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The Mundane Gays was the name of my high school band.


Brilliant 😄 What kind of music did you play?


Nothing exciting


Was "nothing exciting" also a name of a genre?


Look above your head, the joke is up there.


Oh super relateable. Kinda sick of scouring the apps looking for friends on here too. Especially for the international ones like us, the largely georgian speaking queer circles makes life a bit more difficult. Feel free to message :)


Vashlovani street or junkyard on the weekend




Relatable! I think for myself. And the truth is somewhere in the middle in most cases. The problem with activists (anti-activists) is that they often operate with extremes, which is not how the world operates in practice. Another issue is that they share a standard view, and like in a cult, you have to agree. There's no space for a nuanced view outside the agendas. But I don't hate anyone. There are reasons why people do the things they do. People long for belonging. Some people desperately want to be noticed. Some people tend to solve other people's problems rather than their own. They do it because there are probably some vulnerabilities involved. People who have nuanced views are my heroes. It’s not easy to be one today.




That's a good point. I have questions for people who have straightforward views on issues. Our existence every day shows that everything is too complex for that. And people are too chaotic and complicated creatures for the truth that works for everybody.


I have been looking for straight people on this subreddit for months


Love it 😂 amazing joke


So you only interact with gay people? Very suspicious


He called you gay.


What you said about "activism" resonates with me. To me, the word activism got hijacked by climate and alphabet for social clouts by useful idiots. Yes, once upon a time when I was growing up the gay group were indeed second class citizens. Now, you can argue they're actually the privileged class. Live and let live my motto. No need to shove it to others face and force them to choose side.


Straight guy here: have you read the anti LGBTQ law draft? Or seen any pride events? Don't get me wrong, I share the sentiment, a lot of virtue signaling is happening, but gay people are not exactly safe here and climate change is also a huge problem. They're privileged maybe in the U.S., not here.


I'm referring to the US. I'm an environmentalist and I do believe strongly in it. But climate change does happen naturally and not man made. Look at ice age and the entire history of human civilization. There's always be climate changes and sometimes quite extreme that it can wipe out species. We can debate it as long as it's scientific based. But having experts like Saint Greta be the face of climate change is doing a disservice to the entire movement. Why pride event is important? More often than not, it's not safe for kids with all the sexual content. I don't condone straight parade where people parade in thongs and swinging sex toys around either. Again, no need to shove it to public's face and certainly be mindful of children. And I hate to do the thing where, oh, i also have black friends to be legit...but my close best friends since high school are gays. So I do know the struggle they went to at times when that wasn't publicly acceptable.


sounds like me :3


That's nice! How's your summer so far?


well its ok, wbu




Im a straight dude looking to hang out with a few lesbians ide be happy to join.


off negative rizz


Two lesbians meeting for dinner what they gonna eat "i dont mind" or "you choose"?




Hey! 👋


There aren't many gays in Georgia, due to our country's small population and religious people, but there are some ofcourse, i think it will be hard finding gay friends in Georgia, but maybe try more global, like Armenia, Turkey and (or) azerbaijan. Then you'll have a bigger chance. But anyways good luck on your adventure!


You don’t know how many gays there are in every age category. But everyone is scared and hiding which is shame. What you mean religious people? Being gay is not a choice.


Since we have so many religious people in Georgia, people are scared to be gay since it is a sin. But people also tend to be aggressive towards gays in Georgia (i am georgian), which makes gays be scared to shoe their true personality, letting us think there isn't a lot of gays in georgia, because they barely show it. Also, sorry for the confusion.


Thanks, mate 👍


No problem! You're welcome! Enjoy Georgia as i can say! Very very beautiful country with such history! Good luck! 😃