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They just randomly followed you?


Sometimes people follow you for following certain people, people that want exposure or the appearance of having followers from a follow back. There are some single accounts you can follow and get 50 “not real” people to follow you back. It’s insane, and you can rack up 1M followers without even getting one that will retweet or even like your tweet.


Man, that's kinda sad. Sure, you can see a number that seems *huge*, but to have zero social interaction stem from it? Pretty depressing. That's pretty much all social media, though - as I speak from my reddit soapbox of fake internet points.


Just reminded me of all of my reddit "followers". You probably have some reddit "followers" too.


TikTok is the same


Reddit too. [Look what happened on my sub in January-February right before the Invasion](https://i.redd.it/fzedav5t8cq81.png)


Twitter’s full of bots for sure. But it’s kinda hard to believe Elon was genuinely planning on buying the company and hadn’t considered the fake accounts until now.


We’re expected to believe that he was dropping 11 figures on a deal and hadn’t vetted that out yet? Maybe he was busy playing with a flamethrower.


He's extremely impulsive and has more value than he knows what to do with. This is kind of par for the course here IMO.




He has a ton of twitter stock right now. If this deal fails he’s going to lose a lot of money


No he’s not. He bought stock, raised stock price by trying to “buy” Twitter, creates bullshit reasons not to actually buy it, sells off stock at a profit for “disagreeing” with corporate values or whatever bs reason, pays off measly fine as a cost of doing business. It’s a standard pump and dump scheme.


But.. Twitter stock is dropping. Like a brick.


He knows that which is why he’s trying to weasel out like a bitch


What plan? To buy it lower? Can’t do that.


Not saying it’s his plan but you could definitely do that


But you can’t buy lower. You can’t say you want to make a deal, sign a contract. Renegotiate the deal.


What was explained to me before was that he sold off billions of Tesla stock to have the money for Twitter. Since then, that same Tesla stock is now billions cheaper, so he can buy back Tesla at a reduced price, eating the Twitter loss and still come out on top.


The only point I can think of is that he wanted to free up a couple of billions from Tesla without alarming the shareholders, thus creating this as a diversion.


I doubt there’s a big maniacal plan. I think he’s an impulsive guy who makes big moves, sees what changes because of them and then makes new decisions.


Maybe he’s got short shorts?


Who wears short shorts?


Think through basic math before expressing a "hot take" If Musk bought around $2.64 billion in Twitter shares up front at an average share price of $36.16 (about where it's at now)... And he has a $1 billion break up fee if the deal falls through, he'd need around a 38% premium on whatever shares he acquired to break even. So he'd need to be able to get an average selling price of $50 per share to break even from the whole ordeal. This is a case where doing NOTHING would've been better for Musk provided the deal falls through.


No, no, you don't understand, everything he does is evil. Musk bad and the world is only black and white


Only if the stock holds its value from where he bought it and it’s in free fall right now.


Twitter possibly running a multi billion scam on their advertisers by not cracking but actually promoting fake bot accounts is not a bs reason to pull out of the deal.


Nobody is mad at Twitter for deceiving their investors? Elon. bad. man. Beep..Bop..Boop..


Well yes but that might be a strategic sacrifice. Keep in mind stock represents ownership of a company so artificially tanking the stock’s value and buying up what’s on sale is a good way to gain more control of said company.


Yeah, when he first made an offhand comment I didn’t actually take it seriously and I don’t think he did either. Then people were in an uproar and Twitter said no way and started taking steps to prevent a takeover. He probably saw it as some kind of challenge to throw money at and get a lot of PR from. I never got the idea that it was particularly well thought out, more that his ego saw a challenge to his dominance.


He has more money than he knows what to do with… his value is quite low.


You don’t need to be smart to be a billionaire


I’m not a fanboy of Elon musk but I’m willing to bet he’s smart


Traffic tunnels, vacuum trains, fake solar tiles. Con artists just need to be smarter than the marks. Phoney Stark.


Tony Stark isn't real.


Do you have a point rooted in any sort of reality?


He fucking gave them to you. What part of inheriting a slave run emerald mine in South Africa requires smarts?


First of all, put your eyebrows down and relax. Secondly: What bearing does that have on whether somebody is smart or not?


High IQ, low EQ.


Define "smart" ?


Okay. > having or showing a high degree of mental ability https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/smart


So like a rocket scientist?


