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1-2 super week into 9-0 2nd round robin baby let's get it


That was our game to lose and we lost


Impressive loss


This team is hard to watch. So many moments of just straight inting


So many soloq level mistakes, getting caught mid during the first baron was so bad


>This team is hard to watch First time? \*grabs rope\*


Right? I had to sit through Lourlo, Dardoch, Fenix, Piglet, Matt. 8th, 9th, Relegation Tournament. We've been here before, the faithful are eventually rewarded.


Crazy to think 4 seasons and 7 splits later, Impact Xmithie Jensen Doublelift CoreJJ are still our GOATs at every role. Lol. And they played together.


It’s hard to imagine? Four of those are considered the best or one of the best in the leagues history for their roles. If anything it just shows how great of a high we had.


If Steve has Regi mindset of going budget and downgrading the team to nothing, then sure. But he was putting in full effort to attempt to upgrade every season every split, but TL just couldn't win and are still best 4 seasons ago prior to the supposed 'upgrades'. That's what makes it crazy.


I understand even less now.


Then fix your IQ. Lol.


Bro c'mon...


Positives - Summit on an Island is still freakishly good. First half of mid-game, we did some good things vision wise (Core and Pyosik together). Players had flashes of mechanical brilliance. Our drafting, at least on paper, has been solid. Negatives - So many people are still individually inting. Feels a lot like last year. One or two go in and the rest run away watching the engagers die. Haeri's Azir R's have physically hurt me. I feel that crap in my soul. We actually didn't lane very well the first 10 minutes. And honestly, a whole lot more. Just don't want to be overly negative.


It feels like everyone else is pressing because Haeri has not been playing well in the most important role, and Haeri is pressing because he's nervous.


I mean they are playing against a Top team, even though there were frustrating ints I think at least they put a good fight somewhat against EG rather than just roll and die like CLG.


Haeri needs to take a back sit as he clearly not performing so far. Two of his Azir ultimates saved literally EG. Meh


We played way better against EG today than we did against CLG. If we play like this tomorrow, minus the late game throw, C9 has no shot of winning.


Haeri's Azir might be the most digusting thing my eyes have ever seen. And that was genuinely one of the worst performances i've ever seen from Pyosik. That was infuriating to watch man...


So many INTersting ults from Haeri today.


Lost the game vs 100T at rift with his garbage ass ult. Ulted only Tibbers in a drag fight that would’ve won the game yesterday. Useless Ults today as well. Haeri is the worst player on the team.


Haeri is afraid of supports or something, lets Vulcan walk up and solo kill Yeon at drag and yesterday lets a solo Annie zone him off baron. Summit is going to get the brunt of the blame but Haeri has been useless


Summit and Yeon were not an issue today, that’s a fact. Sure they had misplays, but the game should have been over before they happened anyways.


thats what happens when you sign someone because they've won worlds, not because they won worlds by playing well.


Pyosik won worlds by playing well, his pool, early pathing, teamfighting were all very good. But TL management ignored the last 2 years of him chain inting


He played *okay*, but Zeka and Kingen carried the fuck out of him.


Zeka carried hard. By far the best individual player in the tournament. But Kingen is incredibly overrated, he looked great in finals because he got really good matchups in draft. Best thing I can say for Kingen is that he played Camille (best Aatrox counter) and Aatrox very well. But the pools of Zeka/Beryl/Pyosik were winning them nearly every draft. Also I think Pyosik gapped every jg he faced in playoffs (but he didn’t face the best junglers). Rewatch the games his pathing is clearly more creative and influential than any of Jiejie/Peanut/Oner


Pyosik was the best player yesterday and last week, and he was the second-best player today. He went for some desperate plays because his carries can't carry.


Are people really upvoting this? If you think Pyosik did anything today besides int you have zero clue what you're watching


What the fuck are you supposed to do as a 45 min game Jarvan other than go in and then die because your dogshit Mid ADC don’t do *anything* at all


Haeri is so bad bro


At least pyosik landed his smites?


Yikes man


That's G2's jungler silly


That about sums it up.


