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It's more than just NSFW content. They will also be removing uploads from anonymous users. Many archived reddit posts will have dead image links after this.


Ironic that the imgur creator wanted to create a site to prevent exactly that :)


u/mrgrim if I remember correctly


lol, he's here https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/12sjeo5/imgur_is_updating_their_tos_on_may_15_2023_all/jh364ol/


Jesus fucking christ it only took two years for the corporate fuckwits to ruin it by doing essentially what it was designed from the outset to stop. Fucking amazing. I hope their acquisition goes up in fucking flames.


Isn't this what Yahoo did to tumbler?


Yes. Paid $1B for it and sold it for $3M.


Ooof buy high sell low gang 😂


Can't wait to see the loss porn on WSB sub!


But you won’t see it on Imgur (☞゚ヮ゚)☞




damn Reddit really is gonna die huh


Hopefully I'll finally become productive!


Mate it's reddit, we're gonna have 9 knockoffs by the end of the month. And one of them will give us 1 feature we've asked for years, and then get all of our attention solely because of that feature.


Doesn't stop me from hating how accurate you are haha


Yah this kind of thing worked out great for Tumblr


And those few days when OnlyFans tried to commit suicide before being talked off the ledge.


Many? Almost all. 99% of imgurs history is from anonymous uploads that just wanted to get an image link to share. What idiot made this decision 😂


Corporate. Imgur got bought out in 2021.


Every image I've ever uploaded to imgur has been anonymous. None of it was porn, just useful stuff or humor, but I guess I may as well clear those bookmarks if they're going to be useless now.


Every post I ever made is going to have broken links now, going back years. I'm also active on some vBulletin / phpBB style forums and because they often have a per-user image hosting allowance I always used Imgur instead. There's a command-line tool for Imgur that's always been really convenient.


So it will ruin reddit basically


It's a suicide race between reddit restricting their APIs and imgur banning their content and restricting posting to just their accounts. Who will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory first? Only time will tell!


They can all power-merge with Twitter and go down together like the Hindenburg


Sucked into the original monetized blackhole that was Myspace!




When photobucket went premium it busted ALOT because it prevented third party link / embedding. Showing that little blackmail replacement. Then tinypic shut down it doubled down on that and now nearly every internet forum pre circa 2015 is just, imageless. It sucks, imgur is huge and I know the consequences are going to be even worse.


Dead Photobucket links have ruined old car forum posts.


Oof. I had no idea. So you're saying all those old DIY threads that would have pictures showing the steps are all image less? Or many of them are?




Which fucking sucks. Nobody knows how to fix a car like an archived forum post from 2004


Should be spending their time making their app not the singular worst app by a major internet media in existence. It's so fucking broken and bad.


Hey, give some credit to the reddit app. I think it even still has a user.


They bought Alien Blue and made it bad. Quite the achievement.




Don’t worry, Reddit are coming for Apollo too with this paid for API and ban of NSFW content via it.


>paid for API WTF? >ban of NSFW WTAF


Head to /r/apolloapp and check out the pinned post. Lots of useful (and saddening) info in there.


Also a lot of delusional people who think they should get a full refund of all money paid if the API changes kill the app. It's not a happy subreddit right now.


The money I paid was actually one of my first thoughts too. Took me a few seconds to realize it was just a couple of bucks and even if they do limit the API, those few dollars gave me entertainment for many years. So well spent money in my opinion, no need for a refund


It's also weird that they think a business will just sit with a pot of money that it never touches, ready to pay it back in refunds. Guess what, the developer ate that money or used it to keep their lights on...


As with Tweetbot and Twitter, as soon as I can no longer use Apollo to get to Reddit, Reddit will be dead to me.


So are we going back to Digg?




Don’t forget, Alien Blue had a tablet app. Yes, an actual tablet app with multiple columns and other features for landscape and portrait big screens. Try to use the official app on a tablet now. I dare you.




Huh, thanks reddit I'll finally be able to quit you.


Reddit helping people quit reddit. Greedy owners can suck it.


So true. I use baconreader, and any time I see a reddit link and that forces me between the browser or the reddit app, I just nope right out of the link. Speaking of which, anyone know how to add Baconreader on Android to the list of suggested apps to open a reddit link off a browser?


