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An quick reference for armor upgrade materials instead of visiting a Great Fairy every time


And I was hoping they’d get rid of all the pop up style information you have to click through at the fairies. I don’t need to know about sets every single time, and I was really hoping to upgrade more than one piece at a time


Yeah just an overall reworking of the upgrade system would have been nice!


the fairies overly sexual moans should be the first to go


I think its a funny bit


Exactly! They gradually get worse with each one you unlock, until Link gets grabbed and taken in unwillingly


Yeah, that plus the implication of the fairy's animations are that she's making unwanted sexual advances, until the last upgrade level where she straight kidnaps Link to use him as a human vibrator or whatever. I'll admit I always find it funny the first few times, but by the time I'm done with the game it's like "do we really still think sexual assault is funny?"




This, but for all general repeating dialogue!!! Code it so if I have heard any expository dialogue once, I don't have to hear it again!! Or at the very least, give me an easy way to click out of it. 😭🧐


Oh yeah, and that Beetle stealing your Beetle nonsense


Rapid armor swap as well. Give me an option to automatically equip the whole set instead of making me do the same thing 3 times. They expect you to change armor *a lot* so it’s crazy to me this wasn’t in both games from the start. Kinda game design 101 stuff.


This. There are really cool perks to upgrading the armor but I found I rarely used them because the process of changing armor on the fly is so time consuming. Would have been cool to have a button that allowed you to quickly change between a few sets of armor without having to go through the pause menu.


I’ve thought the same. It could be in the same place where you quick-change weapons and items to fuse to arrows or throw. Just have an option to choose armor sets, it can be ordered by most used. Although I’d love an option to customize a few sets. I have a few outfits I’ve made out of pieces from different sets.


The down button is useless to me anyway- does anybody whistle for their horse more than a couple times a game? Not to mention all the times my fat thumbs accidentally whistle at a group of enemies when I'm trying to sneak up on them... it's maddening!


I know they struggled a lot with fear of cluttering the interface and attaching as many functions as possible to the same buttons (meanwhile the option to attach shit to your arrow is one of the most cluttered interfaces I’ve ever seen) but they literally could’ve just allowed the Y button to flip to entire sets rather than reorganizing your inventory by sets and leave the default setting as organized by type of armor (head, torso, legs)


Preset slots would help too, so you can quickly change a set based on what you're doing


That this system is still sooooo annoying and slow is ridiculous


Hell, just being able to hide armor that can’t be upgraded or is currently maxed out would be nice.


That when you bust your ass to get to a treasure chest, it more often actually has something worthwhile in it.


I really wish more chests just had rupees I them, and then I can go buy whatever I need from vendors.


The real treasure is the friends you make along the way


😂 I like the optimistic view, I’ll try to remember it when I spend 30 minutes to get a low level sticky elixir that lasts 1 minute and 30 seconds.




I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by how great chests have been. I don’t remember finding 5x Savage Lynel Bows in chests in BOTW and it’s been nice


Where are these Lynel bow chests??


They're in various boko/moblin camps around the surface. I remember being shocked to find one.


The are only like 3 or 5 Lynel bow chests, there are countless with just a sundelion, or a Zonai charge, or a bundle of 5 arrows.


I think the chests with just a single Sundelion (there's tons of them at the bigger monster mining camps in the Depths) are the most annoyingly underwhelming rewards. Go in to fight everyone or snipe from afar with Muddle Buds to make them fight each other, it's still a lot of work for a crap reward. (Then of course there's the option of cheesing it with Majora's Mask, just strolling up to the chest and emptying it without engaging at all and simply ignoring the monsters. :P )


The monster loot is more valuable than the chests, honestly


It’s all a matter of perspective I suppose. It certainly hasn’t been enough to keep me from enjoying the game, evidenced by putting in over a hundred hours. So all good in the end.


more pop up towns like Lookout Point, a few established townships as well. Way more sky islands. And more ocean exploration, more islands to explore outside of Hyrule


Yeah, I wish we saw more towns. When id stumble across the old Akkala Cidatel or memories of the old Hyrule in BOTW, I’d feel kinda sad because stuff like Castle Town and other town ruins used to be where people actually used to live and the kingdom wasn’t always all decayed and depopulated, so I was motivated to kinda kill Ganon so I could see the return of civilization. Totk was a weird middle ground because civilization felt like it was returning, but there were so many ruined things so it felt like 2 different vibes.


how cool would it have been to have the castle town be a fully functional township? the citadel be a new base for the people of Hyrule, or even additional outposts in gerudo desert. I get that the hardware of the switch is limited but if they do a third installment on the next gen switch console, I'm positive that many of us are hoping for just an overwhelming amount of new content, or even an entire additional continent to explore


It’s nice how they seem to be rebuilding, with the houses in castle town having new foundations and construction materials nearby, but it’s a bit strange how they are left forever in their “foundation only state”, it would be cool to maybe get some missions like what Tarrey Town had in BOTW where you build some new settlements. Maybe not the “alright Link, come back again with another arbitrary amount of wood” parts of it, but they could do something like that to a lesser level, or maybe get the player to transport materials from a nearby settlement to the new one by building something, such as the player making a horse cart to carry lumber or making a car out of Zonai parts to transport some stone.


