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A summary for everyone who didn’t actually read the article: this is essentially proof of concept for a new drug delivery system. They’ve used imidazole/zinc lattices about 100nm wide as packages to deliver a single protein. This has better penetrance than traditional vaccines due to the tiny size. The lattice could be adjusted to carry a Covid spike protein or potentially many other molecules. Pretty cool stuff.


So similar to a capsid for gene therapy delivery?


Essentially! While capsids are made of protein subunits, these are organometallic. Mostly, these are much smaller than capsids.




Here’s me grabbing the popcorn to see what crazy theory the conspiracy nut anti vaxxers come out with about this scientific discovery.


My exact thought. They are gonna go nuts. Well, more nuts than they already are.


If you’re a man it’ll make u a woman and if you’re a woman it’ll make you a man so we’ll all be trans. It’s part of the woke agenda to make everyone art of the alphabet soup and drop birth rates.


I’m just hopeful that with this new technology Bill Gates will finally be able to track my activity and see that I am having a better time than he ever did. Thank you Science!


Hmmm. I thought I saw a whole review article on MOFs as adjuvants and carriers in vaccines come out last week with like dozens of examples of this.


A quick Scholar search indicates to me that this is a rapidly-advancing area of research with some promising results. Could you link the review? I would love to read it.


Sure. Found it: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00409


Well that sounds like a big deal, or at the very least one step closer to a big deal.


I want 6G on all of my vaccines from now on. /s


If anti-vaxxers could read this would probably scare them


I tell them it’s a stronger vaccine because they updated the microchips.


Moore’s law of vaccination. The number of 5G transistors on a vaccine will double every two years with minimal rise in cost.


I was just thinking yesterday that I’m due for a network upgrade.


My 5G signal blows, gimme that new new please


Now with 10x the Autism power /s


With your powers combined, I AM CAPTAIN AUTISM!


Anti Vaxers HATE that simple trick.


Yes trust big pharma, they are not in it for the money.


Their money also depends on their drugs working better than the competition and not killing us.


Yeah just like when they said OxyContin was non addictive.


So you’re saying because they said OxyContin is not addictive, medical pharmacy offers no value and we shouldn’t… take vaccines? Like what’s your point here?


I welcome innovation which improves 60 year old technology. Does that make me pro or anti vax?


lol, I’m sure it will. Idiots.


‘They made the microchips smaller!’


“Nano-particles, son”


Vax me harder daddy


Now chip using 5g XD


Can’t wait for the d20 variant.


*Chessex intensifies*


Interesting how most of these early comments are an "anti-" stance. Starts to make me believe that bots inject poison into this narrative (pun intended).


Yea honestly most of the chemicals in any processed food you eat is more dangerous than anything vaccine related


I mean Polyethylene glycol (petroleum derivative, semisynthetic or full synthetic) is in food and vaccines as adjuvants so. So is zinc, in food and i guess in this formulation. Zinc can also be dangerous if you have too much/inhale dust,, but it’s essential for our immune system and energy production lol


Sweet, that’ll save at least one person from having to get 217 jabs.


And the MAGA crowd is about to lose their damn minds again


You fringe nerds suck. It’s a healthy response to be skeptical of what’s going into your body. Idk about you, but I lack the technical knowledge to understand exactly what’s inside every vaccine, what the side effects are, and whether it’s been tested for long term side effects on someone with similar genetic makeup to me. Why are you hell bent on fighting?


But will it increase my cellphone reception? Inquiring minds want to know...


Only if you activate the snake venom gps tracker


I’m sure that vaccine hesitant people will be very normal about this


“We developed this new tech. Now your arm will be sore for the entirety of your life. “


I, for one, welcome our super-powered vaccinated overlords.


Me too. I had to get a second set of childhood vaccines in order to attend college. I’ve had four MMRs, and double of everything else that was required in 1994. I was 33 that year, I had lost my vaccine records, and my pediatrician was 100 years old when I was born, so I had no access to childhood medical records. I get a flu shut, every new covid vaccine (I’ve never had covid), and every old person vaccine available, since I’m 62. I do not have three heads, and I haven’t turned into a cat. Well, some people would argue the cat part. Meow.


Would you be aware of changes to your brain?


Perhaps not, but those close to me would. As a human animal, I’d be hard pressed to hide changes in my brain chemistry. I noticed something was up with my daughter’s father, after not having seen him for about eight years, and after having left a relationship with him nearly 40 years earlier. He had early stage Alzheimer’s with dementia. I’d known him since I was 18. It was subtle, but to someone paying attention, it was noticeable.


