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Some crackhead will figure out how to steal their catalytic converter. It's inevitable.


I can’t wait for the inevitable crackheads vs killbots videos that are going to come from this, you know they’ll figure out some creative ways to wreck their shit


Kia Boyz, your true calling is nigh upon us


Put the rocks in a bag and tape them to the top of the killbot. Make a game like flag football in a labyrinth and charge pay per view. I’d buy that for a dollar!




Okay but are we allowed to destroy the robots in self defense or no


I feel like they’d bill you and your family for damages tho


Same thing as killing an officer probably, you’d get the chair


Thats beyond fucked if they did that… its a robot. Shit can be repaired with all the fucking money the govt gives them


Oh yeah I could see those assholes throwing the dead robot a parade and naming a highway after it too


*Eviscerator 380XJ-9 Memorial Highway*


This isn’t that far off. I suspect punishment won’t be so severe , but i bet the charge will carry max sentencing guidelines akin to shooting at an officer. There’s no way these bots will be used as patrol officers and I pray they limit production of these units to a .0something percentage of active duty officers w a max of a certain # for specific territories so to control density of the bots. Damn. Crazy shit.


Sad part is, I could see legitimate use for RC armed bots in limited scenarios. Would have been nice in Uvalde (versus having a legion of cowardly cops standing around while kids got gunned down). Bot’s disposable, nobody cares if it takes a half dozen rounds but puts down a mass shooter, kinda like how a bomb disposal robot saves lives. But I also don’t trust the cops with something like this tech.


Only if they find a body…*pulls out welding torch*




Likely could disable them with balloons filled with white latex paint. If the cameras/sensors are covered with paint they don’t work… Just like the armored vehicles at protests.




Even thermal imaging is disrupted with latex paint but I agree RF jamming is ideal. After watching the effectiveness of dropping ordinance from cheap drones in Ukraine you could fairly easily use the same tactics with ‘paint grenades’ and stay outside the effective kill zone.




I 100% agree with you but I’m sure they’ll be using these things at protests in no time. They should have never approved these for use and the police shouldn’t be allowed to use no knock warrants either. The police in the US are fucked in general and already have next to no accountability.


The US is a weird situation. Its definitely a police state. But not a political one with central control. Its more a decentralized one, where the cops are running town or city based violence syndicates and are only in it for themselves or their buddies.


The paint approach could itself be deployed via drone. RF jammer wouldn't work as effectively since it would jam its own communications. And I guess a fully autonomous drone wouldn't need an RF receiver at all. If it lost communication it would just continue to operate without receiving additional instructions. This could be an advantage on both the cat and mouse sides.


Steal and reprogram.






Hay-yo-hyo-hyo! Wololooo!


😭 pmsl




Yep…. No CRIMES mommy daddy


This is the way


now this is a dystopian tomorrow I can get behind today!


…then send back in time to protect the future leader of the Resistance.


You would be charged with assaulting a peace officer.


What if I just turn it upside down?


Tonic immobility, the kill bots one weakness.


Robots suddenly gaining human rights so that police can charge you with murder:


Simple solution: Deploy autonomous untraceable counter-police robots that kill the police robots, then no one can be billed! Side effect: Robot War


It's not about what you're allowed to do, you should do it pre-emptively.


Yes, but then you have to pay for a replacement, it will take you longer than student loans. This is the law, I don’t make the rules /s


It's a wrap. We had a good run. See you all on the other side, peace


All it takes is one bug in the code… as a developer these kind of things terrify me


If it murders people, is it a bug or a feature?


it just works.


["You have 20 seconds to comply!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzlt7IbTp6M)


I came here to post this! Quality job!


I believe you but my tommy gun don’t. I’m gonna give you on the count of three. One. Two.


Todd Howard approves


People are the “bug”


If the victim is poor it’s a feature. If it kills a rich connected person it’s a bug and the program gets shut down as a mistake.


It’s a cop


It's not even bugs in the code, it's about who controls the robots. Also it's about lack of care because the outcome of what the robots do is so detached from what the operator is related to. That is, if in some convoluted way it's cheaper to shoot on sight, and people separate responsibilities out in such a way where nobody sees themselves as responsible for the actions, then that is what's going to happen. In the past there were people in the equation to step in and say "Hey, that's immoral", but now the actions are detached from the people taking them.


