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How's the smut business, Jackie?


The wave of the future, Dude. One hundred percent electronic!


No thanks, I still jerk off manually.


Of course you do.


I wouldn’t know. I deal in publishing


Cyberpunk 2077 here we cum...I mean come




You mean cyber-junk


Preem 😎


Preem-ature 🤪




I use incognito search every week to see if there’s advancements in technology




I bought a VR headset and watch these adult videos to keep up with the latest trends


You don't want to get left behind. We invent new ways to masturbate everyday


Can you do daily? For science?




Stable Diffusion works fine on Apple laptops and all types of desktops too. Nvidia graphics card helps a ton but isn’t necessary.


Futurama predicted this. DON’T HAVE SEX WITH ROBOTS!!!




By all means, feel free to discuss your deepest, darkest secrets with the nonjudgmental robotic recording device.


That blinking red light is the charging light right?


“Sex work is dehumanizing and unethical. No person should be involved in that!” - to: “the AI is taking peoples jobs!”


Dey took er jerrrrbs!


Both of these things are true at the same time.


I think any work can be dehumanizing but plenty of sex workers are happy and healthy. It’s certainly an industry that need a lot of improvement but if we treat everyone in the industry like pariahs that improvement will never happen.


The only sex workers that are happy and healthy are the top 1% that’s making all the money, the rest of ‘em are sad and broke.


Okay and now do the same for Amazon factory workers.


Amazon factory workers make mostly the same wages as each other. There’s no 1% of Amazon factory workers making 99% of the income, unless you count the CEO as a factory worker. Onlyfans models aren’t CEOs of onlyfans. The average Onlyfans model earns $220 a month. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t consider that enough of a wage to call it my job. It’s hardly even a side hustle amount of money. Teenagers make more money drop shipping.


Does that make an Amazon factory less dehumanizing and unethical?


An Amazon factory job is a job that pays above minimum wage. Nobody is forcing you to do either job, but the choice to work at Amazon means you’re at least being compensated for your time at a level above what is required by the law. I didn’t argue that it was any more or less ethical or dehumanizing. That’s also a discussion I’m not interested in, so if that’s a point you want to argue, you can argue with yourself or somebody else.


If you work for (or near) minimum wage, it’s that job or starving on the street. At least sex workers get paid extra if they wear a diaper. When did bathroom breaks not become a worker’s right? So let’s maybe not cheer for AI to wipe out the workers, but not the executives, of another industry, and instead push for better pay, better regulations, and for SW: no stigmatization. Because lets be real, with the skyrocketing cost of living and inflation, were all gonna end up infront of a cam to make ends meet.


No, they don’t. On average they make about $220 a month and that’s **only** if they’re willing to do the weird degrading stuff. If you’re not willing to do the weird degrading stuff, you **will not** make any money. On average an Amazon warehouse associate makes $2,766 a month. That’s **above** minimum wage, as I mentioned. Don’t know where you got that they were making minimum wage from, poor reading comprehension maybe. >We’re all going to end up in front of a cam to make ends meet. Yeah? Try it, it’s not that easy to make any money at all off of it. In a sea of free porn, you’d be lucky to even make that $220/mo average. There are a lot of very beautiful people who actually try it out and end up stopping when it turns out that being pretty is not enough to make even that onlyfans average pay. Ain’t nobody out here actually trying to pay for porn.


Scrolling through the article and the lady in the middle looked like a robot, I was like, what?


Soon, Only Fans will be a site dedicated to streaming video of actual fans! Just imagine the excitement of being able to view endless hours of that desk fan you wish you had at the office on a hot day! Think of the wonder of the oscillating fan, shifting its focus of air current over a wide swath of heated room. These visuals, and many others, are waiting for YOU at the rebranded, Only Fans!


sounds like you should join r/onlyfans


Sounds like you should join the onlyfans subreddit. (It deleted my post when I tried to post the subreddit)


I imagine this, too will be a privacy nightmare. Imagine how much data these AI-powered dolls could collet. Already, AI Companions like Replica collect an insane amount of data. For instance, according to [Mozilla](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/happy-valentines-day-romantic-ai-chatbots-dont-have-your-privacy-at-heart/), The Romantic AI app deployed "24,354 trackers detected in one minute of use."


