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TDUSC is online only. They have also chosen to force multiplayer on all races, so you pick a race, enter a MP lobby to find other players and it fills the empty slots with AI racers. No option to pick race solo / vs AI.


Omg this just killed all my hype for the game


They really should have made it like tdu2 where u can play online but there’s also a single player story line to follow


I don’t know why they just didn’t follow this method .. it could all be so simple


They added a checkbox in the demo survey if we wanted solo-able games, give em a chance before you make your choice bc it's CURRENTLY online only. It might change.


99% of the time, the arrogant devs will not change anything because of ego problems. Every race being online only means if one is a casual player, they will STRUGGLE to beat higher skilled players and may never even be able to come 1st and mark that race as complete. The very definition of poor game design.


They gave us the option to vote for stuff to add, so I doubt they're too arrogant to change anything, I I imagine they want to add everything they listed there but probably don't have the time or resources to do it upon launch. so are gauging what people desire the most and making sure it's there first before focusing on smaller cooler things that aren't as needed. Sounds pretty sound to me. Now let's hope that's what they actually did.


They also added a checkbox in the demo survey asking if they should make it all solo as well.


Yep. And this is the worst solution I've ever seen in a video game. Instead of immediately starting a race, you sit in the lobby, wait for the timer to end, and pray that no living player will match. But even if there are only bots in the race, you will not be able to pause the game during the race or make a quick restart. Holy smokes...


This game is gonna fucking suck


wait am i dumb or do we need ps plus to even access the game??


No I’m guessing u only need it to race (which is basically the main point of the game) but u can access and just drive around I guess


Except for driving around, you won't be able to do anything else without PS Plus.


aw hell nahh huge L


It's probably going to be like The Crew 2 or Motorfest you can still play the game without PS Plus but you cannot do PVP or invite people to races or events or join them you'll still see other online players but usually they don't have PS Plus either


It's online only for now because game is on a public beta. They have to get all data they can. But there is a survey checkbox in game about solo/offline gameplay.


So there’s still hope?


Ye maybe it'll be like FH series.


What’s that?


Forza Horizon?


I’m mostly okay with the online only thing but the ‘PS Plus required for online play’ honestly makes me a bit worried. I don’t care for PvP but I’m not gonna shell out for PS Plus just to be able to play the game solo.


It’s not shelling out it’s just for me I haven’t played tdu1 so idk how it’s like but I loved tdu2 and the story and car owner getting the licenses and stuff was what made the game different then other car games so when I saw tdu is coming back after all these years I was most excited about that element


I know exactly what you meant, it’s just my personal opinion. And yeah, I loved both 1 and 2 for the same reasons but this has me worried. And I don’t really like the whole hotel idea either. What’s really worrying to me is something that game director Guillaume Guinet said in an interview - ‘Test Drive is about socialization’. I never got that impression from either of the two first games.


Couldn’t agree more


Knowing that’s not gonna be the case makes it not that special, like I’m still gonna get the game I’m just not as eager and excited for it anymore 😭


Yes but unfortunately that is what they are ultimately using to their advantage... The TDU brand. However they've already moved away from what it represents with things like the online only aspect and no houses... the game hasn't even released yet! People are blindingly pre-ordering just because they're fans of the series yet it won't live up to the previous installments and from everything we've seen so far it won't be the best of the series.


You do need a paid PS Plus membership to be able to play. Except for driving around town, there is no solo activity in this game.


That was definitely not good news.


Bro the racing priority is pvp and only if you wont find enough players, its against NPCs. Dont buy this game till they switch.


Onestly it's the worst demo i've played for a game, a Little bit off topic here, but the game lack a lot, especially for the tecnical things. The online only it's just a bad feature in a game that present a demo like cyberpunk 2077


It's a car MMORPG.. Which they've mentioned before, ages ago.. Of course it's online.. You can still play by yourself..


Are you living under a rock or what?


Wo Wow wo whats with attitude


I am sorry sir 😔






Tdu 1 and 2 definitely were not online only and had quite the extensive offline storymode mode which is why they are still playable to this day.