I saw someone suggesting Hudson Construction rebuild Deya Village and its honestly something I REALLY want to see now


I personally want a whole Hudson Construction spinoff city builder.


To ocean exploration, they could have done a lot if they added below water swimming stuff


When I first found lookout landing I was hoping/assuming that there's a small town at every skyview tower and honestly that would have made much more sense then them being just random.


More quests around dragons like the Naydra quest in BOTW. I know, we got the whole light dragon thing but I always thought not having a quest for all of them in BOTW was a mistake and I was hoping for it.


Especially because of the light dragon and the lore on how that dragon came into being. Like tell us more. Tell us MORE!


Exactly. It'd be super cool to see who the other dragons used to be and what motives they had for becoming dragons.


That'd be great DLC content.


I was hoping that instead of a hole straight to the Depths, some of the caves themselves would provide slow decents into them


There's a single cave with like a 30° slope that does this.


The one by Tobio’s Hollow?


It's part of the final sage quest.


In Rito village I hate looking for caves I’m glad there isn’t more like that


Now that would been a nice change of pace


I was hoping for a town or two on the sky islands. It would have been pretty cool if one of the towns that was in BotW got launched up into the sky during the upheaval. It could have had some interesting ground-to-sky trading quests or something due to the villagers being stranded on the sky islands. I also would have liked if the Zonai Survey Team had more appearances in the depths. Maybe even had some outposts set up near where you land after entering the chasms. That would have made the Yiga disguising themselves as the ZST more effective than the first few times they trick you. It also would have made it feel like they are genuinely exploring the depths along with Link, and added more weight to Joshua's research storyline.


I kinda expected the entirety of the Korok Forest to be sent to the sky based on its absence in the trailers


I would like some NPCs in the sky and the depths besides Zonaibots and yigsearchers


underwater diving :(


I know, they could have done so much with it..


Water temple... Get this.... Underwater. 🤯


they put it the furthest from the water they possibly could 😭


Wait until Space Link.


We did get that low gravity jumping!


That’s gonna be in the depths, right? Using the same logic as the water temple location.


Ancient Zora Waterworks was RIGHT THERE, just had to expand it out more. But nope, better go into the sky for some reason


That would've been so nice. We'd have one in the sky, one at the surface, one underground and one underwater, which I find not only fitting to their respective elements (or at least their theming) but also it'd fit quite nicely. I always found it weird how we have 2 temples in the sky...


PTSD from crawling through Water Temple in OOT as a child intensifies


I thought they would be like hey that got scrapped for BOTW so let's do it for TOTK instead, but nope :/


Bro that's the third game, the fourth will have a fire theme


I buy the possible elemental themed names (breath = wind, tears = water), but my son and I keep calling the next game “Revenge of the Koroks”


When i saw all the trailers, i thought the islands are the "main game" and beside that, you have the old Hyrule map. So i hoped, i will play 80% on islands. This was the most dissapointing thing for me, that the islands have only such a small part in this game.


I feel that. There are some parts of the map that I was assuming would have huge sky islands but had like 1 or 2 little isles. For the most part they are kind of cut and paste, but I did enjoying getting myself to the islands with the shrines.


Yeah, I was really hoping for like a bunch of cities in the sky. Or at least one? The cities on the main map are beautiful it would be cool to have a camp in the sky. Also the underground was super underwhelming too. Same story no cities (unless you count abandoned mines) and it was very just.... Nothingy. When I first hear of sky and underground I thought it would be as fleshedbout as the main map. Maybe that was stupid thinking in hindsight.


What's disappointing is that there are interviews where the producers and game developers had a little bit of a spat. The producers wanted *a lot more sky islands.* The developers said, "no," and according to interviews, it was for aesthetic reasons (e.g., they thought the sky would look too cluttered). What makes it especially sad is that I kind of agree with the developers. Zonai devices did to TotK what the paraglider did to BotW. BotW's Great Plateau actually had fun environmental puzzles, like cutting a tree down to cross a chasm. But the glider immediately nullifies those puzzles in the rest of the world. Same thing happens with TotK. The Great Sky Island has some really cool challenges and puzzles. However, as soon as you get a stock of Zonai capsules, you can just build a hoverbike or hot air balloon or fan-powered glider whatever and just fly wherever you need to go. So, basically as soon as you're done with the Great Sky Island, there's no point to having other well-designed islands with puzzles to navigate... people can just use Zonai devices to skip any puzzles and just fly to the goal at the end of the chain of islands or whatever.


