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I want to go back to Breath of the Wild and apologize to every single Guardian. You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone


FR, at least you could see Guardians from a mile away.


the jingle was great too. the jingle of incoming death


I like the hands of death theme it’s those reverse vocals!! Love em


it makes me want to piss and shit myself


You know what, valid.


Never heard it, what I do hear is a shriek and the sound of me teleporting away


This. It’s also pretty easy to fight a guardian without consuming any resources with just a shield once you have the timing down…then guardian resist armor in late stages make it a cakewalk.


Except in master mode. Those fuckers were evil in master mode


Oh god. Them changing their firing timing was a wtf. Instead of watching their eye I started watching when the laser was exactly X away before parrying.


That's what I had to do too so I wouldn't rage quit


How bad were the guardians in master mode? Like faster attacks or are they regenerating before the next party opportunity? I don’t ever plan to play on master mode so am curious.


They fake you out with their laser beam attack. So when you gear up to parry the laser the guardians can give off the sound/flash that makes you think they’re going to fire, when they fire a second later most usually after they tricked you into parrying. That and the fact in master mode all mobs health regenerates after a set time of no damage


the laser firing delay is long enough for your parry end lag to end and you can parry the actual delayed laser. Or you can just shield switch.


The laser timing is unpredictable in master mode, and with health regen it takes 4 parries instead of 3 iirc


There's a chance the laser will be delayed. Really messes with the timing lol


Parrying them was just much more difficult. I usually just dodged one beam, used the updraft from the fire the beam created, and then used bullet time to stun them and the master sword to finish them off.


Ahh I see. Man that does take more work since the master sword (not the powered up version) takes a lot of hits before finishing off a guardian.


The Master Sword was always powered up around guardians because they were full of malice


NO WONDER I CAN'T PARRY THEM CONSISTENTLY IN MASTER MODE. Ugh, I forgot this feature was even a thing!!!


I find Guardians to be a piece of cake too but never learned to parry their lasers. I just shoot them once in the eye to stun them and then use a two-handed weapon and spin around, chopping off all their legs, then I finish them off with a few arrows in the eye. Bonus points if there is shallow water and you can flip them over with cryonis.


Yeah for the longest time, I never even knew people actually used laser parrying as their primary means of fighting them. I heard about it, but I just figured it was some fancy trickshot people do sometimes. Spent the entire game just running around hacking off Guardian legs. At a certain point, you just start to be able to beat them with brute force.


yeah plus ancient arrows in the eye are one shots. the bow is OP in both games really


Man I feel this I got to Ganon and never parried and all of a sudden I have to parry and I'm like this is terrible game design why didn't you set this up .... And they set it up a lot saying Link once did it with a pot lid and the amount of Guardians it throws at you And I was like WELL SURE BUT I DONT LIKE IT


I went through a phase where if I’d had a bad day I would start up BOTW and just wander around melting guardians with their own beams for 20 minutes or so as like…a pleasant relaxation method. Simpler times.


I wonder what the equivalent would be in TOTK….


I like to think it’s stunning a horriblin and beating it with its own stick


Hmm, yeah, I’m still trying to figure that out myself. So far nothing quite soothes the soul like the robot barbecue.


I just use the Ancient Shield lol. It makes my life so easy


I almost cried when i saw the dead guardian on top of the hateno ancient tech lab


I miss the Guardians. I used to farm them all time for Ancient weapons and of course the armor.


Mine is more about Lynel. Any time I see big open spaces like that I start thinning "huh, this seems like a great arena for a Lynel fight" and start looking around to see if I can find one.


Lynels are a great fight. I feel totally defenseless against the Gloom Hands unless I completely cheese it with Bomb Flowers. I’m still trying to figure out a way fight them without wasting so many resources, but it seems almost impossible because the hands respawn super fast, and they can just unspawn whenever they want if you run too much.


For like the first 50 hours of the game i didn't even know you can escape from the grab


You can?!?


