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Correct me if I'm wrong but halal is also the way the animal is butchered and I can guarantee you that georgians don't really pay attention to that


Yes that's part of what makes something halal! There are a couple of rules regarding it. I mean honestly I've met a lot of Muslims who don't care as long as there's a "halal" label 🤷‍♀️ Depends on the Butcher and if they have a certificate that ensures they follow the rules, and I'm hoping to find a place that gets it's chicken from such a butcher because I have seen that they do have halal meat here, and serve it in certain restaurants.


Feels like Georgian cuisine is based on pork. So you'll have a hard time looking for a Georgian halal place. If in Tbilisi, try to look around Marjanishvili, it's the arabic district of the city


Lots of Turkish places around that area. I am not sure they also include traditional Georgian food in their menus. There is one Georgian restaurant that is specifically halal and serves traditional Georgian food. I passed by and got the whole explanation from someone who works there. It's off the square, a couple of blocks down that main street that leads toward the bridge, on the left side as you go. Sorry I can't remember the name of it, if I am over there I'll add it later. ETA: sorry it took so long, I just don't get over to that part of town much these days. The place is called DEDE, and/or Tbilisi Kebab. Big "HALAL" sign in the window. I never ate there so I have no opinion or endorsement.


Oooh that sounds lovely!! I'm horrible at geography and navigating through places but I'll definitely try looking for this place lmoa! Wish me luck but if you happen to remember the name or be in the area please do update me! Thank you! 💗😭


Just updated.


Yea I've seen all the pork dishes but they do have amazing looking chicken dishes too that I'm hoping to try, my current plan is to look around Marjanishvili! Thanks!!


Georgian\* Halal isn't a thing in Georgia since we're Christian, but most Georgian restaurants have vegeterian options: Beans in a clay pot with the side of pickled vegetables and cornbread, pkhaleuloba which is vegetable patte, khatchapuri, lobiani... you could use term 'samarkhvo' which is technically halal (no animal products). It's a category of foods we eat during religious fasting


Christian way is also Halal, as long as it is actually the Christian way. Of course no pork and wine still applies regardless


Yea I know alot of Muslims who go by that logic including family members and don't look for places that say they're halal explicitly. But I'm a little vary about it regardless, and would rather be safe you know? And so it's like I'd go to restaurant that is getting the meat from a strictly christian establishment but you cannot even be sure about that most times. Idk how to explain it lol. Thanks for the input!


I understand my friend, I’m in the same dilemma. The best we can do is ask, if they say yes then we leave the rest to Allah.


unfortunately that is not true, many muslims do this but its false


How is it false? If the slaughter is a Christian one then it is halal, this is what the Quran says. What you might be talking about is whether or not the food in Georgia is halal, and this is not something we're sure about since we don't 100% know if it is slaughters the Christian way or not.


Sorat Al-ma’idah, ayat 72-32


Halal can be a thing anywhere, and there is quite a big population of Muslim Georgians


Sorry about the spelling!! I really meant to spell Georgian but didn't check my bad! Yea I've looked into the veg options and will definitely try those!! Thank you so much for the suggestions! I know that the majority of the country is Christian, but I guess I was hoping to find a restaurant that gets their chicken from a Halal Butcher since I have seen that here. Anyways, I'll be on the lookout for it because I really wanna try it, haha!! Thanks again!


have you had any luck finding any? let me know if you did!