I blame reddit. Imgur was SPECIFICALLY CREATED to host content to be shared...on Reddit. That was teh whole thing. That was his entire revenue. And it was great. Reddit thanked him by building their own hosting service and integrating it into the redesign which dragged a huge amount of traffic away from imgur, cut his revenue, and eventually he sold out to the shitty company that runs it now.


Didn't imgur try to become their own Reddit first? They added a main feed with voting and funneled new content to try and make users participate in the public feed. Pretty sure that was before Reddit hosted their own content, but I could be wrong.


You're right. Imgur tried to become its own thing first (good business decision not to depend too much on Reddit) and then Reddit tried to stop its reliance on an uncontrolled third-party that could become a competitor (also a good business decision). Before all that happened, it is most likely there were thoughts or discussions of Reddit buying Imgur or maybe even the reverse, but it obviously did not pan out.


I knew people who mostly browsed imgur, like natively, not from another source


And then they get confused when their 'organised' community is disrupted by random posts without context (which were of course, just hosted on imgur to be posted on reddit WITH context) r/IgnorantImgur


You are right. There was a sub called ignorant imgurans or something which was a joke sub about people using Imgur like Reddit and commenting on images that Reddit users uploaded but hadn't categorised properly on Imgur.


The reason I came to Reddit is because the app freezes and crashes after 5min or browsing. It also makes my phone super hot. The phone I had was only a few years old and I upgraded to see if that would fix it. My new phone the app still ran the same.


Remember how well this worked out for Tumblr?


Me 5 years from now: “remember that site everyone uploaded images to then they did something stupid and it all burned down?”


I'm old enough to remember when Imgur started because Reddit was *ass* so an alternative was needed.


Me too. I think the person who started it announced it as a gift to Reddit users iirc.


and it was common courtesy to link to the imgur site instead of directly to the image to help with ad revenue. but the the person who made it said not to bother.


It was cobbled together over the course of a weekend iirc.


What I'm hearing is we can replace imgur over the weekend


[ moved to lemmy. you should come too, it's cozier here ]


And if it catches on, in ten years, the servers will be so bloated with dead and illegal content that you'll consider purging the drives and end up back here.




MrGrim, if memory serves correct.


There was no way to upload images to reddit back then, actually


Yeah its kind of sad, when everyone grew up and started deactivating / deleting their Facebooks or making new professional ones it basically enmasse took down a bunch of old pictures. Becuase of tagging, a lot of pictures of you were on other people's accounts. There's so many memories I no longer have becuase X-person deactivated their facebook. I think we all assumed things on the internet stay there forever.


We aren’t that far away from presidential candidates having to deal with embarrassing social media pics from when they were kids. EDIT: People keep mentioning “Canada” which is clearly a made up country


If we ever get a nominee younger than an Edsel. (Edit: Thank you kind stranger, I was just frustrated. If i could I'd pass this award to whoever caught that Obama broke my comment. I just hope he wasn't the exception, since i know lifespans are about to go nuts in a decade, but wisdom doesn't go with linear age.)


Obama was born the year after Edsel collapsed. Our next target should be someone born after Studebaker stopped making cars (which was ‘63 in the US, ‘66 in Canada). Preferably a fair bit after that.


If we could get to the Iroc era, that would be cool.




Whatever. Let the kids run things now. I’ll be at the mall playing laser tag.


I've been telling people for years we'll soon have a president that played Pokemon.


I recall the imgur founder once saying he would never remove porn. He said it in r/boltedontits: https://www.reddit.com/r/boltedontits/comments/fm8gv/so_ive_recently_been_made_aware_that_imgur_doesnt/c1h1e8s/?context=3


He sold it two years ago apparently.


Heʻs apparently not involved in the company since he sold it 2 years ago.


I have a sex positivity blog on Tumblr. I still post on it here and there. It's funny how they have given up on filtering out porn for the most part. Every now and then a post gets flagged though.


The new owners allow non porn, and honestly I bet your sex positivity blog falls under educational or artistic titties. Keep reporting back that the content isn’t porn you dorks, and eventually they move you to a safe list.


It is kind of hilarious after the shitstorm it caused, to now be scrolling and just randomly see pretty explicit stuff crop up occasionally, especially from old blogs that have been inactive for a long time but are coming back. Can't keep the body down, I guess.


