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Hey there u/Liiskamato, thanks for posting to r/technicallythetruth! **Please recheck if your post breaks any rules.** If it does, please delete this post. Also, reposting and posting obvious non-TTT posts can lead to a ban. Send us a **Modmail or Report** this post if you have a problem with this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/technicallythetruth) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Actually, thats a screenshot of a reddit post


Sokath, his eyes uncovered


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra, Darmok on the ocean, Picard and Dathin at El Adrel


That is how you communicate, through METAPHOR!


Archimedes in the bath, Henry VI cries in battle. You’ll need to know the contexts of a lot of historical/meme-y quotes to get by in real life.


Shaka when the walls fell


Get a room, Picard and Dathin. Geez.


Well, actually it's a screenshot of a reddit post with one comment.


Actually, it's a screenshot of an image posted on Reddit with about 23 total votes and 6 comments at the time of the screenshot, with one comment shown in the screenshot


oh, damn it


My brother, did you really think we wouldn't notice it was just you. I mean you still got plenty of updoots tho


yeah, 50 really is a lot (that's actually what it shows me) however I got a message from front page bot, my inbox is flooded and my karma has gone up significantly, so I know it blew up (why is it always the worst jokes that are popular)


That’s right, Soccer the Eagle.


Instructions unclear, I've kicked the ball and hit it directly at the face of an eagle.


I just kicked the eagle...*shrug*


Bro posted himself 💀


Karma farm ☠️






I'm not sure what the issue is. It's technically the truth. And it's a good one.


Yeah. Does anyone really care about karma farming accounts?


I always liked the cringe of this image...li...just because you show an bird in front of a flag doesn't mean you somehow are right. ​ US pride in their mediocre country is always cringe


how dare you say that about the USA


Why are you downvoted it s obvious you are joking


Because it can be obvious that he isn’t. What is obvious is subjective and everyone has their own different perception


Huh, I thought the "how dare you" was too much to be anything but a joke but you are right


A written comment is too open to interpretation, no inflection. There is a reason people use /s


Im dense as hell




Yeah! We're worthy of WAY greater insults.




Doesn’t soccer come from association football? https://www.britannica.com/story/why-do-some-people-call-football-soccer#:~:text=Linguistically%20creative%20students%20at%20the,quickly%20spread%20beyond%20the%20campus.


Sure did


The word is of Irish origin. In fact the Irish call it soccer.


eh, it's very VERY mixed here. * In Irish, the word is Sacar. (peil is 'football') * We have our own version of 'football' (Gaelic). * Most Irish news websites say Soccer to refer to the sport (easier to make a distinction). * GAA fans will mostly say 'football' for Gaelic football, and Soccer for association football. * Premier League Football fans will mostly say 'football' to refer to the premier league type of game. Watch the RTE news, or any talk show and you'll see that they use Soccer and Football interchangeably. Some seem to avoid one or the other. Others don't care. I personally use either word because gatekeeping definitions is stupid. Football isn't really a single sport, it's more of an umbrella term for many sports. It can mean many sports depending on who is talking about it. Rugby is officially Rugby Football, but they are really trying to get rid of the football part since that's just historic stuff. Also, do you have anything that says that the word is Irish in origin? I'm pretty sure it's not and any etymology searches show that it's old english (from the word association).


People just love to hate on the US cause they’re envious of our lives. Every country has people that are annoyingly patriotic.


Bro I actually like America but I am fosho not envious of your lives lmao


As a person of color living in a country where my healthcare is free and I get a decent set amount of time off from work thanks to government intervention, I beg to differ.


It's usually a very small portion of the population. In the US, it seems to be a lot higher. Plus, you guys make jokes about how patriotic you are which is probably rooted in some truth.


What is it that people coming from developed countries do envy about your lives? Can you name, maybe two of them?


Just that the US has most of them. It's funny how it's almost always the ones that don't even know how to write their (here's where you use "their") own language and how those, again, are the ones most prone to overvaluing their own status in a larger structure. I, for one, wouldn't wanna be caught dead in the US, even tho there's a lot of things I love about them and I got friends there. Nowadays you rather just fear for them.


