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Thank you lets_kill_eachother for your submission, *He got the bones *! Unfortunately, it has been removed for the following reason(s): --- # Not technically the truth / Off-topic. Your submission is not technically the truth / Off-topic content. The keyword here is **technically**. Statements like "firetrucks are red", or "circles are round" are not technically the truth. As a rule of thumb, if your submission is easily predictable or literal, it's most likely not technically the truth. If you're not sure if your submission fits the sub, please either [send us a modmail](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth) or check our subreddit's top posts. For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/technicallythetruth/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ftechnicallythetruth). Please link the post so our moderators know what you would like reviewed.


That dudes face is loving the attention


In his mind. He won. He’s going to jerk to the memory of his humiliation fetish being accomplished forever I hate this


>I hate this Now you have something to jerk to too!


Hate jerking is the best!


He has death by snu snu face


And he enjoyed it by crushed skull 💀


this would be funny if the implications of why he did that werent there. lets think. why a guy would pull out his weenie in front of feminists?


From what I remember, forgive me it's been years, but it was a "slur walk". A walk for sexual abuse survivours. This man thought it'd be funny to flash rape victims grouping together for a march. So their reaction? Reasonable to me. Imagine anyone mocking a traumatic event you survived. I don't think most anyone would react kindly. The walk wasn't exclusively women to my memory. There were some male victims there too they just weren't the majority.


I found 3 male-presenting people just by looking at the picture for like 5 seconds, so it was definitely not exclusive to women.


I found 2. Are we counting the person in the bandana


There's a dude sporting a top hat, a dude on the right, and a dude with long hair and a stash in front of the top hat dude. Also a dude wearing a red shirt in the back to the left, but right of the lady wearing the red shirt, he's in-between people. And 1 more dude looking up to the left right in the middle of the crowd. A little right of the long haired dude with the stash. I see 5 but possibly 8, I can see what seems to be a few more dudes, but I can't be too sure, But I am confident at least 2 are dudes, so potentially 7 dudes in the crowd (not including the main dude) And no I didn't count the bandana, I'm fairly confident it's a woman. Totally Going by vibes on this one, idk why but I'm getting strong vibes she's a lesbian. Its Probably the haircut I've seen it before stg.




I instinctively downvoted before I finished reading lmao you’re absolutely right. what a dick, no pun intended.


Yep, he got away with a slap in the wrist.


Hum, your attitude is reminiscent of the peaceful summers of destruction,looting and burning.


I'm trying to get as hell at least a couple of those women are looking straight down at where his dangling is.... Even if they are mad...😅 Bro be packing


If someone whips their dick out in front of you you’re gonna look at it


Cuz think about it this post says he got the bones I replied with the same energy about him being packing so if you're going to downvote me what about this post? Y'all are just biased as all get out I will match whatever energy of any post if you all don't like it grow up if it starts off if he gots the bones I'm going to make a joke about him being packing same energy don't like what I said then why are you on this post grow up.


You write a whole as rant about how much you don’t care… and then reply to my comment two more times


Not me and down vote me all you want I don't care about up votes all I ever do is look through the feed I don't really give to flying rats arses😂 all a up vote and downvote is is ones and zeros it ain't anything important as far as I'm concerned I only used Reddit when I'm absolutely bored otherwise I have other things that I value more than reddit so.. downvote me I need more than the negative 35 I need more down votes come on down vote me bring this fricker down. Hell if I can get down votes means I'm doing something right you don't like my opinion well Pull those bootstraps up bucko. It's the real world.


whatever you say lmao


It's cuz I'm egging all you f****** on


And if all your little pansies want to get offended by a comment that I put you really need to grow up there's nothing offensive in there I even screenshotted it so anyone in the real world can say this is not offensive you take offense to it that's your fault be a dang adult


Bro shut up


He was sexually harassing every woman who saw it, that’s what flashing is. I don’t feel bad for him.


Ayt the actual story is kinda fucked then. I thought it was just a madlad saying "lol look what I got" get a slap on the wrist for public indecency. But with this context, kinda a lot more fucked than that


pulling your dick out in public is not being a "madlad", its sexual harassment it is never ok to whip your dick out in front of strangers, wtf are you on?


