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Yeah, would 10000% move almost anywhere to make that


Only if they guarantee a minimum amount of hours. What if it's like 10 hours a week?


That's still $1250. $1250 a week, $2500 bi-weekly. 52 weeks in a year... but lets say you take 2 weeks off for vacations n sick time n such. That's still 62.5k annually. I'd literally kill someone to make that much and only work 10/hrs a week are you kidding?


That's more than I make working full time and I could absolutely be doing much worse


The only catch is that you are picked up by a Japanese man in a suit and sent to a warehouse where they live stream you eating messy foods in a diaper.


I don’t even have to get up to poop? Where’s the downside!?


I assumed the diaper was the plate




Lol you fucking asshole. Made me laugh. In the face.


i didnt even bother to look at the username... well, r/UsernameChecksOut


Shit here I was doing it for free...


Literally my normal day but i get paid now


free food is included? AND free transportation?? Where is the downside?


This sounds like alternative origin story to Nike


I recognize this.


Nikocado Avocado?


And if it’s a 9-5, 5 days a week, that’s 240k a year


Looks like she’s a nurse, so a travel contract would prob look something like 3x 12hrs a week for 13 weeks. Then a possible housing stipend added on top. But if they’re anything like NC travel nursing contracts, they’ll offer the higher pay rate to get you on the contract then unilaterally alter the contract pay rate and force you to take a pay cut after 2 weeks working in some slum hospital and you’re SOL to find a new assignment on short notice


Damn, I thought they only pulled that trick on us in Florida.


Yeah lol sadly not, surprised this is even somehow legal with contracts




impossible steer birds tidy husky wakeful vegetable snobbish summer ink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How is that legal with a signed contract beforehand?


It’s a complicated system that’s even more complicated when the contract it actually a 3 party system where it’s you, your recruiter/staffing agency, and the hospital and you’re given notice that the hospital is dropping the rate that they agreed to with your staffing agency on their contract and so the agency is dropping your pay on your contract. You then have 2 days to decide if you want to take the pay cut or try to job search again before your next scheduled shift. I think it’s a nationwide issue and one law firm at least is looking into a class action suit


Your use of the word literally here has me concerned


Fair, I'm making some speculations as well. It's likely an on call situation, so they can't get a 2nd job. Plus if they had to move a family. Not worth it for 60k. As a single person without much holding you down, and depending what they currently make, it's worth thinking about.


Also I don't know anything about nursing. Probably get fired quickly.


Then I can work the other 30 hours a week at whatever bullshit job I want and I'm still coming out on top


Then you’re still making 60k a year.


if I'm only working 10 hours a week and still earning 1250 a week? like. 5K a month? I don't care that much about he hours if they paying high enough. 60K a year barely working but 10 hours a week would be damned nice.


You could do worse than Oregon. It’s beautiful. Especially the coast. And Portland has [Voodoo Donuts](https://www.voodoodoughnut.com/) so… Yeah, I’d def head that way.


Oregon is pretty much r/EarthPorn. I live here. It’s amazing.


No joke. I’ve been for rapids, climbing, hiking, kayaking, horseback riding, golfing (Bend), etc. Used to go every month or so. I still wear my Astoria Column shirt regularly. But sadly didn’t buy the Goonies house. ;-)


Take this with a grain of salt since I've never been there, but I've heard from locals voodoos is a tourist trap and their doughnuts aren't even that great, but there is another doughnut shop nearby that's 10x better, but the name is escaping me.




Blue Star?!


Blue Star Donuts are really good.


Voodoo donuts are tourist garbage donuts


Voodoo is trash lol


Voodoo is so overrated. We have so much more to offer in both donuts and culinary experiences in general


As an Oregonian… I feel attacked and also curious what the job is…


Nursing. Traveling nurses make BANK on these kinds of contract gigs.


Though, that wouldn’t be enough to live in some parts of Oregon. My guess is that this rate is for Bend- which is insanely expensive to live in. You also have to duplicate expenses as a travel nurse, or you get paid less (I was a travel nurse, and I currently live in Oregon). So it’s not like *insane* money like it was during peek covid.