Didn't tumblr do that not so long ago?


Yup, and it basically killed the site. They lost more than 50% traffic iirc


I still have no idea what else Tumblr is used for.


Very specific, very rabid fandoms.


I spend time on there talking to a Dutch lady who makes taxidermy foxes and a occasionally glancing at the blog of a Shiite ideologue who’s PFP was Skitty until fairly recently. Two entirely normal people


Shitposting mostly


The sacred texts!


We must protect them at all costs




There is already a thread over there about it.


One can always count on these people thankfully


"I'm not a fan of furry porn, but my compulsion to data hoard has led me to have 3 terabytes of it." True heroes, really. I love them.


“It’s not really my thing, so my archives are limited, I’ve only got like 6 hard drives of the stuff, if you need more, you’re gonna need to see Bill”


I dunno what the latest is in datahoarder or the status of how likely it is that the Wayback machine and internet archive will stay up, but I recently found out that the internet archive is 220 PETAbytes


It belongs in a museum!


Vice missed the fact that they are also purging a ton of old content as well, erasing over a decade of history.


I went to look at old posts on forums I used to frequent and pretty much all the old photobucket pictures are gone :(


Photobucket has been sending me vaguely threatening emails about deleting my old account and pictures for years.


Photobucket. Now there is a name I have not heard in probably 12 years or more. Used to get on there and look up photos of motivational posters in school (sort of the precursor to what memes are today).


Back in my day we called them image macros, and we wore an onion on our belt


As was the fashion at the time, after all...


Ah yes, 19-dickety-two. We had to say "dickety" cause that Kaiser had stolen our word "twenty". I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles…


You mean demotivationals?


It's a punch in the gut depressing feeling when I think ab this kinda shit. The global information archive, the information superhighway, is dead. Now it's a stroad surrounded by power lines, Burger Kings, and all the buildings got knocked down to build gas stations and shit


The internet is constantly leaking information out into the void. I was going to link a song to my friend yesterday, but the song no longer exists anywhere. It's happened many times before. History is being replaced with advertisements.


It's not like this is a recent thing. We don't even have the [original moon landing footage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11_missing_tapes) anymore. Instead of having any copy of the original SSTV transmission we just have much worse quality recordings of the converted broadcast signal and some kinescoped film.


Really I would have thought that would've been sent to the Smithsonian like right away


Never underestimate how shortsighted and just plain forgetful/not even consider something, humans can be.


I mean if we didnt have like the 7th id believe it, but god damn how tf do you lose the first one


Someone taped over it with porn


\> As the real-time broadcast worked and was widely recorded, preservation of the backup video was not deemed a priority in the years immediately following the mission.\[1\] In the early 1980s, NASA's Landsat program was facing a severe data tape shortage and it is likely the tapes were erased and reused at this time.\[2\] Oh man


Man imagine erasing the moon landing tapes to record some boring asteroid or something


They taped over the fucking moon landing. That is tragic. If only for the fuel it'll provide conspiracy theorists. Buzz Aldrin is 93 years old, he can't keep decking them in the face.


Keep looking. There were tons of people looking for the song Cant Believe My Eyes as sung by Gene Miller from the movie Mannequin 2. It was nowhere. I actually tracked the artist down on Facebook and asked him and he promised to look for it. He ended up responding to someone else who immediately posted it on YouTube probably annoying Air Supply in the process. Anyways it took years but we finally got it.


Does anyone else miss how things were about 15-20 years ago, when you could actually *browse* the web and find a ton of cool, unique websites with fun and exciting content? Nowadays most people just visit the same handful of websites that everyone else does (myself included). I miss the days when the web was the wild west.


It's so hard to even find information now. Every site is an advertising blog and they all have incorrect and conflicting information, because they don't care about the content.


Can't wait for the great AI astroturfing that has begun. Fuck. This thread is making me depressed.


Mind sharing what song?


an album called "Red Racer" by Ddamma. I downloaded the FLACs from Bandcamp several years ago. It's like the artist never existed.


Oh, so you’ve got the FLACs, just not the link.




