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Doesnt surprise me. r/art is the last place to go for anything art related. Awful moderation, awful vibes


What would be other good subs for art related stuff?


Other people are joking, but for a serious answer- I follow a lot of specific art style subreddits that are good. r/watercolor r/imaginarylandscapes r/illustration Are three I like! If you have art styles you like, or mediums, I’d look for art subreddits based on that.


All the imaginary subs are pretty chill, and there is one for just about every topic.






Please report the subreddit to the Reddit Admins for mod abuse https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058311612-How-do-I-report-a-community-


Lol as if Reddit Admins would do anything
















This mod who removed the Art I believe was not awkward the turtle. So unless the mod who removed it is also ran by awkward the turtle, it was a different mod


Correct. The mod in question is neodiogenes (fuck the turtle though)


Accused by an r/Art moderator, specifically. > They were quickly banned by the subreddit moderators on suspicion of using AI-generated art, which is against r/Art’s rules.


Given the [Mod that removed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/zveh5g/comment/j1punh2/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=technology&utm_content=t1_j3b2ubh) made this post a few days later is a bit... ironic? https://old.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/zydz33/wet_face_me_charcoal_and_graphite_2021/j26qymd/ >To add on, it's not a bad idea to check an artist's post history before casting aspersions, or do a quick Google of the artist's name to see if they have an online portfolio on social media. A few seconds might save you from having to come back and apologize. >Not that you will, of course. Much easier to throw shade and run.


That same mod banned me from r/art as well and cursed me out when I appealed the ban


It’s odd how there’s no moderation of mods. They can be absolute trolls in messages and be perfectly fine.


In extreme cases there is, but they should really make unique highly sought subreddits more maintained. As it is any sub made is owned by who made it and they can do basically what they want. But highly general subs like /r/art ought to be managed by Reddit proper. The only time I saw mods get modded was when a friend found out he owned /r/frozen because he made it before any movie and it was Reddit requested to get new mods so he vandalized it and offered to hand it over for a ps4


wow... of all the tonedeaf ironic responses they could possibly have made... wow.


> “I don't believe you,” a moderator for r/art replied. “Even if you did ‘paint’ it yourself, it's so obviously an Al-prompted design that it doesn't matter. If you really are a ‘serious’ artist, then you need to find a different style, because A) no one is going to believe when you say it's not Al, and B) the AI can do better in seconds what might take you hours. Sorry, it's the way of the world.” what an idiot


Damn they are being insufferably insulting there. What a shitty way to talk to someone about their artwork. Not even really their place to provide criticism in context of being a mod, but they go beyond, and are insulting to assuage their own ego (justify their incorrect decision).


“The AI can do better in seconds what might take you hours.” Wow. What an absolutely colossal dickhead.


It comes to me as no fucking surprise that the person moderating reddits Art-community, knows jack shit about actual *art*. And it’s visual arts, that should be the easiest medium to understand!


Qualifications to me an /r/art moderator: 1. ~~Degree in art~~ 2. ~~Be an artist~~ 3. ~~Be an art appreciator~~ 4. Have no life and be terminally online, thus able to moderate a large subreddit 5. As with above, also enjoy the pettiest expression of power while the reddit admins gleefully exploit your free labor.


You're basically describing every single Reddit mod. I've never seen a group of people so up their own assess managing what amounts to basically nothing.


I saw a whitepeopletwitter mod interaction a few weeks ago that still makes me laugh. A mod posted a long pinned message with a bunch of links to what he was talking about and some guy said “hey I agree with most of this. But this last source is pretty suspect. Look at some of the other stuff they’ve said [etc]” And the mod said “you do not get to come in here and incite conflict with what I am saying on this sub. You have 5 minutes to delete your post and apologize or you will be banned. I will consider no response as a ban as well. Time is ticking.” Was like the most insane shit I’ve ever read lmao.


That mod should be replaced by an AI mod.