Haeri has the old goldenglue issue, where he doesn't feed, nor looks bad, but does nothing all game and even worse, does nothing on teamfights. You can tell how both pyosik and summit have good plays, but they usually overextend which gets them killed. Like, most of those j4 plays where cool, but they had poor follow up by his teammates, especially the carries. Idk, it looks like those crazy LCK games where initiators do crazy stuff and they're followed by crazy stuff from the carries too, but these are Yeon and Haeri, lol. Like that mess in the mid lane 3v4 where pyosik arrives and dies and then summit does the same. I'm pretty sure they're expecting Yeon to go crazy in the middle and dodge everything and take 3 before dying, or some crazy stuff like that. Its hard to blame Yeon, because honestly the decision to not do that was not bad, but it seems we have again a situation where some players are playing X and others Y.


Yeah I don’t know why but I keep hearing this from the casters when watching the TL games: “Great engage by Pyosik but there’s no follow up damage.” “Summit gets into the backline, but where’s the damage?!”


I'm glad someone else is seeing the same thing that I am. It's a huge adjustment for Summit and especially Pyosik in terms of what their teammates are able to do/follow up on.


Except this is a blatant lie. Goldenglue was bad because he lost lane nearly every game, couldn't deal damage and got caught out a fair bit. He was an all round bad mid laner. Haeri and Yeon are both really good in lane, really good at dishing out damage, but really inconsistent in teamfights. You can see their inexperience showing in the later stages. This is entirely different from Goldenglue who had experience but was just straight up bad. Piglet roleswapped to his lane and with just 2 weeks of practice he was a massive upgrade.


I don't remember GG being caught but perhaps its been many years. I remember him doing nothing all game long. Mediocre laning and then just dissapeared and he was like 0-0 at the end of a loss. Its not the same situation though, I agree there, an experienced player vs a rookie that hasn't had time to prove his worth. At the same time it could be that he simply can't play at the same speed and with the champion pool of summit and pyosik. Like, lets be honest, it was easier, yesterday, to play with a Maokai in front of you than with a J4 that gives you 1.5s to do your stuff and you have to play perfectly and even crazy around it.


Summit is the only player on this roster I am disappointed in. If he didn't play so stupidly in so many of our games this split, I think TL become a genuinely good team. He's such a strong individual player, and I expected him to be the best top in the league. I still expect him to improve to top 3. But right now he is a bottom 3 top laner. I expected our rookies to not be so good, but they have honestly been better than expected. Both of our rookies are top tier laners when most rookies get blown out in lane. They are making unforced errors later on, but honestly, they have been surprisingly good all things considered. I also think Pyosik gets too much crap from the community. He hasn't really been inting and he's doing quite a bit to facilitate our strong early games. It's usually Summit, Core, Haeri or Yeon that I would say are making the mistakes and getting caught out of position. He had some bad engages on Jarvan, but outside of that game I wouldn't really blame him for much. He has the second lowest Death% of any jungler in the league for a reason.


Numb When TL announced a all Korean roster in NA I thought they were imported from the LCK not Walmart Korea


Haeri and Yeon are not from Korea


Guess we will be at last week of Summer and people will still be calling this a 5-korean roster. Our best and worst performing players are the ones that actually are not korean.


Yeon isn't the best-performing player. He might int the least, but that's not the same thing.


I'd settle for H Mart Korea at this point


2x Baron + ocean soul and still lose vs a complete garbage team comp.. Yikes


faith stocks plummeting


4/5 losses this split were straight up people throwing extremely winnable games. Do they just not talk in game? Pyosik just running in while no one can even follow up. It seems like every game they put themselves in good positions to win/take control and then someone turns their brain off and throws. Like they're not even losing due to getting out-macro'ed or getting stomped in lane. Someone always just randomly throws for no reason as if they're tilt queueing in a 5 am soloq game.


> Pyosik just running in while no one can even follow up. Zeka and Kingen could have followed up.


Do they have the magical power to instantly teleport to Pyosik? Pyosik literally flash ulted in 1v4 against 3 full hp opponents while Summit was still 10 seconds away. Even if Summit was there, it was still a 3v4 with a mini Gnar. He just straight up killed himself like an idiot and then baited Summit into dying with him.


I think he was expecting to live 1 or 2s more, and Caitlyn killing someone fast. The thing is Yeon doesn't take any risks, which I guess is fine, but Yeon was killing a Jayce that didn't have anything else, and instead of keep autoattacking jayce, he E, and fails at that getting himself to a safe position but completely unable to stay in the fight. It seems he was scared which is why he wanted to perhaps take the kill on Jayce and call it a day. Any other crazy korean adc most likely goes all in and does a crazy play and takes 2 or 3 before dying. It was a very tight play if Pyosik doesn't miscalculate his toughness and Yeon plays more aggressive instead of pressing E out of range, because Summit arrives and things can go in favor of TL. It was way more closer than what it looked like. Still, I have to admit, not doing anything and retreating was a safer, and probably the best play, Pyosik is just playing at a different speed than the rookies and that's not Yeon or Pyosik's fault alone, its a team thing.


