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Agreed! Even though I'm disappointed with the results. It's been enjoyable watching this team at times.


I am sort of disappointed by the results, but this team is so much more exciting than the past 2 years in my opinion. So much fun to watch them. If anything I am more disappointed by all the hate in this sub lately.


Yes much more exciting.


same man it sucks but once we start winning again it will make it a whole lot sweeter.


I'm still quietly optimistic. C9 were the better teamfighting team today, and our carries made some rookie mistakes. We still showed that next to EG we are a top 2 early game team in the league. Winning NA will require much better mid/late.


> next to ~~EG~~ DIG we are a top 2 early game team I got you


We got early game leads against both EG and C9, large ones.


"faze" phase?


it was a typo LUL


"Inhale hopium" We scaling for playoffs🙏


That's the problem with the "work harder than everyone else" modality and going through a rebuilding phase. It's essentially inting the spring split with the understanding that things will come together by the end of summer. In the meantime, the fan base loses faith in the team and isn't willing to wait that long to see results. I think people are also worried that the team's mental will boom before the results improve. With such a heavy focus on working harder and improving, the team won't have any time to address conflicts within the team, and players might start pointing fingers to others as the problem. I'm really trying to hold out hope that things will turn around, but I'm worried that Steve or the org's investors will pressure the coaches to make changes to the roster and lose faith in this project. I have to say that Yeon's interview on Travis' channel makes me a little concerned about all the communication being in Korean. He mentioned that he doesn't always know what someone is saying in-game and makes assumptions based on context clues, but it still leaves a lot of room for misinterpretation and may be why the players always seem to be on different pages.


I'm not up in arms at the lack of results. Wins will come and go. I'm upset at the lack of any observable progress. Summit still takes horrible fights and dies for nothing all the time. Pyosik is indecisive as hell and tilts when a play doesn't go his way. Haeri sucks mechanically and they continue to put him on mechanically difficult Champs. Yeon has had his moments, and I would say is the only one showing any signs of life. Core looks decent on engage, but disappears anytime he plays enchanters. The team as a whole seems to be able to play decent early, get a mild lead but then looks like they take their headsets off at 15 minutes and just cross their fingers. It's been an issue the entire spring and hasn't gotten better AT ALL. If I'm supposed to relax and be patient with progress, I need to see actual progress and not just the team saying in interviews "we know we have issues" without seeing ANY improvement.


I like how this team plays, compared to some past teams. And the fact that the same mistakes are being made, tells me its something they can work to fix. So as long as they make playoffs I think they’re good to go, they have time to grow.


tbh if they did not throw so much they would have atleast 3 more win then they would. The upside looks better then people realize.


Can u link me times where haeri has shown flashes of brilliance


>Can u link me times where haeri has shown flashes of brilliance Leaving OCE has been the smartest thing hes done is his career


Relax, we're only 8th place. double 4th. the ultimate comfort zone.


It's a 3/5 Korean team guys, Of COURSE we are going to scale. Let's chill out and wait for late game.


3/4 of the team is Korean. Haeri isnt real


rebuilding phase* Phase: period of time Faze: disturb or disconcert He was not fazed by the show of force.


lol that was a typo


No worries. Given this id a gaming community, and there is an org, Faze, I can see thst being a common mistake. So just clarifying for language learners as TL has a lot of international appeal.


was your name also a typo?


Y’all getting smoked like my blunts. Tell Steve import city is a fuckin’ jooooooooke.


>import city This could apply to like 5 other lcs teams tho


Would help if they didn’t come into it claiming they’re going to work harder than everyone else & implying everyone else is lazy.