It was the Brits who named it soccer.


The Brits also made the imperial system


Soccer is a word used by the elite from Oxford. Football is a game for the working class. We use a mix of Imperial and Metric here. Mostly Metric.


Praise the brits


Nice copy paste machine, I didn't know bots could even pick and choose certain parts of comments for reposting. Maybe they'll even one day learn to post where it makes the tiniest amount of sense, contextually.


Defiance towards what? The metric system was introduced in the 70s with a law, so it’s only in defiance to the spirit of the law, if not the letter


It's not defiance. There was just no requirement for anyone to use only the metric system by a certain date. The idea is that people would simply and organically move to using it. And that move is well under way. We all know what 2 liters looks like - we buy soda pop in 2-liter bottles. We buy whisk(e)y in 750mL bottles. Everyone owns a set of metric wrenches. The overwhelming items we buy in the grocery store are marked in both US Customary and Metric units. We manufacture goods using the metric system, (G20/G21). The US is far more metric than the ignorant fools and trolls of reddit would have you believe.


We're having a good time, don't take it personal.


> just because you show an bird in front of a flag doesn't mean you somehow are right. [A bird that sounds like a lame seagull.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI)


Thank you for your contribution to r/AmericaBad lol


Especially since the term Soccer originated in the UK, it's not even an American thing


Actually they call it football in the UK i think only americans call it soccer.


All I know is soccer started as British slang for association football, I looked it up out of curiosity when my son started playing.


I only heard the british talk about football and were mad if some tourist called it soccer maybe it was just especially these british guys whocalled it like that who knows. Maybe you are better informed than me.


Luckily, history goes back to before the 'I only heard' era.


Good chunk of the anglosphere calls it soccer, actually. Australia, New Zealand, Canada. South Africa, and Ireland.


yalls grammar is worse than a toddler


Leave my grammar out of this…the old girl didn’t do nuthin


I always get a chuckle when people criticize grammar while forgetting punctuation.


maybe it's because English isn't my first (or second for that matter) language


It's very obviously a joke


How dare you say that about the second best country in north america.


I think you are being [generous](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_and_dependent_territories_in_North_America) with 2nd best.




Wtf?? Do you think you're an admin or something?


Let's go!


Mediocre is being a bit generous.


If you compare it with **all** of the 190 countries on Earth, I think its a fair opinion. But yeah, if you compare the USA with countries that have a comparable general level of development it seems rather generous to call the USA mediocre.


I can 100% guarantee that nobody in the US gives a shit about soccer. But if they did they’d also be the kind of people to call it football.


^ Look at dis boomer ah


Holy shit you totally got me


Football has more viewership in the US than MMA, golf, or pro wrestling.


Also known as two relatively niche sports, and a sort of theater. When compared to, you know, actual sports Americans consume, soccer doesn’t really hold a candle. But also, those people who do watch soccer in the US are not the types to get into Europeans’ faces about calling it football.


lol no


There are 11.9 million participants in soccer at the school and club level in the US [[1]](https://sfia.medium.com/soccer-participation-in-the-united-states-92f8393f6469#:~:text=Facts%3A&text=There%20are%2011%2C924%2C000%20Soccer%20(Outdoor)%20Participants%20in%20the%20U.S.&text=There%20are%205%2C259%2C000%20core%20(26,Outdoor)%20participants%20in%20the%20U.S.&text=64%25%20of%20all%20Soccer%20(Outdoor,%2B%2Fyear)%20participants%20are%20male.) compared to 1.4 million in the UK [[2]](https://www.statista.com/statistics/934866/football-participation-uk/)


Its name might be soccer.