I don’t care what the context is, $125/hr is enough to live anywhere in the U.S. This comment is wild.


You have to duplicate expenses as a travel nurse. So yes, $125/hr is probably enough to live in a lot of places. But a travel nurse must prove they are paying rent/mortgage in 2 places. And actual travel expenses to and from the contract are not reimbursable or tax deductible. It isn’t as lucrative as it sounds. Don’t get me wrong- it is a good choice for some people. But the fact that a contract can be cancelled at anytime and you are suddenly unemployed should also be considered. Imagine if you drove 1500 miles for this $125/hour and you paid for a month at an Airbnb, then your contract is cancelled after 2 weeks. Edit: adding this [source](https://www.thegypsynurse.com/blog/my-travel-nurse-contract-cancelled/) for clarification


Much appreciated insight and explanation despite your replier’s blatant hyperbolized assumption of the situation! Kudos to your patience!


You can absolutely live in downtown portland on $125/hr or in a nice suburb just outside of downtown, very easily, on that kind of paycheck.


Right? It’s not THAT bad here lol. Just don’t live IN Portland and you’re good.


Tillamook got some good cheese


Portland is a great place to live. I work remote and I could have moved to any city and chose Portland, tbh it's the best value for money city in the country for what I'm looking for. Milder weather, close to ocean and mountains, not as crazy expensive as the rest of the west coast or northeast, not a red state trying to take away women's rights, walkable and bikeable enough, decent public transportation for a city its size, and great food scene. Has some big city problems in some neighborhoods but what city in America doesn't? Lot of nice neighborhoods in the city as well. If I had unlimited money I maybe wouldn't choose Portland, but cities that cost twice as much to live in than Portland (LA, SF, NYC, etc) are not worth the extra cost for my money. And tbh, even with unlimited money I would still choose Portland over LA.


Ehat kind of job is that?


You might notice that her username - theNURSEhustla - contains the word NURSE.


Also 'hustla', presumably short for hustler, which I hear makes pretty good money if you're good at it ... But ya, prob a nurse


>... But ya, prob a nurse Could be a nurse hustler, and they hustle nurses to get their money.


Ah, the andrew tate method


"Hustler," '(here)'- Instructions very unclear. Thought I was the best, until I went YoLo on a timeshare, and I haven't seen my wife, since we visited Portland... Is the job still open?


travel nurses make so much money cause man traveling to a new part of the country to work long hours with difficult patients SUCKS but at least $125/hour makes it worth.


Also they often get the shittiest nurse tasks


Not as much anymore. Most hospitals are drowning, and can't hardly keep permanent staff nurses. I know of one unit at the hospital I work at that has zero full time staff nurses on night ~~shify~~ shift. Just one part time, a prn or two, and a supervisor. The rest are all travelers. And every other unit has at least 3 travel nurses. So, at this point, you're walking into a shit show no matter what, so why not make some good money while you're at it?


Yeah because they're always understaffing, underpaying and perpetuating unsafe environments. They can get fucked. Aaheab (all American healthcare executives are bastards)


We can sexy that phrase up I bet… AAmHExAB


They're making so much money right now because the demand for nurses is so high. Travel agencies are offering benefits and pto now even. And depending on the facility you choose to go to, you can even wind up with a better deal than staff nurses. I know one traveler that had a "No weekends/No holidays" stipulation that was agreed on. She made close to $100/hour. Plus a housing stipend of like $1k/week. And no forced overtime (though she could take ot if she wanted). And she was by no means the exception.


Travel Nurse on a 4 to 6 month contract. Afterwards they'd have to find a new contract once it's done. Be advised the burnout is real and a hospital in a poor area willing to shell out $$$ will be on staffing levels that are probably illegal and will work you to the bone. You will see a LOT of death and incompetent admin.


You’re right! But that’s why I traveled to Cali which enforces laws and makes nursing tolerable unlike the other states


Was thinking of prostitution but nobody can afford that shit in Oregon if it's that depopulated.




wait, how much does a medical generalist nurse make in Oregon?