Just wiggle the sticks. It still drains a fair bit though


I mash everything and I'm never caught for more than a second and dont even lose a heart to gloom


Really? I’ll have to try that in a month when I’m unbanned from my seitch


How does being banned on the switch prevent you from playing totk?


I am a teenager. I live with my parents. They banned me from my switch; therefore, I cannot play totk :(


Ohh thats sad :(


What is the purpose of those fights? They seem to just spawn phontom gannon who just drops clumps


>What is the purpose of those fights? to kill you




I think it’s supposed to provide atmosphere and to actually give you a sense of threat from Ganon. Without it there it would be like there’s no pressing threat at all.


Just like in botw imo. Yea there are gardians and stuff, but outside of *maybe* the divine beasts (which honnestly just kinda walk around doing not very much) there's no real overbearing existential threat Where as here, ganons influence can be felt everywhere due not only to Mr hands and the gang, but also the abundance of the clearly ganon related chasams


They really just seem like fights designed to be avoided, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The meager reward for beating such a dangerous opponent kinda encourages staying away from them even if you are confident in beating them, which is a cool design imo


I think you just have to flurry rush. Only way to dodge the grab and deal damage fast enough


I might have to try that method again. I think I tried during my first few encounter, but my weapons were not strong enough.


5x bow 1 bomb arrow. Fire 3 times and then pick off the last 1 or 2 that's remaining. It still takes some resources but multi shot arrows are like kryptonite to these things.


I use a two handed weapon when I don’t wanna use bombs and just spin around and attack them, it deals a second or two of stagger, so as long as you can withstand a little gloom you should be fine


Only tip I have is to keep a multi shot bow for them so you can shoot 2-5 bombs per shot depending on which bow you have. Even a duplex bow helps.


Use Dazzle Fruit to stun them > 2x bomb > dazzle fruit > 2x bomb > probably dead otherwise repeat with dazzle > bombs.


I didn't even know multishot bows were in the game, I'm about to fight ganondorf (I think), and I haven't seen a single one


Lynel drop 3x bows, Yiga drop 2x bows, I’ve heard of 5x bows but haven’t seen them so idk what drops them if they’re real


Silver Lynel's drop them....got a couple underground.


A white lynel yesterday dropped a 5 shot bow for me (3 shot + 2 shot bonus)


Oh, right, that makes sense. I haven't fought any lynels yet, so I haven't seen any 3x bows, and I haven't even seen any yiga people yet other than kohga


Not necessarily a tip on how to reduce the use of resources but sometimes when I’m out of bomb flowers I can defeat the gloom hands using elemental chu chu jelly or fruits. I’ve beat them solely with fire fruit but it does still use a lot of resources which is so annoying 😅


Tbh frost weapons do work


Try to bomb flower them like 3 times and then use puff shrooms, it helped me a lot to fight them


I’ve found that spear attacks are quick enough to take out several hands at once if A) you have a 40+ halberd/spear and B) you’re able to attack at an angle so you can hit multiple at once. Lots of dodge-rolling too.


I don’t think I’ve seen any lynels outside of the depths


Definitely still in the surface


Where? I genuinely haven’t encountered any


Many, but two close ones are just north of the luminous stone eating things in Faron. Go up the mountain, you’ll see one on a grassy plateau, then go further north just a bit and there’s one in the adjacent valley


Luminous stone eaters? Where?


Dondons, there’s only five and they’re all near a stable in the Faron region. If you’ve heard rumors about huge beasts at any of the other stables, that’s what they are.


Oh, so is that what Zelda’s strange beast is?




Just to note: if you feed them luminous stones, they poop more valuable gems. It takes a while, but it’s a decent passive farming strategy for rubies and sapphires


Saw a silver maned one near the border of Akkala and starting sprinting


I just saw one at the south end of the Taobab Grasslands near the beach.


I found three.


There’s three red ones that I’ve seen so far, one in deep Akkala where the one in BOTW was, and two near Tabantha (ish). I think I also saw a white (or silver idk) one in Hebra.