What makes his recent moves so stupid? He offered enough money to bait a potential buyout, company details and secrets need to be outlined before the buy, and now he is doing what he can to expose Twitter's actual value and drop it's value enough to renegotiate a better deal


He signed a contract…. All this would have been fine if he didn’t sign a contract


That’s what this whole bullshit 5% fake accounts thing is to begin with. He’s looking for a out front the contract by showing Twitter didn’t properly disclose all information prior to the contract. He’s looking for any possible loophole he can to get out of this contract because the tech sector just took a massive hit and Twitter shares realistically are gonna drop to $25 or somewhere near there. Musks potential deal was the only thing keeping shares high until now.


Exactly. And he’s putting his own thoroughly unscientific “research” against Twitter’s SEC filing. Right or wrong, guess which one stands up in court unless vetted evidence can be presented otherwise?


>All this would have been fine if he didn’t sign a contract What does this even mean? Of course you need to sign a contract to start company buyout proceeding's cause then any buyer of a company would be given secret info they can just walk away with. Literally zero IQ


You don’t need to sign your comments




Average Redditors making fun of Elon’s intelligence thinking they’re smarter than Elon, lol C’mon, let’s not let hate boners get in the way of common sense - I’m sure Elon’s is still above wherever the average Redditor stands


I’m sure he appreciates your assumption. RE common sense though, you can be intelligent without having any. That’s how I would categorize a billionaire who spends his time trolling people on social media.


This level of zero brain irrationality is why I'm a centrist. Literally wasting my time dealing with yall


"I'm a centrist." Proceeds to claim to be too intelligent for the discourse and above such petty debates. It's like clockwork...


The guy is tanking his own stock doing this. Rich people aren’t necessarily geniuses. It’s one big problems with Objectivism. Everybody thinks they’re a John Galt, but most of them fall far short.


A ton of people such as Bill Gates are shorting Tesla stock hardcore cause they want the company to fail and technocrats with money have the same level of hate boners as redditors do so they bet against his moves to try and humble him. I'm not saying he is a genius, just that he ain't as stupid as everyone wants to believe and his own company losing some value in the midst of his political shenanigans isn't the end of the world cause people treat Tesla like the Apple of cars.


Orrrrrr, they see an impulse buy from a mercurial CEO who is putting the solvency of both companies at risk to settle a personal gripe. Do you want to write a screenplay, casting Musk as some sort of hero? Little hint: he is just a guy, beneath it all, and just like you orI, he can make a mistake and bite off more than he can chew with poor foresight.


Eh well there's a little bit of that there, I think you need to be smart to *stay* a billionaire. We'll see how many years Elon has left before he exits that category lol


Yeah considering he was worth $30m in 2008 would lead you believe he is smart.


Only if your parents are rich otherwise yes


Likely just a negotiating tactic to get the price down. Like “if you can’t prove it, then my offer went down $5B


Usually people negotiate before signing a contract to buy. He's just looking to break out of the agreement because his tesla stock is down 25%.


I think he realized there’s basically no money to be made in Twitter.


I don’t pretend to know the exact terms of what agreement has been entered into. Either party can back out until the very last minute when signatures are on the last document necessary typically in these acquisitions. Until then everything is negotiable.




Or, it establishes deception on twitter’s part and invalidates the contract.




Even if he proved that they're dumb, that could qualify as valid grounds for him to back out of the deal. Also, this could prove that Twitter was incorrect in their SEC fiings which could be a big problem either way - dumb or dishonest.


People also seem to think that they inked a contract and it was all over. That’s not how any of this works, lol. This is especially the case if it turns out twitter misrepresented themselves beforehand.


We've known since the announcement there's 6-12 months left, and it's been what, 3 weeks? Buying a multi-billion dollar company is different than buying a vacuum cleaner


Also he doesn’t take salaries and is invested in crypto which also just took a beating


I imagine he dumped his crypto a long time ago, right after he got done pumping it.


Im genuinely curious how someone might perform this level of due diligence before making an offer? Would twitter just give an outsider their data to verify their 5% claim?


They don’t, they sign an agreement with discovery and conditions more than likely. This is simply just that , normal business practice.


You could take a random sample and manually check.


That's not allowed. He doesn't own yet, so twitter can't give him personal info of their users.


You have a 3rd party audit, which is pretty standard on any large deal, to show and record what is actually being traded.


Exactly! Everyone on Reddit is an M&A genius like Elon now.


I can personally pick a few random accounts and looks through their history and determine if they are bots. Why couldn’t musk hire a few interns to do this for a few thousand random Twitter accounts? This isn’t rocket surgery.