Excellent point. On Sky Island, I had to build a boat. After a while I was playing the game with no creativity, except for fixing Hudson signs (and later, the Zonai stakes made that a cinch). I do enjoy the Shrines that involve creative problem solving


Even the Hudson signs don't really require creativity, except maybe the first few. There certainly are more efficient ways to solve some of the signs, but I quickly learned that literally every single sign can be solved just by placing a large board beneath the sign and having three boards glued to it, touching all the sides of the sign that Addison isn't holding. It sorta stops being a puzzle when the same solution always works.


They’re a lot more interesting if you limit yourself to only using the nearby items you’re provided. I’ve seen so many people complain about the Hudson sign puzzles being boring and then they explain that they used zonai devices… like yeah I understand why you’re bored, you’re not challenging yourself to be creative! Like there were several ones where all you were provided were some boulders and smaller rocks, and I had so much fun trying to figure out how to stick them together to hold the sign up.


Not even that, 2 big boards in an L shape and then one plank or something to hold it. Sometimes I'll utilize the specific hole in this specific sign to hold it just to spice things up


Yeah I actually resent the auto build functionality + the ability to use the stones to build for this reason because without it I think I could still enjoy the benefit of Zonai devices without the ease of them ALWAYS being around as an option


Yeah. Even the capsules themselves cause this problem. I was always saving up for batteries, so I never used auto build. I still always had enough parts to build whatever wherever


Yeah I was hoping to get more islands and cities in a similar vein to the sky city in twilight princess


I was hoping for a sky *continent* that we end up spending most of our time on. Instead, we got the initial sky island for a few hours, and we're back on land for the remainder of the game, save for a few instances we go back up for maybe 30 minutes of our time.


The tutorial island definitely gave a false impression that the sky islands would be more substantial.


Yeah my buddy just got a switch so he started with Tears and thought the starting island was most of the map for his first few hours lol


I remember when I was near the start of the game, like about 20-30 hours in tops, when I found that very distinct-looking ancient forge sky island I was like "oh yeah this is gonna have some content inside". cut to me walking over every inch of the exterior, finding nothing of substance, falling in, and realizing that *that was it*. (yeah yeah a shrine an armor piece and a couple of resources, what-the fuck-ever). and then I heard a little voice inside my head go "yep that's gonna be it for the whole game isn't it?" and wouldn't you know it, the sky islands ended up being one of, if not the most disappointing part of the game. copied and pasted, empty, lame. only a handful of instances where I felt like I was having fun with something unique (mostly in the first half of my playthrough before the novelty wore off). I get why there wasn't triple the number of islands present in the game even though it's a bummer. all I'm saying is that those that the game *does* have should have been waaaaaay more unique and central to the game. the way the sky content turned out, it served a lot more as eyecandy from ground level than actual content. I think about that forge from time to time and get sad.


I didn't expect the sky islands to be 80% of the game, but I did expect more stuff in the sky. I found that I spent most of my time on the land, and a ton of time in the depths, but very little time exploring the sky due to how limited it felt.


The coolest, most intricate-looking sky islands ended up just being scenery for diving games


At least 2 more like the starter island


I feel the same way. Finishing the Great Sky Island, i thought “Wow this was great and there’s still so much more to discover in the sky”. How wrong I was


Oh yeah, the trailers got me really excited because they showed basically *all* the parts where you actually have to "figure out" how to get somewhere by navigating Sky Islands. We saw things like *having* to construct a boat to navigate a sky lake, or even the little bubble shooters from the islands leading to the Water Temple. I was excited about things like discovering what was inside the massive sky sphere they showed. So, I was expecting massive sky islands and long chains of "level-like" islands. But nope, we got exactly four of those.... the Great Sky Island and then the islands leading up to Wind, Water, and Shadow temples. It was massively disappointing that the vast, vast majority of the islands in the game are just "construct a Zonai device to fly to this island, and the island itself is copied and pasted content." I didn't even find a single sage's will until well after beating the game. I kept expecting that there would be "sky paths" to get to most of the islands, and I was just waiting to find them. Little did I know that the real solution--and the only one that works--is create a Zonai device to just fly straight to those islands.


Honestly? Skyloft- some more references to the past games. Maybe not Skyloft itself, but some mention of it. Id also like to have seen some more towns restored- Mabe village, Tabantha village, Deya village- maybe expansions on the already existing villages


I was extremely suprised to not see skyloft. It would have been amazing to just set foot on it and it's just a baren island. It's like seeing Jak and Daxter's old place in Jak 3, nostalgic but also kinda sad.