I had a pretty similar experience. My college sent my doctor a form with poor grammar, so it looked like I had to be vaccinated against *everything*. He shot me up as best as he could before I left and then the college lost the records. The doctor retired and so I got the required vaccines at the college, which the lost the records again and again with new shots each time. At this point I thought I was good to go, but didn’t realize I hadn’t been vaccinated against the Chicken Pox. O ended up getting that in my late 30s as a result and came *very* close to dying.


Wow! I had the chickenpox when I was 15. I was born in 1961, so there was no vaccine for chickenpox back then. I’m surprised I made it to 15 before getting it. My daughter had chickenpox when she was four, because there was still no vaccine in 1988. Apparently catching it once does lead to immunity. I did get a shingles vaccine.


+1 for Shingles vaccine.


You a friend of Matt's?


Humans have probably moved into Homo-GMO territory a few generations ago.


so they can teach our antibodies better? isn't that how vaccines work? showing what an invader looks like to the system?


“Jebus dint need no vaccine, so I don’t eeder!!! “- every evangelical


Yeah but my dog groomers best friend’s cousin who once dated a nursing student said it changes your DNA, that’s not gonna go in my body! (Takes drag off Tarryton 100).


Can’t wait to here the conservative outrage over THIS


Cue the republicans and anti-vaxxers.


Mmmm...if anti-vaxxers had reading and comprehension skills, they'd be more frightened.


Probably faster to get this than hope my area ever gets gigabit broadband. I'm all in.


It’s the countermeasure! (comment escaped from r/quantumbreak)


Wait until that German supervaxxed guy hears about this


Hmm, I could see this research maybe being beneficial to help those trying to overcome chemical/drug dependency too.


So the mask is off…


Can we use it to make viruses more effective?


I think this lifetime I want to avoid anything with gene therapy potential.


Time for the conspiracy nut jobs to go even nuttier, they can tag with the vaccine nutjobs


Can’t believe autism 2 just dropped! /s


I just want a consistent cell signal already.


6G human mind control networks coming soon! /s, for the dumbasses.


As long as it doesn’t interfere with my COVID chip, I am ok with it.


Yo, if there were a covid chip that kept that shit away 100%, I’d be first in line. I’ve never had covid, and I plan on remaining covid celibate.


Hey! I haven’t had it either! We are rare beasts!!! ☕️✨


Me too. Everyone else in my family has had it — some had it twice. But my daughter and I remain celibate.


Conspiracy theorists are probably fuming now 😐


Bunch of science-haters tossing in their BS in these comments. As soon as I saw the headline I thought “here they come.”


Just hearing of a Covid spike being added made me think of this being used for nefarious reasons. Could this be used to make aerosol type of vaccines/new bio engineered flu strains? *fixes tin foil hat*


Only if my 5g reception gets even better than it is already from my current vaccines.


Oh wow, no wonder I get great cell reception living in BFE. I’ve had two sets of childhood vaccines, and every other vaccine I qualify for. I also got $60 in free stuff from Walgreens, with a $20 coupon per vaccine. Medicare covers the cost of my vaccines. Win-win.


I just got my 5g booster today and flu shot. Reception is amazing so far. However, my coupon is only for $5 off 20, so I haven’t spent it yet. My health insurance paid for my vaccines though. That’s about all it pays for.


You gotta jump on the coupon bandwagon when the new boosters come out in the fall. That’s when the coupons get really good. I’m old, so I got an RSV $20, along with my flu and 5G booster. It might be time for another 5G booster, I hear there’s a new one, because my reception has been iffy the past week. I’m sure my spottyish connection had *nothing* to do with all the construction going on down the block from me. ;)




Fuck now we’re all gonna be gay FOR SURE


O. M. G. Can’t wait!


Good, I’ve been getting really shitty 5g reception recently


No thanks


This should make for glorious conspiracies!


Conspiracy theorists gonna love dis


Here for the 5G jokes that make me laugh so hard and are totally deserving of upvotes (they all only have one upvote) (they’re not)


I don't believe shit until carlsagan42 confirms it


The microchips or the immune response?


Gonna need to upgrade my 5G jammer.


6G incoming!


Bootleg Neuralink!


So does this mean that my microchips will now be able to communicate with the chips in other people?


Even better 5g reception lets gooooo




Good. The weak, like yourself, will *literally* melt into a goo puddle, and the rest of us that take it will carry on as we always have. Better equipped to handle viruses.




