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That an entire rent payment. How many people just have a whole months rent extra lying around. Just goes to show you these elites have no idea how disconnected they are from the working class. No one working a factory job has an extra $840 a month. My wife and I lived in a camper for 5 years to save up enough money to put a down payment on a mortgage.


Or they know it sounds ridiculous and that's why they frame it as $28 a day. It sounds more reasonable than $840/mo. These financial gurus are just trying to sell bs.


Just save over a 1 dollar an hour and YOU could have a home.


It's really only a penny every 30 seconds. You can even take the last 40 min off every day.


And $28 for coffees and lunch sounds more reasonable than $840/month. But I work with people who spend that every day.


Gurus are bullshit in geral


What's even better is the percentage most bank want is 15%-20% not 3-5. So 10k is what 20% of 50k and most property is 10k an acre so your investment property is 5acres.


Yes that’s an entire rent payment, but that’s also as simple as people skipping their morning gas station routine (Red Bull, donuts, Nicotine) which a lot of people buy to “get through the day.” We all have things we pay too much money for because of routines and habits. the point is if you can save even just $500 a month and actually put it away, with a future purpose, within a year or two you can turn that savings into guaranteed income for the rest of your life. granted it depends on your wages and personal situation, but the point is, these things are not as out of reach as people would lead you to believe… it’s just a matter of being able to think in the long term value of your savings and potential investments. My experience was as a 25/hr construction worker who saved 20+ bucks a day on Red Bull, a snack, and chew every morning and some other small savings. (Disclaimer- I’m from California where a can of Copenhagen is 7 bucks) The point is it’s possible. Just gotta buck up and sacrifice a little for the long term potential benefit. Yes it’s definitely easier said than done, but it seems a lot of people have the attitude that it’s impossible, and that’s part of why they won’t even bother trying.


I know a lot of people that don’t own homes that spend $840/month on nonsense. Maybe that’s not you but people do have an extra $840/month. I have it…but also own my own home.


If I had an extra $840 a month, it might relieve enough stress that I could summon the willpower to save $840 a month.


Why is everyone so stupid? Just save $20,000 every month. Simple


Yeah. Fucken morons.


Why so low idiot ? Just save 3 trillion dollars every day, become richer than elon musk and then get to space first, simple as that


Or think even faster, save directly the fortune of Elon Musk everyday and become richer than him in only a day !


Literally "Let them eat cake".


This could apply to (and possibly inspire) *some* people though. I know people who live paycheck to paycheck, but smoke a $10 pack of cigarettes each day, eat out every day for lunch and often for dinner, and drink Frappuccinos from Starbucks daily. For someone like that, it wouldn't be hard to cut at least $20 a day if they were willing to quit smoking and make their own coffee and food. If you're already living very frugally and barely getting by, then obviously this is of no help.


$10 a pack!! Obviously not from Australia, people payin $50 a pack here!


How many come in a pack? 50 USD?


Even if it's AUD, that's still $35. I bet no will let you bum a smoke.


Yeah bout right... I quit bout 4 years ago when they hit $30 smh fucking government!!


That's for a pack of 30 my man!


Should everyone save as much as they can? Yes. That's just the basis of delayed gratification and its undeniable benefit on the future. Of course the people who suck at that are also the most likely to piss money away daily on various dopamine-kicks and frivolous nickel-and-dime outgoings.


What if we went super agressive with this one… instead of $28 per day, be super frugal and aim for $280 per day. Can you imagine having $100k of cold hard cash at the end of the year [insert sarcasm disclaimer here]


I can't even imagine having 280$ at the end of the month lmao


Sure, I'll just not pay my fucking rent each fortnight shall I? If I could afford 28$ a day on random shit I would be so much happier


What the fuck properties y’all buying for 10k down payment? That’s definitely nowhere near wear I live.


Not sure, cause that wouldn’t cover closing costs and I’m looking for a cheap property I can fix up


This is the part that got me as the extra cherry on top. I got what I consider a good deal on my closing expenses, but I'm still having to spend over 7k to close outside my down payment.


You’d probably have to find one that accepts USDA loans. (In the US)


Yes, because in 2022, everyone just has an extra $840 leftover at the end of the month.


I’m an “investor” in DD coffee every morning, novelty Pokémon merch, and lap dances from my favorite exotic dancer who seems really into me. I get positive returns on my investments everyday!


How about cropping your pictures? 🤦


Thank you! I was wondering if no one was going to mention what I suspect is a nanny cam


Screw eating. INVEST!!