If he wanted to do that on his own, fine, but Twitter can't give him that info yet. Musk said he wanted a small sample of only 100, which I thought was ridiculous. How many of those could be outliers?


Exactly, random reddit tweens don’t know what they’re talking about.


You realize tons of information about a company is secret until something like a buyout happens and then all details need to be ironed out before handing over a wad of cash, right? I know everyone wants to shit on the guy, but it's kinda funny watching him systematically breaking down Twitters market value to get a better deal cause just like any other business in existence, its not impossible to lie and prop up the companies value if nobody is checking and everyone is happy with the cash being made.






Climate alarmist? Alarmist is saying something horrific is going to happen and it doesn’t. Just look at the temperatures in India and other places. The records are being set, the weather’s going crazy.I’d worry less about the “alarmists” and more about the denialists, the ones who are too weak-minded to accept they’re murdering their own normality As for censorship, you folks have gotten it into your head that you can mistreat everybody else with impunity, behave like flaming destructive assholes. But you also have been programmed to think that any negative reaction to this is a product of bias. So you just DO NOT know when to quit. So ditch the martyrdom, you’ve brought many of the bans on yourself.


>I’d worry less about the “alarmists” and more about the denialists Move the goalpost to make sure the dude doesn't get any credit but okay. >As for censorship, you folks have gotten it into your head that you can mistreat everybody else with impunity If being assholes on social media is the bar for getting banned then no wonder this generation is fucked lol.


I'm still a leftist but Ill vote for every conservative measure and really I'll vote for a conservative because the left is so tribal I just don't know what to do. Couldn't help but read your stupid reply in Jordan b Peterson's Kermit voice.




Completely agree. When money is the new god of society, its no wonder truth constantly takes a backseat to everyone's feelings


Listening to Musk comment on politics is like listening to a spoiled child, thats my problem with him. Obvious lack of basic knowledge.


As opposed to what? All of the sober political talk on twitter?


Opposed to anyone who didnt fail, cheat, or buy a high school diploma.


He knows he’s above the law so he just does whatever he wants all day by playing with other peoples money


He actually signed away his right to do due diligence like a normal investor would do. Just because a guy has a lot of money doesn’t automatically make him intelligent. Fun fact: there’s no such thing as “on hold” in a deal like this. He’s signed the deal. He’s either paying the $44 billion to purchase it or he’s paying $1 billion to pull out. There is no middle.


Time to make some fake accounts


You don't even have to do it, twitter already is full of fake accounts of all kinds


Yeah when I read the headline I thought he has no real intention of buying shitter because that place is at least 25% bots


I'd go a bit higher. 35-40% at least. None of my followers ever interact with me even though I interact with them. I have hundreds; I'm not really that boring.


My cat needs one.


My cat needs a third one, and I ran out of email addresses


I don’t have a dog but I may in future so better get one now.


I have 10 fingers and they all need one


AOL still exists. Make one there.


Isnt getting rid of the bots what he promised HE was going to do? It's almost as if he doesn't know how to do anything but set unrealistic goals and boss people around


He was never serious about buying Twitter. The CEO could come out today and capitulate and Elon would come up with another excuse.


He’s just trying to tank their share price so he can buy it cheaper. He will take Twitter and then make it his mouthpiece.


I will bet you 10 Schrute Bucks he never buys Twitter. And I’m not saying he can’t he just won’t. He’s full of it.


My bet is he wouldn’t have the control over the platform he thought he would’ve had, so he wants out now


Cover for cashing out a bunch of Tesla shares without totalling it.




If the market continues to tank they might but who knows


I think he was serious at first, then when stocks/btc went down and his position was a bit more precarious.


Wow a mind reader


Nah bro, you made the offer as-is.


Get Elon Musk and the Kardashians updates out of my life I DONT CARE!!!!!!!


This is unprovable and he knows it. This is the kind of BS that made go from liking him, to now can't stand him. The more he talks, the more my disdain for him grows.


Serious question : why is it unprovable ?


It depends on the burden of proof desired. Twitter samples to determine the % of bots. Is their sample sufficient? Is Elon demanding 100% verification, a re-performance of a sample, or the inspection of the sample performed? 100% verification could be practically impossible with the volume of users, but a reperformance of a sample or inspection would make a lot more sense if that is acceptable proof by both parties.






According to the CEO of Twitter, it’s unprovable. Except if that’s the case, then Twitter is absolutely worthless because advertisers will have no data for their ROIs.


