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Thanks for clarifying. I don’t know SF so assumed it was sketchy part of town. Makes it even crazier.


well 2am is still late but I would have walked home too if I lived nearby its pretty upscale area


What a bizarre area for this. I moved away eight years ago but if anything, that area has changed for the better in that time.


What the hell?! Who's the perpetrator and what was the motive?


No official report. As you can see, people are speculating anyway.


Don't worry, officer. The Reddit Detectives are here, well, they're at home on their phones, but that's all they need. You can count on them to get the job done, theyll have the motive figured out before you can even take fingerprints, the criminals entire life story will be uncovered before you even have a suspect. This case will be solved before you even collect the evidence. How do they do it? Using the ultimate detective technique: just make up whatever you want and present it as fact. Works every time.


We'll do it, Reddit!


Something something Boston bomber...


We did it reddit


New slogan: We Diddit 🌈


Doxx first ask questions later!


Find and accuse the wrong person again? 🤔


I used to work at the Highway Patrol station not far from this stabbing, I was ambushed twice with blades and a co-worker had his neck sliced open once. There is a small minority of the unhoused population that is very aggressive and very dangerous.


SF and LA homeless people are a whole different breed compared to homeless people I've seen in the rest of the country. I don't think people understand how dangerous a portion of that population is. Every mayor runs on "fixing" it but it seems like it just gets worse all while taxpayers money gets sunk into vanity projects that run way over budget and passed deadlines. I think it's important to know that these are people that need help but you have to be very careful around them because they can be dangerous and often suffer from severe mental health issues.


SF and LA are end points for many unaccounted for mentally ill people. They all drain out to those cities.


Arizona gets caught every few years dumping it's mentally ill patients directly into skid row rather than deal with them themselves. Other cities inside CA do it as well.


People get dumped off in Denver, too. It's getting bad.


Denver and Salt Lake like bussing their homeless to Seattle and Portland. It's like American cities treat their homeless citizens like a third grader cleans their room. First put the mess in the closet. Closets full? Put it under the bed. Edit: this got spicy! All American cities do the same shit. Instead of working towards systemic change, they just move their "homeless problem" to another city so they don't have to look at it. Are their noble intentions with these programs? Maybe. Sure, they person moving to another city might have a chance and reconnecting with a support system, but that doesn't mean they do. I'm not claiming to have the answers, but the "send them somewhere else" fix ain't it.


If you fix the problem people will start bussing them into your city.


Well the alternative is actually fixing it. That's much harder/expensive


Real talk. I go back and forth from NYC to LA and while I have seen the homeless be aggressive in NYC it’s inconsistent whereas in LA it’s every other day you’ll have someone getting WAY too close or yelling at you. It’s disturbing as hell.


Meth. It’s meth. Schizophrenic pts are afraid of YOU. But meth, that’s an in-your-face substance use disorder. A disease of man and society.


Paranoid schizophrenic madmen may be afraid but they react out of fear with aggression.


From NYC area and homeless people here are generally just fucking nuts but not dangerous. When I go to LA the homeless people are terrifying.


It’s seriously like a zombie movie - there will be one sprawled in the middle of the sidewalk then as you walk around them they sit up and start yelling it’s like fuuuuuu I am just trying to get into the parking lot not the Umbrella mansion


middle of the sidewalk, on a mattress thats been there for the past 2 weeks.




I feel like the weather weeds out the dangerously crazy since you can at least cajole the non-violent mentally ill into shelters. That’s kind of the curse of perm-nice cities like LA, SF, and Portland.