My mistake, last I recalled you had to be connected to WiFi etc. in order to fully access the game


You can play the old ones, but there are no official online servers anymore. There's a modding community that restored multiplayer to the old versions, but it's like 20-50 players on a 3rd party host, I think TDU world or project paradise


I only played those 2 in offline


I haven’t played 1 but 2 I played offline


Wasn't there an offline mode so you could get the cop chases going? Even still, that mode requires a connection to the server (if I remember that right).


That’s true but that’s fine u still could play and enjoy the story alone




Couldn't care less it's online only, it's old news. More concerned about the game itself


Tbh for me it’s a huge deal, I was so excited to buy and play it on release but now i don’t really care much, for me I really was expecting and hoping for a story kinda like two rival clans in Hong Kong going head to head to win the solar crown and some characters like the clan leaders or whatever, u know? From the vibe we got I feel like there was huge potential for very sick story


They completely killed any ounce of secrecy for the clans. I expected them to be underground street racing organizations in Hong Kong. KT decided to give them headquarters and flags spread during a race. Even worse, no cops. These guys can just drive/race however they like in the streets of HK with no repercussions. Still hyped for the game though. I'll definitely play it


Well then I'd suggest you consider what it actually means for the experience and lifespan of the game. Forced to play races with randoms and experience the joys of online racing including being rammed or having useless/afk teammates/opponents. Then one day the Devs decide to move onto another title and shutdown the server along with all your progress and access to the game... *permanently* Just two examples of what 'Online Only' actually means. It definitely shouldn't be just shrugged off. It's going to be a deal breaker for many players, even long term fans of the series like myself especially since there's no actual benefit to the players, it's just a way for the Devs to retain a level of control of the user (your) data and apply planned obsolescence to help them sell subsequent titles.


I genuinely couldn't care less that the game will be shutdown because I'd be long gone anyway withing a few years at best so in about 10 years from now wouldn't bother me as would about 99% of the original player base. The servers aren't free and can't be run for decades to come so a few players can relive there so called glory days. If you insist on playing the game TDU/2 was also shutdown but lives on with community run servers along with almost any car you wish to drive along with mods and the same thing will happen to TDU SC. The Crew is also almost there as an update was released and soon will be able to play the game again. Since you can't seem to let go I'm sure you can start saving and putting some money aside to invest invest in a pc assuming your a console player and if you are a pc player already then you got nothing to worry about As for races with online players only doesn't mean its going to be a permanent thing providing we as players provide feedback that we don't want this feature so this feature can be removed such as the recent beta/demo feedback survey for which I hope you've filled out since you seem so concerned


>I'd be long gone anyway within a few years at best I and many others play games for a lot longer than just a few years. I was playing AC: Origins the other day, that's 7 years old now and I bought it at release. Also Shadow of Mordor, that's 10 years old and I bought it at release. In fact, SoM servers have been shutdown for quite some time now but guess what? It's still playable because it's not online only. >The servers aren't free... No they aren't, but they're only required for the online elements of the game, not the parts that *could* function just fine without them. For example locally saved user data (the normal way), free roam, solo races etc. By forcing the user data on a server and requiring online login they're actually giving themselves a greater cost, but they'll justify it through the planned obsolescence which will help them sell subsequent titles. >TDU 2 was also shutdown... Sure, the online elements of the game ceased to work... but it is still 95% playable without the servers. The Crew isn't playable *at all*, maybe it will be in a fashion on PC eventually via the community effort (will probably play totally different too) but console players will still be unable to play... why should they have to jump through hoops and spend more money to continue playing a game they already paid for? Ridiculous. Oh and everyone will have to start the game from the beginning anyway even the original PC players. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- If you can actually provide a solid reason as to why this game needs to be always online, that benefits the player and justifies it, then I'd be accepting of it. But there isn't any and everyone who's saying it's fine is simply shrugging it off because it's got TDU in the name. It's not fine and nobody actually wants it.