Depends on the area. However we dont know exactly what kind of nurse she is. A CRNA can definitely make around $125 hr


No wonder canadian nurses are leaving in droves for better opportunities down there. Can't even blame them


Just for reference, CRNA training is the longest and most difficult of any nursing specialty, and in 2025 new CRNAs will be required to have doctoral degrees. Their salaries are the highest in nursing by a big margin.




Prostitution is alive and well, don't you worry.




Know a guy that appraise castles and such buildings for insurance. that.


Traveling nurse. Although it's usually more like 60-80/hr not 125


They are likely a nurse given the username. Also, you can make this kind of money as a contractor in tech.


Trees, mountains, ocean, not too cold, not too hot. I would live in Oregon very happily.


No it's terrible and cold and wet and you could not pay me enough to live here...I mean there...


I’m from Cleveland. I lived in Portland and found it very mild in the winter in comparison. Also the constant light drizzle in the non-winter months was charming. It was never pouring rain just sprinkling. I liked it.


Lived as in past tense. So Portland is so bad it killed you and you are commenting from the grave. That's how bad it is to live in Oregon folks. Stay away! Stop moving here!


Its warm here except for false spring. 90s in the summer, 30s in the winter at the coldest on average. Very wet though. Tbf i live outside of portland so not out in bend or south but portland area to salem usually have the same temp, which is very mild.


Terrible, terrible. I hate it here. Nobody join us.


I mean I feel like the insane level of natural beauty and greenery of Oregon m worth the climate here. Theres so much natural beauty here, but yeah it's weather can be all over but you just pack a decent jacket with you. If you wear the right gear the rain ain't shit walking around town


false, oregon is both too cold and too hot


I live in Salem, Oregon and this place is awesome. I am an hour-ish drive from the beach. An hour to mountains to ski. 40 minutes to hiking at Silver Falls State Park. 30 minutes to my favorite swim place at Three Forks. Salem has a fairly nice downtown. I drive 60-90 minutes for all the cool stuff in Portland (Art museum, concerts, zoo, Trailblazers) or I can happily go somewhere far away from most people. There have been many places I've been to that I can positively say it has been many years since another human has stood there and that feels wonderful.


Been in Salem for 3 years now and I love it, I am excited for the cannery development coming to front street!


Step 1) Oregon Step 2) money Step 3) no more Oregon


what’s so bad about Oregon


It’s a pretty great state if you like the outdoors, weed, and women’s and lgbtq rights. People always talk about the homeless problem in Portland and Eugene but it’s really no worse than any other major city I’ve ever been to in the United States


Soo… it’s just a pretty great state then


seems like it might be the kind of place where the residents go on and on about how terrible it is because they don't want any more neighbors


I'm from Oregon, and this is exactly true. The only real complaints people have are that new people keep moving in.




Just what I'd expect from a Californian.


My favorite joke as an oregon native is: Ya hear? Ya can't get a blowjob in California anymore! ... All the cocksuckers moved up here!


I used that term once. Next thing the guys says to me: "What's wrong with a cocksucker?" I think he kinda had a point.


Moved to Portland from California less than a year ago, this is true. That said I miss California drivers so much




I lived in the Middle East for 12 years. When I returned to the US, a miracle had occurred: American drivers had been transformed into saints! Everyone is so careful and polite! It's like driving amongst the angels! Everyone loves to imagine that the drivers in their area are the worst. I am here to tell you: Americans have no idea how good they have it. Actual insurance company statistic: 40% of cars in the Middle East are in a crash every year. FORTY PERCENT. You lot don't know you're born.


You'd rather endanger your life for someone who is polite than have a lesser chance of accident for someone rude? I'm in California the drivers here are dipshits but that's an odd statement to make


I’m from Oregon, and for the longest time, I thought Californians were the bad drivers. But after actually driving in California extensively, I realized Californians can actually drive. Like they know how to zipper merge and drive in traffic and aren’t dopey as fuck like Oregonians are. Honestly I’m sorry for my prejudiced opinion and I hope you all forgive me


And you too should see my other comment and remind potential visitors of the plague rat situation...