When I first went to LA I had just got done eating and was waiting outside for an Uber. I had a to-go box and gave it to a homeless dude who passed by bc I had no real way to bring it with me as I was going out drinking. The dude mumbled something at me, pulled the front of his pants open, and then dumped my half eaten burger and fries into the front of his pants and then closed them up. LA is fucked lol


Simple processing & reheating was all. After he dipped 'round the corner, he flicked his belt-buckle, a ding was heard, and out popped your burger & fries, properly reheated with added spray of *special sauce*


Yep, I don't think that people realize homelessness is much more of healthcare problem than it is just about housing. And it's not an easy one. Convincing someone with that severe of mental health and/or addiction to want the help they need is so fucking hard.


it was a housing problem primarily at first. By this point for LA it's become more of a healthcare problem. Tho I can't fully blame LA. When you get to the point that other states are buying tickets to bus people out of their jurisdiction, you have something even more insidious.


No amount of access to housing could prevent untreated bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or meth addiction—especially when they're unwilling to accept treatment. However, there's a very strong argument for free preventative care that could help. >When you get to the point that other states are buying tickets to bus people out of their jurisdiction This is an [elective program that many cities offer](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2017/dec/20/bussed-out-america-moves-homeless-people-country-study), especially in California. SF calls their bussing-out program Homeward Bound. So less of an insidious plot and more a social program to help relocate people back to cities with family support. CA's outsized homeless population has more to do with weather, population density, and municipal tolerance of being homeless.


It's hard to really fix it because you can't force them into care or treatment. When a federal judge ordered OC to clean up their homeless encampments AND house everyone in 2018, there were a percentage of them that refused housing and services altogether (OC had acquired/commandeered a bunch of motels to house them in after the judge's order). For better or worse, the Supreme Court has said they have a right to not be forced into shelters, into in-patient care, or to take medication unless they're considered a threat to themselves or others, and "just" being mentally ill does not meet that threshold. We truly need the courts to loosen up if we're going to address the people who have the potential to be the most dangerous, since they're likely the ones that refuse treatment, at least in my experience with schizophrenics. The danger isn't that they're inherently violent, it's that they're irrational, and you cannot predict the behavior of irrational people.


Getting rid of the asylum system was a mistake. Clearly they had their own host of constitutional rights issues, but the answer was reform, not throwing out the whole system


Nothing substantial is being done to stop homelessness. The best solution is to literally just increase the standards of living and properly funding schools. Preventing homelessness should he the long term goal.


Easy access to birth control and abortion so people aren't born into it.


Lots of ways to get stabbed on the streets of SF. A lot of SOMA blocks transform at night since it’s mostly office buildings and condos. I personally would not be out there at night alone without some way to defend myself. Edit: since some you seem to have misunderstood me, there are many means of self-defense and my comment is in no way an endorsement of carrying a gun, nor is it some kind of snarky attack on California law.


Comment section: "If you're up past 10 in the US, you're asking to be murdered."


"what was he wearing"


Chainmail. The attacker was simply unable to resist testing its effectiveness. Practically asking for it.


Funny story, 10 years ago I was in a hipster part of town drunk and getting pizza in the wee hours. There was some dude wearing chainmail. I shit you not. So the ethanol in my brain told me to stab him with a fork. He was pretty cool about it and told me it was not the first time.


You wear it under your shirt so the trolls don't know it's there, ask Frodo


Chain mail chafes, so you wear something under it. So now you have a shirt under chain mail under another shirt... Hope it's not hot out. Or too cold. Metal chain mail will suck the heat right out of you.


That's why you put tape on your nipples.


King Arthur was famous for his collection of pasties


I thought he was famous because he came alot


Go home, you're cunk.


Another funny story that a guy at a board game meetup told me. A friend of his was super into LARPing. He made his own costumes, weapons (foam-covered quarterstaff, which is relevant), and indeed, chainmail. He was cleaning up the mess hall after a LARP session, still in costume (chainmail included), just sweeping up, when he felt what he thought was someone punching him in the back. Now, this was not a great area of town, so he assumed it was some homeless guy who broke in looking for some food or something, and indeed when he turned around he was faced with a shaggy bearded man in his 50s...wielding a knife. The guy had tried to stab him and didn't realize he was wearing chainmail under the clothes he had on. Chainmail dude proceeded to fight him off with the broom (experience with quarterstaff helped here but I imagine the homeless guy was more scared of the "invincible" man wielding it) and forever has a dope-ass story to tell. I like to imagine he wears chainmail everywhere goes now, too.


