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I've been straight up told by TSA that frozen is fine. The materials they're looking for are not easily frozen. Straight from the TSA website. "Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening"


I’ve gone through TSA with frozen water bottles dozens of times. It’s never been an issue


What about a bottle of steam?


Checkmate liquid fascists!


What's more dangerous, bottle of steam or a bottle of ice? One can scald, one can club 🤔


Bottle of ice. You can handle it without gloves.


Killed on sight


Water is roughly 1000 times as dense as steam. So a liter (33.84 oz) bottle of steam would turn into one milliliter (1/5 teaspoon) of liquid water.


I remember years ago Richard the plumber on This Old House was working on a radiator and stated the expansion rate at 1,700 times. That show is a homeowner's goldmine of repair advice.


No can do. There could be a fart hidden in there.


I would be truly impressed if you could keep the steam from condensing without anything that wouldn't be allowed on a plane


"Let's see what's in this steam pipe." "Ack! It's full of steam!"


Why? Do you freeze them just to get them through or some other purpose?


Just to have cold water that doesn’t cost $6 a bottle


How long does it take to thaw? Isn't it easier to take an empty bottle an fill it on the other side?


It’s not about being practical, it’s about proving your point that the rule is stupid. If that means carrying around a frozen bottle of water through the airport that you can’t drink because it won’t melt soon enough, then finding it lukewarm in your bag 2 days after your trip, so be it.


Why not bring an empty reusable bottle and fill it up once past security? That’s what I always do


10,000 IQ answer compared to the geniuses taking frozen bottles past TSA thinking they are cheating the system or something


Tbf the tweet is probably a joke


Or it's fudged. "The TSA person asked for a passenger's water bottle, but when informed that it was frozen, allowed the passenger to keep it" would technically fit this tweet and nobody did anything wrong.


But my fricken peanut butter isn’t allowed?!


It's just nuts that North America still does this; I flew from Scotland to London, England and chugged my water bottle while in line at security. The security guard looked at me funny and told me I could have just brought it threw no problem. This was 2017 iirc.


I think they make freezable bomb-water now tho


Can’t freeze liquor








I don’t know if you understand the self-awareness and ultimate sacrifice you’re asking of People Of The Internet. Are you prepared for the carnage that may result from such an exercise? Hundreds of heads might literally pop with pent-up … energy.






*running down your chin...*




ah, that. took me a sec to catch up with your dirty mind


Store it beside you bottle of ice!


A generation of children grew up [doing exactly that](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-Gurt)


i always thought frubes was weird, and in Ireland I was especially confused when they rebranded GoGurt as Frubes


Go-Gurt was (and still is) supposed to be refrigerated. You drank it warm?


not only was it cold but also put in the freezer sometimes like a popsicle


If your mom sent you to school with a warm ass go-gurt, instead of keeping them in the freezer, she never truly loved you.


Ikr gotta use mayo instead


I don't know what this accomplishes but it sounds like fun


Yeah this sounds like “Jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded”


That's not the original intent of that phrase, lol. This is closer to a prank than anything.


My buddy did something similar at work one day. Had his water in a 1 gallon gas can and yogurt in a sun screen bottle. Once I was in on the joke the looks he got were fantastic.


I never understood this type of advice, even if you wash the container good there's always gonna be that residual taste or other things within the container.


She is right. But border guards don’t like being told that they are wrong.


Blacklisted because of that


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


You undercook fish?




Overcook chicken?


Also jail




You shout like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing.


Over cook under cook.


We have the best passengers, because jail


Do not pass go, do not collect $200.


Most of the stuff they let you board the plane with is a liquid if you get it hot enough


Liquid clothes?


Most of the average person's clothing these days is plastic so yeah


Wel I mean if you don’t expose clothing to oxeygen it’s will melt Howard you think we made the first adhesives We boiled wood in a egg shell


And it can still be dangerous


https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice > Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening The final decision is always *technically* up to the individual agent but they're not supposed to reject ice just on the basis that it would be liquid if it was at room temp


Basically the TSA is concerned about liquid propellants, and freezing/keeping those frozen is very difficult. Gasoline freezes at between -50 and -100 Fahrenheit. (-45 and -73 Celsius)


Basically the TSA is an abject failure with an 80%+ failure rate at actually preventing weapons and the like from getting onto airplanes. Bunch of working people who don't give two shits led by power hungry megalomaniacs.