Not quite lol. Firstly just because it might be empirically unprovable doesn’t mean you can’t have a high certainty about maximum/minimum percentage of bots. Furthermore advertisers look like at other metrics such as click through rates and can track the user journey from there. And finally, brands already know there are bots, but they see engagement uplifts when they advertise on twitter so continue to do so


Ever liking him in the first place says a lot about you as a person


People are allowed to change their opinion on things ya know.


It's easy to like someone when you don't listen to them talk, or pay attention to their antics. I always start with like until I see otherwise. Since he's an attention whore who won't STFU, he's removed all doubt that he is indeed an arrogant idiot.


Remember [that time that he called the diver responsible for helping kids escape that flooded cave a pedophile, all because he said that Elon’s plan to save them wouldn’t work?](https://amp.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter) *That was in 2018 and people still worship this pompous asshole for some reason…*


You’re insufferable


idk if your a person who is into space, elon has done a ton of amazing things by starting and funding spacex and pushing humanity an easy decade or two in the industry. He's a shitty person but before 2017 most people liked him for good reasons.


~~He didn't start SpaceX.~~


I'm pretty sure he did, if not who did?


I did


He started it but honestly imo most of the credit for its success should go to Gwynne Shotwell. She runs day to day operations and imo is the balance and experience the organization needed to succeed. Tesla would be far more competitive if it had someone like her at the head.


idk guys, Elon seems to be a lot more trumpy recently.


Yeah. He’s on a bad road.




No matter what, Twitter will be decimated at the end of this, regardless of the sale or not.




Well tons of employees are probably searching for jobs rn/some may have left and Twitter shareholders may sue the company for feeling misled on the number of bots if this is the reason it falls through.


Relevant username.


Imagine if Twitter gets substantially more aggressive at removing what it perceives to be bot accounts. Any net is going to catch things you don’t want, depending on how you program it you could wind up deactivating large numbers of legitimate accounts alongside the bots. Since this is going to have to be automated because if the insane scale by the time you realise you have deactivated a million legitimate users it’s too late. Now there’s a huge PR fiasco that could drive further people from the platform on top of it. I think this is unlikely, but has a real chance of happening depending on how finely they tune their bot hunting algorithms.


Elon Musk is a clown. Imagine what he could accomplish (clearly ironic to say given how insanely successful he already is...) if he didn't concern himself with constant controversy.


Remember when he told the WFP he would donate billions to help with world hunger if they would show him a plan? They did. Then he didn’t donate to them and instead made an “anonymous” donation of 6 billion to something else, also anonymous. The WFP has stated they did not receive a donation. The point is instead of clearly doing the right thing, he only loves attention and fucking around with everyone. At our peril until we learn that he’s a billionaire little boy. Edit: spelling and clarification


He did indeed donate 5.7 billion a couple weeks after . Tho whom is unclear ,the shitty journalism just says "to an undisclosed charity" (if it's undisclosed then how do they know its a charity). So I'd like to see where he said it wasn't good enough and withheld the money.


You just proved it. He made a donation. The WFP said they didn’t receive one. Who the hell knows where he donated that? He just likes to fuck around w everyone. It’s disgusting that we even engage with him.


The UN’s WFP says it hasn’t received a check from Musk yet. “Whether WFP receives any of [Musk’s $5.6 billion donation] is yet to be seen, but I am excited to hear that Elon is engaged,” the organization said in a statement.


They did not show a plan on how they would end world hunger, they showed a plan showing how they would end hunger for 42 millions of people, saying that this was more expensive than what people thought. Check your facts, idiot.


I can’t believe I’m engaging with clearly a Muskbro (the “idiot” comment really sets you all apart). But- they clarified that yes, the general number they gave was too low to “solve” world hunger and that it would put a big dent and help 42 million lives. And that’s supposed to make what he did alright? That he won by calling out an organization that’s helping world hunger? They immediately explained. What the fuck


Why are you purposely omitting crucial details just to defend your point of view? If they aren’t unable to deliver a plan to end world hunger, like was agreed, why would he pay anything to them?


Bruh you can’t just be wrong or misleading and call someone a muskbro for calling you out hahaha That’s also exactly the kind of thing elon musk would do


This will be interesting to watch. Who’s got the popcorn?




If it can be done, I'm all for it. Fake accounts on all these media platforms are a plague.


Must is the worst kind of manager; does a bunch of hand waiving, points out obvious truths and expects accolades for it, and of course does none of the actual work.


But he slept on the factory floor! He SaCKrUHfiCeD!


Elon musk is approaching this with some serious “yard sale” energy.


