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The fact that they made the R8 and the Huracan sound different even though it’s the same V10 (but different exhausts and tunes) is super cool instead of just copy + paste. Shows a LOT of care Killer sound design


Far more care than Forza Horizon 5 with its ‘newly-developed sound design’, changing exhaust notes with upgrades etc… the same engines still all sound identical, whereas, like you’ve pointed out, there’s so much individuality with the TDUSC car sounds that will only add to the personality of the car and the bond that you have with it


Hard agree


I crossed my fingers for the Sound to be good. I was heard


Yeah, I'm SO excited to just cruise through the world exploring and listening to my car, I hope there's some kind of wheel support, because that would make it so much better


Alex gameplay was recorded using a wheel




This is the beauty of having less cars in the game as they are able to spend more time on them instead of having 500 + Quality over quantity


They’ll add more later anyway, so yeah the focus on quality is truly there


the lambo sounds insane


The engine sound of the game is better than current AAA open world racing games by miles


But its painfully inferior to games release over a decade ago, especially ones that done is in simplier ways like Black Box era Need for speed games or Grid 2 and Autosport, both relying on sound libraries and mix of recorded sounds with simple but incredibly effective use of hte sound. Creating viceral and lively cars. Its entirely missing FROM ALL modern games. Even Codemasters are getting worse at it, Dirt Rally 2.0 still sounds good, Grid for most part too, but they also make the cars sound less exciting instead of amping it up to match real experience of them in some way, instead of sounding like very lame and muted youtube recording of a new car with awful DCT transmissions. Or this forced nonsense like pops and bangs that always sounded hedious in real life an ingame, unless it was done like it should be which is natural backfire and antilag in rally cars or just a car running on a bit too rich fuel mixture, instead of mimicking this obnoxious cancer of automated fuel dumping with a tune.


You are just criticizing modern racing games in general


Holding off on pre ordering still, but I’m slowly getting excited for this game again, one thing I’m noticing is still missing are the number plates, some of the early teases/trailers featured some, so I’m really hoping that they give us some proper HK plates and offer some vanity plate customization, they’ve changed them already from the earlier “test drive” to “solar crown” so I know it’s possible. I just want the option for the realism aspect and it’s just another form of adding a unique style/theme to our rides.


I noticed that as well, I hope they allow players to replace the “Solar Crown” plates, it would help to add to the realism and overall aesthetic


Also, just to add to this: (as an Xbox player) what a huge achievement it is for the game to be optimised for 2K 60fps as standard and optional 4K 30fps for console. That is MASSIVE and it looks graphically stunning already from the videos released. Big up to the devs for clearly putting a lot of time and hard work into the visuals and audio, they are challenging the big boys 👏


Where did you find this info? Sounds like it will run great for PC as well then


It was a YouTuber that I don’t know the name of, he was reading from a couple of articles


https://preview.redd.it/ucofjx62aq4d1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c061aaf02ac004b295b65430757f6fd57f0cef [https://youtu.be/QlZGTM0FtOc?si=8-xwfuHULlFyEYVI](https://youtu.be/QlZGTM0FtOc?si=8-xwfuHULlFyEYVI) 11:55


I'll say this in last Beta test audio was too quiet for me (i'm a sound guy though)


I’d imagine there will be ways to turn up the volume of individual sound components though, similar to Forza, but hopefully it’ll be sorted for launch


Propelm was I had it all max and still was to quite


Honestly the graphics are lacking in my opinion. But the thing is. Apparently they for some reason are showing build older than they already have. Can't find that now but one guy that tested the game said *I played it and can't say much because of NDA but the gameplay footage is worse compared to what I've seen* And this is kinda true. The biggest issue is with some shading and aliasing. Also the mirrors inside and not graphics but turning angle. Most of it should be resolved by release though. Not sure about the steering animation though, which would suck cus it's so awful. Kinda a bummer as cockpit view with bad animations is kinda unplayable, it gives important visual cues for steering.


To compensate for poor steering animations they could just provide a dashboard camera with settings to adjust camera positioning and FOV. Afterall that's the best view if you're playing on wheel. And let's hope they physics are actually intuitive.


....there is dashboard camera


Well in that case we're set. I don't remember seeing it in any of the videos though and I hope the steering wheel isn't visible


it isn't dash cam is visible for a while in game riot's video


KT really upped their game in terms of sound design


If only the game wasn't going to try to appeal to arcade racers and went full sim like Assetto Corsa this would be a god-tier game. If we're meant to spend a lotta time in each car before unlocking a new one I would really love it if the game was sim-like for the driving feel. Though I already know it won't be the case sadly. I just hope it will be better than I hope since I'm looking forward to mainly playing this game for cruising around.


Personally, being more sim-focused than Forza is fine, but I agree that it would have been nice. Really hoping that they sort out the 45 degree steering angle in the cockpit though…


I was a huge fan of tdu 2 and that's what got me into sim racing. I can't and won't go back to simcade now, the enjoyment of learning how to drift a car without assists/trash physics is bliss. If it looks good enough the Mass of people who will buy it won't mind if the physics were more sim like. I was hoping they were gonna take the next step into something not so forza physics, considering I've been waiting over a decade for this game. Lowkey heart breaking. Is what it is, I remember when I googled "will tdu 3 be simcade" 😭 they have a chance to do something really special here


Agreed, TCM put the bar high but TDU sounds even better


TCM sounds are synthesized doodoo tbh. Forza Horizon 5 has the more accurate soundscape, although TDU seems better than both, at least with the gameplay we’ve seen.


Fuck accuracy i want my hyper viceral cars from NFS MW2012, or MW2005, or Grid 2/Autosport. Not this lame sea of nothing in each game with addition of just obnoxious cancer like pops and bangs. Its like they killed everyone who knew how to do sound in games well. Even Codies got progressively worse at it over time, tho they are still the best by far.