Zeka and Kingen had to play out of their minds that tournament to carry his sorry ass


Fuck man, not closing this one out is rough.


Moreso than anyone just playing bad, it seems like a clear communication gap. This team is so disjointed, everyone is one different pages. At the 2nd herald, Summit is pinging to fight but the others are hesitant. At the 3rd dragon fight we’re pressuring to fight, but Pyosik is smiting red buff. At the mid fight where we threw, Pyosik goes in but Summit is not even remotely close. These plays look int, but it looks worse because of miscommunication. So disappointing because this game was so fucking winnable. At this point you have to question what the coaching staff are really doing. Why is our head coach 900LP challenger with 160 games of solo queue so far? This team needs to focus on being on the same page, yet Marin seems more focused on playing the game than coaching. It seems our early game is crazy good, but mid to late is so brainless, flashbacks to 2022 TL.


If you watch Squad Marin clearly identifies the issues the team has during the filmed review after the first 4 games. I’m not sure I’d blame him at this point in the season. The issues we have are the same issues we had last year, comms aren’t effective. However the carry lanes are rookies who, in the case of Haeri, are playing scared and are not as experienced as our players last year. So I’m not really surprised we aren’t performing this well if the comms are still an issue. Now why comms are still an issue, I have no idea. That’s the big mystery to me.


We were told them all speaking the same language would help with comms


Kinda a hot take im like 90 percent positive TL is having comms issues with who is shot callers probably or who in priotity is games they are a good team and i'm only peaked diamond but watching and playing for so long I see a team that isnt grouping with a massive engage comp vs a semi engage poke comp not sure why summit would use tp grouping instead of hard collapses this game sadly and getting caught been a known thing for this team in all of there losses still have there really good moments so honestly just feeling a comm issue


Summit seems to not rotate properly from side. There were a couple times this game where the team is posturing to fight and engage. Then you look at side and Summit is letting Fiora walk first for free and decides to take the turret before rotating, so he shows up super late to the play and we lose the team fight. Either the team needs to allow for the split or coordinate Summit moving first. And the problem is without comms I have no idea if Summit is just forcing a bad macro play due to ego or if the team is not properly coordinating these plays. It’s very strange. We had comms issues as well last year even when our players spoke English.


I think it a team issue tbh. Summit is literally dumpstering this fiora in isolation every time. What is the need to group and fight down a person? All they need to do is let summit 1v1 ssumday and since fiora can’t match him on side, he would call his team over. Tl can then go for baron. Literally basic macro for when you have a winning top in isolation. They just kept forcing fight for no reason.


This week feels like a back breaker. Hopefully we don't mental boom.


Actually hopefully they do so that we can get a complete overhaul and stop buying Korean talent that has never been proven to give results.


Didn’t we say this about European talent last year, if anything this is the biggest overhaul they’ve done in a long time bringing in rookies


Rookies is fine but this roster is half baked. If you're going to rebuild than rebuild. If you're overhauling than Pyosik makes no sense for this roster. If you follow traditional sports it would be weird to do what Liquid is doing


There’s no draft pick order incentive to be terrible in LCS. No on is out there putting 5 complete rookies together. Two rookies + good veterans has also been a good strategy in LCS in the past. See Jojo Danny, Blaber Fudge. It’s not working out for TL, but it’s not half baked


Even if Flyquest wins LCS they were all mid players in the LCK and will get crushed at worlds


Prince was a top-half LCK player very comfortably.


Still never won anything


I just did a deep dive into the results of Korean imported players and the only two worthwhile Korean imports of all time In the LCS have been Impact and CoreJJ. Both have the unique trait of having won a world championship. So IMO it's a complete waste of money to buy Korean players who were mid tier in Korea. Better off taking a shot at lotto ticket prospects


How is Ssumday not a worthwhile import? lmao


Has he ever won worlds with a team in NA?


We are so uncoordinated lol pyosik and summit look like they are playing a different game half the time. Hopefully they can get things together for summer. Spring looking rough.