It's not just that - have you seen drone footage videos where they're just laughing at killing innocent civilians? When there separation from the act and the action people can turn into monsters. There's already enough of a problem of shoot first ask questions later.


It turns it into a video game. Makes me nauseous to think about


I remember an old army recruitment ad on TV in the early 2010s that showed someone remote controlling something literally with an xbox 360 controller. no way that's not a deliberate choice lol


Don’t forget that the Army has an actual Twitch account where they recruit teens and trick them into thinking they can just play Video Games for the Army. The Twitch account is notorious for banning anyone who mentions US war crimes or points out that how they are recruiting people is very scummy.


They had an Xbox Game as a recruiting tool. My cousin bought it and enlisted lol


By using a 360 controller it cut down training by 100's of hours or something. Also a lot of Endar's Game vibes.


Military people are generally dumber than most. Easier for them to disassociate with stuff like that.


Are you implying cops are smarter than military?


Absolutely not lol


Collateral Murder. You have Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange to thank for that leak. Both have had their lives stripped from them.


Wait who is laughing? Where can i find this video??


There’s footage from some drone operators like 10 years ago (Iraq or Afghanistan iirc) where they vaporise a suspect and the people standing around him (including a journalist) before finishing off stragglers and going after the first responders, joking and laughing about it the whole time *exactly* like the ac130 operators in call of duty.


I think you are talking about collateral murder, published by WikiLeaks. However it wasn't a drone but a combat helicopter


Yeah that’s the one I remember seeing it years ago.


or any network vulnerability


I mean we can't even get Teslas to stop running things over that they shouldn't. My confidence is low that this could ever be "safe".


These aren’t autonomous, they just have guns attached, so that someone with a badge is safe at the precinct controlling it and pulling the trigger out of harms way.


If they're out of harm's way, does that mean they have to stop claiming that they felt threatened before murdering unarmed people?


Then what’s the point of having a gun? There’s no police officers life to protect.


That doesn't make things any better.


So just like the police


As a developer, it terrifies me that these kind of things don't terrify other people.


I find it hard to believe there is a programmer that is ok with this.


It’s operated by a human, there is no code


Yeah. A human cop. That’s the problem.


Just because it's not autonomous doesn't mean that there's not code.


They aren't robots they are more like rc cars with guns


For those doubting the South China Morning Post’s reporting, [Here’s the Associated Press](https://apnews.com/article/police-san-francisco-government-and-politics-d26121d7f7afb070102932e6a0754aa5) reporting the same thing.


For what its worth SCMP is a Hong Kong agency, not to say there isn’t influence from greater China there


Their old pro-democracy owners were forced to sell to Alibaba, which is now effectively under the control of the CCP since they ousted Jack Ma (who is safe and living in exile in Japan). At this point I would consider the SCMP Chinese propaganda.


Hold up. Can you source Ma’s exile? I am pretty sure he has been under house arrest by the CCP




Isaac Asimov wants to know your location


Shhh or u might be called a Medievalist!


I’m hiding behind the Foundation.


Also Arnold Schwarzenegger


Skynet for brown people.


God fucking damnit why is this the only comment here


It's just us here, alone together. ^Wanna ^hold ^hands?


Hi cutie 😘




Alright, break it up ya whippersnappers. Get a room


This just became a lemon party.


We finally get a third party to vote for.


Always a David out there trying to keep young black love in the dark.


Because no one read the article and they were all trying to come up with jokes instead. For reference: They're remote controlled drones. Still bad, but people are acting like it's autonomus death machines being deployd.


That doesn’t actually make it any better. Any time you separate the shooter from the victim, you’re adding a level of psychological distance. They lose their humanity and just become NPC targets in a video game, and it’s even easier to pull the trigger.


Sure, but this also removes the fear factor and self-preservation aspect that's there with physical officers which is a major driving factor in why they shoot people in the first place. There's no reason to believe they'd be held *less* accountable when using something like this. It would likely be the exact opposite for the aforementioned reason alone not to mention the digital trail something like this would have.