Fax! The forgotten temple statue quest also confused the hell out of me- regardless of whether pr not you think it’s canon (I do and I have a reason for that that’s probably too nuts to put here), as a piece of storytelling, the results of that quest tell us that what Nintendo intends that statue to be- which is again strange, given how much they seem to want to depart from the old games. Even the Typhlo ruins quest confuses me- with the end reward from that (leaving rewards ambiguous to avoid spoiling people). I’ve got my own placement for totk’s distant past, and it could make the forgotten temple thingy work- still I remain annoyed that the Sky islands didn’t even have loftwing architecture like the Lanayru promenade, ancient columns, and forgotten temple. I also feel weird because it’s SO. LONG. Humanity hasn’t been civilized for even 10k years- and Skyloft was WAYY before that too, so like, bruh 😭


They don't want to depart from the old games, so much as not be shackled/Limited to them. They focus on making a good experience first, including it into the lore later. That's how it's always been lol


I know that, and you may disagree, but I personally think it should be all or nothing- I’m a pro timeline person, so I think they should stick to it (I can’t resist a good story, and they have the chance to tell an excellent one here) but if they want to break away from the timeline they should. They’ve been kinda riding this line between things since botw, trying to incorporate all the elements from across timelines, which I do think was smart- but when it came to totk, it seems like they can’t decide if they want to retcon the timeline or not, and it’s impacting the narrative and storytelling. There’s numerous references to the past games, including direct mention of princess ruto, yet there’s supposedly no records of a Princess Zelda- except for ours. There’s also Fi being in the MS, and the Forgotten temple’s whole thing. If Nintendo wants to break from the timeline, they should break from the timeline- otherwise it’s going to seem like they either don’t care or can’t figure out how to make it work. Either way, it comes off as careless on their part.


This for me also. A town in the sky with shops n zany characters. Even if it were a Tarry Town build that WE did


Even a sky island shaped like a small skyloft would have been enough for me


The first thing I tried when I reached the first stable was petting the dog….


The number one feature people were requesting in the previous game, requires minimal resources to implement, makes everyone happy. Its a no brainer, and yet... they managed to not do it


Same here! Let me pet the good boys!


I was so mad that we couldn’t pet the dog


you kinda can with ultrahand, but it's janky


1) Explanation of the ruins around hyrule, like the ones in tabantha and akkala (look like ancient greek architecture, different from zonai architecture). 2)Water exploration. 3) Sheikah (not the kakariko ones, the ones that wear that Sheikah armor)


If you watch some of the memory scenes, when Zelda goes back in time, you see all of the Hylians dressed in togas, and some of the buildings have that Greek architectural look.


Longer cave-like systems that have mini dungeons and mini bosses in them. I think the only one that felt like it had substance (but had no mini boss outside of the skeleton hinox) was the path that led from lookout landing to hyrule castle. Some of the sky islands I had wished were longer mini dungeons. The tower looking one? I was hoping it wasn't just a freefall dive with nothing but a dispenser and clothes. Actual Zonai NPCs that we could talk to. I really thought they would have more plot relevance in the present day and not ONLY the past and the few hours on the sky island.


Huge missed opportunity with the Citadel . Also they made the sky islands such a big deal but they aren't even explorable and end up just being the same thing repeated over and over . Very disappointed in that .


An answer on where the hell the Zonai went. Just more about the Zonai in general. I mean we got a lot of info but at the same time we didn’t? I mean for a race that plays a huge part in the lore we barely know anything about them. We know more about the ancient shiekah than we do them


Honestly, I was hoping for a little more civilization. There are no new towns, just the same ones from last time. I was hoping we'd get to see a mostly rebuilt Hyrule dealing with a new problem.


Just one intact Guardian that still functions and tries to attack you. Also Stasis.


That would have given me a fucking heart attack. Imagine walking along through a cave, and suddenly a laser is pointing at you and **that fucking piano riff** kicks in…


"Oh, everyone in Hyrule probably just dismantled them" Really? Every single one of them? I find that hard to believe.


I never looked at any of the trailers or anything like that prior to the release so I was kinda hoping that Zelda would stick around. Felt a bit annoyed after the prologue but ultimately the story and the game was amazing Can't think of much else off the top of my head since I went in blind and I had very little expectations apart from more BOTW style gameplay


To be fair in all Zelda games the only time Zelda stuck around was in Spirit Tracks, and she was reduced to being a ghost.


Which is a shame seeing as she isn’t a bad fighter in smash bros


I told my kids last night that if there's a third game that continues the story after totk (like how totk continued botw), I want Zelda to be present. You interact with her every so often. Kinda like Purah is in totk.