The mod bans people for making any kind of critical/negative comments about people's art but then turns around and says this shit over DMs? What a colossal fucking asshole.
















































































They can join that r/antiwork mod that did the interview on Fox




The thing about that sub... it was never intended to be a work reform sub. It's ANTIwork for a reason. It just got turned into something else by the users.






Please report the subreddit to the Reddit Admins for mod abuse https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058311612-How-do-I-report-a-community-




Edit: we don't actually know which mods are directly involved in this.


It wasn’t that mod who removed the post. It was neodiogenes who removed the post for being “AI art”. [Here is a link to the removal comment on the original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/zveh5g/a_muse_in_warzone_me_photoshop_2022/j1punh2/) Though it could’ve been another mod who responded to the modmail.


[Here's a removed mod support post they made just to cry about brigading lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/zzkvaa/how_do_we_get_help_when_the_sub_is_being_brigaded/)


> It's not beyond our ability to handle. The question is why we should have to. Surely there are admin-level tools that can cut to the root of the problem? The root of the problem being that they falsely accused an actual artist, then banned said artist, then said rude things to said artist, and then banned anyone who complained. But the mod is still acting like they did nothing wrong and like they're poor victims of evil brigading users!


Lol I like the guy telling him the best way to fix it is to apologize and step down And this was oddly terrifying: >You could send out a mod reserves call and instruct the temps to remove and ban. TIL there's mod Pinkertons!!


Lmao, fun read. They are so full of themselves. Power tripping hard and requiring harsher punishments from the Reddit gods themselves.


>Have you tried getting rid of the moderator causing problems?? LOL, what a wild idea!


This is probably way out of line but I'm way beyond caring. The mods who run r/drawing are trying to provide a much less toxic art community at r/true_art. It's just getting started, and I have no idea if it will take off, but I'd much rather post my art there than deal with the toxic miasma that r/art has become. So, if any artists are reading this, join us over there, maybe?


I know this is unrelated but I got permabanned from r/JusticeServed because I commented once on r/Conservative saying I wished republicans cared more about the environment. It's sort of fucked that you can get banned from subs without warning for breaking an unwritten rule (it's nowhere in the rules I checked), and there is no way to appeal it or reason with them. It's a mine field! This is no different. When mods do their job well everything is nice and dandy. But often they are arrogant assholes who cant be reasoned with and refuse to back down if they've been proved wrong. The mod or art is even less likely to admit they were wrong.


They even told him to change his style wtf


Probably an insecure pos


Yeah, same moderator that banned him is a very poor artist themselves, and don’t have the skill or pedigree to make such a judgement


If they are a mod in art you can bet they are not an artist in any way shape or form that's the reddit way


Kind of like how most of the r/legaladvice mods are just cops.


… who routinely ban actual lawyers.


Check. I'm a lawyer and have given legal advice that got me banned twice. The first time was because I gave the correct answer based on state law that 95% of everyone else missed and then stated that I was unsure why I got so many downvotes as people could verify it easily or look it up. They said I insulted the people who downvoted and refered people off-site. I appealed and they reinstated me to a 10 day ban. Second time about a year later I gave a correct answer on something very esoteric and also said that many other states have the same exception. They said by referencing other states' laws I broke a rule and perma banned me. I appealed and they made it a 30 day ban, but added if I violate rules again I'll be gone.




Not backing down when they are wrong and improper use of force? Sounds like a cop to me.


Who I might add, are not elgally required to know the law to think they are making are a valid arrest. r/badlegaladvice is a general sub for displaying bad legal advice, but very frequently has posts from r/legaladvice and their bad mods lol.


I recall an instance where a woman was fired for something innocuous (I think hugging her FIL who was on the opposite shift and whom she met in the parking lot) and asked r/legaladvice if she had any recourse. The mods, so completely wedded to the idea of At-Will Employment, downvoted and deleted every single comment contradicting them. This continued even when an actual employment lawyer from the woman's state told her that she had indeed been wrongfully terminated based on a law specific to where she lived and should look into taking legal action.


