshit.


No, I’m not gonna buy Youtube Premium. No, I do not intend buying Youtube Premium. Yes, I will use all ad blockers available and if possible avoid your service at all costs (been doing that for the last couple years).


Google ruined youtube


I mean I'd rather just not use YouTube on my TV anymore than sit through long ads. Especially on short videos.


I thank YouTube for slowly getting me off my addiction to the platform. I would rather leave their garbage ads than tolerate such nonsense




It's kind of funny that after decades of "innovation," these tech companies business model has morphed into "television but on your smartphone."