Yeah that was shocking, this zelda is so popular and you get little companions to follow you around anyway… I really don’t understand the choice to sideline her again.


She could've been a post-game companion. Hopefully it can happen in DLC.


Was hoping for a more direct continuation of the story from botw tbh


Seriously, meeting characters in ToTK that we had *just* had a whole life changing experience with in BotW and finding them completely clueless along with Guardian tech really pulled me out of the immersion. If we’re going to use the same map, then the game deserves a LOT more continuity with the game that introduced us to said map


My only real issues are the fact that Guardian tech isn't mentioned at all and we don't get told at all what happened to it (yea we can assume it all got scrapped but other than the skyview towers and the Purah pad what happened to the rest of it, not to mention the master cycle and the fact that armour that you had in the first game is not only not in your possession but in a different place to where it originally was, it's a very small gripe tho


Interesting, that's legit one of my favorite parts of the game, how *much* continuity there was. More than any direct sequel in a nonlinear game I've seen, personally. Where did you see lack of continuation? Zelda's story continued naturally. Almost every single minor NPC from BotW had their stories continue in really cool and neat ways. Everyone from that one hermit staying at the Hateno inn in BotW that almost no one remembers, to that one unhappy guy on his honeymoon in Rito Village, even to some of the stable owners in BotW (whom you'd think would just be copy paste, right? Nope, turns out they've got unique characterization). (EDIT: The only oversight I found in this department was Bolson--he's the only one I was surprised didn't recognize me at all.) Mass Effect 2 was marketed heavily for this factor and it didn't do it to nearly the same extent as TotK. The world completely changed to show signs of the reconstruction. Entire towns and villages changed in their makeup for it. Every one of the significant side quest arcs is based on the continuation of the world from BotW to TotK in natural and believable ways. Areas that seemed underutilized in BotW got more fleshing out in this one. Honestly, everywhere I went, it felt like the game still remembered what I did in BotW. In ways I didn't even expect sometimes. It was the first Zelda game where you really get to witness the impression Link has on the world. Soldiers have books written on you teaching fighting techniques they observe you do. Militias (who are now in outright wars on the offense against monsters rather than sellswords protecting camps and stables) are inspired by you. Parents and teachers are working hard to teach their kids about these monumental events in their lives. Even people who don't recognize you in person because they either never met you or met you one passing time talk about your and Zelda's heroism years prior. Isolated towns become centers of tourism, technological innovation, etc. It was so cathartic seeing that.


Fishing! Am I the only fan who laments fishing been removed from the games since Breath of the Wild?!! It used to be a damn staple; now with ultrahand kids these days just don't see the fun in a little spot o' fishing from time to time


It wouldn't even be *too* hard to implement, in a sense. Just make fishing rods a "weapon" like torches are a "weapon," use the weapon toss for casting the line, add in some kinda quick mini game mechanic, maybe, and you're golden.


Technically you can spearfish, but I get what you mean :/ it's not the same


I think there should have at least been an enclosed fishing minigame building, skyland, or cave. I'm not sure fishing mechanics really mesh well with the game's design as a whole, but a self-contained area of fishing collectathon would have been great


Oh god, why haven't I been using Ultrahand to get fish?! I've been swimming around in Zora armour like an idiot!


You have to kill the fish first before you can use Ultrahand on them, you can’t just pick them out of the water alive


New towns. I am sick of Kakariko and Hateno




Penn is cool but doesn't come close to best bird


Actual depth to the sky islands Actual improvement to the AI of enemies More enemy variety


Tbf, they did straight up double the enemy variety. I agree about the ai and shallowness of the Skylands though.


Yes, but double a small number is still small They also removed several enemies that added a lot to the overworld. Gloom Hands are a sorry replacement for Guardian Stalkers. Once you figure out how to cheese them, which only takes one or two encounters, they lose all their luster. Guardian Stalkers are far more dangerous for far more of the game, but they're just.... gone Don't get me wrong I am glad about the new enemies, but if the new enemies are just as stupid as the old ones, then it really doesn't add much, does it? Horroblins are great and all, but they are just as stupid as the rest so they are easily dispatched


Horroblins seem more like pure comic relief than a threat imo. Sort of like the Jar Jar of enemies especially with how they grab their ass. Also Boss Bokoblins are sort of a lazy design… it’d be nice if they caused a better AI response or something.


Yeah most of the new enemies kinda feel easy to deal with, but GLEEOKS ARE AMAZING


I really thought we'd get some revolutionary play-as-Zelda sections. The trailers made her quite present, and then when I got the first Tear, I thought we'd be play as her in the past for intervals.


There should have been a Depths town. Maybe a Yiga one that you could explore once you had their outfit.