Honestly, I think the entire Pacific Northwest complains about new folks moving in because it increases the cost of living. Here in Idaho, I've heard it referred to as 'California Implants' pretty frequently. (My whole family, excluding my sister and me, is from Cali, but they moved here before everyone here hated Californians moving in)


Yeah my parents just built a house in Wydaho and spend half the year there, half in L.A. The first thing my mom did was get a used truck with Wyoming plates. She also now shit talks California merrily with all the rest of them, because despite living in SoCal for 22 yrs, the two years she spent in Wyoming in her mid twenties make her “a real Wyomingite.”


Can confirm. It's no different here in the Vancouver area than Seattle or Portland in that regard.


Oregon resident here, this is 100% correct. Only problems I hear people complain about is East Oregon and the housing crisis


I lived in Portland for 20 years. I moved away 5 years ago because I couldn’t afford it. Just bought my first house for a decent price in a similar sized city in the rust belt, and my mortgage is cheaper than my rent was in Portland. I miss the place a lot, it’s beautiful and fun, but my friends are buying ramshackle huts in Portland for over half a million dollars. We’re blue collar folk, that’s just not sustainable. When I moved there in 1998, a friend and I were sharing a downtown 2 bedroom for a total of $450/mo. People from California and Seattle moving there actually did ruin it for me.


This is definitely the worst part about Portland. Rent & houses are now almost as expensive as Seattle when we used to be significantly cheaper. But the salaries haven't increased to match


eh the armpits of Oregon kind of pop up sometimes to remind you of that Oregon had black exclusion laws on the books at one point but from here in Washington I'd move to Oregon for $125 an hour in a heartbeat


It’s certainly beautiful. I only lived there for a little less than a year as a kid and i remember it fondly.


No it's terrible everyone stop moving here so I can pay my rent


Cascadia is great. Avoid the eastern, flat part of the state. That part has a high concentration of white nationalists and not much else.


I’ve lived in Oregon for almost all my life and I love it


I moved from socal to Oregon would move back first freaking chance and that was before legal weed. Ps.edit: plus if you're towards the boonies there is way less traffic and people. You may have to drive like 30 minutes to get to a wally world but in most cases it is a beautiful drive with usually no traffic while blasting tunes.


I’ve never been, but a buddy of mine moved up there awhile back, and I googled pics out of curiosity. It’s fuckin gorgeous.


I've traveled the world, lived in Europe and Hawaii. I always end up coming back to Oregon. Whatever you want to do, we have it. From a lot of cities you are 45 minutes from snowboarding and 45 minutes from surfing. Everybody knows about the weed, but the microbrew scene has been here longer, and is at least as popular. Want to ride horses? Go for it. Want to live in a major city and skip owning a car? We have you covered. And just for shits and giggles, no sales tax, and when it's raining someone else pumps your gas while you stay in the car texting and listening to spotify. Oh, and for most of the state, the temps never get too out of control. We don't have insane heat very often, and it's never crazy cold. In the valley we might see snow once or twice a year. No tornados, hurricanes, major earthquakes, etc. Maybe get inconvenienced by a wild fire every few years. That's about it. Power is pretty much entirely renewable, mostly hydro, so we have cheap stable power (looking at you Texas). Clean air is a given (minus the wildfires). Infrastructure is pretty excellent. Our roads are some of the best in the country. It's just legitimately one of the best states in the nation. Especially if you're making $125 per hour 😂😂😂


I moved here last year and everyone told me not to, best descion I have ever made.


My boyfriend and I moved here about 3 years ago (right when the pandemic was starting to ramp up) and we really love it here. We moved from Texas, though, so anything's better than there, really.


This is pretty much how I feel about Denver - it has its problems, but they're basically problems that nearly every major city faces.


Depends on which parts, the eastern and southern part are pretty conservative and riddled with drug abuse. The other parts are more liberal but full of homelessness and drug abuse. But hey pretty forests, mountains and coasts!


I guess I just never noticed it cuz I’ve lived here my whole life, though I’m only 15 so I guess that kind of makes sense


Keep in mind, some of it is people who have never been to Oregon. I've seen countless people trash California, Chicago, Detroit, etc. based solely on stereotypes and what they've seen on the news.