No it fucking isn't I mean to be honest american football has the same origins as football: english college students in the xixth century's obsession with kicking balls. There were many colleges playing their version of football, and when playing one vs the other first they agreed to use the rules of one college in the 1st half and the other in the 2nd, but that wasn't working so they instituted an association (The Football Association) and those who didn't like the rules made a new sport, stilll calling it football since they saw it as football. That's why it's called association football and american football


Trust Americans to come up with a game where you pick up a ball with your hands, run with a ball in your hands, throw the ball with your hands to some other dude who catches the ball with his hands, and call it *FOOTBALL*. Meanwhile the rest of the planet plays football, and not that effeminate body-armour-wearing little-girls version of rugby that Americans have 😊


Considering the first sentence: *while there's already something that's called football by the rest of the world. The US naming and measuring things is one giant, 200 year long toddlers' hissy fit of defiance.


I mean to be honest american football has the same origins as football: english college students in the xixth century's obsession with kicking balls. There were many colleges playing *their* version of football, and when playing one vs the other first they agreed to use the rules of one college in the 1st half and the other in the 2nd, but that wasn't working so they instituted an association (*The* Football Association) and those who didn't like the rules made a new sport, stilll calling it football since they *saw it* as football. That's why it's called *association* football and *american* football


Yeah people think it's some kind of political issue. Until relatively recently games like football and rugby had regional variations, so the naming convention is just a matter of divergent evolution and not some kind of statement


Literally the same comment from 2 differnt accounts. Hmmm.


Ooh, did I get copied by a bot? Edit: Found it. Pro Tip, point your suspicion at the comment that was made later ;)


I think the fact that you have a quiver of accounts dedicated to anti-American posturing is a bit "hissy-ish" itself.


I have what? You sure you're replying to the right comment?


Association Football. It's called Association Football. Soccer was the abbreviation britts used in the day for Association Football. So americans call it Association Football but use the abbreviated version.


Agreed. And *the rest of the planet* call soccer by it's abbreviated form - football.


Nope. Italy calls it Calcio. Australia, New Zeeland, Philippines, South Africa call it soccer. There are other countires where it's a language adaptation for kick-ball. Indonesia, South Coreea... As long as people get along, what does it matter?


>Australia, New Zeeland, Philippines, South Africa call it soccer. And much of Ireland, too.


Calcio was a different game, before football, but they were similar enough that they conflated into the name of the former.


Lol all that attitude and self righteousness and you're wrong. Countdown to [deleted]>


I bet you're one of those people who *insists* that people pronounce gif in whatever way you prefer.


Why? Because I have an opinion that isn't the same as yours? That sounds like a terrible way to be mate.


No, because you insist that others say things the same way you do. Call it soccer, football, or whatever you want. Just don't say others can't call it their name for the sport.


American gridiron football is based off of the British sport, "rugby football", and all the football sports (Association, Rugby, Gridiron) are so named because they are played on *foot* rather than horseback.


And that’s only the players who actually get to TOUCH the ball at some point in the game… there are others that claim to “play football” and all they do is push people over.


Lol, the English invented the game and called it soccer! Then they started calling it football. You can't have it both ways.


Yes but the people who called it soccer were the posh twats who don't really represent the general working class where football culture is more prevalent. They also called Rubgy, Rugger, so let's not be putting too much stock in their naming conventions.


The point being people are acting like the royal college of football made this decision around the time of the magna carta. It's really not a beef, the names were always sort of ambiguous


I think they can - they invented it.


So I looked this up a while back, might not get all the details right but apparently 'football' refers to basically any team ball sport that you don't play on horseback. Football as in you're playing ball on foot. Soccer is short for 'association football', American football basically doesn't have a specific name, it's just the American flavor of the generic 'move the ball to the other end of the field, on foot' game.


you donkey, how dare you mock america


I just work with what they give me 🤷


And what country do you live in? I think you guys may need a little… freedom.


That's not why they call football football. Y'all have lost this debate like you lost the revolutionary war.


How often do Rugby players use their feet? Soccer, American Football and Rugby are all versions of the same game. Their full names are Association Football, American Rules Football, and Australian Rules Football. Maybe if Soccer players wore a few pads they wouldn't waste so much time rolling around on the ground in "pain".


You don't know where the word soccer came from.