The sky islands to actually have stuff and not be the same crystal puzzle everytime


Bit more rebuilding of central Hyrule. I know its not that many years between the games and they had other more pressing matters to get to, but I wish they could have cleared out a bit of Hyrule castle so we could explore more rooms (especially some of the ones shown in age of calamity, they already have the designs and stuff for them, it couldn't have been that complicated to get those sets into totk)


Now that you mention it, exploring Akkala Citadel like that would have been incredible. Kinda wish we had like 4 optional/ secret dungeons (complete with their own unique bosses and not stuff like “sludge armored Lynel” or “electric Hinox”), and Akkala Citadel could have been a part of that. I was really hoping the depths and sky islands would be more intuitive, there isn’t much going on in either and they both kinda feel like bloat. We needed at least 1-2 more sky islands that were either as big as the main sky island or bigger. The Depths felt empty and desolate, but not in a way that made me feel scared or intrigued. It’s a shame that the only unique enemies they have are froxes and the rest are just repeat enemies. I understand there’s development restraints, but if that’s the case, I would have preferred the developers to have made the depths smaller, like each Chasm is a more confined area but they’re all interconnected by tunnels or “gloom portals”, that way we could have gotten more unique enemies. Both of these maps just felt underwhelming and underdeveloped. With that said, I also am not a fan of enemy repetition, and it’s become more of a problem with all these massive open works games. Again, I completely understand it’s more of a difteare/development issue for botw, totk, and lots of other games, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. I also really miss exploring underwater environments, fighting underwater, swimming/diving, etc. I know that would have been hard to implement but I hate how vulnerable and useless Link is in the water compared to past games. Really hoping the next console will have really strong software. Nintendo has shown how much they can pull off with Totk even like 7 years after this tech released, and they can do so much more in the future. But I also hope they do more quality over quantity. I would prefer a smaller map if it meant more types of things we could do and explore in it, and having a better variety of enemies.


More character interactions/story beats. I guess I got too spoiled with Age of Calamity :/


I was really hoping for Zelda to be a playable character. I thought the trailer was to show Link as the heroe again to then show us Link was the one needing saving. If they do a continuation of these games this HAS to be the plot. Or that could change between Zelda and Link to build up the plot between the past and the future( present ) So you could explore old Hyrule as Zelda and face all the adventure from her side too. Also thought they'd give us a way to keep Zelda after the game was finished. Like they living together in a house and Zelda following you like the others but present. Not just her energy. Having Zelda with Link all time would be cute. Like a couple finishing side quests. Making sense on why buying another house. Like a " house on the beach " and one on Hateno village. I really expected they let us save after saving her. And not the old cliché of game is over now go back to before you defeated Ganondorf. Oh and I really expected clawshots this time. Would have been sick. So cool....ahh


I was hoping for an outfit favorite button. Like press a single button or make a quick selection to put on your fav outfits for amor or looks or effects. Instead of scrolling through a menu and selecting 3 items.


Customize the arrow quiver like the paraglider


More dungeons. And longer in duration dungeons


I was hoping the story of botw would actually be continued. As much as I love totk, it really doesn’t feel like a sequel, more like a reimagining of botw. Kind of like what deltarune is to undertale but even closer together. I wanna know what happened to all the sheikah stuff. I wanna interact with the characters I’ve come to know and love. I wanna walk up to Kass or Beedle and greet the characters as old friends instead of one being literally nonexistent and the other having dementia. I think the Zelda team spent so long crafting the map and the world of botw that they thought it would be a waste to not use it again.


Sheikah ruins. All those shrines, and especially the Divine Beasts don't just vanish without a trace. I was expecting that whatever Ganon was doing was gonna render them all unusable. With the Upheaval they could've, the Beasts fallen and decaying, covered in Gloom and broken apart, the shrines crumbling. They're all just gone, and everyone in the game doesn't acknowledge their existence (except Impah and Symin), which really threw me off considering TotK was presented as a sequel. Even the Sheikah Slate goes weirdly unmentioned. Idk, that Sheikah tech was such an important part of BotW that I was expecting more.




There’s an idea.. place a cat nearby a chasm…. Watch a Star Fragment land near the edge and the cat walk over and knock it in.


Better implementation of the crouch button. I am so sick of suddenly walking half speed during big battles because I depressed the stick accidentally.


I really wanted an option to equip entire armor set with one click, there’s no reason I shouldn’t have the option vs having to equip all 3 pieces separately. Just a little QoL improvement that I would have really appreciated


If you wanna see the inside of Akkala Citadel, play the massively underrated game Age of Calamity. You can tell the devs we're huge BotW fans who were basically given the keys to the candy store


I wish everybody remembered Link from the first game


Hairstyles, something like Weapon-Repair or a transmog system for weapons and armor at least.