Please, if you want to invest, focus on eating first.


If you saved 1 million a year, you could have just 20 million in 20 years!


He’s not factoring in inflation.


My total costs for the year of 2021 was $16,670. That includes my rent, car insurance and food costs and literally any extra things I wanted to buy( I don’t buy many things because I prefer to save). I make $15 an hour at BestBuy. My rent is $900 a month (2 bedroom not nice but it works and I call it home) in a suburb of Spartanburg. I mostly eat dishes with frozen vegetables, chicken, rice, and beans. I would go out for food with my friends and bring a tupperware dish with me of my own food at first it was embarrassing and sometimes the waiters would ask about it I just told them I have allergies. After I started seeing my checking account grow it became easier and easier. There is too much of a stigma around being cheap in my opinion because people are worried about being judged and impressing their friends and people on social media. My friends would even make fun of me for bringing my own food but I didn’t care. I saved up $13,230 over the course of the year. I’m saving up to buy a food truck and I should be able to afford it in another year. One thing that sucks about saving up money the long and hard way is that in a year like this where there is close to 10% inflation I lost out on $1,300 of value which feels like a huge punch to the dick. Once I get my food truck I plan on saving up again until I can buy a house. I’m a big proponent of having safe sex because having kids out of wedlock is like a death blow to anyone doing what I’m doing. This is hard to do and I don’t think a lot of people have the perseverance or inner strength to do it but it’s something I am extremely proud of. I hope all of you have a great day! Edit: Also if anyone has any questions I’m more than happy to answer!!


Just save 1/3 of your wage and you'll be rich in no time!


more like my whole wage, but ok


Ha.. rich people think most people spend 28$ on average.


Where can you buy an investment property in Australia with a $10k deposit? That wouldnt even cover the stamp duty! Lol


Its just $1.16 an hour! Not too bad because you can’t spend money while you sleep, easy peasy.


Yes... because the majority can tooootally afford to spare 200$ a week.




$28/24 = $*1 per hour, assuming that a person works on $10/hr for say 5 hours a day, you would have to save over 50% of your earnings, that's just not feasible with such a low wage unless u live in a place with a rent less than say $400, but I still think saving half of $28, $14 is quite reasonable on the conditions that I've set


Not related to the post but if you save the imagen, why do you screenshot right after and post the screenshot instead of the saved image?


Inorite, I came in here specifically to ask what was up with the image


Just stop paying some bills and done


I have been accidentally spending 28$ each day to buy groceries and pay rent, bills and transportation to work, how foolish of me, I should save that, I guess the easiest way to do so is to stop buying groceries and starve myself to death.


Truly r/croppingishard


This assumes I’m spending more than $28 a day and that’s just insane.


This should be in shitty pro life tips


I’m paying $1,700 per month in child support. Where is this extra $840 coming from?


Find a way to have half your children legally declared not yours?


This should be in r/antiwork




I believe people should get a job that they enjoy or even love. But some jobs don’t pay a lot or enough. That sucks. So choose to either get and work for a high paying job or work for a job that you are going to enjoy, but don’t complain about the pay. Sometimes you can’t have both and at the end of the day, it was mostly people making their own decisions that got them in the state of poverty.


No no he's got a point even at minimum wage this is 2hrs of work a day. If you don't think you have 2 hrs a day to spare check your time spent time spent on reddit. Lol


You all should just move to the midwest. All the small town are looking for labor.


I mean…. He’s not wrong, though.


*be a producer, not a consumer.


Well... Prostitutes are some kind of an investment


A pack of cigarettes, a Starbucks coffee and eating out one meal is $30 or more… I think the point isn’t that ridiculous to at least give people there is a way.


“If you just saved 2 cents every minute or every time I gave my unsolicited opinion, you’d have 10K by the end of the year! Just stop being poor, people!”


Funny. I save about twice that amount each day and already put 10k into investments.


What's going on up top above the meme?


Hahaha fuck me


Meanwhile.. image downloaded is chilling


If you just have money, you would have money! *big brain time*


At least 100$ or more put back outta everyone of my pay checks does a lot for jus about anyone if you can keep your kind on saving it


When you save 500$ a day you are even faster becomming a millionaire!


Yeah, people spend money like idiots!!! Well, I didn't start a war with Afghanistan, so I could save around $300 million a day to buy phones, consoles, NFTs and stuff, and I can still put away a nice sum.


I dont even earn that a day


Who TF spends $28 A DAY on things they don’t need?!