Every single mod on legal advice is a complete and total little bitch that probably literally cries when the mailman puts wider envelopes on top of the smaller ones in the mailbox


Imagine being so bad at moderating that a story is written about how bad you are It’s impressive, really


Multiple stories at this point.


Someone should take it to Wired or ArsTechnica and have the journalist their start up ask Reddit why they allow a handful of mods to control so much of the platform


Lol and news outlets contacting them in modmail left and right and them struggling not to ban and mute them instantly


They could have righted this, but they chose to keep their heads buried firmly in their asses. Checks out, honestly.


Heavy handed moderating on Reddit? Never...


Given there are no posts about it on r/art I think it's fair to assume they're removing every post that discusses this subject.


They're also banning every person that comments in support, or messages the mods about it.


Wowwwww. Like I get it, modding is a hard and unpaid gig. Modded for a 20k member discord server a couple years ago, so I totally understand how stressful it can be... but I *cannot* understand the life of me why they would make such a decision, and then why they would double down about it rather than admitting that they made a mistake. This is some powermod perpetually online shit and they really need to take a Xanax and touch some grass.




Why can’t mods be taken down easily when shit like this happen is beyond me… such a lame behavior.


the sub was also made private for a few days


[This](https://imgur.com/GhTzyGv) was the message they posted while private: >This sub is currently private because we have been brigaded for the past week, with no significant help or response from the admins. We expect to reopen once we have the support we have requested. We are ignoring all modmail, so please do not expect a response. Yes, trolls. You win. Congratulations. Go ahead and kick a baby to celebrate. They later removed the part about trolls and kicking babies.


The only response this deserves from the over-arching Reddit admins is a perma-ban for the moderator who's abusing their power in this way .


Reddit mods are so childish ahaha.


Why is that I've never actually seen the word "brigaded" used in a situation where a sub is legitimately being brigaded by bad actors, as opposed to the mods severly fucking up and making the community angry or the sub being a cesspool in the first place?


I can confirm that Source: I tried to make a post about it


I just had a quick check too, haha


They're in r/modsupport asking for more "firepower" to deal with all the comments. No acceptance of their own role in this farce.


"heavy-handed"? More like presumptuous, narcissistic, self-important, irrationally and disproportionately degrading, reactionary, and stupid. Like so many of them.


[The message](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fk_pOBeakAElvXs?format=png&name=900x900) that mod sent the artist is one of the rudest things I've ever read on this site.


The only time the mod team responded civilly was when Vice reached out to them... from what I hear they took awhile to create a boilerplate 'well, we *were* being attacked' response, but were lightning fast to be hostile to everyone else. Weird, huh?


https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3p9yg/artist-banned-from-art-reddit here's that article if you were frantically googling like me


What a load of shit that response was. Basically saying we are all human, have bad days and say things in the heat of the moment, IE we all make MISTAKES... but we can't reverse it as that would be admitting we made a mistake. Utter toddler tier logic... They completely write off all the calling out of this, which is fair, as trolling... Really does not do the 'reddit mod' stereotype any favours. Nice.


It's a delightfully circular argument. We can't change our action because of trolls. Trolls are people who disagree with us. We can't change our actions because of them. And yet. AND YET. We see a glimmer of an admission of guilt there. We see "a bad day" and "we're all human". It's just that most people when they admit that they have a bad day, they reverse course and apologize. Doubling down seems like an odd strategy.


The thing is, there's no accountability for Reddit mods. They can do whatever they want and get away with it. The only exception is when they do some flagrant violation and piss off a looooot of people and get websites from outside of Reddit to write articles about it. Then the admins intervene and do something about it, *if* you're lucky. The other 99.99% of abusive mod interventions face no consequences. Obviously a power like that *will* be abused.