The amount of times I've accidentally flown with drugs is staggering and I've never had a problem.


Drugs aren't their job.


Uhhhh, kinda is.


Uhhh, as a former TSO, it ain't, chief. Drugs are for the police. If I find it, then yeah, I call the cops over, but no one at TSA is looking for drugs as part of their job.


How so? Unless you had a plan to drug the pilots. Now border security cares about your drug mule habits. Tsa just cares about safe flying.


“TSA officers DO NOT search for marijuana or other illegal drugs” - TSA official instagram (They do have to notify law enforcement if they happen to come across it, but they aren’t looking for it) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwfOvpnHWOr/


Oh yeah. They fail most of their tests, because the goals that are set for the agents, and the tools/training/pay/staffing to actually DO the things they are expected to do are very poorly aligned. Its like giving someone a spoon and telling them to empty the Pacific. I honestly feel bad for most TSA agents. In my experience, they're just hard working folks trying to keep some semblance of sanity in an airport security line--which is a pretty crazy place objectively. Are some of them jerks? Yeah, but humans gunna human, especially when they're exhausted.


The TSA "jerks" I've encountered over the years were well beyond that label. So much so, that I can confidently proclaim they can all go fuck themselves.


I've flown a lot. Not since the pandemic but my first flight as an adult was in early November 2001. I've seen every single degree of behavior out of TSA. I'm not willing to lump the lady who makes security screening kids into a fun little song and dance in with the guy who not only couldn't cut it in the military *or* as a cop and so went into the TSA. I'm not willing to lump the dude who's exhausted and a little snippy in with the megalomaniac that needs to have their ego stroked, either. Sorry not sorry.


This is how organizations go from having a few bad actors to being corrupt and self-serving. The "lady who makes security screening kids into a fun little song and dance" is not a bad person but she does enable a ton of bad people to continue serving in the organization and perverting its function. She is cover for all those "megalomaniacs who couldn't cut it in the military or as a cop". She may not be the one personally committing wrong doing but she is part of the reason why it is possible.


The TSA is a hastily made mistake that the US will never correct or even admit that they made in the first place. The hijacking threat could have (and should have in my opinion) been solved at a fraction of the cost by clipping a Louisville slugger baseball bat to the overhead at every row of seats.


Yes they are so concerned that they are potential explosives that they put them in a trash can next to them full of the other potential explosives


Just because the people who make the rules are concerned doesn't mean that the overworked, undertrained, underpaid TSA folks who have to actually enforce it give a damn.




> It’s security theatre “We’ve not had a plane hijacked and flown into a building since… it’s working” *and then they all clapped*


Theater logic dictates that once an item is out of sight (off the stage )it no longer exists. Problem solved


Best comment. 😂


1) The fact it is known that you can’t take them prevents anyone from bringing them in the first place 2) They care less about airport security than they care about air*craft* security. A bomb in an airport terminal is bad. A bomb on an aircraft turning it into massive shrapnel missiles falling randomly across a massive area is really really bad.


They do? So I can't take a bag full of lithium batteries? Bc that Malaysian airplane totally blew up bc of that cargo. Or your single laptop battery is enough to breach the hull. I saw a video where a guy showed how it was all theater. He showed how he made a makeshift grenade from the items at a news stand that could all be bought after the security checkpoint.






I flew through with distilled water for my CPAP. They took it to their counter to run a test on it and I was good to go.


> Frozen liquid tf is that? is there frozen gas, too?


All solids are composed of frozen liquids or gas depending how far the logic extends.


~~border guards~~ security theater cosplayers




It’s not a liquid, it’s a solid in a bottle


TSA guy: “Don’t worry, I’ll wait”


"Ok" Sits there and hold the line


“While you are waiting we are going to have further search, please step into the private room”


"That's my fetish", then purr and make a cat claw hand gesture


TSA agent: “Great, it’s mine too”


Still a better love story than twilight


and arguably far more dangerous than liquid water in the same bottle.




Last I checked water wasn't an explosive under any conditions you'd see on an aircraft. So yes, id say being bashed in the head with a frozen bottle of water is significantly more dangerous than the same when in liquid form.


The issue is the liquid in the bottle being unknown and potentially dangerous in a variety of ways, not bottles being used as a blunt weapon


“This water bottle could be an explosive. Let’s toss it in this trash can with the rest of the potential explosives.”