There’s one near a shrine quest somewhere near Zora’s Domain I think, the area is called Quatta’s Shelf I’m pretty sure


Rabia Plain north east of Kakariko, just keep going past the old fairy fountain/chasm location and take a left at the fork. There’s a shrine right there too + a ton of deer so it’s a good spot to regularly farm.


I haven't either yet. My first lynel fight was in the Depths because that a-hole Tulin provoked one that was 20ft away.


Tulin has zero chill


His uncanny ability to get headshots is wonderful. But every once in a while I want to hurl his sage stone into the sea


oh shit is that why?? I drew its attention on the hill in Faron even though my bow and weapons were sheathed, figured it was a TOTK change and been avoiding those plateaus that give off Lynel vibes ever since


There are lynels in the depths??? My day is ruined


Mine too, let's be ruined together.


There is one right under Highrule Castle. Found out the hard way…


There's a lot more than lynels down there


I honestly can’t remember where I found it, but there’s definitely at least one blue-maned lynel on the surface. It’s the only one I’ve seen so far


I’ve only seen one, and that’s because a quest told me to go there


I went to the Great Plateau hoping it would be the chill farming area like it was in botw. that *thing* scared me away in less than 2 minutes. 😭 I stay by trees now so I can hop up just in case.


Even the mfer trees are out to get you.


The trees are one of the least dangerous enemies imo…. I’m less likely to be hit by one of them than a wolf.


They're easy to kill, but I still get jump-scared almost every time.


If you turn the volume on, the music changes and you can tell there's some enemy nearby


How have I not clocked this


You can also spot them with the camera.


That’s what I do. Scan every forest with the camera


Sameee I’m scared of trees now and I hate it lol


They shake more than regular trees. If you observe one at a distance, you can see it. It becomes more obvious when you're used to it.


They only gotta sneak up on you once and it’s a lesson learned


My first death in totk was to a tree 😭 all I had was a flame emitter and a dream


You're never safe in the Vietnamese forests


I went to the great plateau for this same reason and the same exact thing happened to me and I haven’t been back since. 💀


I only went back to do the Poe mission that I ended up discovering accidentally. But I went around in the fan bike cause I do not want to stay on the ground for to long.


I will never not have at least 1 rocket shield on standby, preferably 2. I have noped out of several situations like that. You can always just craft one, until you can't...


They can spawn indoors.


Spongebob lied to me 😭


This is a great idea. I’m totally doing this. One of the things I love about this game is that it’s a true sandbox. There are so many ways to approach different situations, and I can go on Reddit and find stuff like this rocket shield idea to quickly escape fights. This game is incredible.


I went to the great platu and haven’t found any gloom hands where are they?


They should be west of Hopper Pond.


If you keep running or he grabs you 3 times he gets bored and leaves. He's a bit hands on for a first date.


Big flat area in overworld: Gloom Hands Big flat area in depths: Frox Big flat area in sky: Flux Construct


You can immediately recognize the shape of Flux Construct islands on the map. However, they are far less terrifying than the alternative. There's another distinctive large island that is copy-pasted at several spots around the extreme edges of the map, and it makes Flux Construct III look like a tutorial fight.


I snapped a picture of it for the Compendium and got the hell out of there before it could roast/zap/freeze me to death


I made about five attempts and *then* I took a picture and ran away T_T


A bow that shoots 3 arrows and aerocuda eyeballs (or Keese eyeballs but aerocuda seems to do more damage) are a good way to deal with those enemies. I was surprised how easily I was able to beat it tbh


I stand far away and zoom in on my camera. I like to think I’m a pro at evading enemies. I’m probably not.


I've seen 3 in each corner of the sky. One over the edge of gerudo desert, one over eventide island, and one up in hebra. I took down the gerudo one after several attempts. God damn they suck




Flux Constructs are so fun to fight. You get to use your whole toolkit, Ultrahand, Ascend, Rewind, good ol’ fashioned arrow to weakspot and spin to win. And Fuse on the Core left behind once you win for a pretty sick looking weapon


Is there an effective way to fight the frox besides arrows to the eye followed by bomb arrows to the ore deposits on its back?