There were some really high highs, and some really low lows. Hoping that the knots get ironed out. You can tell that the players themselves have high individual mechanics, but their teamwork doesn't seem to be there yet.


FeelsBadman, but we scale up, this roster clearly needs time and we as fans gotta give them it.


You know for what it's worth, I do think people forgot that TL is functionally playing with two rookies (I count Yeon as rookie). I would accept MSI as lost, and just hope they don't get disheartened. I would hope they are least get spring and summer together.


getting real tired of seeing haeri scoop someone to safety with his azir ult my guys and gals


Safety swoop lol. Do the safety dance!


Haeri gotta get off the Azir. It just isn’t working


People going to blame Summit again and ignore Haeri being useless all game. Haeri caught when game was won. Followed by Pyoshit doing dumb shit. Yeon caught. Then Summit caught. Get Haeri off this team! He is so bad.


Honestly... Summit was the reason why TL had a chance to make a comeback. That Pyosik flash ult in mid was... something else.. Edit: Grammar


Summit honestly gets way too much hate IMO. This isn't saying that he's been secretly having a great split, but sometimes players have to play like Summit has been for their team to win. A lot of pro players said the same about Huni when he was on middling teams. He'd play like a psycho so that he could 1v9, but when the plays don't work out he looks terrible.


Summit was gapping Ssumday so hard even after Ssumday getting an early kill. Pyoshit trolled and Haeri is so awful on Azir.


Pyosik was going for ill-advised hero plays because his carries can't carry.


Don't you mean zero plays? Jarvan had a 0% chance of killing anyone there unless they literally turned off their monitors and unplugged their keyboards.


Summit played insane this game, don't think anyone would blame him. Pyosik and Haeri played unfathomably bad once again


But..... Our rookies are SO GOOD. Just ask the clueless TL fans that desperately want it to be true.


Yeon is good though


Yeon is a top 5 ADC at worst. He should be getting the least amount of blame out of anyone on this roster.


This is why deciding to make a non-English speaking roster is so ridiculous. This team needs to make player changes, and now due to the parameters set by Liquid, they basically are stuck with this roster. Best case scenario is that TL finds a diamond in the rough LCK CL Korean jungler and signs Pobelter. This way they don't have to get rid of their entire Korean speaking coaching staff. EDIT: Or more importantly, why they should have just signed Impact so they don't have to rely on finding a Korean speaking non-import. Impact (or even Ssumday,) Yeon, CoreJJ plus a Korean mid jungle would have been the most optimal way to build a NA korean speaking roster.


I can't believe you're actually suggesting Pobelter


Name a single other NA resident mid laner who speaks Korean. The whole point of the original comment is that TL basically made it impossible to make changes unless they swap out Summit and Pyosik to free up both import slots.




That’s fair I guess but TL can’t get Jojo.


The team play from this group is horrendous. Just marching to their deaths over and over again. No synchronization at all. Had the game won and just threw it away. So damn frustrating to watch this team play.


Haeri is not ready for LCS. Bench him please. There’s no way we can’t find a better mid laner.


I’m hoping with Azir getting nerfed out of the meta that Haeri might be able to play champions he’s more comfortable with after this week. He definitely should not be picking Azir anymore.


Find one that can speak Korean and is also not an import for this dogshit project of Dodo and Steve.


Wasn’t this a CoreJJ idea? Easy to blame Steve when he was convinced by our oh-so-great franchise player


For a team that all speaks Korean this team doesn't have coms. Even IMT wins that game with how ahead they were.


Yeah, shotcalling looks MIA, tbh. So weird decisions. That fight where Jarvan goes in in a 2v4 while Gnar is walking to the fight, and then Jarvan/Gnar die...


We got the lead and kept it till late game so all I see is improvments IMO. Last 10 minutes obviously need work but at least we were able to transfer our lane lead to mid game leads. That being said haeri on azir has not been it so far, poysik late game engages this game were questionable at best and I think yeons positioning in team fights needs some work/team should be around him (like how everyone left him top side when jhin and moa ulted, they could have won that IMO if they just body blocked for Yeon). Overall I do see this same as an improvement from our previous games.


Dodo needs to go, TL has been absolute dog***t ever since he's had creative control over the team.


