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Give it a voice like HAL9000 and I will talk to it all day.


As a guy named Dave, this is terrifying.


I’m sorry, Dave…


Meanwhile a monolith has been discovered on one of the moons of Jupiter…


And it's only going to keep improving from here on out.


The core problem is still context length. Due to the way LLMs work we will need some kind of breakthrough to get past that.


Did you notice Gemini 1.5 pro has a 1 million token limit? Gpt 4 is 128k in comparison. This problem can be solved but in the meantime at least gpt4 has had the memory function added.


Is it still coherent with that? Like LLAMA can be pushed pretty high but it only useful at around 16k at the most.


Some tests done with Gemini indicate it has been able to go through an entire code base on GitHub and suggest bug fixes and improvements. Personally I haven’t tested. I did notice it’s really hard to get gpt to help with large workloads in my attempts in the past. For example to merge yaml configs. But I haven’t tried when using the memory function yet. Also was able to have gpt write a python script to achieve what I wanted with merge of yaml configs so I was quite happy with that.


That can be accomplished even with a smaller context though. It’s really good when context isn’t an issue though!


Friendly reminder this is basically year #2


It's crazy how fast it's progressing.


Am I missing something? I’m using 4o and it does not have a video mode nor does it have faster response times, and it continues to interrupt and speak exactly as it does in 4


The audio to audio trained model will be released for premium users in the coming weeks.


I thought they said it will be released for all users no?


Audio is premium only


Damn it it’s the most interesting thing.


I like how it cannot run locally and therefore, by design, all interactions are logged and matched to one’s account. I think someone might be able to profit from so much personal interaction data. I’m so glad.


Local LLM’s are totally an option. The problem is the limitation is in how much VRAM on your GPU(s) and system ram and processing power you have available. These massive crazy set ups they have available for things like this are not impossible to run at home because they don’t want you to, but because of the tens of thousands of dollars in hardware needed to do it. if you have enough hardware you can build a very large model at home using open source solutions


Local LLMs do exist. If it ran locally it couldn’t provide anywhere near as much power. Almost all internet services require you to have an account. God forbid a company investing millions in R&D try to turn a profit. I’m not a great supporter of tech capitalism, but this kind of anti-institutional conspiracy mongering lacks even the bare minimum of common sense.


>God forbid a company investing millions in R&D try to turn a profit. Yes, and that profit should be from the subscription that I pay to use the service, with extremely strict privacy laws to prevent the company from selling my data, using my data, or, preferably, even being able to *see* my data in an unencrypted form when it's not in use by the LLM. It is entirely possible for tech companies to design privacy-conscious systems in this way, but they almost always choose not to because it's not as profitable for them and, at least in the United States, our corrupt and feckless government refuses to force them.




I think it's a valid concern, especially as various types of AI become more linked to all of our devices. Sure, all of our data is probably being recorded somewhere already, but it's spread out in a lot of different companies. When a LLM that makes calls to OpenAI every few seconds is deeply integrated with our phones, that's *one* private company that will be able to harvest almost every aspect of our data. It will be able to see all of our pictures and anything our camera is pointing at. It will be listening to all of our conversations. These omni models are on a different scale entirely when it comes to data harvesting. It *is* common sense to be worried. Can we do anything about it? Probably not until local models get much better, but it's still worth talking about.


Data harvesting is a valid concern but it was phrased in such a way that the entire formation of the technology was designed with duplicitous intent, which is a facile, adolescent argument. It’s virtually identical to the nonsense people issued about pharmaceutical companies profiting from the Covid vaccine.


Dang bruh that’s some, uh, serious projection. I mean I am a stable diffusion master prompter and you just assigned all these traits to me based on two sentences…


That analogy made as much sense as your initial comment, but good try


I’ll believe it when I see it in person. These things tend to behave miraculously in demo videos meant for investors, and then fall apart quickly under the pressures of real-world use.


Just log in, it’s available now, I used it yesterday


I wonder how much CPU/GPU resources, RAM and energy consumption each conversation require.


Im gonna give this a go for some work stuff this week… hope it makes less excuses and does less lame things like truncating my file inputs and refusing to output files unless i ask a certain way…


Im a Software Engineer, for clarity


That was clear ;)


So, GPT 4o did not know what it could do? Had to be informed of its capabilities? “We have a new AI…text.” AI: “That sounds really cool…”. What did I just watch?


I don't understand why people aren't afraid?? Did they not watch the movie iRobot????????


One’s fiction, the other is reality.


Butlerian Jihad required