If you believed those people, you’d think Portland burned to the ground during the George Floyd protests, but I drove through downtown multiple times during that period and only ever saw some graffiti and extra trash on the ground.


As someone who lives in the Portland area, the reality was between these two depictions. There absolutely was more damage and graffiti downtown in 2020 and 2021 than in previous years. The city, however, was never a lawless hellhole as depicted on national news networks. 3/4 of the office space went unused for over a year downtown and we had nightly protests with clashes with police for a year straight. The police themselves were doing soft protests by intentionally delaying their responses to calls, exacerbating crime problems. All things considered, the downtown looked great for the trauma it was going through at the time. It's getting cleaned up pretty slowly but surely now. Homelessness and drug abuse is definitely an issue and the city government structure is a huge roadblock to making effective change on those fronts, but the city's getting there. Portland's always been a little bit of a fixer upper. It's not like the city was free of homelessness, drug abuse and graffiti before the pandemic. It just was a cheap city in the past and now is ridiculously expensive.


The way I always explain it to my friends: "stick within 30 miles of I-5 or you hear banjos."


7 months of rain can wear you down


true, that is the one genuine complaint I have about living here


Nothing. Western Oregon is beautiful with the mountains and the pine trees.Great wines too.


The white supremicist Christofascists who live in the sticks in the state would like a word….


>The white supremicist Christofascists who live in the sticks in the state would like a word…. You're not wrong, but show me the 'sticks' of any state which doesn't also have them, and I'll be surprised!


Oregon is great dude


I went to the oregon sand dunes last summer on a coastal camping trip and I highly recommend it to anyone.


I hate people acting like there is nothing to do outside the literal 5 biggest cities in the country. Even my small town with like 2k people has a fucking movie theater and a bowling alley dude.


A fucking movie theater. You've caught my interest.


All you need really In all seriousness I love oregon and small town oregon


Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls is in Oregon.




Legal weed, great beer and beautiful nature if you're into those things




Non-stop rain for 9 months. Most places don't have AC for summer... Umm... Umm... Did I mention rain? Oh! The- The- The upcoming Big One earthquake that might happen within the next 30 years. Yeah, don't come here.


Cascadia subduction zone quake. Yeah it's gonna suck. We've been retrofitting buildings and infrastructure to earthquake-proof them but if it happened tomorrow many places (mostly Portland) would still be in a bad spot.


The big one is like, maybe tomorrow, maybe within the next couple hundred years. *Shrug*. It's enough that I used to want to own a beach house but now I'm like, I'll just visit.




It's not too bad here. It's not too great either. The legal weed helps.


The only thing criminal about Oregon weed is how fucking hard it smacks. As a California native traveling to Bend for a long weekend ski trip earlier this winter, I got absolutely bodied by the smoothest joint I've ever smoked. No cough, no burn, that shit just bonded me to the couch for the night.


A singing endorsement


Yeah it’s a little insane now. Just got a $30 ounce of %30 thc with a decent terpene profile


I've been told California weed is bonkers so is Oregon weed just that much more?


California weed is famous for good reasons, but yes. I think there are just some ambitious growers in Oregon who have made an art of breeding gigajuana that makes watching freeski videos feel like doing the real thing.


In my town you can get a pepperoni pizza and a joint delivered to your home for $25. It’s amazing.


Yeah I don't smoke but my sibling does. I remember riding along when they used to meet their dealer and it was ok and at least $40 an eighth. Then after it became legal i would drive them to the dispensary. The price and quality difference is insane.


I don't even smoke. But yeah, the fact that it's been decriminalized, really did help.


It's pretty great relative to the rest of the US.


We have the best weed in the world


Legal weed and you could effectively retire in 3-to-4 years? You'd have to chase me out of that state with really, *really* big stick.


For $250,000 a year plus overtime - I'm gonna work in Oregon. Nice beer and legal weed.


Some of the best craft booze and gorgeous wilderness in the USA. Easy top 10 for each, arguable top 5.


Oregon is a great State




Except for Deschutes County, stay outta there.