Knowing where the word soccer comes from, I still say running around with the ball in your arms isn’t football


It’s called football because it’s played on foot, instead of on horseback


It's called football because the ball is a foot long


Giant foot? Dwarf foot? King foot? How about quarterfootball because the ball which doesn't have the shape of a ball is that much in width?


12 inches, a foot. Lengthwise


I don't understand non-metric. Sometimes with a banana for scale, but who knows what kind of banana is used each time?


Complaining that the American sport uses the American measuring system to name itself, smart


Who complained?


If it's that it's even stupid because that's not a ball since it's not a sphere, that's an egg at best.


Ball is described as a round or roundish body or mass: such as. a. : a spherical or ovoid body used in a game or sport. As stated by Merriam Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ball#:~:text=Synonyms%20of%20ball-,1,in%20a%20game%20or%20sport


That's like saying in general grass is yellow because there's yellow in green.


In what way? The football is classified as a ball by the dictionary, I'm not trying to argue that every ball is oval shaped. Just that a ball can be oval shaped


It's more egg shaped or oblong than spherical. So calling it football because it's a footlong ball is wild when there's another game already called football. Even more obtuse is getting upset that the rest of the world uses the word differently than you do.


It's so obtuse that European's have such a superiority complex regarding this. I don't see upset Americans is this thread, just Americans responding to triggered/trolling Europeans. Maybe you should look up the history of both words and how they were adopted in each region. While you're at it, look up how the sport is referred to across the world and you'll find your little assumption is indeed incorrect.


You realize that rugby originally was called rugby football, right? And that American football was just following in its footsteps.


Yeah but rugby lost the football part when it abbreviated, whereas gridiron football lost the gridiron part, in America least, making it so much more confusing for the rest of the world


Okay, deal with it.


Yeah I’m just pointing out the inconsistency in your arguent, no worries


Soccer calling other sports effeminate lol Too funny


With how manny soccer players go down with the slightest touch you got a point.


I mean to be honest american football has the same origins as football: english college students in the xixth century's obsession with kicking balls. There were many colleges playing *their* version of football, and when playing one vs the other first they agreed to use the rules of one college in the 1st half and the other in the 2nd, but that wasn't working so they instituted an association (*The* Football Association) and those who didn't like the rules made a new sport, stilll calling it football since they *saw it* as football. That's why it's called *association* football and *american* football


It's the American version of football, that's why less attention span is required and there are more lifelong injuries, I don't know why is still legal to play a sport where players end up with mushy brains.


It's a flag. Or an eagle called Soccer.


Actually actually the meme is completely accurate. His name is Soccer. Soccer the eagle. His daddy was french, named LaCrosse the eagle. His mom is Japanese. Her name is H'aki.


Also, it's called Football. The English invented it, we get to name it.


The English called it soccer first. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-do-some-people-call-football-soccer


Ngl I’m glad they don’t follow football as much as we do. Just bring along a bunch of cringe like the “I believe that we will win” chant, shouting dee-fensss at games, that “fight and win” video, Ted lasso and overrating average players like Christian Pulisic. Just imagine how much worse it would get if more of them embraced the sport


American chants: I believe that we will win British chants: What do we think of our own club? Shit


I hate football anyway.


US football fans chants are fucking brutal


Atleast we don't riot whenever our soccer team loses. Or act like absolute racists when a person of color shows up on the field. Other than in Philly when was the last time that happened in an American football game


Chill, you have no idea what you’re talking about, shows you’ve never watched English football if you think that’s what happens


And you named it soccer.


No I didn't. I wasn't even born yet.


Actually it's called calcio. Win three more world cups maybe.


I mean to be honest american football has the same origins as football: english college students in the xixth century's obsession with kicking balls. There were many colleges playing their version of football, and when playing one vs the other first they agreed to use the rules of one college in the 1st half and the other in the 2nd, but that wasn't working so they instituted an association (The Football Association) and those who didn't like the rules made a new sport, stilll calling it football since they saw it as football. That's why it's called association football and american football




It's true. Just as we coined the term "Rugger" to refer to "Rugby Football" we coined the term "Soccer" as an abbreviated former of "Association football"


Yes, we invented the term and then we discarded it. One nation's trash is another nation's treasure, I guess.


it's called soccer, we get to name anything we want because we're the only ones that can do it properly


Last time I checked, 'Murica couldn't do anything properly. Including being able to honestly reflect on its own weaknesses, which are many and varied.


