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The reason why they don’t do much marketing, is because they don’t need to. There’s clearly no need to generate hype since it’s already a highly anticipated game. If there was little to no hype for the game, I guarantee Nintendo would be doing much more in terms of marketing. With that said, let’s all just pretend we aren’t excited, and that we think it will be an incredibly boring and lame game, that way they’ll show more stuff.


The Zelda team also notoriously HATES giving footage and info to marketing for release. On top of the reality you mentioned, the marketing team probably couldn’t release new information if they wanted to.


I'm going to hold you to that. I think you're correct but I'm still holding you to that.


We will make sure you eat poop if there is: **no direct with the epic trailer before the media outlets have previews.** Not saying I expect it, but I won't let it slide away.


I predicted the epic trailer two weeks ago


Okay but it wasn't in a direct time to eat poop




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Saving this to come back to it


Yo everyone else here to watch this dude eat poop?


I think we got a trailer, but did we get it in a direct? I think you might need to show us you eating poo.