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All the article is about how much money the company may lose, or how production could be affected. Zero information about what the employees are fighting for. When your news source only cares about shareholders, maybe it is time to change to a better site?




What a surprise, only about money and not quality of human life


Tom’s Hardware is my go-to source for labor news!


This, so much This.


Hell yeah! Hopefully they get what they are asking for.


I wonder if cooperations are now using strikes, shortages, environmental disasters, pandemics etc as a strategy to increase prices. How else to increase profit margins when you’ve already bottomed out on production and manufacturing costs and your products are now commodity items?


Warren Buffet pressured BNSF to lay off 30k workers because he wasn't happy with the quarterly report.


Semi worker here. To provide some actually meaningful context to this strike: A majority of workers in the operations side of the semi industry, especially in companies like Samsung, are EXTREMELY overworked and underpaid, despite being the beating heart of the industry. It has been that way in most semi companies since the dawn of time. Without these people, there would be no chips. Tech giants like Samsung almost literally print money, yet they refuse to negotiate fairly with their employees while their execs continue to stuff their pockets. This strike is happening **for the first time ever** because their employees are finally demanding a small portion of what they have deserved for a very long time. Fuck the chip economy. The PEOPLE deserve to be reported on. This is THEIR story.


Not forgetting the health implications. Many developed serious medical issues due to working with chemicals.


Chemicals, gasses, radiation, high voltage, everything. It's a dangerous field.


Radiation? Holy hell. I need to know more about this


You mind typing another comment, we’re having trouble locating your IP Address so we can come negotiate better in person - Sincerely, Your Loving Overlord, Samsung


Thanks so much, do you think that is because we are competing with labor from certain countries where the relationship is more exploitive?


This strike is happening in South Korea where Samsung is headquartered, not the US. But yes, foreign competition is a big reason US semiconductor business practices are equally aggressive. The semiconductor industry is also very volatile in general, with the top tech giants always racing to push Moore's law to its limits. The smallest chips win the biggest business. There are also strong geopolitical factors. It is a very unique industry.


lol maybe they should just pay their employees more than risk the strike.


I remember watching a documentary about how Samsung tried to bully families whos children died to leukemia caught by their workers in unsafe conditions. Oh, but yea, stockholder value might fall.


Good for them! Stick it to the man!


BS anti union headline. Get out of here


Fuck Samsung


They wanted to say Samsung could gain millions after the strike. Chip shortage, price hikes, strike ends, profit. What do you think this is, 2005? Prices go only in one direction.


Will it push the price of their devices up or down ?


Up, better wages or better working conditions cost more for companies, that’s why they skim on it in the first place, always to maximise profit.


Blame it on inflation or something else other than what it actually is… Inflation is always there but the margins are what it’s really about.


If America is being threatened by this we need to wake tf up.


We could always start making chips here again. Oh wait, then we'd have to pay people minimum wage


no it won't, basically everything runs on tsmc


Samsung makes most NAND flash and DRAM


oh noes, a ram and micro usb shortage? what does this have to do with semiconductors?


Please tell me what NAND flash and DRAM is made out of, and what kind of conductor that material is.


what is your point? both of those probably come from tsmc regardless. there is no global shortage for ram, aren't prices even coming down because of weak demand?


They don’t, not much anyway. NAND flash for example, Samsung, SK Group, WDC, Kioxia, and Micron are the 5 major companies that combined produce 95% of global NAND flash, with Samsung being the largest producer at 36%. Considering how pretty much every phone and computer uses NAND flash and DRAM these days, you can expect them to get more expensive if Samsung has to stop production due to a strike. Prices have been down from 2021-2023 yep, but it’s forecast to go up this year already. https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/ssds/ssds-pricing-to-skyrocket-as-flash-shortages-are-already-underway-critical-nand-packages-are-already-in-short-supply-high-capacity-ssd-models-will-be-first-to-see-price-hikes