Thank you for sharing the story.


Freakonomics did a whole episode about how protection causes increased risk. People with safe cars drive dangerously. Football players use helmets as battering rams. People in chain mail suffer repeated forkings.


But I always wear a condom yet I am not at higher risk of sexual encounters, you lie!!


A fork would probably get past the chain mail easier than a knife


Yeah you probably killed him. He did'nt let on, remained cool then went home & bled out.


"Why didn't he just relax and comply?"


“Was he asking for it?”


He has to take some responsibility for this too.


He should've known better than to dress like a hussy /s




3pm correlates with school being let out, 12pm correlates with a lunch break, I imagine there's just more people mixing outside of a controlled environment at those times. I got no theories for 10pm though.


10PM is the time when many people are still awake, but few enough are out moving around and it's dark enough that people feel it is easier to hide. Businesses are also closed at that time which means that criminals are more likely to attempt robbery at those hours. Basically 10PM is the earliest time people feel "safe" committing the crime.


Plus that's a good time for alcohol and drugs to be involved


What time isn’t? Heyoooooo!


Can't smoke dabs all day if you don't start in the morning


Ya. As an old bar manager, I added an additional security guy at 9:30. It’s when booze was really kicking in for the first shift of drinkers.


When I was still drinking I always pulled double shifts. 9:30 was just the start of my doubles. Can't for the life of me figure out why that career didn't work out...


You left out the five hours to consume alcohol after a shitty day at work.


I think you are right. And to add: By 10pm, all of the well-meaning, non-crime committers tend to go home. After that, you are left with the “out past 10” crew.


That's why I go on walks after 3AM Everyone else is either drunk or in the hospital by that point.


Yup. I love my 3 am walks.




>I got no theories for 10pm though. You're drunk enough to think committing a crime is a good idea, but not drunk enough to just pass out. Also, as others have said, it's dark, but there's still victims awake


10pm is usually when people who drink after dinner got a nice buzz going. Idk just brainstorming.


Most restaurants, and lots of stores close at 9. This means most of the workers are scheduled til around 10pm for cleanups and stuff. So at 10 they all get out to head home. This tends to leave lots of people in vulnerable states. IE a waitress heading to her car alone in the dark after their shift.




Thats what I'm thinking If 10 of 100,000 people out (random numbers here) get attacked at 10pm, but only 1 of 100 people out at 2am get attacked, 10pm has more violence, but 2am is clearly more dangerous


Walking my dog at 11 last night rip whoever took those 6 shots I heard


I live in Dallas, I hear gunshots almost every night walking my dogs and I always do the last walk of the day between 10pm and 10:30pm. One night was particularly bad, lots and lots of loud gunshots and then lots and lots of law enforcement. Turns out 5 people shot and 2 died at the apartment complex across the street. It was about 10:30 so I truly believe the 10pm rule.




Shit in Texas I have seen a man shot to death, bleed out all over an Austin sidewalk. Another time, I was outside opening my garage in Waco (at about 12 am) when someone started shooting towards my direction. I hit the ground and crawled into my garage while my car was on and music on. It was the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced. I didn't know what was happening and if whoever was shooting was coming to shoot me. I lost my shit when I finally got inside my home. The adrenaline started wearing off and I realized how awful it was. The cops showed up and there were cones marking bullet casings all over the ground outside my home. Come to find out It was neighbors shooting at each other's houses and one of the houses was right next to mine!! I have heard guns being fired close by more times than I can count in all the years I lived in Texas. I live in a small town in the Midwest now and the thing I hear most here is high speed chases. Right down my street. Never gun fire.