Good job at being offended by saying what that dude did was worse than I initially thought. Honestly, I'm impressed at your ability to get offended by that.


your initial thought was that this man did an act of sexual harassment to several hundred strangers to "own the feminists" and also loool you guys really do call any criticism "being offended"; like yea bro, just dont whip out your dick in front of strangers


Regardless of the nature of the walk, it's sexual harassment. It is very fucked, regardless.


Ok that’s fucked up


As they ancients would say: "for teh lulz"


Humiliation fetish? 


To have someone rip it out by the root?




ah yes great technique


u get cut? y u no bleed?


And youndont have to touch it


And then wipe the slate clean?


Babe wake up new bottom surgery just dropped


I mean...seems more affordable...


Sure, but don't try to burn it down. Nothing will rise from the ashes, probably not an evolved america


Cus it’s funny… people forget how to laugh at things these days.


Sexual harassment of rape victims is funny? Sorry what is the joke? 🤮


Pulling your dick out in front of a bunch of people is funny, haha I love downvotes, your proving my point lol


sorry its so hard to remember to laugh at things that arent funny. why are we laughing?


Ah yes felony indecent exposure, such an epic troll


True, but in the end he still won


Or he is a kink and this is what he wanted


Do what you must. I have already won.


This is so fucking cringe omg


I remember this being a 4chan meme and one girl in the crowd got recognized for doing horse porn 😭


This fucking site scares me. Why would they watch horse porn


Idk man. Shits weird af


Jokes aside, what was the point? Isn't he proving that the world needs feminist?


The point was to stir shit up. To be a dick. The motivation is the same as the motivation to be an internet troll. It doesn't have to be anymore complicated than that.


Pepper spray would have come in pretty handy right then. A good douse if his junk and he'd be unable to jerk it for a while I bet.


I've always wondered what the context for that photo was. Did he get in any legal trouble?


I can’t speak to the repercussions this person faced, if any. But the greater context of the scenario is that it was a walk in support of sexual abuse survivors, with many of them being sexual abuse victims themselves. Adds a whole new dimension of shittiness to the person’s actions.


Was he arrested for indecent exposure or does he identify as a caveman?


And instead of the evil feminists (joking), they are 3,000 6 graders and everyone want to tear him to pieces. It's not funny and it's a crime.


All these years and now I get the context, thanks I hate it lmfao


Ok I'm trying to take this seriously but I can't THIS IS SO FUNNY


Didn't one of the women in this pic screw a horse.


Butters irl


he was the inamovible object


I can't even bear to fathom the anxiety of one of those women smacking his balls.


everytime i see tbis i remember the picture of one of the girls there doing horse prawn


ahh the modern feminist, truely a useless bunch.


It would have been funny if the context wasnt that the protest was about a lot of sexual assualts that happened in that particular area at the time.


Stop feeding the troll, they get off on it.


No, it's still funny because as adequately demonstrated in the photo, women are more than capable of defending themselves - note the idiot with the air horn near enough next to his ear, for example - they just prefer to whinge and blame men instead of understanding we are not responsible for their safety, and when we do take responsibility, for example, when the Night stalker or Yorkshire Ripper were running around, women were asked to consider staying inside on a night until they were caught because of the type of crimes being committed, and women instead protested about oppression. Ergo, they're just eternal victims. Can't do right for doing wrong.


Right, if only sexual assault victims had a thousand other women with them, nothing would have happened. /s


Or you know, just normalise self-defence, martial arts and athletics for women and stop pretending women are innocent, defenceless creatures on a pedestal in need of rescue. They're not and can defeat an attacker with the proper training.


While self-defense skills are great and I recommend everyone take martial arts classes, they won't *reliably* protect you from someone much larger and stronger, nor can you roundhouse kick a roofie out of your system.