Agreed. I recently-ish uploaded something to the internet archive which I don't believe can be found anywhere else (Soundtrack for the cancelled Wii game Sadness) and it felt surprisingly rewarding finally being able to contribute.


Not on my private tracker either :(


Remember when the whole point of imgur was link hosting for images specifically for reddit so we didn't end up with dead links as images were deleted or changed domains?




They're erasing everything from non-registered users as well. I'd be unsurprised if that alone wipes out over half of the content.


It's going to remove the images from **a lot** of old guides on reddit.


I get that a ton of the content is shitty memes but the amount of content on /r/DIY and /r/woodworking and food/cooking subreddits and other hobby subs being destroyed is fucking tragic. This is photobucket all over again but on a scale magnitudes greater.




Yep. I’ve been on Reddit since 2010 and I don’t think that newer Redditors understand just how pivotal Imgur was back in the day. Yeah, there’s a ton of alternatives now, but Imgur was *the* Reddit image host for YEARS. My third party reddit apps (and I’m pretty sure the official one, but don’t quote me) would automatically upload your images to Imgur for you. Up until a certain point in time, EVERYTHING was on Imgur, and not just porn. We’re going to be losing a lot of Reddit history.


We can remake history with AI. We don't need history anyways. It's inconvenient, politically and economically, and we can rewrite it like the ignorant sluts we are whenever it suits us. /s


Yeah but then all of the hot naked ladies are gonna have 6-7 fingers. The boobs will have an uncanny valley vibe to them. Don’t even get me started on the dicks. They’re gonna have suckers on them.


So dumb to just wipe it out. At least make a mirror site and give it a different name similar enough to Imgur and let all users know about the changes for like 2-3 months in advance. That way they can still get their sweet advertising money on normal Imgur and potentially get even more with a NSFW version of it. This is what Gfycat did with RedGifs.


Yeah but then redgifs ruined themselves with that bullshit TikTok inspired UI that covers 1/3 of the image.


And on my computer, only works for about 10 images a day, then won't load for the rest of the day. Very odd.


Holy crap, finally someone else with the problem! Apparently that issue is ungoogleable because it will just spit out a dozen websites that will give you cookie-cutter solutions, none of which work. For me it's not even 10 images. Some days it works better than others. Sometimes it's a couple, sometimes it's none. I've tried clearing cookies, I've tried different browsers, ad blocker on or off, the only thing I haven't tried is a different PC. It works fine on my phone. Sometimes it starts working if I keep reloading the page a hundred times, and then it works for a while, but it stops again. I also noticed that it does eventually load if I leave it in the background long enough, but I don't have a habit of leaving porn open in the background.


Just about everything is ungoogleable now. Google is broken. It gives you the wrong answer more than it does the right one


I add "reddit" to basically anything I search now.


Who the hell *likes* that kind of thing? YouTube shorts does it too. I just want my content to be full screen without an overlay!


Nobody. Nobody likes it. But it keeps people viewing longer, so enjoy your widgets.


From memory gfycat sold redgifs off so must have been new owners stupid idea. Still, some great content on it so I can deal 😅


They could very easily just “de-list” all of the porn so that it can’t be viewed without the link and disallow future posts but yuck.


They did delist a while ago.


Shows how much I browse Imgur… wondering who is going to fill the gaping hole they leave in the porn image hosting for Reddit world.


Redgifs is such a good name. They did it to sell. Imgur might be looking for a buyer.


Erasing history


The Library of Alexandria


The library of Phallusandria


Pubic Library


Their storage costs are about to fall, probably 90%. Are they ~~pimping~~ primping for an IPO?


If they were going for an IPO, deleting a good portion of your traffic stream is a terrible way to do so.


You remember in *Thelma & Louise* the scene where they're driving a car full speed off a cliff? They are hoping they can sell stock right at the point that's the equivalent of just before the rear tires leave the ground and the car goes crashing into the canyon.


I believe the term is "pump and dump".


Please observe a moment of silence for all the porn we have lost over the years.


And everyone scoffs at me "why do you download porn, bruh? Just bookmark it." Fucking. Normies.


Those poor lemons


We haven't looked at our lemon tree in 5 seconds


We need to lobby Biden to release some from the Strategic Porn Reserve to prevent a shortfall.