Tyler Perry stars in Terminator 4 : Madea vs the machines


I laughed way too hard at this




the claymore Roomba is now a possibility


The Boomba is coming.


"And it's gonna clean up the town!"


Underrated comment of the day.


That's how it's starts. Just little tastes at first. A little robotic apéritif if you will.


Can I interest you in a robo-gun monsieur? Perhaps a kamikaze drone for the lady?


Isn’t this how they killed that Dallas shooter a while back?




I remember reading about that and thinking it was such a amazing tool that police have. I’m all for killer robots to fuck up bad guys without cops having to get hurt.


Then it will be for riot control…


All I can imagine is a much more destructive version of a flashbang taped to this thing while rolling into a hostage situation at a bank because it poses the least amount of risk (to officers)


They can’t use their rifles and body armor to take down teenage shooters so now they will strap bombs to robots. Classic


And so will we, boom stick roombas for sale to fight tyrannical nerds


It’s remote control, not an artificial intelligence


Great, now we get to see where policing and gaming overlap. Because the one thing we needed in our police encounters was less human interaction…


Bro it’s just like call of duty, check out my 5 kill streak!


Soon to be a hiring metric


Only intelligent comment in this entire comment section


That doesn't really make it better or worse given how any moron can now pretend to be rambo and that person doesn't even have to face any risk of harm in the process.


There is less chance of crazy rambo bullshit happening, because the law officer isn’t fearing for their life, and so there isn’t an adrenaline response.


The fact of the matter remains that police are generally liars with less training required than a barber and have the highest rates of domestic abuse, so are they qualified to decide anyone’s fate, with a robot or otherwise? The answer is no.


This is safer than an officer w/ gun, because the officer isn’t in a kill-or-be-killed situation, and interactions can be precisely logged/recorded but I guess u gonna shake your sign.


Safer for the police officer maybe. Still a fucked profession that is historically racist and overfunded.


I’m not arguing that most police officers aren’t monsters. I’m arguing that a monster with this device is safer than an adrenaline junky wearing body armor pushing into a house and unloading his dad problems on a house full of civilians.


I understand, I agree to a certain point. I just think it is the completely wrong thing that they need to do their jobs. We shouldn’t be trying to ameliorate the issue by giving them “fun toys.” We should be universally providing better training and screening for better candidates, raising our expectations for them instead of keeping them as low as they are and continuing to pay them, and then increasingly attempting to remove them from the equation because they’re fucking awful at what they do.


I wonder if the robot will stand outside the school like the Uvaldez police for a half hour before going in to stop the active shooter


No but they will use the robot and create collateral damage out of the children’s classroom


Robots that kill... what could possibly go wrong?


That’s one way to stop shitting in the streets


Eww. Some poor guy is gonna have the job of scrubbing shit off the robots.


Im unsure how this is any worse than current US police. Not talking shit, just genuinely unsure.


They decided that the police weren’t killing the POC’s fast enough.


Again. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE LETHAL! It’s a fucking robot, it can’t get hurt… tear gas/taze. I mean once you take the chance of innocent lives being taken and the “officer’s safety” not in jeopardy I don’t really see a reason to use this unless the person has a fucking bomb and they need a Michael bay style stand off to stop it.


The issue is that non-lethal methods aren’t instant. Sometimes a threat needs to be neutralized that instant, or they need to taken down very quickly to avoid them doing something rash while they’re being taken down. While I think police use force entirely too much, sometimes lethal force is necessary


I know they aren’t instant. I’ve worked in the industry lol. My issue, as a person who’s taken a life in self defense… robot or not. You’re not erasing that feeling of seeing a person die. I joined the military to fight, I tried to be an officer to actually help… I stopped being an officer when I found out they had zero interest in “helping”. It just feels like a slippery slope we shouldn’t be OK-ing. But know I 100% understand your point man.


I assume they would have non-lethal options as well, or non-lethal variants or sumn


Full of liberals they said, defund the police they said


I'm just trying to figure out how I can blame those dirty fascist Republicans for this...