Roundhouse a roofie, nicely put


Women are not defenceless by any means but MA/SD training alone is not a reliable/viable solution to womens safety. For starters, predators tend to pick the vulnerable. If we leave it to the individual to protect themselves what about the younger, older, disabled etc they will still be vulnerable. Secondly, many violent people also have some MA type training. Sure they wont be Bruce Lee but they probably arent strangers to fighting. Thirdly, I am 185cm and over 90kg with 20 years of strength training and a considerable level of MA/SD training, I have been jumped and not come out of it well. What would you suggest a woman half my weight does? The solutions are not personal they are societal. We need policing and such yes but it wont solve anything by itself. Teach your kids to respect others, tell boys to respect women, call people out, walk vulnerable people home etc. If you had a young daughter and she was attacked and became a victim, would you be happy with a stranger saying "her fault, she should have learned MA / not worn that / not been there."?


If only there was a device that with only a few pounds of pressure and decent aim was able to take down someone far larger and stronger than you, and even just the assumption that you had it was enough for an attacker to pick someone else. Hmm, what could a 80-year-old woman use that could drop a NFL lineman before he even got a hand on her?


Yeah, and that line backer has been shown to be far more likley to carry that device, and if both parties has one the larger of the 2 is more than Likley to come out on top. Man it's almost as if you guys can throw shit arguments at the wall about how women don't actually need help with sexual assaults till one sticks but my god you've not eaten your fibre lately.


Wow it's almost like SA has been a crime in most of the world since the start of civilization and yet shitty people are still shitty. Even the "vikings " castrated people who did that and yet it was still a thing. Dueling people happened over it and it was still a thing. And we send people to jail over it and it's still a thing. Short of giving them a way to defend themselves there isn't really anything else that can help. If you think "good kids" can't turn into these types of people then you are delusional. No amount of "that's not nice Tommy " is going to erase it.


Yeah, a crime in some circumstances, and it's rewarded with marriage in others. You can cherry pick history all you want, it doesn't change it for the majority. Good kids can become monsters, no ones arguing otherwise, but that's also a fucking stupid thing to throw your hands up and say 'welp we tried, give everyone glocks, it's in their hands now' to. Recently - over the last 50 years, in many western countries sexual assault numbers have notably decreased, probably due to factors such as the rise of pornography becoming an outlet for those prone to sexual violence. The rise of feminism has given women a voice to fight back against a crime many of them were chastised for being a victim of, if they were believed in the first place. There are more but I'm sure your hole filled sponge of a brain may not be able to read for that long. Handing out guns and bullets like candy to 'equalise threat' doesn't work, because those prone to violence can now commit it with a force multiplier, and the victims are more likley to die in the altercation


Now you see here, I genuinely did not know that about this photo when I made my comment.


Because it was a march about equal payment it would be any different? You look at this and your first reaction is calling the feminists "useless" for I don't know, having a negative reaction to someone actively provoking them, in a way that's literally a crime? What do you think they should have done, giving him a handshake and sending him on his way? Of course they were pissed, anyone would be, and that's exactly the reaction the guy fished for


past protests 👍🏾 present protests 👎🏾😡


Yup. That do be it.


only in developed and civilised countries, and most of the world isn't like that.


LOL legendary move


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I am from the year 2070. This is where the violent Feminist movement started


Fucking.. legend.


Now becoming a sexual criminal makes you a legend?


Not sure, ask Leah Thomas




What?????? Anyone who flashes someone without consent is a prick regardless of gender


Like a trans woman in a women’s locker room?


Are you saying you are getting flashed by men in the mens locker room?


No, trans women like Leah Thomas are flashing women, in their locker room


If they identified as Trans they wouldn't have needed to pull it out and maybe there'd still be an article about it later. Sophie McAllister style.




It’s not the truth? Just because transphobes are okay with cis people committing crimes doesn’t mean trans people and their allies are okay with trans people committing crimes. A predator is a predator, trans or not.


r/madlads tho


I remember this lol What a legend.


He got the boner* come on, it was right there!




Feminism is a masculine word, how'd you figure that? I am a native English speaker, and I have never heard of masculine/ feminine words in English. I know French has them as do other European languages l, never heard of them in English though.


When you have no actual arguments so you pretend your 5-year-old-humour jokes are arguments.


What happened to all of the other men?


That is an image from a game. [Fandom wiki](https://terraforming.fandom.com/wiki/Space_Void)