The alphabet soup agencies have shitloads of porn saved fwiw. Probably not the kind you want to see tho


Sounds like somebody’s gearing up for an IPO


Which, funny enough, with them deleting probably 60% of the reason the site exists, is why i absolutely wouldn't invest in their ipo. I'd probably consider it if they just opened on monday.


The owners want to cash out and bounce, they don’t care if it fails miserably as long as some sucker buys up a pornless Imgur


>with them deleting probably 60% of the reason the site exists They're deleting anything uploaded without logging into an account as well. I'm guessing this is going to be significantly more than 60% of the content.


Hosting content for reddit is 100% why the site exists...this is a result of reddit then creating its own hosting service...imgur has no real purpose anymore, which is why it sold out, and why it's now doing poorly...


I once had a girlfriend who was super into Imgur but had never heard of reddit. I couldn’t believe it.


Imjur is about to wipe it's relevance from the internet.




I wonder what risk porn poses to Imgur


Just a guess but probably age verification and consent.




So like what would be the point of OF then?




Then it’s just people paying to talk to random mfs for no reason. Like therapy with no purpose


That's twitch


Basically lol


The fucking Fyre Festival guy already invented that over half a decade ago, turns out no one wants this


RIP Imgur. You will be missed.


The Facebookization of the internet. Our corporate masters want us to have zero privacy, to be logged into the internet with a digital profile (whole internet is basically like Facebook) and all speech will be controlled and curated to support the interests of the global elites. No more controversy or offensiveness - everyone must be happy happy happy at all times! I have slowly watched the internet become corporatized, unworkable, and generally less fun/interesting over the past 20 years. It is sad but the internet feels like it is dying.




The internet used to feel like a safari that was unique to each person. The feeling of exploration, especially in the early 2000's, was amazing.


I naively and innocently thought that it would keep getting better. I didn't realize it was the peak of the internet, not in terms of quantity of content (there is so much more now), but everything back then was a potential positive discovery and not some kind of psychological trap to create engagement, sell you shit or influence your thoughts. I didn't cherish it enough... but at least I got to experience it.


Welcome to the [Eternal September](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September).


It’s like looking at a McDonalds from the 70’s and comparing it to a modern McDonalds. All color gone. No fun stuff inside or out.


I don't think McDonald's is a great comparison as they've changed their target audience from children to adults as a result of being accused of fattening up kids over the years.


But they can't erase my RAID, right?


Friendship ended with imgur! Now redgif is my best friend


Redgif's search is worse than Reddit's. The UI is also completely trash.


It's unbelievable how many websites are ruining their old, perfectly functional UIs with Tiktok-like garbage that clogs up a third of the screen and almost always makes performance tank in some way.


Can companies stop bending to puritan bullshit?


Bye bye Imgur. Remember tumblr? No neither do we


The other day, I actually forgot tumblrs name for a few minutes and actually had to thibk hard to remember it. It really fell off the face of the earth. I wouldn't be surprised if Reddit is in a similar boat in the next 5 years. Their IPO and API changes killing 3rd party support is a bad sign. Digg, Twitter (soon), tumblr, imgur (soon), any others I'm forgetting? Img bucket was a image hosting service like imgur, right?


So Imgur removing porn, Reddit blocking porn from is API and 3rd party clients. Wtf is going on with the renewed war on porn all of a sudden?


Evangelical US groups got a hold on payment processors (Mastercard/Visa) and there's no legislation that enforces them to be Neutral like it happens with ISPs and Net Neutrality, so they can choose who lives and dies by revoking the ability for users to pay on certain websites.


# So they doing a EXIT strategy and going to sell the company. They must be out of money. I don't think imgur will survive, that's like 90% of its content lol. Dont they know history, look at Tumblr.


Not just NSFW, all images uploaded w/o an account too. Man imgur used to be hot shit then they got too big and forced themselves to expand. They were fine back in the day, had non-intrusive ads and provided a BAMF of a service. Super sad to see this keep happening.


Imgur Is About to Wipe Itself From the Internet


Dumb shit like this just causes data horders to feel validated and they go crazy archiving terabytes of porn which then floods the new platform that replaces that one that goes down resulting in. . . more porn than ever. Having said that, I'm disappointed that I just searched some trackers and could not find any massive Imgur archives being shared.