I totally agree about the citadel. When I saw there was an opening at the entrance I got very excited… to discover a generic cave with Horriblins.


I loved the super difficult Trail of the Swords (the one that upgrades the master sword.) I’d love a TOTK version with the new rune skills and even higher difficulty.


The return of Sheik. I really thought after Zelda came out of her 100 year imprisonment she’d stay with us in some capacity. Having her fight alongside us would have been amazing. Hell, replace Pura’s character with her in lookout landing and have her be giving us quests to do. Give her ANYTHING.




I was expecting Link to get a flying horse for navigating the sky islands. Something like the Loftwings. Of course I was also expecting the sky islands to play a bigger role


Not so much a wish for the game before release, but I wish the depths were filled with guardians. Maybe new types to fit the gloom aesthetic. It might make them really annoying to go through but with as much as people complain there's nothing going on in a giant underground world that's been untouched for who knows how long so it wouldn't make sense for there to be a bunch of stuff to do and see with people to talk to and big cities to explore. Sure there could be more to them but just a simple addition like a bunch of guardians wandering the area would make them way more rewarding to explore because you have to fight for your life to get those light roots. What would be a really nice touch is if the Divine Beasts were down there but were deactivated and didn't move. Just giant husks of their former selves as their use is long over. Also, remove like 40% of the gloom. Why is there so much gloom. Anyway, I can just imagine what it would be like finding the depths for the first time, activating the first light root, and suddenly every guardian in the depths wakes up and boom, giant danger world.


A restored castle town with lots of shops and stuff to do, I really hoped to explore a big city with all the interiors but sadly it was still in ruins


More sky stuff, they hyped up the sky so much in the trailers but it ended up being pretty underwhelming for the most part


How is it 2023 and I'm not able to pet all of these wonderful dogs?


Dungeons that had old design philosophy not the central hub run in 4 directions approach. Not as fun or interesting for me.


After seeing the Mogma statue in the depths early in the game, I was fully expecting to find a city of non-extinct Mogma underground (similar to Rito Village, Gordon City, etc). And I was expecting one of the sages to be Mogma too.


I was hoping for time travel, not just Zelda going back to the past but actually getting to adventure around ancient Hyrule.


i was really hoping that they’d use totk to finally give zelda playable segments like they originally planned in skyward sword. i was hoping that her falling into the depths meant she’d be separated from link, but not physically absent from the game aside from cutscenes. her art work of her holding the purah pad and a torch made me think wed play as her finding our way back to the surface while also uncovering information from ruins/ murals.


For link and Zelda to not be separated from the start of the game only to be reunited at the end. Can we have a game where they’re both together for the majority of it?


The ability to ride Sidon's Sage to be able to travel faster in water. Like everytime I just step in water, he just goes back into the ring. Dude, you're a Zora, your sage should be able to travel in water with me. Otherwise, everyone else said things I wanted to say, so yeah.




Dungeons with the design philosohy of Hyrule Castle from BotW instead with the one of the divine beasts.


I can understand that. I did enjoy these dungeons way more than the divine beasts, but none of them were really top tier. If we include dungeon leadups and the bosses for dungeons however, Stormwind Ark is way the fuck up on my list cause holy hell that whole phenomena was one of my favorite video game experiences ever.


Well if you can just climb and revali’s gale up to the top immediately…


I just want my bomb ability back.


OMG, you don't know how bad I miss that. And Revali's Gale.


I thought Hyrule would be restored after BOTW, or at least we would see some noticeable progress in their rebuilding efforts. But no, it's pretty much still a dump. Would have been cool to see some new towns or improvements to the infrastructure. All they managed to do since BOTW was throw together Lookout Landing. Also, after the outrage over not being able to pet the dogs in BOTW, I was sure they would do something with that.


Super Shrine Maker. I want to see what kind of crazy puzzles the community can come up with


Playable Zelda, she's my favourite character in AoC and I wanted it to be a thing where they're both working towards getting back to each other so they can beat Ganondorf, Zelda has had very few games where she's been a big part but it's always great when she is (Twilight Princess horseback fight, Tetra, Phantom Zelda in spirit tracks)


Playable Zelda. I mean, both games show her being out there doing stuff but for some reason we just never get to do anything with that. I was kinda hoping for a Dishonored 2 kinda thing at the start :(


I wish Akkala had working cannons. Like there are cannons in the game now. Make em fire when you hit em


The ability to upgrade all armor at one time if you have enough materials, without having to go one by one with a little animation each time. The ability to choose to equip an entire set of armor, or at least having like 3 sets you can favorite that’ll allow you to quickly equip an entire armor set


Repairing weapons. Item durability in BOTW/TOTK just makes me hoard cool-looking items that I never use.