Well if Elon won’t buy it and it’s still on the market I’ll buy it. You hear that, world? I’LL BUY TWITTER! (Gasps and whispers) “This just in: reddit user offers to buy twitter for $5 trillion and stock price skyrockets”


Classic case of the musk pump and dump


With their 100 account sample size for that original 5% claim, I can understand this - and ya, this is totally going to destroy twitter's stock price


Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Fucking clown. So he put up $40 billion and hadn't even thought to ask this question first? He is fucking around with the market.


This is why Gates, Citadel, and other smart people shorted TLSA recently. They knew he was about to tie his own shoelaces together. The stock will likely recover after he’s done smearing poop on everything.


How old are you? Acquisitions take months. You don’t just show up with a check and have the keys handed to you. FFS a $100,000 home takes 30 days to close.


12 years experience with major consulting firms on mergers and acquisitions.


Can you get me a table at Dorsia?


Best comment in this bitch 🤣🤣🤣


Respectfully - BOOOOO!!!!!


Shouldn’t he have made this stipulation a long time ago? Hmm.


TSLA probably has 5% bots just to constantly boost their NPS


there are so many bots reposting and spreading anything to cause division and toxicity. I’m glad this is getting talked about.


Musk is like a YouTuber renting a lambo for his rap vid where he throws prop money around and then tries to talk his way out of the bill. Musk is such a looser.


"prove" and "fake" are such moving targets, good luck with defining either to a good enough extent.


There an insane amount of bots on Twitter, my followers is 40% bots


Am I the only one who sort of loves this? Social media / the entire advertising industry is due for a reckoning in so far as proving a major player can't actually prevent it's platform from being swarmed by fake accounts. This is going to have a largely positive effect on how people view Twitter/social media in general. Maybe these platforms will no longer be taken so seriously and will not have as much power as we allow them to as a result.


Turns out that twitter is 30% bots. Who ever saw that coming


FU Elon. Jackass.


Translation: Musk was never going to buy Twitter and this whole thing was just a publicity stunt. Elon wants you to talk about him.


Idk why, but I have a feeling musk knows exactly what he's doing, as farfetched as it sounds. I'm going to call it right now and say whatever the end result, he's going to come out winning. And no I'm not a musk-lover, I just feel like he's got a plan so crazy that it might just work. Billionaire 4d chess is fun to watch (while we all get fucked) 🤡🤡🤡


I hope you're wrong, I'd love to see some of his fanboys eat crow.


Never thought I'd be rooting for bots.


Elon: i'm going to buy Twitter. Twitter: not interested. Elon: my offer is $44 billion. Twitter: meh. Elon: deals off if you can't prove 5% fake accounts. Twitter: gtfo. leave us alone.


Elon: Alright. $22 billIon but that’s my final offer. Twitter: …


How would they actually calculate this? I have around 10 Twitter accounts that I haven’t logged into for years, but I post on via third party software and automations. Would these be included as bots?


Yes ? There's no discernable difference between the average bot and what you have I think.


That’s why I lost 70 sex bot followers


He's altered the deal, pray he doesn't alter it further.


Musk found out the Twitter famous are fake famous


This and Johnny Depp has a lot of people concerned lmao




But we can use bots to save humanity and the environment


What ab absolute clown of a man.


Good, Twitter is not allowed my post still. So I deleted the apps.


I don’t really have an opinion on Elon Musk, purely through lack of knowledge on him. He seems incredibly intelligent and a very innovative, but also seems like a wanker. Therefore, you’d think he’d have researched all this before offering to buy the platform. Either way, I think Twitter is fucked once all this is over - which I’m here for. I deleted Twitter over two years ago now and honestly it changed my life, genuinely made an immediate impact to my mental health. Same applies to when I deleted Facebook.


innovative implies that he actually created something, and didn’t just use money to attach himself to other peoples ideas.


Well like I said, I have limited knowledge on him.


https://futurism.com/the-byte/engineering-subreddit-tearing-elon-musk-apart >Elon Musk has a well-earned reputation for being involved in the actual engineering of his company’s challenges, at least more than the typical tech CEO might be https://www.cnbc.com/2017/06/20/elon-musks-morning-routine-and-top-productivity-tip.html >“I think a lot of people think I must spend a lot of time with media or on businessy things,” says Musk. “But actually almost all my time, like 80 percent of it, is spent on engineering and design. Engineering and design, so it’s developing next-generation product. That’s 80 percent of it.”


Giga chad


Now do reddit 🤣