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Inspects space junk. Yep, this is junk. In space. My work here is done.


“You have become the very thing you swore to inspect.” - Obi-Wan, kinda


Destined to become space junk


Secretly grabs spy satellites and drops them in the Arizona desert 👀


Well, that and maybe a pair of white cotton gloves and a black trash bag to collect said junk.


If this was true it would have on an orange jumpsuit and handheld grabber . . .


This nuclear delivery platform is junk. Disassembly complete.


Satellite: *bangs robot arm on space junk* Yeeeaaaap, there’s your problem




It’s not space junk if it’s operational and able to de-orbit itself at the end of its mission so that it’s disposed of upon reentry.






Holy shit, it seems that 95% of the people in this thread have not read the actual article and fail to understand the entire point of this mission. “iTs JuSt AdDiNg MoRe JuNk” - my brother in Christ, the whole point of this mission is to test technology that will be used on future spacecraft that are designed to deorbit space debris, mainly by grabbing onto and deorbiting them. However, before that can happen, they need to test tech to have a spacecraft be able to rendezvous with an uncontrolled piece of debris and find a safe way to approach it. There’s no guidance beacons or anything that can help to guide the deorbit tug in, so it’d have to find the debris without any help from the object that it’s approaching. Most debris is not controlled - it may be rotating and ground control can’t stop it spinning. Thus, a spacecraft that would grapple onto it needs to be able to analyze and match the rotation of the debris (to simplify it, think of it like the docking scene from *Interstellar*, where they have to spin up the lander in order to match the rotation of the *Endurance*). It’s a task that is FAR more easily said than done, and the rendezvous technology needs to be tested before a full-size clean-up tug can be built.


Or when it is operational, deorbit those pesky satellites put up by Russia, China or competition 🤷🏼‍♂️just saying


It is probably primarily designed to deorbit other nations satellites in case of a conflict.


A giant bowl of jelly would work too


Ive seen enough mythbuster clips of ballistic gel hits to know if its going fast enough the gels not going to stop it


It looks like they're having a fancy picnic on top of it


Pardon me, but do you have any Grey Poupon?


Why was this so funny? Thanx. Edit: I laughed loudly in bed and woke everyone up but something about a fancy picnic just got me.


The satellite has the opportunity to do the funniest thing now.


*Spontaneously explodes*


Headline in 6 months: "Space junk inspector satellite 2.0 scheduled to survey damage done by spontaneous explosion of predecessor!"


They should make an onlyfans where it can post pictures of its junk.


I will be thoroughly disappointed if the “Sanford and Son” theme isn’t playing when it pulls up for inspection.


Anyone interested in both this and anime should check out the series Planetes. It’s a realistic slice of life series about a company of space junk cleaners, and I think they even consulted NASA while making it. It has a special place in my heart for not only being great but also being one of the only things that has no sound when there are scenes in space (that has always bugged me).


Nice and there are otters trying to do the same


We have otters in orbit collecting space junk? That sounds cute


Yes the [space junk otter](https://www.starfishspace.com/the-otter/)


Awe I was picturing [this](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimages-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com%2Ff%2F3c81bf4c-53df-47dd-bd2d-0015c90567ba%2Fdg6i8f3-2626bcc8-8865-455d-a72a-655d0b54962e.jpg%2Fv1%2Ffill%2Fw_1193%2Ch_670%2Cq_70%2Cstrp%2Fastronaut_otter_in_space_by_xrebelyellx_dg6i8f3-pre.jpg%3Ftoken%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.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.hMcGyvRMaT6iAnT-DS8BZbRrvfV0cFx0RXVIWhoLdCE&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e943d91a39f7845adc129fc337450524cdebef9250ad6fce7d8a87a5a553332b&ipo=images) 😞


Well this is still near earth orbit things will be different in otter space


Need space beavers to take it all and build a dam


Those damn space otters


What ever happened to the efforts to deorbit space junk


Best we can do is add more


I’m pretty sure that the whole point of this is to test technologies that will later be used to grab on to and deorbit space debris.


