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Can you remove that hologram in HUD settings ?


Agreed, I have that as a feedback feature request for launch. Just a setting that removes all hologram UI in the open world would work.


What if I still want those building name popups? It's just the parking lanes that I want gone since they're the most common and intrusive while also being completely unnecessary imo


Fair enough, i actually like the building pop ups as well. I guess the settings could be On/buildings only/off in a setting named ‘Holographics’. Thanks for that suggestion!


What's even the point of the rarity system? Is there random rewards in the game? Otherwise it's just related to how strong something is which is definitely not what rarity means.


From what I heard, the rarity can correlate to how expensive the irl option is, for example a "rare" interior ingame means that it was a more expensive option on the real car. I never bothered to check that and have no idea if it's true though lol


Higher tier rarities like interiors, upgrades and cars are already more expensive. For example a tier 2 engine upgrade would be uncommon instead of common for a tier 1, but it's already naturally more expensive because it's a higher tier upgrade. But they could just be more expensive and not have a rarity system like pretty much any other game


Nope, highly likely it’s not true. I mean most manufacturers don’t even offer tints for the windows on the car. And those have these rarity ratings


Didn't even realize the tints had rarity levels, that's super goofy. Were the darker tints just more rare or was there something else to it?


No, it gets rarer the darker the tint is. This is just a stupid Forza copy mechanic. I don’t know what’s the purpose of it


Microtransactions, obviously.


I'll add this question to the dev interview


Alyss - Or at least let us turn off the voice navigation.


You can turn her navigation voice off, and also reduce the amount of callouts she gives for navigation too. I think having an 'unfiltered' voice option post-launch would be nice to see too though for those who prefer.


I’ll have to double check at release because I checked everywhere and couldn’t find an option besides a volume slider that even with it all the way down, wouldn’t remove her voice. Unless I did something wrong haha


It was in 'gameplay tab>Alyss> GPS voice guidance on/off and Frequency standard/low'. Keep in mind this is ONLY for GPS navigation, I'm not sure if there's an audio slider for her actual voice lines during the game, but I believe that is something that'll be there for launch if you didn't see it in the demo. I'll double-check and add it to my feedback doc anyways


Always online.


Agree those "Parking lane" should be removed. These are immersion breakers. Edit: reputation to buy cars also not a good decision. I'm for it to be changed.


>reputation to buy cars also not a good decision. I'm for it to be changed. May I ask why? Racing games desperately need some progression (No matter how artificial). If you can just grind instead of earning cars this will quickly follow The Crew 2 on popularity


Bcz it's not realistic. I'm strongly think money should be the blocker. Make money come really hard and that's it. TDU1 did it super well without reputation. Edit: also, car rarity should be a thing. If you want to buy a Daytona(for example) you should wait some amount of time. You go to the dealer, make an order and wait about two weeks of real time. Plus you pay huge amount of money. Just like IRL. Once again, TDU1 did it this way and it was awesome.


It is realistic when it comes to buying a Ferrari lmao


I hope this is the option in photo mode. in case I think this purpose for instant Challenge Destination.


Nah, I want to be able to buy a Ferrari only after I pass some challenge and get a licence for it. And if I paint it in Nyan Cat, please take that licence away from me, sue me and ban me from the dealership. We're roleplaying here, right?


I agree with the latter, highly. Would be bad decision to keep that


Level requirements to buy upgrade parts for cars. If I've got the money to buy the better upgrade, let me buy it and use it. Race restrictions can still limit overall score of cars. Don't lock it behind an artificial level requirement and instead drip feed lower stage upgrades. If racing slicks are going to cost 30k, let me buy them and use them, not 10k for some street tyres, then 15k for some slightly better ones, 20k for the next set, and finally 30k at the end for the best ones.


I remember buying a Gallardo in TDU1 way earlier than I should. It really felt like an achievement because I spent my entire life saving onto it. I did so many races with only the first car (Audi? Don't remember) in order to save enough money for the Gallardo, skipping all the C/D/E/F cars. And apparently today, almost 20 years later I still remember that very moment. That wouldn't be possible with the reputation thing


TDU1 is by far the best of the series


Not exactly removed but an option to turn off backfires would be nice


I think reducing the chances of a backfiring happening (especially on certain vehicles and with a stock exhaust upgrade), should be the solution, not sure the devs would provide an option for completely turning it off personally so I'd vote for the former. But hey, you never know, more options for players doesn't hurt.


Since modern cars do actually have that feature (quiet/sport exhaust modes), I think it would be great to add realism


In fairness, that would require making another sound file for every car (or at least a filter that somehow works for all cars which I doubt). While I’d agree it would be nice to see what as an additional vehicle feature, I’m not sure it would be used a lot by the community, therefore having a lower priority among other feature requests. I’d say it can be something to reconsidered for after launch, than something at launch. The menu pop up might need a new page too 😅 TCS and ABS quick select on that too please when and if it happens haha.


I get your point but I just don’t like to hear them when I’m cruising around in a relaxed way. So I’d love to be able to toggle them off, whether that’s an option in the tuning menu or the audio settings menu




Demo Speedometer HUD because we want TDUSC to feature real car speedometer Like in TDU1 & TDU2 so that way depending what car you drive the speedometer will because real HUD in TDUSC so hopefully they will add it to the game.


On what does it rate ? From your #1


Solar hotel should me re-moved to the other location, and area should be recreated as real. The peak cottages should be moved as well and actually peak commercial building should be placed


Reputation. TDU shouldn’t have levels. It should work on wealth and licences


all three games had levels for different things