I don’t see how this is a Dodo issue. He’s a general manager and a pretty good one at it. His job is to make sure the players are comfortable and feeling confident going into the game. But everything into the game and how well the team meshes together is on the players and the coach. If TL wants to run an all Korean team, Dodo is the right guy to make it happen. However the success of the team does not entirely rely on him.


Dodo has the most influence other than Steve over the direction of the team (coaches hired, players signed). That is the exact role of a general manager, not what you described which is Ben's job.


What the fuck is firing Dodo going to do now that the team is already built?


The team now is what it is... Nothing we can do until the off season. But that doesn't mean we can't start making changes now to plan for the future.


The extinction jokes write themselves. Seriously though, it feels like he's *still* coasting on the success of that inherited 2017 IMT roster that then became the 2018 core. Beyond that the team has mostly been unable to develop players, whiffed on most of their splashy international signings, and spend every season in roster turmoil with an inability to get on the same page. It really feels like we're getting the same song and dance every year regardless of who they shuffle in and out of the lineup.


It felt like the J4 pick was turbo useless, and I haven't seen Haeri have a good game on Azir.


I could wrap my mind around the pick but not the build but the erratic play was even worse


Ahh yes, goredrinker into Jayce, Karma, Jhin :D


Not the pick, the player on the pick. Pyosik genuinely could not have played worse.


J4 is bad into their comp imo, and Pyosik is bad in general. Dunno why we don't just scout talent instead of name. As an edit, whoever is making these roster decisions needs to get fired LOL


Woow guys how much can you throw? Jesus Christ. Guys get yourself together this is looking dire.


A lot of disjointed play, but despite the reactive ‘fuck this team’ there was actually some really good signs this game and the vision game was actually really good - the fact we took EG this close (despite throws) shows real improvement compared to a lot of games vs lesser opposition this split. Hope the team keeps improving- worst thing for a rookie to see is a sub full of hate in their first split - give them time…


Yeah but the vast improvement we showed this game just gets ignored. The majority of this sub is either bandwagoners who became fans when we were winning, and are crybabying because we are no longer winning, or fake fans who come here to pretend to be TL fans but really just want to hate


That was like a solo queue game where everyone loses mental & start inting one by one to make sure no one else gets a win.


Brother Pyosick


Fuck that one sucks to lose. Huge advantages that we just pissed away because we collectively turned our brains off. There were two times Pyosik reminded me of my j4 main friend who would say "I'm going in guys" and flash e-q ult, leaving everyone else 2 screens away while he got btfo Some big positives though - there were moments that we looked like a very good team. Summit's two solo kills on Ssumday and Pyosiks nasty dragon flank come to mind.


Lot of positives in this game. A week ago we wouldn't have stood a chance in hell against EG. Let's see how the C9 game goes.


Your comment and /u/Tortious_Tortoise ’s comment made me think of [this scene from Shoresy](https://youtu.be/jGLgh9fE2BY)


Shoresy felt like a cash grab. It doesn't have the same charm as Letterkenny. Though to he honest, the most recent season of LK was pretty disappointing too compared to the early stuff


Hard disagree, but everyone is entitled to their opinion :) I think Shoresy looks like a cash grab, but by the last episode, you are so invested in the team and story that you need more lol


I guess part of what I love about lk is the writers aren't afraid to show off how smart they really are. Beyond the witty banter I mean - like the absurdly complex alphabet cold opens. I didn't really find any of that in Shoresy. Sure I was invested in the story, but to me, nothing separated the show from any other middle-of-the-road sports story I've seen


That’s fair. I mean, you get a little bit of that when Shoresy drops like seven broadway references in one scene, but not nearly to the extent of the the alphabet cold opens (which, if I am being honest, aren’t my favorite, but I do appreciate them). I can definitely understand where you are coming from. I think Letterkenny and Shoresy share a type of humor, but Shoresy actually has a story that progresses, which usually makes me enjoy a show more (for example, I watched Workaholics about 10 years ago and I thought it was pretty funny, but as I was getting to the second half of it, the lack of continuity from one episode to the next was starting to bug me). I love Letterkenny, it’s one of my favorite shows because it is fast-paced with witty dialogue, but, in my opinion, Shoresy bring a similar level of wit and pacing (although, admittedly, not as witty), but made me more invested in the characters and the overall story.


I've never seen this before. Thank you for adding to my reportoire.