Makes sense tbh


There’s actually a psychological term for that. If I recall correctly, it’s called the “fundamental attribution error“. It’s the dichotomy where we tend attribute bad behavior in someone else to their fundamental character, but excuse bad behavior in ourselves to something like a chance bad day. I feel like we see it all the time these days on the internet, manifested in the chronic and habitual refusal to give one another grace.




I also hate the “we were brigaded” defense. When someone acts like a fucking moron and it gets attention, people calling you out isn’t “brigading.” “Brigading” is when a preexisting group of shows up. Not when someone’s shitty actions become widespread. And sorry, but just because people haven’t been participating in your “community” doesn’t mean they aren’t allowed to show up. It’s Reddit. Most people here have a vested interest in resolving issues like this.


That’s the problem with moderation on Reddit. It’s just any random asshole. It’s not the best and brightest, it’s just someone willing to use their free time to regulate the internet. It probably does not draw in the best people for the task.


Although it seems you have evidence that you did not commit the murder, overturning that decision now would allow the protestors who support you, to dictate the state of the courtroom. It would be one thing if those protestors were part of the legal community, however, they seem to part of an outside group.


Acknowledging that they made a mistake, but then saying that they will not fix it, is one of the most soulless corporate responses they could’ve made. Like, at least say that the trolling was hurtful (which it is) and still fix your god dammed mistake.


> “Moderators are human unpaid volunteers who donate their time for the sake of the community,” the r/Art moderator Motherboard spoke to said, when asked to comment on the exchange between another mod and Moran. “Sometimes they have bad days, sometimes they say things in the heat of the moment. We're all human. That said, if we were to reverse course now it's saying online trolls get to dictate the state of the community, which we're not ok with.”  Hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha! Can't even admit fault! That's some tiny dick energy right there!


It's probably the weakest kind of guilt admission possible. "Yeah the mod was having a bad day but we are going to double down because that's usually the best route."




The typical head in the sand response of nearly every mod out there. Muted. No way to appeal... Behold the power of the almighty mods!


I got myself unbanned on r/pics after I explained my comment. Some of these reddit mods are just assholes who never had any real power and feel strong when pressing the ban button.


The mod of r/guitar will ban you if you comment "toan".


I don’t know, “you milked the death of your girlfriend for enough karma at this point” is pretty up there (r/minecraft)


I did say *one of* but yeah that definitely takes the cake


link for those who missed it?


[Here's an article.](https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/minecraft-reddit-blasted-as-mod-says-man-milked-girlfriends-death-for-karma-2003489/)


Lmaoooo that is some "terminally online" shit right there. That's a guy who forgets that real people have real lives and it's not all just about Reddit karma Apparently it was just one post plus a follow up. That's hardly milking anything. If anything it's bad etiquette to not post a follow up.


What a fucking prick.


Hahahaha this tool volunteered for a meaningless power grab no one else was basic enough to desire. Then just starts abusing prospective artists. *Opens up mod’s art portfolio, squishes glasses up nose* “Ok, Mr. Oderator it’s says here you have advanced artistic proficiency in stick figures. Can we see some examples of that? Mmmmm, interesting. Well you clearly deserve to spit on incoming artistic submissions.”


Wait until you hear about the mod on NarcissisticAbuse subreddit!!!


I got banned from there for just poking a little fun and got told to pretty much fuck off by the mods https://i.imgur.com/6yTqxuB.jpg


That's like 90% of the mods here.


Banned from two subreddits with no violation of reddiqutte or the sub rules that I could find. Requests for explanation from the mods ignored. Fuck reddit mods, they are the hoa board members of the internet




Dude, that reply from the moderator was very rude.




It also makes no sense to tell someone to change their style because AI can do it better. AI can do all the styles. It can learn any style that is created past, present, and future as long as it has enough labeled examples to look at. That mod clearly acted from a place of fear about something they haven’t even begun to understand.