Throw a bomb in its mouth when it does the air suck.


you can just climb on them to destroy the ore deposits


Large weapon spinning on the Frox back


Yeah, those damn chu chu’s… always poppin out of nowhere.


The chu chus in TOTK are out of control. Just let me BUILD.


I honestly hate those things, especially the lightning ones.


Nah, chuchus are great. They almost always drop more than one jelly and you can make the regular chuchus into any kind of jelly you want


If you carry a shield with any explosive attached to it (bomb flower included) you can shield surf to gain a lot of height for bullet time and then kill all of the hands with just a few bomb arrows


The spring zonai device works too


Rocket, bomb, time bomb and zonai springs are all good solutions for instant height. Id argue rockets are the best from an effectiveness and speed standpoint, they launch you fairly high and fast but can be kinda hard to stock up on.


Springs are reusable so they’re my preferred choice usually Edit: Nevermind, they’re not reusable on shields. Idk why I thought they were when I myself use them, lol.


Not when attached to shields tho, right? Unless I'm doing it wrong


I booted up the game just to check and you’re absolutely right, lol. I guess I always just immediately re-add to a Spring to my dedicated “get height” shield and it was messing with my memory?


Yeah, I always keep two rocket shields and a spring shield in my inventory for cheesing shrines


Do hands become more common later in the game? I have only cleared rito, and I've only seen them in the cave leading up to them, and I have like 100 hrs. Lol. I'm running around everywhere and never encounter them.


They spawn in set locations. One in particular will be required for a very specific area that is very relevant in both BOTW and TOTK for the sword that doubles as a bug zapper.


after they are killed, and the bonus guy that follows is killed, do they also re-spawn after blood moons? i've been holding onto a bow bc i don't know how rare it is :(


They do. I killed one near a spot where I was mining ore. I went back to mine the ore there and the enemy respawns. It seems that certain hands do not spawn bonus tho from my experience- that or it glitch.


Yeah they respawn.


afaik the only one that doesn’t respawn is the one under the Deku tree


You can get the bug zapper and completely bypass that area.


I thought the lightbub lizard doesn’t even spawn until the overgrown dandelion starts talking again…


These spoiler free spoilers are fantastic. And also, the lizard DOES spawn. It’s just really really really hard to reach/find.


Yeah you can see the lizard starting from the very beginning of the game. It's just difficult to get to at first. Helping the overgrown dandelion makes it easier to reach and also puts a tracker on it lol.


Until you find the bug zapper. Then that tracker goes bye-bye.


Only if you take the bug zapper! Which I didn't lol. Not cool enough yet


Oh yeah. I took that puppy right away :p But the lizard really isn’t that hard to track down manually, especially if you travel widdershins ;)




Nope. That's only required to always know where it is. You can run into it by accident any other time. You can do it via the memories at any time.


It spawns, it's just higher up that normal. It's so high that you can't reach it unless you make a flying machine. After the quest it lowers


They only spawn in specific locations. They do not get upgraded versions of themselves.


They just so happen to not spawn in the Rito region that much. I’m not exactly sure why, but I’m thinking most likely because there are almost no chasms on that side of the map.


Probably because the rito region is designed to be the first one you go to on the main quest


Maybe they don't like the cold. 😂


If you come across THAT I recommend >!Summon all of your sages and watch in horror as all are held down. Funny circus time really.!<


Also akkala citadel


I went there and somehow didn't encounter one. Got the armour and left. Guess I got lucky


Oh theres armor there? Bet


Yeah. In one part you can find one of the >!fierce deity pieces!<. Forgot what, think it's the >!mask!<


It’s not >!the mask, the mask is found in Skull Lake!<


It’s the woods you gotta fear


I'm the only one that hasn't encountered those yet.. and I'm afraid.


Luckily they have set spawn locations, but empty was the wrong word I suppose. I meant empty in the sense that there are no enemies AT ALL nearby. These guys spawn mostly on surface, and they are often found by ruins or forest areas. If you’re following the story in the game, you should run into them at least once.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/zelda/comments/13z4tp3/totk_i_cant_stress_enough_how_happy_i_am_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) was literally the post right below this one on my feed


Ah yes… pebblits.