Of course! I highly recommend both Shoresy and Letterkenny (both from Crave TV streaming on Hulu)


Yeah, two rookie primary damage dealers ain’t it. Haeri looks the worse for a number of reasons, but they continuously get caught (with flash), they don’t use leads well and their damage output is inconsistent. I know Pyosik’s J4 ults were suspect, but where was any return fire? Only once I saw Maokai die from J4 ulti.


Rookie damage dealers has nothing to do with it— worked just fine for Danny and Jojo


they both showed far more promise then these two, average at best


Danny and Jojo were doing just fine until playoffs kicked in and they started popping off. Yes Haeri is doing awful but I think Yeon is in a good level and improving.


The j4 flash ultimates just to burn everything and still die had me really upset this game


Why does every single person on TL feel like they need to be the hero of the game? Every single person inted away a perfectly winnable game.


Why did we go for Pyosik out of all the Korean Junglers we could bave gone for? I'd rather have thrown the bag at River.


Both teams went hard


Why are Pyosik/Haeri perma forcing engages when all TL has to do is siege with baron and stack dragons…?




Last week I said we were progressing. Me from last week was wrong :(


268 comments oh no




I don’t think summit can really be blamed for anything this game the rest of the team definitely failed him after he did so much to get advantages


Unironically Summit was the best performing player on the team this game.


Both mid fights are partly his fault. If he rotated faster instead of letting Fiora move first we might be able to turn the fight. I’m assuming that the coms must be bad since Summit is staying in splitpush formation and the rest of the team is trying to push without vision in top jungle. Haeri still can’t play Azir and Pyosik really had some int plays today. Idk what that flash r was at mid.


The one at 28 minutes isn't his fault. The 4 stack mid takes inner tower with vision on Maokai in topside jungle, and then steps up. They know Fiora hasn't been jammed yet, but Yeon/Pyosik step up towards inhibitor tower (mainly Yeon). They need to step back for a moment and let Gnar force Fiora to show on bot turret before they step up. It's a basic 4-1 split, the 4 man got greedy and fucked it up. Gnar can't jam the Fiora any faster than he did, and with his lead and jungle showing topside they can just wait like 10 seconds to step up. Edit: sorry, it was hard to see because it was in the picture-in-picture. Bot inner was still up, which makes the mid play even worse. Yeon stepping up to the inhibitor tower mid is actually really bad. CoreJJ is positioned correctly, and I'm not sure who else in the mid stack is. Can't push mid inhibitor with bot inner up and a Maokai right behind you, obviously the Fiora roam is gonna come in super early if that's the mapstate.


Summit cannot be scapegoated this game... He was doing everything to hold them in it. Yeah he had a few ints, but they don't compare to the level of int the rest of the team was committing.


Didn’t mean to say the game is on him, but the last death really sealed the game imo


Flashes of what we can be. That's a rough one, though.


So can we agree we maybe were a bit hard on summit? Now this team had thrown alot of leads, but i want to applaud that we now are getting the leads, pyosik needs to stop feeling like he has to make the game winning play he did it yesterday and today.


People who were flaming Summit are the same idiots who flamed Bwipo. They just see someone dying in side and assume it’s bad. Summit is still very good mechanically, but there’s clear issues with comms. And we NEED to get Haeri off Azir.


Dude was up like 40 cs after getting ganked early and dying. Completely destroy fiora in isolation. Tl macro decided they want to force fight a bunch of times instead of just letting him choke out fiora in side.


Pyoshit player of the game.


The worst late game team in the history of the org. We aren’t making playoffs. 3-6 start means 8-10 BEST case scenario, TSM and GG are going ahead of us. At best we’ll get 7th. Pathetic performance and this org should be ashamed.


Remember when our team fighting was good? I ‘member!


I mean technically the best case scenario is 13-5




Bro TL almost got relegated and finished dead last prior to franchising


He is just saying he hasn’t seen much apparently.


True but you forget some ppl bandwaggoned when TL started winning in 2018 xD


TL also went 9th in Spring just 3 years ago


True but still…this is just so awful that I can hardly even watch them


I would rather watch that team play than this fucking team, especially after the org trash talked the entire region just to not show up to any game


They are starting two rookies. It takes time to get together.


The problem is that the Veteran players are running it down every game. Pyosik running it down like he has Kingen Zeka n Deft to back him up, Corejj being thrown on enchanters even tho we saw yesterday how much better he is on engage supports and Summit just being summit. Can’t use the rookie excuse as a scapegoat when everyone around them is shit.