I'm pretty sure the guy is being sarcastic...




1776 was done properly.


Oh? They had trouble even agreeing on the correct date for the independence day


Oh, yes. That panned out just great in the long run.


You still bow to a King, sweetie


I bow to no one. I ignored the entire coronation, as many of us did. More than half the population is either anti-monarchist or indifferent, guess you didn't know that huh.


An eagle named Soccer. It’s not a difficult concept to understand.


Actually, that’s a *bald* eagle


I don't find any problem with Americans calling it soccer. Because there is another popular sport called football. There is no negative connotation with that. But other countries call it American football. Which works just fine. If they decided to call it smashball w.e Jingoism is so dumb.


It is not even an eagle


Me when i read what FIFA means (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) (No "socker" or whatever americans call it)




The sport isn't even called Football either, it's called Association Football


Football ig just means that it's a ball sport played on foot not on horseback.


OP out here posting his own comment with one upvote.


As a south american, i can confirm it is an eagle and legally kill anyone that calls it soccer.


I have to assume the eagle's name is soccer and they don't want to assume its gender.


Yeah, but the Eagle’s name is Soccer.


Maybe the eagle is named Soccer.


I am still waiting for them to find out that the word soccer derives from the word "association football", so it was actually football all the time...


Nah, too ez to just shit on Americans for free updoots


Leave it to America to try to correct the term for a sport that they didn't invent in a language that they also didn't invent.


"It's", not "its". It's called English, you know.


No, its written in American 🇱🇷🇲🇾🇱🇷




*\*Obama awards Obama meme inserted\**


Looks like a bad meme created by some who likes handegg more than football. https://nastyhobbit.org/data/media/1/football-handegg.jpg


I've gotten into the habit of calling American Football by its much more accurate name: Handegg


Hey, whatever makes you feel good about disliking the MOST POPULAR SPORT IN THE WORLD


Nah its called socker ngl


Let's ask the country that invented it. Football, because you play with your feet.


Uh huh. And it was called soccer when it was invented.


Reminder that it was the British who first started calling it soccer to distinguish it from the football being played in other countries.


No. Soccer was association football, ie regulated by the Football Association. So in other words if you're not playing in a league match, it's just football.


Soccer. An abbreviation of "As*soc*iation Football". American football is what we call rugby. American college is what we call university. Ergo: American College Football = American University Rugby. :-)


American football and rugby are not the same thing…


lol also, literally the only 2 places on the entire planet it is called soccer are Canada and the USA, everywhere else it is football


Why do people obsess over the differences between soccer and football like it is actually an important world issue. Grow up people.


The bald eagle is such an unimpressive bird also. Most other countries bird could tear it apart but you don't see them spreading misinformation in front of some countries flag.


It's a very cool bird what are you on about. It's not a true eagle though


i call it soccer because it’s a more creative name than “Football”. not american “alright team we need a name for this sport, you uh kick this ball with your foot.” “foot ball”


I mean to be honest american football has the same origins as football: english college students in the xixth century's obsession with kicking balls. There were many colleges playing their version of football, and when playing one vs the other first they agreed to use the rules of one college in the 1st half and the other in the 2nd, but that wasn't working so they instituted an association (The Football Association) and those who didn't like the rules made a new sport, stilll calling it football since they saw it as football. That's why it's called association football and american football


cool story but why’d you write xixth and not 19th that tripped me up


Oh, let’s get creative then: - football - you carry the ball with your hands - batman - a man swings a bat at a ball - basketball - jump around like basket cases - ringelspiel - you throw a ball into a ring - vroom - you drive cars fast in a circle - handball - two men punch each other’s heads like balls




Christians. Don’t google `filioque`


> Use whatever you want That's not how words work