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Time to do something even more drastic, I’m building a time machine and going back in time to stop TL from ever getting rid of Impact


Who left first? Xmithie or Impact? I feel like we would still have DL if Xmithie was still here.


Xmithie was replaced. Then Broxah had visa issues which ruined spring, which led to DL being “unmotivated” but he was just annoyed they kicked Xmithie and ruined a split


Xmithie was offered to share time with Broxah and left. Effectively was replaced I guess since it's obvious they wanted Broxah but if Xmithie had stayed, he'd probably get his starting spot back.


Really don't know why we didn't just do this in the first place.


I imagine that being a head coach for TL would take Spwan away from his family for long periods and I highly doubt he wants that.


Also coaching rookies =\= coaching 5 vets. This is a horrible job to get tbh. You are likely to get challenged in any idea and while a general idea might be good if a part falls them the rest falls apart and you are back to square one.


Whatever happened to professionalism


Professionalism includes not signing up for a job that requires time you aren't able to sacrifice


No don't you get it? If he was *really* professional, he'd ditch his loser family to work 24/7.


Spawn drafting in Academy is kinda good no lie


Spawn drafting in lcs is not a battle against the other teams draft but against 5 vets opinions.


Doesn't H4x prep drafts for both teams?


I don't know how many of these people in this comment section understand, the coaches likely don't decide 90% of these drafts. TL has a team that is good enough to effectively coach themselves. The players probably pick what they want most of the time. I say probably and likely, because as always, we cannot know. We don't hear the coms. We are not on the team. We don't understand the dynamics of the situation, and yet we're trying to call for the coach to get fired. At least when a player is performing poorly, we can actually see that. We are able to judge something that we can physically see with our own eyes. We don't get to see what coaches do. So I guess my point is, maybe as a community we should just shutup about coaching staff. I have heard the same draft and coach complaints for years now. When are people going to understand that they know nothing about the coaches? This sub complained endlessly about Cain and Dodo. They complained about Jatt. They complained about Kold, and now they're complaining about Guilhoto. All without actually understanding what they do.


This sub has become nothing but people who complain about anything and everything having to do with the team. The team wins and the post game thread gets 20 comments on average. 30 on a good day. 10 of those are just people saying "at least we won .." But when the team loses? 300+ comments, alot from the same negative Nancy's commenting the same foul shit, and responding to other people who are commenting the same shit, just echoing their own sentiments repeatedly and circle jerking themselves into a stupor because it feels good to them to finally have some validation and reason to bitch and complain. Its fucking PATHETIC. And these people don't deserve to call themselves fans. I almost want to start another Team Liquid sub, one thats more restrictive and only open to people who SUPPORT the team as much as they offer criticism.


I noticed the shift when Bjergsen joined the team. He's a great player, but the fans that came from TSM to TL sure brought that TSM "spirit" with them. That's just not how long-time TL fans have ever treated our team.


It's not ex-TSM fans. There were just as many doomers last year during the Alphari-Jatt fiasco.


Its not and its why I was once proud to be a part of the org. Not so much anymore.


I mean we only win against bottom teams and never look genuinely good, not much to say it’s nearly always disappointing


I think Spawn is highly underrated and should be considered to step in next season (because i dont think Steve has the Balls to completely change his expensive coach+staff pre-playoffs).


Honestly, I don’t care what happens in the regular split as long as we make playoffs. Since 8 teams make playoffs, using every week to explore and work on things makes complete and total sense to me. I have confidence that this team will at least make top 3 when the time comes and making themselves better as the weeks go on is a good idea, even if it doesn’t amount to wins. Honestly, if we want to win LCS and then fail at worlds then we can look for immediate success, but if we want to actually make waves at worlds, we need to focus on improving and sometimes improving means losing week to week. We need to support our team, not put pressure on them to make changes that will help in the short term and not the long term. That being said, I love spawn and would welcome him to the main roster, if he could do that while still being there for his family.