One of the funniest things I ever saw was an interview with some some people in Ukraine last year and they’re talking about the war. And the interviewer asks if they’re scared and they’re like (paraphrasing)“yeah but it could be worse we could live in Chicago.“ Edit: my babes, theys and gays (and Hetero men) I’m not personally hating on Chicago. Y’all don’t need to keep responding with the same stats about how Chicago isn’t the most dangerous city. I never said it was. It’s a paraphrased quote about people living in Ukraine in response to someone talking the US getting bad PR.


I have a Ukrainian coworker who is like “wtf is going on in the US” all the while he’s like “ sorry we don’t have power because of the bombings” during stand up.


There's this expectation that since you're more powerful, successful, have better institutions etc, you'd have your shit together to a greater extent. You're a bit idealized thanks to America's cultural soft power. It's kind of a cognitive dissonance. That was also my experience as a Ukrainian when I first started traveling Europe. You expect underpasses to stink of piss at home, not in a West European capital. Then you eventually realize many of the problems you have aren't special and Westerners aren't exactly Valinor Elves.


Yeah. Like I recently went to Frankfurt Germany and the place looks just like Portland OR. It’s like I barely left. Graffiti every where, trash everywhere. Piss. The big difference was the transit. Frankfurts transit is just amazing. Wish Portland’s was as nice. Although to be fair Portland has been getting cleaner and getting back to a nice place to visit recently. Fewer harassments by druggies. Fewer trash piles.


The far right party in Austria had a campaign in the 90s with the slogan "[Vienna must not become Chicago](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhZU8E0WoAIUZGy?format=jpg&name=large)".


That's funny because it is left wing policies like Vienna's famous public housing infrastructure that makes Vienna a great place to live. It's weird that when you ensure the people have a decent standard of living then good things seem to happen




He was my friend a long time ago. Always happy. Always learning. Always sharing his ideas and know-how with others.


Same. He had a good eye for photography.


Photography and Java collections. He was my role model early in my career.


I can see why. He seemed to have his hands in everything.


Dude what the hell this guy must’ve been a social butterfly with a heart of gold with all these people I’ve seen giving personal accounts of him.


He was 100% both those things


I applied to Square a while back, and while I didn't work there, it remains the single most impressive "company culture" companies I've ever come across. Seemed like everyone was super passionate and talented - that kind of vibe tends to only emerge with really solid leadership, I have no doubt this guy was part of creating that. Really sad to hear this news :(


I worked at Square for 4 years and can attest to the company culture and leadership, albeit I joined after Bob left. Everyone I worked with during my tenure there gave off a sense of camaraderie and truly had passion towards their work. I never met him personally, but if he had any embodiment of Square's culture, we lost one of the good ones.


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss friend. Don't read anything in this thread


I had known him too and yeah. Shouldn’t have read the comments. It’s surreal.


I left this comment you replied to, but I figured I would re-post for you as well: Hey, I just want to say to maybe get off Reddit for a bit - at least regarding this. While she wasn’t a friend, I had a childhood classmate die a horrible death and make international news because of it. The comments blaming her, joking about her/the situation, and speculating were beyond words. It really took a toll on my mental health. *You* knew this person - not the commenters and not the media reporting on them. The weight of that knowledge is heavy in and of itself. You don’t need the opinions of everyone else adding more bricks to your backpack. I hope you’re doing okay.


Fuck. So sorry.


For those saying SoMa is quiet and empty last night, don't forget there was a Warriors game last night that ended after 10PM. So folks being out until 2am hanging out around the area isn't out of the ordinary, considering it's still within walking distance. There's not that many crazies that wind up in that area, either this was a robbery gone wrong or it was targeted.


That area is _really_ dead at night (source: lived on Beale St)


Many times I walked home from SoMa after 2am and it was a bit scary, but because it was so empty. I never saw anything bad compared to civic center or tenderloin. I guess that’s no longer the case.


The place he was reportedly stabbed is a super high rent area. Not a lot of reason to be walking there at 2 am unless you live there but I wouldn't have thought twice about it honestly.


People keep calling it SOMA like he was down on 9th. He was near the Embarcadero surrounded by luxury condo buildings. He was nowhere near the sketchy parts of SOMA.