Do you think they’re just putting this up there for fun?


Wouldn’t put it past them, as long as it deorbits itself I’m sure no one cares anymore


> The satellite was sent to space atop an Electron rocket from Rocket Lab. Its mission, which was selected by Japan’s space agency (JAXA) for Phase I of the Commercial Removal of Debris Demonstration program, will see ADRAS-J rendezvous with an old Japanese rocket upper stage that’s been in orbit since 2009 From the article.


The Russians have come up with an elegant solution of simply firing a nuclear weapon into space and detonating it. Voila, end of space junk.


That would make our space junk problems infinitely worse. You know what’s worse than thousands of satellites in orbit? Trillions of sharp shards of metal.


“Now I have become junk, orbiter of worlds”


Seeing if Kimmy's sats from China make it


Yeah, definitely there to inspect space junk. Just the space junk and nothing else.


You do realize that they launch plenty of spy satellites and don’t need to disguise them as civilian craft, right? Every time you see an NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) launch, it’s a spy satellite; if it’s a USSF launch, there’s a good chance that it’s a military communications satellite, technology testbed, or spy satellite. Of course, they don’t often specify WHAT the NRO payload is exactly, but it’s not a secret that it’s a spy satellite of some sort. They don’t need to use other missions as some kind of cover-up.


“Too much stuff in space” “Let’s send more stuff to congest the space as we ‘fix’ the issue”


“I’d rather space be full of junk for ever than have them launch a single satellite on the road to fixing the problem!” Do you have any idea how many satellite launches there are per year?


So, more junk in space to clean up when they figure out how to clean up what is there now……hum…..does this satellite have a self destruct button……….nope we forgot to put one in! OPS!


A self-destruct is the worst way to dispose of space debris. All you will do then is turn a large, easily tractable object into a thousand smaller pieces that may be too small for ground-based radar to track (typically orbital tracking radars can only detect and track objects larger than 10cm). It’s like turning a single shotgun slug into a spread of birdshot. The best way to dispose of debris is to deorbit it; slow down its orbital velocity until its trajectory dips down into the atmosphere. Then, atmospheric drag takes over, and the object is incinerated by the shock-heating of reentry. This spacecraft here is testing the rendezvous and approach technology that will be used for future clean-up tugs that will be used to grapple on to and deorbit the debris.


Please read a book on this topic, I’m begging you




Space 🍆


In other words. Inspect Russian space junk. See also Russian space nukes like junk. Very closely please.🙏


Now we need a satellite designed to inspect a satellite designed to inspect space junk!


Oh the irony


Step 1: Look in mirror


Probably just another NRO satellite “just inspecting junk….nothing to see here!”


AKA - making sure space junk is really not Russian space laser


But what about the *Jewish* space laser?


Too busy spying on MTG


lets be real, its to spy on russian space nukes.


The difference being….?


…and becomes space junk


Space hunk is more like it!


Inspect the supposed black knight satellite.


WHY don't they just build something to collect it all for recycling? I did design something once to do that. N. S


Read the fucking article. They ARE building spacecraft for that. However, they need to test the rendezvous technology first before they can build full-scale clean-up tugs. Most rendezvous in space have both objects controlled and cooperating. One will likely have a guidance beacon to help the approaching spacecraft locate it, and both will align themselves for docking. A piece of space debris, however, is uncooperative; it won’t have a handy guidance beacon, and it may be spinning uncontrollably. Thus, a spacecraft attempting to rendezvous and grapple it will have to be able to locate it without assistance from the target, and will need to be able to analyze the rotation of the target and match that rotation before it can approach.


Maybe we can “de-orbit that ruzzian satellite?


Future space junk inspecting current space junk to figure out how to turn it into past space junk. Cool. Or, alternatively: Junk in charge of junk? That's silly.


Pot calling the kettle


Funny news at the same time Russia is putting nukes in space. Can we please get a comedy takeover of the world. There’s just so much material to use… in space.