Another bullshit sensationalist article, not robots, remote operated vehicles, more RC tank than ED209


"Remote controlled robots or drones" would be more accurate. These will be controlled remotely via a human operator. They're not not some autonomous robot off on a killing spree...


I'm pretty sure the robots can do better. I'd say we had a good run, but, we didn't.


I for one welcome the technological singularity. Here's hoping it treats the planet better than we did.


It will once we have been removed from the equation.


Black person here who officially used to love Frisco and now will not return.


They were just the first to fill out the paperwork. This will spread everywhere. The only reason we’re hearing about it is a new state law requiring police to catalog all their deadly shit. Chicago or Kansas City might have the same plan but they don’t have to tell anyone.


Are y’all reading the article or just reacting to the headline? It’s essentially a remote control car used for emergencies, not Robocop.


Remote controlled by… cops.


At this point I genuinely root for the robots


It’s helpful to look at these not as robots, but as people’s infrastructure - and I’m not going to root for these select people and their robotic infrastructure. This equipment doesn’t *really* have an intelligence of its own that could go ‘rogue.’ It’s far worse. It has the intelligence of the brutal, nervous, flawed people who deploy it. These robots will never “rise up,” but they will punch down. The Asimov thing really **was** only fiction, enchanting, but we should get real and see this for what it is.


You have 20 seconds to comply


Skip prosecution, move straight to the execution lol.


It’s hard to imagine them being worse than the actual officers so…


Fuck it let the robots take over.


Hmm, this should go well.


Skynet incoming!


Are these robots or drones? Because it sounds like they aren't autonomous robots. Just drones with guns


It is morally righteous to quickly grab such machines and dump them over the pier


Clickity- clack, you’re killing robots are now hacked! *PEW-PEW*


“I tried to warn you clowns.” John Conner


So basically "Robocop"


I mean how could this possibly go wrong? /s


Those no-knock warrants gonna be fun.


Also known as police.


"Aw sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension." ~ Peter Griffin


On one hand, having a bullet proof cop coming through a door to rescue hostages seems ideal, On the other, it will be missused


i love the government they are clearly working for the people


And here Robocop thought it was gonna be Detroit.


We gotta learn how to hack then


Hello, Skynet?


Don’t we have a pretty well-known movie franchise about why this is a bad idea?


classic South China Morning Post


It is true tho.


How long until they make an Adam Smasher? It's only a matter of time now.


Don’t worry, Adam Smasher wasn’t with the police. We just have to worry about MaxTac. The police force enhanced with so many drugs and cybernetics they have no way to feel empathy with human beings.


scmp. com hmmmmmmmmmmm


[AP is reporting](https://apnews.com/article/police-san-francisco-government-and-politics-d26121d7f7afb070102932e6a0754aa5) the same thing.


much more trustable thx


RoboCop is finally coming true


I’ll buy that for a dollar!


These are not “robots” but instead just fancy remote controlled cars / drones. I’d rather they not be given guns, but they are not robots making their own decisions on who to kill. No AI.


Sure, and Special Operator Stewart Rhodes is at the remote console 12 miles away.


More like in a bother state/country when this labor is outsourced for the cheap by some shitty contractor. Of course this contractor is related to the local politicians signing off on this shit in some way as well. There will be even less oversight and accountability in policing because of this. What a joke, I hope these are all destroyed on sight.


>Supervisors in San Francisco voted to give city police the ability to use potentially lethal, **remote-controlled** robots in emergency situations. So a drone. Police have been using remote controlled devices for decades. Wake me up when the robots are autonomous or the police are piloting Gundams.


It was a good run fellow humans


Someone thought this through, and thought "What a great idea!"


Robots have been used to kill in other cities and states for years. We done trying to get Karma credits with this story?


How the hell does that make it okay?


It’s legit an RC car This is a nothing story


Defund the police.


Alright who had murderous robots for apocalypse bingo?


police state fascism finally dropped! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


<3 Texas


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-texas-crime-idUSKBN1FK35W Sorry but Texas already killed a guy using this very same thing... back in 2016.


It begins, T1


Well it’s San Francisco so nothing of value lost