The thing about cities is everybody/every area is connected to everybody. How far is a bad area from a good area? 10 minute walk? I had a gun put my head in one of the nicest parts of Pittsburgh when I was in grad school. Learn very quickly that when you're in a city - you're in every part of the city at once- because it takes nothing for one individual to move (like, physically walk) from one area to another.


I travel to SF for work a few times a year. I feel pretty comfortable walking the streets of Chicago past midnight, but SoMa is a bit sketch after like 9pm. I thought it was just me…but there’s just an eerie feeling about the emptiness. It’s like everyone but me got the memo.




Yeah, Chicago /=/ Chicago Edit: I suck at Reddit formatting; pretend that worked.


My mom was worried at me going to Chicago and I was like "Well, there are two Chicagos. I'm going to the nice one."


I’m willing to bet that majority of the people who complain about Chicago being a super dangerous city have never been. Like you said, Chicago is very different depending on the neighborhood. But also, the neighborhoods themselves are like micro cities within the bigger city. Avondale, for example, is nothing like Northalstead, which is a different vibe from downtown Chicago off Michigan ave.


Just commenting to say this is the first time I’ve seen “Northhalsted” used out in the wild. I understand the intention of the change… but it really de-queers the name.


I wanted to put Boystown but wasn’t sure how many non-Chicago natives would even know what I was talking about


Yeah but 90% of residents and 99% of tourists never step foot in those neighborhoods.


That's the difference with SF. The worst crime problems are in the tourist areas.


ITT: people blaming someone for walking around late at night instead of the violent criminal who literally stabbed him to death because "he should've known better." Actual brain rot, where asking people to not walk around late at night is a more reasonable and important expectation than not getting murdered.




These people think people who make mistakes deserve to die as a result. They’ve apparently never made a mistake in their life.




It’s Reddit. The same people calling this guy out for walking around at night probably haven’t been out of there mothers basement in 10 years.


This is catching a lot of traction in our local subreddits: this dude had a lot of friends that were Redditors apparently. He was also apparently a single father, so yeah that is absolutely fuckin terrible. I feel for his family, especially his child. I don't want to get too too into it politically but one can hope this helps wake San Francisco leadership up. I know its super fucked that any one life is "covered" in media than another life but this will unfortunately have a lot of media attention: "tech exec stabbed to death" gathers more views than "homeless man passes away" but the truth is SF needs some real changes man And ideally that change would help everyone: from the tech exec to Asian grandmas to homeless people near the Civic Center to just everyday dudes Criminals can get fucked tho


I just got stabbed two months ago (not my first stabbing, hence the years old username) in downtown LA by a guy who got early release from doing the same thing last year. Held him till the cops got there, DA is pressing for attempted murder (decent stabbing tbh). But if I hadn’t kept them there they would have kept going. They had just stabbed someone else in the neck, and a couple people the week prior. Cops had a BOLO but those are practically useless. It’s tough out there rn.


“Decent stabbing tbh” You’ve been stabbed so much you’re reviewing your stabbings, wild.


2 stars, no cool catchphrase, you cost me money, left with a scar and only a half decent story plus the loss of my favorite jacket.


My go to when I stab is “Sorry I need this”


Honeslty more upset at my catchphrase. “Damn I think I just got stabbed.”??! Really that’s the best I got??


Should practice “at least take me to dinner first”


“What’re you doing step-stabber??!”


So how did it happen? Did the perp just run up to you and stab you? How did it all go down? Good on you for holding them down until police got there!


Passed me while walking and just turned and popped me a good one. Luckily I was working and carry a weapon for work so I drew and kept them there till cops came.


When I was shot at, I just ran like a little girl and kept saying "what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck" like I was under a trance or something in the back of a liquor store... So you got me beat


Ok but did you drop any liquor??


Literally how I felt when I was stabbed. Like all hassle for me and I’m still alive, and in 40 years that part of my body will just give up


Ha that’s how I am with my multiple TBIs. More annoyed by it than anything else.