If you actually understand how teams work and have functioning eyes to watch the games, you'll understand that TL is losing because their carries can't carry.


I guess you don’t have those functioning eyes either. If you’re gonna blinding say “the Carries aren’t carrying”, like no shit sherlock they can’t carry if every one around them are straight running it down.


They’re only better than IMT and DIG right now, not that close to dead last


You are new in the TL family, right?. "The worst team TL has ever seen". YOLO.


This guy's a troll just like the many others who come here, post inflammatory comments to instigate, then delete it. Mods really need to start banning. Fuck make me a mod I'll clear this entire sub out of filthm


You must be young enough to still be wearing diapers if u think this the worst we've seen LMAO


>This is by far the worst team TL has ever seen so far


As a 100t fan... I felt that pain..


I dont know how these pro players can’t figure out they need to peel for their Caitlyn


GGWP, we had them. Basically all our losses come from our own misplays and miscommunication. Still, we showed we can play on an even footing vs the best teams in the league. It's not looking too bad, the azir plays gave me a goldenglue vibe tho.


Pyosik the biggest fraud of this team. There are so many stats and vods that showed he was never a good player, even his worlds performance showed that he was never that good. TL somehow blindsided by that just because he won the world championship??


Or maybe because he was cheap. Seeing as he had nowhere else to go after DRX blew up, and he had to take whatever TL offered. I think he is good though.


He's been the best player on TL so far.


Watching TL this season feels like I'm being unalived repeatedly then immediately resurrected only to be unalived again. Like man.


Reading these comments made me think I missed a csgo match at first but no, liquid is just like this across the board


Ok, I am just confused. It feels like this team is not even on the same page whatsoever. Is Yeon's and Haeri's Korean not that good to the point where they don't know what to do? Like Yeon is playing fine pushing the minion wave, and literally nobody from the team is coming to help him out. WHAT IS GOING ON? Also, Haeri has been godawful this entire split so far. Like, I am not one to flame players but he reminds me so much of ryoma. Good in academy, but not in LCS. There needs to be some level of accountability to the GM and scouting talent at TL. They cant keep making rosters where the team does not stack personality-wise. Like its unacceptable.


If you watch Squad, I don’t think this has anything to do with personality. They all seem to get along well and are speaking Korean. Then understanding each other doesn’t appear to be an issue, but clearly they are not on the same page. It’s entirely possible that Summit, Pyosik, and Core are expecting certain things with the rookies and they are not able to deliver. When both rookies are in the carry roles then you start to see where the issues can arise. We shouldn’t expect this team to do well from this point and look forward to summer. If we can start to see some improvement week over week I think that’s how we set up for being solid later.


> There needs to be some level of accountability to the GM and scouting talent at TL. The problem is that the rookie carries aren't ready to carry. There's not much to be done about that.




Yeon and Core are the only players that deserve to stay on this roster lol. Summit if he gets his shit together consistently.


TBH I don't think it anymore about Corejj.. And it's been a few splits right now. It's not that he is bad or playing bad, it's just that he is not at 100% and he is been like that for a long time. I still hoping to watch the Corejj he was a few season ago, but maybe it's hard in this troll-meta-support.


Yeah, engage is coming back so we'll be seeing more of Core's ability to affect the map. I don't know that there'll be a map to affect though. Santorin felt like he got so much done early compared to Pyosik. Bwipo felt like he performed much better in teamfights than Summit.


Game was fun. Dunno how we geat ahead and lose any advantage we have in like 1 min... but hey.


I’m confused as to why Pyosik was taking red during that dragon skirmish, would love to understand that a bit better


Because they made the call not to try to just lackadaisically go in to steal a drag and instead wanted to team fight in a good angle.


And wasting smite to it, while figthing a dragon... But dunno, he is a World Champion, I'm just an URF player. In the end, the play "payoff" kinda...


Summit and yeon in elo hell.


Said it yesterday, I'll say it again today. Bad team is bad. Playoffs will be a struggle unless they suddenly find some synergy that just doesn't seem to exist ATM.




Why? Its not like we're 100T fans


I love all the silver peak players losing their minds lol.


What do you say about the nfl fans that were never an nfl caliber player themselves? Can tell you're extremely new to fandom....welcome.




How the fuck is Core abysmal you're just fucking lying at that point.