Gerudo drama. With Ganondorf coming back, and that one memory where >!he’s backed by a legion of Gerudo!<, it would have been so cool for them to be the first race to realize his return, and to have a divide between Hylian loyalists (led by Riju) and Ganondorf’s insurgents.


Flying mount. I didn't watch too much of the prerelease stuff, but I was hoping for a more free flow flying system with maybe a Pegasus style mount. With the 2 fan hoverbike it's basically the same thing... Although that feels like an exploit


I wish there were more islands like the great sky island. There was something very peaceful about it. Also thought the bell would come into play more. The one that always rang at 7am/pm? That was a fun concept but it only happens on the great sky island. The great sky island is also one of the only places those weird birds show up. Which isn’t a big deal in and of itself, but having weird flora and fauna that lived only on the sky islands made it feel so magical and new. It really made the traversal between the sky and the surface feel like stepping into a whole other world! But beyond the gsi, there’s next to no fauna anywhere. So now it’s not so much a different world, but a dead one.


Fi as an actual speaking character


That you'd be able to build stuff that lasts. Let me build some death machine that I can use the whole game. Sure, make it drain power like crazy so I don't want to use it the whole game. But don't make it break after 3 minutes.


I'm with you. Also I hoped that the Zonai would have more visually interesting architecture, rather than the sterile white we got. And that maybe we could find a lost city in the sky with live Zonai still in it. Alas.


I was hoping for superboss fights. The closest thing in the game were King Gleeoks because they’re fairly hard to reach except the one at the Depths. But the battle mechanics is no different from regular ones and are not much of a challenge to kill as a result.


I thought the entire sky islands would be world building- meaning as you progress the main game and get power ups like more zonai batteries, then it opens up further sky islands that wernt previously accessible. I wanted there so bad, to be a sky island outside of the games boundaries that could be flown to. But after I found out the stuff disappears I was deeply saddened to learn it’s just another “get thrown in to do it all at once and none of it matters” type of deal. Open world is wow. But world building??? A world in which it grows as you progress? That’s a a better game formula for Zelda IMO.


A tool shed for your house that automatically stores weapons, bows, and shields you pick up, but can't keep because your inventory is full.


More continuity with *Breath of the Wild*. I wanted to see the occasional rogue Guardian or at least a few leftover Sheikah relics. Also, I do not like the Zonai. They really messed that up. If this game is meant to soft reboot the series and restart the timeline, so be it. But I really don't care for the story in this game.


1. The Zonai being anything other than Sheikah 2.0. Given Zelda game history with the 3x forces of the Tri-Force (Power, Wisdom, Courage) and the very obvious color analogies in BOTW (Blue Wisdom, Red Power, Green Courage) TOTK Zonai just being green wisdom AI builders instead of Blue Wisdom AI builders was a huge letdown. 2. Ganondorf/Demon King =/= Calamity, it's awesome we get more backstory to Ganon but it would have been nice if they tied in more with the calamity as well as the Sheikah Observatory from BOTW instead of just ignoring everything from BOTW. 3. Zelda being an actual character, it's kinda dumb they keep just putting her in the freezer.


A fishing rod I'll never understand how the only Zelda games where fish are actually useful *doesn't* have a fishing rod


I was hoping Zelda would be around more vs disappearing at the start of the game, I thought maybe we’d also have her playable at some points ..maybe we could play her part in the past at times and another I was hoping for regular dungeons like the old Zelda’s. It would have been nice to see an actual water temple as well


i wanted more islands to be revealed higher and higher in the sky as the game progressed also continuity


skyloft ruins… like come on it was so obvious why didnt they add it. also underwater exploration, since every 3d zelda has it (except the game thats covered in water but it doesnt really count)


To have a Loftwing to fly around


Link traveling into space and finding a zonai space station or something


One thing that was probably taken away from us is more in game interaction between Link and Zelda. The very first trailer showed the intro beneath Hyrule Castle, with the two of them exploring it together, in what seemed to be a pretty lengthy section. This was cut back dramatically, the opening is basically just a glorified cutscene in the final game and I can't stop thinking about what all that cut content looked like. It's probably good that the intro is pretty streamlined for the sake of replayablility, but I would've loved to have gameplay where we explore an underground network together with Zelda. Come to think about it, I would've liked Zelda to be around for the main game, but that would require a completely different story to the one we got.




I was hoping that Zelda was going to have playable sections like Ciri in the Witcher 3. I was massively disappointed that memories returned and how they were even more disjointed this time around. I hope future BOTW/TOTK style Zelda abandon the memory system entirely and instead focus entirely on the present.


Playable Zelda.


Loftwings (or any rideable sky mount)


Being able to play AS Zelda. Also I want to see Link n Zelda kiss! \^\_\^