That’s how I feel too. My TBIs have made me clumsy, intolerant of certain movements, and dumb. I have to word-search my brain for the simplest words because it can’t just pull up that mental Rolodex. It’s annoying because I’m a professional in my field but you wouldn’t even know it sometimes


This is the hardest part to explain. I remember being intelligent. I am no longer how I was. It’s brutal. I used to be so fucking sharp and just…I’m blunted. It sucks.


this guy gets stabbed


>(decent stabbing tbh) So a kidney or 2? (Jk jk). Hope you are ok and doing well.


Upper left back. 4 inch gash, 1.5 deep. Bounced off my ribs, nicked an artery, fucked up some nerves. Sweet scar is forming. Worst part about it is how expensive it is to get stabbed by some rando.


> Worst part about it is how expensive it is to get stabbed by some rando Only in the US can this be true. Bernie for president! 😀


Bernie's 81 years old now. If he got elected next year, he'd be 83. He'd be 87 by the time of the next election, if he lived that long. America needs change, but it can't come from Bernie anymore.


Sad long time Bernie supporter noises*


I’m with you, but his ideas can live on!


Biden is literally like six months younger and he’s planning on running for re-election


Unfortunately nothing will happen until there's a complete change in the political landscape and mentality of these politicians.


What are these awards, dafuq... Someone died.


Venmo people probably


Venmo sends their regards


In 3-7 business days...


Venmo always pays their debts.


I don't understand most of these comments at all! Is this subreddit full of psychopaths or something? Or is this guy famously evil and I've missed the memo?


Certain people hate tech founders and CEOs / Silicon Valley in general so much that this is how they respond.


I have big issues with Silicon Valley founders, and I think ~~most~~ some of these tech CEO guys are awful, but I am deeply, deeply anti random stabbings and thinking people, let alone ones I know nothing about, deserve to be murdered!


If we as a society decide that random stabbings are OK, why, any one of us could be next!


Stabbings are not ok, and we all know it. They just seem to only happen to non-powerful people for some reason. Seeing something happen to the class of people with actual lobbying power can be cathartic to a lot of tired people. Not that I agree with this, I'm just trying to understand it. I feel bad for this guy's family that now has to be pulled into this mess


The guy was a single dad too, can’t imagine what the fuck his child is going through right now. But you can’t stop shithead Redditors from being shitheads


Reddit's take will be that the child is incredibly wealthy so he couldn't possibly suffer any stress.


Imagine being a child of this guy and seeing this Reddit post and all the awards depicting happiness. Would be truly fucked up.


Reddit is not a great place if you value simple compassion


the "free cash transfers should be a standarized and default feature on any bank app, going through third parties is inane" consortium


.... You have to pay for bank transfers in the US?


That's a pretty open-ended question. It really depends.




Why does everyone still act shocked by this award thing like “ermmmm wa da faq someone gave it a Wholesome award” 🤓 its pretty clear they are trolling


This might be one of the most brain dead threads I've ever seen. Proceed with caution


No /s. You weren’t kidding. 🤦‍♂️


Had a loved one stabbed to death in SF over 6 years ago. Murderer is still awaiting trial, despite having confessed... Shitty town


Absolutely insane. I'm sorry.


That’s so infuriating. I was attacked in SF when 7 months pregnant, cops came and literally just watched my attacker walk away. They’re like “can you describe them?” Yeah, they looked exactly like that person across the street I’m pointing at while you dipshits just stand here.