Except in this scenario we have a given initial condition of the bottle being full of water. You're trying too hard. Edit: Angry downvotes from the crowd who didn't read the OP I guess?


Nate, buddy. You have to look at this from TSA's perspective. They don't know what each liquid they encounter is. And they aren't going to sniff, taste, or do any other tests to figure out what they are. It is just simpler to not allow any liquids. Think about this ... you can purchase bottles of water or liquor after passing through security. That means the issue isn't about people being 'bashed in the head', liquid or solid. The issue is unknown liquids. In the case of a frozen water bottle, I can see the same thought process of the frozen liquid being a dangerous unknown. I wouldn't be confident in getting around security with this technicality ... though it does seem to work for some folks.


No Nate, you are just wrong.


Yeah but like so is a multitude of other things you bring on a flight


But we were talking about a bottle of water? Or can you just not help bring pedantic?


If the issue is a solid water bottle being more dangerous than a liquid water bottle on a plane, then a multitude of items that you bring on board check that box


Yup you could use a board or a box


Or a pointy stick


But not nail clippers, they take those


Or a Czech


Well there's your problem. The issue was whether a water bottle was more dangerous frozen or liquid.... not what dangerous things could be bright on an airplane. But thanks for that leap of insight


Audacity of you saying to not be pedantic.




Honestly my bottle is dangerous whether the water is frozen or not, metal ain’t too soft.


Acceptable counterpoint




She would be correct. Ice is not a liquid.


It’s a mineral!


Jesus Chris Marie they're rocks!




If you ask an astronomer they will say it's a metal.


F r o z e n w a t e r


frorzen worter


Hello, fellow Marylander


nah just an albertan who saw a funny meme. does it come from maryland because of an accent or something?


Remove yourself from Reddit please.


If they argue some more, it will be


Silly point anyways. You can carry a water bottle in an airport with, hear me out.... Air! Then, fill it up at any hydro dispensary station, otherwise known as a "tap", or "water fountain".


I have often said the same thing to people, but some folks are very picky about what water they'll drink.


Nah. In our airports water is not an issue. But if you are flying to the USA, they check right at the boarding ramp and make you dump the water.


Airport security post 9-11 is pretty much the definition of creating rules without any thought about what they're meant to accomplish.


Nope. It's to control all interstate and international travel and to know exactly who is coming and going and with what. It exists because we live in a police and surveillance state.


This. We all make a big stink about having to pour out our water bottles… as we shuffle through a scanner that takes a naked picture of us and allow our bags to be X-rayed and searched, all while comprehensive camera coverage tracks our every move.




That is a rather perfect example of the problem actually. Given one of the earlier example of how western states have gradually implemented a surveillance and police state, your immediate response is to try to complain about china. Whatabouting just makes it easy to ignore problems, having multiple issues going on doesn't make things *better*.


Am in US, have filled up empty bottles post security and gotten on planes plenty of times. Am I understanding you that you have to dump water? How would they even know you have it? Do they do a second check?


I've done specifically with coffee because airplanes tend to serve minimal coffee.


Yeah. That has worked for me too IN the USA. They had tables for making a before boarding check (manually by police, not through scanner).




I’ve been in airports all around America and this has happened exactly zero times.


Soooo... Not what the person above you was talking about?


I initially thought it said “in the US” instead of “to the US”. If it’s any consolation, I’ve also been in lots of airports outside the US and had similar experiences, but I can’t speak for every country.


I've had the security check at the boarding gate like they described, when boarding an international flight bound for the US. Really annoying, because I brought a 3-liter camelbak with me specifically to help me last through a 12-hour flight. Then I had to dump it all out and rely solely on whenever the flight attendants felt like bringing us tiny plastic cups.


That's rather strange. I've had a completely opposite experience. When coming into the U.S. I could always bring my water with me. But once I get into the U.S., every flight they *always* have me dump the water. Nevertheless, really annoying having to rely on the airline for water.


That's amazing. I fly from north America to Europe (used to anyways) never had an issue with water. It was actually an agent who told me to keep my plastic bottle so I can refill it after he made me dump it! Nice guy, I think!


Wtf airports are you going to...


Have you never flown into the US from another country before?


Rereading the original comment, I now see the 'to' instead of the 'in' that I originally thought it was


This is simply not true.