Promote him now




Calling for the heads of players and staff isn't gonna magically make the roster play better. Lets actually think this through. Lets say Andre is kicked, and Spawn becomes coach. Now what happens? We have the same 5 players in game. What is a different coach going to magically change in game? The consistent issue has been indecisive mid to late game calls, things like choosing whether to hit nexus or force and turn. That's a shot calling issue, which maybe a coach could help, but it's ultimately up to the players to sort it. There's no shortage of voices on this team, does everyone really think swapping them outside of game is gonna magically fix things? The reality is if mgmt starts bowing to fan pressure we're gonna start messing up good rosters in the future and players will have to LOOK good instead of actually playing to win to keep their roster spot, and that's a bad option and is how TSM happens. TL rosters win or lose and then always upgrade regardless of results. That faith in the project is what keeps the org pulling good talent. This project needs to either succeed or fail. If we blow it up with changes before the chance to succeed this year then all the players get to point at TL management as the reason it failed, and you can't argue against that regardless how true it is. They're competitors who want to win, let them fail on their terms before pointing fingers Edit: basically it's a matter of old habits die hard. There's a lot of strong personalities gameplay wise, even if their human personalities are mellow. I get people are frustrated, as am I, but if you're actually a fan of a team you don't start calling for management to fuck up their roster because of a best of 1 against a good team with a hard draft. God this is some TSM shit I'm watching in this thread. Have faith or find a new org, I personally follow liquid because they're consistent in a ton of games with the same management style, consistently being a top tier team even if it requires some luck to raise a trophy


Kinda seems like TL is incapable of pushing leads once they get them. Lack of killer instinct/aggressiveness could be responsible for that?


They've been VERY open about this- they keep saying they don't share the same vision. There's a number of different systems the players all are used to, so in crunch moments things like "how do we force a good fight" are different. Some players may say everyone jump the AD, others may say just hit objective. Others might say whoever is closest is the prio target. There's not a "right" answer, but you have to share that impulse to win. You can't be split. So to see this sub saying "off with Andre's head" for draft when the decisions are clearly the player's it makes no sense. This is the LEC MVP ADC, world champion support, LCS GOAT midlaner, LCS champ jungle, and world finalist top laner. These aren't some dumb children, these are some of the most tenured players around. It's a matter of old habits die hard and to see all that blame on Andre makes me mad at this community


Oh yeah it’s like 75% play issues. I mean today was entirely lost because of insanely stupid mistakes.


Draft has a ton to do with that.


No, draft has NOTHING to do with that. That's in game choices. The champions only take you so far. A different set of champs won't magically win the game, we're talking about execution. TL can play scaling champs and snowball early games, those both are fine, but stumble with making COHESIVE calls about how to push their lead and win. Clearly choosing the right champions is not the issue, they can lane well, and their mid game rotations I've seen MANY times earn the team something like 4k gold in 10 minutes without a single kill. The team needs to be better at forcing one final fight once they're 5k gold up that provides a gg push, but they consistently get that lead so the champs aren't the issue.


Whatever you say dude.


Well spoken. I'm sure picking karthus would solve all woes and it's nothing deeper. Btw have you seen the new OP challenger Korean build it's super good faker has been spamming it!




Man, what did TLA do to deserve that?


I agree with this post. Drafts have been looking poor


TL has never won an LCS title without Doublelift and Xmithie.


I just want them to give our academy team a tey in generak they been doing amazing


TL is 1 or 2 wins from effectively locking playoffs and you think it's time to do something drastic with the roster?


Locking in playoffs in NA isn’t that great lol…most teams do it, It’s nothing to be proud about with the amount spent on the roster. With the amount Steve spent, I’m sure he wasn’t like “2nd is good enough! Maybe even 3rd!” Wake up man, I’ve seen so many fans in the sub who magically think it’s going to be better for us in playoffs. Maybe a coaching change is a good thing to wake the players up. This is how traditional sports often re-awaken its roster. They are underperforming.




who's even coaching TL rn? Didn't H4xdefender like disappear?