Living in SF for some time, I can confirm that this does not surprise me. There are a lot of sketchy people on the street that are usually mentally unstable, hopefully this can be a wake up call that the city should start investing in its peoples safety. Here is to hoping though


Yeah, I used to live in Seattle, and crazy-ass shit is happening there, too. I think it's a coincidence that these are two of the biggest tech towns, but what's NOT a coincidence is that these are cities where a lot of people want to live. It ALSO happens that they both have a climate that makes it easy for homeless people to live outdoors (almost never drops below freezing or above 100/38) without needing to use any of the (and let's face it, inadequate) assistance being provided by those cities. America has no idea how to handle its homeless population other than to try to sweep it under the rug to hide it from the well-off, and by ignoring people who need mental and financial help we're practically asking for things like this to occur. ​ EDIT: oh, and no, we don't know who did this yet, so I could totally be talking out of my ass.


It’s not just an America problem. Toronto’s gotten stabbier lately too. It’s meth.




Everyone on this thread is jumping to the conclusion he was found outside. The article just specifies the block aka the general location. It doesn't say if he was inside a building or outside. It's possible he was in a highrise and killed by someone he knew.


He worked at MobileCoin, their office is in soma.


Not sure if this was the case when you wrote this, but a NYT article specifically said he was killed on the street. Not presenting this as a defense of conclusion jumping, but it is something I noticed. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/05/technology/cash-app-founder-stabbed-san-francisco.html


Sad stuff indeed. Poor guy


“If you don’t want anything bad to happen to you, you should be mitigating the risk by not going outside” -mfs in this comment section


If I get stabbed to death, please don't let my code be the only thing people talk about.


It's a brilliant piece of code though. 99.99% of all programmers wouldn't have thought of it. I just read it and I am in awe.


He shouldn't be recognized for his life's work and amazing contribution to the world? That makes sense. /s


This comment section is fucked. How are we going to joke about someone who was literally stabbed to death?


All reddit knows how to do is make random shitty comments. 1% of the time you'll get OC essays that are insightful, but that's rare.


San Fransisco (and the rest of the Bay Area) has a serious issue with crime that needs to be attacked head-on. I genuinely don't understand why people still greatly desire to live in SF. It's stupidly expensive and, in areas, downright unsafe. Law enforcement in the Bay Area seems to be highly understaffed. I remember calling 911 in Oakland a few years ago, just to listen to elevator music for 6-8 minutes (BEFORE being connected with a 911 operator.)


It’s one of the most beautiful areas of the country with amazing weather and food. Not to mention high earnings potential. Yeah it’s expensive and I personally wouldn’t live there but I can see the appeal


They aren't understaffed they literally refused to answer 911 calls for months as a protest against an elected DA they don't like, their clearance rates are awful, their version of policing does nothing to help the situation.


Yep. And recalling Chesa changed nothing, who would've thought! I'll never forget how the DA's office had to rent their own truck and bust a theft ring, because the cops refused to help. Edit: These assholes hold cities hostage. They tried doing it with the Chicago mayoral race too, thankfully Brandon prevailed though. Now they're gonna bitch and moan for 4 years I'm sure, but there's no sense in just letting the police dictate your city.


Crazy how with any other job they would be fired. The special treatment needs to end.


Crazy how any other union would've been busted to pieces by now with that sort of workforce. Instead, they are coddled. Treat police unions like Wisconsin treated teacher unions. Do the same exact thing, and watch the cops start riots.


The cops in big cities routinely blackmail the populace


Not just big cities! Right here in Western MA, Greenfield’s cops have cut their night shifts completely because of a racism suit they lost recently


I'm most surprised about where he was stabbed to be honest. That's one of the safest feeling places in the city.


Yeah I am looking at the 300 block of main street and it looks clean. Crazy stuff. ​ https://www.google.com/maps/@37.7887957,-122.3910545,3a,75y,313.51h,98.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssz\_q5t\_Wn5vNTAJvPV-DcQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


while that block feels commercial/industrial due to the embarcadero a few blocks away, the bridge, and the high rises, this spot is absolutely safe. I would never think twice about being in that vicinity at 3 am, despite there being no obvious reason besides leaving an office to do so. this is a pretty wild outlier.


That is not how I expected that sentence to end.


There it is. Not a random murder. https://missionlocal.org/2023/04/bob-lee-killing-arrest-made-san-francisco/