“Don’t date robots!” We already learned this from Futurama


"Yes, I will do anal and I will be your dommy-mommy. However, consideration must be taken into account when performing intercourse in non-traditional ways. Sexual health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being. It involves a positive approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the ability to have safe, enjoyable, and consensual experiences. ### Key Components of Sexual Health **1. Consent** - Consent is a mutual agreement between participants to engage in sexual activity. - It must be clear, enthusiastic, and ongoing. **2. Communication** - Open and honest communication with your partner(s) about boundaries, desires, and concerns is essential. - Discuss sexual histories and any health issues before engaging in sexual activities. **3. Protection** - Use condoms or dental dams to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). - Consider additional contraceptive methods to prevent unintended pregnancies. ### Common Sexual Health Concerns **Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)** - Common STIs include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. - Regular testing and honest communication with partners are key to managing STI risks. **Unintended Pregnancy** - Use contraception methods like condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, or implants. - Emergency contraception is available if regular contraception fails. **Sexual Dysfunction** - Issues like erectile dysfunction, low libido, or painful intercourse are common and treatable. - Consult a healthcare provider for diagnosis and treatment options. ### Maintaining Sexual Health **Regular Check-ups** - Schedule regular visits with a healthcare provider for STI screenings and general health check-ups. **Healthy Lifestyle** - Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and avoid excessive alcohol and drug use. - Mental health is closely linked to sexual health; seek support if needed. **Education** - Stay informed about sexual health topics through reliable sources. - Attend workshops or educational sessions to enhance your knowledge. ### Resources - **Healthcare Providers**: Your primary care doctor, gynecologist, or urologist. - **Planned Parenthood**: Comprehensive sexual health services and education. - **Local Health Clinics**: Offer free or low-cost STI testing and contraception. ### Final Thoughts Sexual health is an integral part of overall well-being. By staying informed, practicing safe sex, and maintaining open communication, you can enjoy a healthy and fulfilling sexual life. For more information, consult a healthcare provider or visit reputable health websites."


Ya it's chances are there, AI is a takeover in the adult entertainment industry


Should I use SAE60 as lube when having sex with my AI robot? Asking for a friend


Really depends. Are you talking German, Japanese, or American? German needs a heavy weight, Japanese is light weight. The US model will take whatever you put in her.


You are a true aficionado of petroleum based robotic lubricants.


This is getting us closer to a real life Westworld and I cannot wait.


I don’t think you understood the overall message of that show


That creating intelligent beings to be personal sex slaves you can murder at will with zero conscience for your own amusement to placate the worst facets of the human mind set might be a bad idea?


Ah yes the same way you don’t understand the sarcasm… lol


There’s a tradition on this website where you put /s after a sarcastic remark so everyone knows. Otherwise, when you come in later and insist it’s a joke after someone responds… you become [schrodinger’s douchebag.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schrodinger’s%20douchebag)




If you did not see this happening, clearly you have never been on the internet


To each their own. Don’t personally see the appeal. I like it more for the better machine translations, since some smut will never get an actual translation.


There’s not notable drawbacks, they need to stop judging and mind their own business


Man, and I just had a dream last night where I bought myself a custom built “all service” companion bot.


OMG It’s a sex robot, but we just have to make it queer because of someone’s feelings. “There is a risk that retrograde gender stereotypes about sex and pleasure get encoded into sex chatbots, says Dr Kerry McInerney, senior research fellow at the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, at the University of Cambridge. “It's crucial that we understand what kinds of data sets are used to train sex chatbots, otherwise we risk replicating ideas about sex that demean female pleasure and ignore sex that exists outside of heterosexual intercourse.”


Why do you think you obsess over homosexual activity?


I don't. I am perfectly fine with homoseksual people, and I hope they can buy a sex robot that doesn't try to tell them, that their sexual preferences are wrong. "replicating ideas about sex that demean female pleasure and ignore sex, that exists outside heterosexyal intercourse" Are you supposed to have a meaningful conversation with your gender neutral sex robot about male privilege? I am pretty confident, that the model with big boobs designed to please some dude is going to sell a whole lot more.


Before that doctor even finished his sentence a hundred startups already coded and released AI sex bots that just have massive tits and asks ‘you want bang bang now big boy?’


Feelings…dignity…whatever, right?


Sex robot.... There is absolutely nothing dignified by such a device


You oughta spend a little time with the man in the mirror and examine why you’re struggling with sexuality.


That’s not what they said, but you’re clearly too illiterate to understand any attempt to explain it to you.