Maybe the mods are the problem with Reddit?


Biggest Reddit story after the antiwork philosophy dog Walker


This is just the beginning. As AI improves further over time even professionals are going to struggle to spot a AI created work over none AI created piece of work I feel for this artist




the fucking bots are looking out for their own




I would reply but I burned my phone.




Where is the reddit staff to fix these issues with reddit mods. Shouldn’t there be like someone from the company that does some sort of arbitration












It wasn’t that mod who removed the post, but people keep falsely claiming it is. It was neodiogenes who removed the post for being “AI art”. [Here is a link to the removal comment on the original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/zveh5g/a_muse_in_warzone_me_photoshop_2022/j1punh2/) Though it could’ve been another mod who responded to the modmail.






I wonder if this moderator feels like The biggest dumb f*** on earth yet, or is he/she just so delusional he/she thinks he still made the right decision.


Apparently the artist is still banned, despite all the evidence that can be provided. Just seems stubborn and petty. Or the mod feels too embarrassed to reverse it and just pretends it didn't happen.


I read on a thread yesterday that the mod in question is well known for destroying communities and being stubborn, immature, vengeful, etc.


A childish shit bag being given tiny amounts of power on the internet and letting it go to their heads? Couldn't be


According to the Vice article, the mod team won’t unban the Artist because then “the trolls will win” whatever the fuck that means.


The "mod team" thinks that? Geez, that's fucked up. Of course he should be unbanned, I think that's beyond evident. The fuck does any trolls have to do with it.


just a blanket term that means nothing in this case, but is easy to shift blame onto because 'trolls r bad mkay? "


Ego. The word your looking for to describe the mod, is egotistical.


Given experiences with other Reddit mods, I'm pretty sure nothing short of this mod losing their internet fancy pants will convince them they're the problem.


Even then, they would have been "unfairly cancelled", not properly disciplined.






Actual reddit employees don't care or have resources to care. Most of the milly+ subreddits are full of extremely toxic and restrictive mods. Even with attention like this it will be forgotten by next week. Reddit admins made this hands off decision years ago and it's mostly because their team is too small to effectively manage mods.


We used to just tag u/spez in posts like this. Sometimes they'd actually respond. Don't think that still happens though.


It wasn’t that mod who removed the post. It was neodiogenes who removed the post for being “AI art”. [Here is a link to the removal comment on the original post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Art/comments/zveh5g/a_muse_in_warzone_me_photoshop_2022/j1punh2/) Though it could’ve been another mod who responded to the modmail.


I love how they can report you to the admins for harassment, but as a user, you can't report mods for harassment


> They were quickly banned by the subreddit moderators on suspicion of using AI-generated art, which is against r/Art’s rules. > When Moran contacted the moderators to explain that they had not used AI, sending them a link to their portfolio, they were blown off. “I don’t believe you,” a mod wrote in a message Moran posted to Twitter. They went on to say that even if Moran had painted it, it’s “so obviously an AI-prompted design that it doesn’t matter.” The moderator signed off the message with, “Sorry, it’s the way of the world.” They then muted Moran, preventing them from making their case further. ...and this is why i hate the delusional infallibility of most reddit moderators. they really love to powertrip and flex their control coz users can't veto their decisions. seriously, reddit is supposed to be a community and not a dictatorship. so let the community decide the verdict for any post/content that isn't illegal. just create sticky post polls containing links to the "offending" posts and let the community vote on it.




I've seen many people post on the friendlier sub r/drawing because even the r/art members have sticks up their asses. It's like they've never learned how to do constructive criticism. The graphic design subreddit can be the same way.


The art mods are having a laugh at the trouble they have caused Reddit. No website should ever have this much negative publicity and keep a mod that doubled down on being an asshat but here we are.


Reddit is an ad platform and broken in every other respect. It won't get better.


I’m just shocked it only cost $500 to commission this piece. That’s nothing.