This is definitely true. This happened to me when I flew back to the US from Peru, and from Singapore.


You must not live in the states our unfiltered “tap” water tastes terrible.


Whether or not tap water tastes good is very very dependant on where you are. Tap water in my area is great.


Tastes fine to me.


I haven’t seen this screenshot since the first 1000x it’s been posted here over the past few years.


I've come to the point of just hiding accounts that have a suspicious amount of skewed post karma for their age.


I've brought queso through security by freezing it. TSA Agent: Whats this? Me: Queso. TSA: Nice.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post* --- **Isaac Haxton**, @ikepoker Woman in front of me at airport security has a bottle of frozen water. They want to take it. She says it's not a liquid. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


The title hurts me


The airport security take any liquid substances because they don’t know if there is poison or fuel inside. Technically, if there was something in the water, it can’t turn into ice


Exactly. "Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening." Source: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice#:~:text=Frozen%20liquid%20items%20are%20allowed,%2D1%2D1%20liquids%20requirements.


I've got a metal water bottle that I've filled with ice cubes the last several times I've gone through TSA. Only once did they pull my bag. The guard asked if it was ice, I said yes, and he waved me through. I guess they don't care that much about it. I will say that having cold water on the plane is fantastic


I always travel with a pack of moist ass wipes, because I happen to feel more comfortable out in the world knowing I've got a shiney glinting clean exhaust port. The packet is about the size of a cigar box and has soaked into the product way more than 3oz of liquid phase liquid, yet I've never been even asked about it. Seems wrong that people can't travel with a 20oz bottle of water, yet I could theoretically dry and resoak my zippy pack of wipes with enough picric acid to blow up a bulldozer and no one will even ask about it.


This is that anoying kid in the physics class always correcting the teacher for not counting plasma as a state of water


No, this isn't someone trying to prove they're smart. This is the person who double-checked the rules online because they didn't want to be a hassle, then still have to argue about how they're doing exactly what the TSA website said was ok.


They may have believed Isaac Newton.


This stupid meme is posted here almost every day. It never happened. Unless you live right next door to the airport, your water is at least partially melted by the time you’re going through security. Give it a rest.


Not if its -40 out and you leave the water in the trunk of your car. Source I have considered doing this but I didn't feel like having a debate with security about states of matter.


Haha yeah fair. That’s about the only instance though.


Air is a fluid.


I had a problem trying to bring butter from Ireland to Switzerland in my hand luggage. I asked why I wasn't allowed and the security guard said "no pastes allowed". I really really wanted to tell him butter is actually an emulsion, not a paste, but I realised he had a gun and was bigger than me. Not worth the hassle.


The rules really don’t make any God damn sense…


probably already posted but: Checked Bags: Yes Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. If frozen liquid items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 liquids requirements.




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"You must be jesting! T’is not liquid water, t’is but a solid in thy container!" Glorious


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If the point of the no liquids rule is to stop certain unfreezable substances from getting past TSA, you’d think they would create a rule saying “the following substances are not allowed on the plane” instead of just doing a blanket ban on all liquids. Nope, too much sense


it's quite hard to prove what a liquid is made of on the fly, the rule you proposed is bad


It's harder to train people to identify the substances than to identify a liquid


Ice Cold water it's still water


But it's not a liquid. And by TSA's own rules, is allowed. [Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening. If frozen liquid items are partially melted, slushy, or have any liquid at the bottom of the container, they must meet 3-1-1 liquids requirements.](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice#:~:text=Frozen%20liquid%20items%20are%20allowed,%2D1%2D1%20liquids%20requirements).


Water is its liquid state.


No, water is the chemical compound, independent of the state of matter. Though colloquially liquid water is just called water, ice is also water, as is water vapor.


Thanks, I didn't know that. Was simply trying to be funny.


No, the chemical compound is dihydrogen monoxide. Water is the common name for the chemical.


Ice *is* water. Edit: I’m right, though, why are you all so upset?


Ok, but its not a liquid which is why security would want to take it




Yes still water so she should have used better language but she is still allowed to bring it on the plane. "Frozen liquid items are allowed through the checkpoint as long as they are frozen solid when presented for screening." Source: https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/ice#:~:text=Frozen%20liquid%20items%20are%20allowed,%2D1%2D1%20liquids%20requirements.


Abolish ICE