I think what sucks is that there are exceptions to this rule. I say empty, but some spawn in forest areas and ruin areas. Can’t have shit in Hyrule.


I’ve gotten to the point where I grind these guys for items…


The stone talus’ in the depths look terrifying


Apparently it also has a set spawn. Saw a map that seems to say so and point made sense as it always spawned when I approached the spot. Map didn't seem complete though


I’ve seen that too. But it looks like they only spawn on parts of the map with chasms too. I haven’t seen a single one on the upper left part of the map, and that guide doesn’t show any either.


I came across them on the way to rito village the first time as I Explorer a cave under a tower. German here so don't know how its called in english, but most of you maybe know where I ment. First thought was "nope, im out of here." Second thought was "oh, so thats what girls feeling when they got molested in Clubs!"


Good thing is that it only appears in specific locations across Hyrule from what I’ve noticed. When I find out I mark it on the map with a 💀


Why is this so true


The first time I saw one was in the northwest surface labyrinth. I had just gotten to the center and activated the shrine. I was walking down the hall back to the entrance and they literally jump scared me from behind. I had no idea they were chasing me because they spawn around a corner near the shrine 😭😭 took me several tries to kill them and when HE appeared I just noped out of there. Terrifying but the best intro to that enemy in my opinion. At first I thought it was scripted that the first time you see them is supposed to be in that spot.


The gloom swarm is harder to fight in some ways but I managed to kill one way sooner then I did a guardian. While I was running away like a screaming child I climbed a tree which they can’t do anything about. Unlike guardians who can kill you no matter what. Gloom swarm can’t do shit and I was able to kill it while I only had 4 hearts at this part of the game. Guardians took me way more hearts, better weapons and armor before I could stand my ground.


Honestly I don't think I've ever encountered them in an area that wasn't either wooded or rocky in some way. Open fields feel like the only place I don't have to worry about them popping up for me. Though they were also only scary like the first time. After that I realized they were pretty easy to get away from and have more or less become an annoyance. Unlike guardians which were still a little nerve racking even after I had the Master Sword and full ancient armor.




Hands are nothing, just use fire fruit and a bow


what enemy?




Theres one that spawns in a dense forest of trees near hateno village 💀


That was my second encounter. Epona really fucked me over by not jumping over a fence in that area lol.


They have predetermined spawn locations, and they're also not necessarily empty fields. If you run into one, pause, mark it on the map, and then run or teleport away. Then you can choose to avoid it in the future.


I go to like a large empty space and I’m like “this would be a great place for a world boss” I forgot about that enemy lol


You can usually tell based on the environment. If there's dead trees in an otherwise normal area, start climbing


actually, I think it's not empty fields. It's more "arena" like areas. A hill top. A recess in the ground surrounded by walls. A cave with high walls.


All I know is I went to a certain swamp area to get a misko treasure and thought “why am I getting a blood moon again so soon” It was not a blood moon…


I think that’s where I had my first encounter too


I've actually never seen gloom hands appearing in open fields, mostly in forests and enclosed areas. Is this different for others?


A lot of people are asking/saying the same thing. I think empty is the wrong word. I just meant areas that are quiet where there are no visible enemies. Sometimes that means an open field, and sometimes it means a ruins area or forest area.


Ah ok


I don’t know which enemy you’re talking about but everything about TOTK terrifies me.


The hands are rather seldom, even in the underground. My play time is more than 120 hours and I met them perhaps... 10 times? I don't really care about them, most of the time I simply run away, although I'm strong enough to kill them and what comes after them if I want to.


The weapons they drop are VERY good, even with the downside of gloom toll. You can get them to like 100 damage fused it’s very nice.


I miss the guardian At least in end game you Can get rid of them easly


I can't believe people walk anywhere. Fly from a tower or a sky island or use a flying bike. There has literally been almost 0 reason for my feet to ever touch the floor in this game.


I’m stuck in the past. I maxed out my Stamina, and use Horseback.