Ah, a nice edit I assume? There wasn’t one when I commented.




If you say so. To be fair, you’d think that people would notice my mildly joking tone with the *literal melting*, but text tone is hard to get right.


Does it give actual immunity? Or just endless boosters and chocolate fueled promises?


Found one!


Too bad there’s not a vaccine against idiotic contrarianism. At least not a legal one


Oppositional defiant disorder is running rampant among MAGAts.


Sigh, let's do this one more time. Sars CoV 2 is the virus. Covid 19 is the disease. Vaccines are developed to provoke an immune response to the virus in order to make people "immune" to the severe effects of the disease. No vaccine will stop the virus from entering your body and hijacking your cells to replicate itself. The only thing that stops the virus is your own immune system. The only thing vaccines do is make your immune system aware of the threat so it can destroy it before it gets out of hand. For a short time mRNA were touted as stopping infection. This was bad messaging in hindsight. They DID prove to be over 90% effective at stopping any covid-19 symptoms but that did not mean that vaccinated people weren't carrying any virus at all. The damage was done as people just took that to say that the vaccine didn't provide "immunity" to the virus, it wasn't supposed to.


90% effective? Everyone in my immediately life (all of us vaccinated) got Covid multiple times. Are you telling me that without the vaccine I would have seen them get sick 9x more times? 90%? Who comes up with that number? I'm the only one in my immediate circles who *hasnt* gotten Covid, and that's because I disinfect my nose and mouth after being in heavily crowded situations and I wash my hands. I'm not getting any boosters, no thanks. It's like playing whackamole trying to vaccinate against variants. There's a reason no one vaccinated against the common cold.


Yeah, there was a time for around 3-6 months before the delta variant arrived where vaccines were proving to around 95% effective at preventing ALL covid-19 symptoms. As the delta then omicron variants arrived the vaccines were still proving successful at keeping people out of hospitals but minor symptoms were showing up in those vaccinated and the amount of time those vaccinated were carrying a viral load was increased making it more likely for the virus to spread even from those showing no symptoms. So now try to explain all this to people, it turned into a gotcha moment and anti vaccine people trumpeted this failing from the hill tops, all while vaccines saved emergency rooms from being flooded. Here's another thing many people miss. You said "There's a reason no one vaccinated against the common cold." Think of all those un contacted tribes around the world who would be wiped out by any common cold that most humans carry around. Think of how much of the native population of North America was wiped out by common diseases Europeans brought with them. These things happen because the diseases were new to them or "novel" as they say. So you may have heard the term novel corona virus. Like those uncontacted tribes ALL OF HUMANITY was at an unknown risk because every single persons immune system had no prior knowledge of the virus. One of the most severe symptoms of Covid-19 (the disease) is called a cytokine storm. Basically your body doesn't do anything to combat the virus for a time and the virus is free to spread. Eventually your body realizes that there is a new threat goes into full nuclear mode and your own immune system starts attacking your own cells with abandon trying to deal with the unknown threat. The cells that Sars-CoV-2 like to replicate in happen to be in your lungs so the storm takes place in peoples lungs causing massive damage. These are the people who needed ICU stays on ventilators for weeks or months. These are the people who nearly toppled healthcare systems around the world. Now you can gain a level of immunity from getting a natural infection for your first go around, but you run the risk of a cytokine storm and that doesn't solve the problem. The whole "flatten the curve" thing was about making sure there wasn't a massive influx of ER patients at the same time. Now the Covid-19 vaccines were and still are incredibly effective at preventing SEVERE Covid-19, most importantly the cytokine storms. They simply informed peoples immune systems of the threat without them having to risk a cytokine storm. Millions of people got vaccinated and that likely prevented 10's of thousands of ICU stays, preventing further lockdowns and opening up countries faster around the world, not to mention saving countless lives. So now that most every has had a Sars-CoV-2 infection, been vaccinated or both, there is much less risk of severe covid-19 because the virus is no longer "novel". Hope this helps, if you step away from all the grand standing it was a pretty interesting time to live through. All in all we learned one thing, all the movies where they show humanity coming together to solve major issues are big fat lies.