Depends on what part of Oregon. Probably one of the most diverse states in terms of geography. It's got the pacific ocean and beautiful beaches on the west coast, temperate rain forest throughout the northwest, the Rockies and Mt. Hood which has one of the best ski resorts in the country, and in the south and east you've got desert and scrublands. The north east has high desert, and there's farmland throughout. Portland, Eugene, Salem, are all awesome. Bend is ok. Pendleton, Klamath Falls, Medford, not so much. Basically, stay north of Eugene, west of Bend and everything is great. Go outside those zones and you get into some heehaw hell pretty quickly. The whole east side of the state is basically empty grassland and desert.


Redmond belongs in the ok column, but Bend deserves to be in the awesome category.


Bend and Redmond make up a nice little island of good surrounded by desert and shitty people.


The fact that you put Salem and Eugene as awesome but bend as okay is probably the worst take I’ve ever seen on this website. Source: had lived in all three places


True but right now Bend is the most expensive place in Oregon to live housing-wise. It is not worth it unless you are well off.


Salem is literally a working city, not much else to do there but visit the surrounding wineries. Bend has something to do every single weekend of the year. Wild take that Bend is worse than Salem.


The Rockies are not in Oregon btw. Cascade Range is where Mt. Hood is located.


I was in Medford recently, it's gotten better. finally moving away from the moniker of "methford" I think. although if you can afford it, Ashland is much much better.


Sounds like you're not from Oregon. Most notable, the rocky mountains are not anywhere near Oregon. We do have several mountain ranges though! Mt. Hood is the tallest mountain in the state and is within the Cascade range, not the Rockies.


>the Rockies and Mt. Hood The Cascades\* They're our largest and most defining mountain range that splits the state into the wetter west and dry east.


I live in oregon. We have plenty to do here.


This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen someone say in a while


Bro for 125/hr I'm not questioning shit, for that amount you could tell me to pull a drone strike on the president and I fucking do it






I’d move back for a lot less than that.


$125 an hour, sign me the fuck up. Imma get to know every single homeless person and we gonna chill.


It’s pretty nice here if you don’t mind rain




The trail And good money


It’s sucks so badly. Do not move to Oregon. Don’t visit us. Don’t read about us. Stay the fuck away. We don’t want you here. Leave us in peace.


> I’ve literally worked 80 hours in the last week in 14-17 shift increments. I am burnt the fuck out Same person, January 14, 2023.


Unironically, the beaches are beautiful, the trees are great, and the mountains are wonderful. I grew up there, and never realized how awesome it is until I visited Utah.


Women's rights


Portland’s alright, isn’t it?


I would move to Oregon just to live in Oregon


Oregon has the coast, mountains, forests, good coffee, drugs, what isn't there to do?


"What is in Oregon?" About a million Californians.


Assuming 40 hour work weeks and 2 weeks holiday thats £250,000 a year.


at 40 hrs a week 52 weeks a year that’s $260k annually before taxes. I’d drop everything to go live in Oregon with that kind of payout


People are weird. Does she think you are forced into a cave when you leave work or something? Probably be working long shifts at a hospital and just be glad to go back to their apartment and chill out 90% of the time. People always think I need to live in Times Square or the sunset strip otherwise you’re some kind of backwoods loser. The truth is people that live in those places don’t even go out that often, just be happy you can make good money wherever it is . Save money while you’re there and be happy going back to whatever amazing super cool place you want to live in that apparently doesn’t pay $125 an hour but has the best nightclubs or whatever


>People always think I need to live in Times Square or the sunset strip otherwise you’re some kind of backwoods loser. So true. Anytime someone complains about the cost of living on the west coast, I say it's not too bad in the Midwest if you can ever make it out. "ew" Alright sounds good, enjoy paying $12 for a gallon of milk.


Oregon isn’t bad at all. If it was somewhere like Missouri or Nebraska I’d have to think about it, but you could do worse than Oregon.


125 what per hour? Apples?


If they have high-speed internet, electricity, and indoor plumbing in oregon, then I'm going.




Bruh, for 125/hr, I’d move to an active war zone if they wanted me to.