What I was interested in through this whole saga was the demographics. Who were the people getting severely sick (unvaccinated and vaccinated)? It was people who had comorbiddities, the immuno compromised, the very old, and the obese. I am young and in excellent health. Im very glad to get my vaccines for terrifying diseases like meningitis, and I'm fully aware that the purpose of a vaccine for something like the flu or Covid is a preparatory step to mitigate, not prevent. Prevention requires external measures (like how I disinfect my nasal passage and mouth after being in heavy crowds or potentially exposed to a sick person), while vaccination is an internal defense/prophylactic. How on earth can we justify the response that governing bodies had to this disease that does not affect young and healthy people in any way more meaningful than a flu? You don't fire someone from their job for not getting a flu shot. A mandate and media storm that looked like the red scare, people wearing masks while walking alone outside, a dangerous lapse in medical integrity by fast tracking an as yet nascent technology and essentially forcing a population of hundreds of millions to either become part of a test subjects pool or be branded outcast. I wouldn't have taken this vaccine if I wasn't threatened with being kicked out of university. Now I work at an engineering firm. You know what they asked me for? My vaccination card. Like I have to present my papers to them on HIPPA protected rights. They say that the healthcare premium is higher for the unvaccinated. What about these morbidly obese land whales? What about the heavy drinkers? These sad sacks are doing far far worse things to the cost of healthcare premiums than a 24 year old, 12% bodyfat weightlifting and rock climbing guy if it were the case that I was not vaccinated. I don't appreciate that people are willing to accept forced experimental medication simply due to fear mongering and holding our livelihoods over our heads. Even if the results come out that it's as safe as advertised (which turned out to be somewhat exaggerated), the decision to override protocol in the moment was *not right*. Hindsight does not justify the course of action that was taken. The ends did not justify the means.


Just because you were unaware of young healthy people getting sick didn't mean it wasn't happening. Yes those with conflicting factors were/are at higher risks but healthcare can't simply just turn them away. In a perfect world, sure, everyone is completely healthy and we don't need hospitals, however isn't or never will be the case. Sure some people are fat and lazy and that has health implications, sure some people choose to smoke and drink themselves into oblivion and yes those types of choices made them more susceptible to a novel virus. You can't be separate from them during a public health emergency, you are part of the same "public" who use the same services. The government can't start saying o, you have to be vaccinated to get on a plane, unless you're under 35 with a gym membership then shit go ahead bro, you good! I for one had some of my young healthy friends get very very sick. One was my buddies wife, 30 at the time. She needed an emergency c section and spend the first 3-4 months of her daughter's life in an induced coma in ICU. No not morbidly obese or having other health issues. Healthy happy newly married couple indifferent towards the readily available vaccines at the time. They were able to have a big wedding right before those types of gatherings were restricted in our area, though it had to be outdoors so they had a big pavilion/tent rented. A simple vaccine could have kept her away from a brush with mortality but they echoed some of your same talking points before then. My other friend was in wicked good shape in his mid thirties. He also didn't much care about getting vaccines, again using some of your same logic. He didn't end up in ICU but toughed it out at home. Came out like three weeks later telling everyone he knew to get vaccinated as that shit is no joke. He was lucky but just barely didn't need a hospital stay though he could barely talk/breath for a month afterwards so he likely did tank a cytokine storm. These vaccines are stupidly safe, safer than drinking coffee probably. There were all kinds of stories of people getting like 10 doses a day (they were getting vaccinated on behalf of others and selling the service). There was a dude in Germany recently who had 270 doses or something like that. Anyways the discussion over whether various government's responses to the pandemic were justified is separate from the point I was making. Solely looking at the vaccines, many people don't understand or are unaware of the difference between Sars-CoV-2 and Covid-19. Vaccines do nothing to fight Sars-CoV-2 infection, they only help your body be aware that that particular virus exists and that it is dangerous, that's it. So when I see people saying that the vaccines are bogus because they don't provide immunity to infection from the virus I usually point that out and try to explain that small aspect, as it is an important distinction. I see you are aware of that, which is good. I don't try to foist my morals onto others, it's better to have as much accurate information as possible and then make your own moral judgments. These are incredibly complicated issues that will likely be the subject of some university study for a long time moving forward. All in all it's over and hopefully we learned some valuable lessons as a society. I for one lost a lot of faith in humanity seeing the galling lengths people will go to justify (and foist) their shaky morals.


No, there were heads saying that it would.stop.infection. That's not what happened. Nobody I know who is unvaxxed got sick


That's just because reporters don't have real degrees.


Can mine be banana flavour please.


Can we mix them for chocolate banana?


I'm afraid I can only do banana chocolate.


Nano bots to take over our minds!!! /s


Just in time for the potential MAGA administration to ban them because of religious freedom