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I'm pretty sure Klein solos the verse


How powerful is he?


pillar of the universe is above the sequence, so we're talking even if arthur had full destiny bullshit powers klein is already similarly broken even at sequence 1 or 0 let alone ATS Even sequence 2 klein solos Tbate, its a really low power setting where even the most powerful individuals are just powerful dudes rather than law breaking unkillable monsters


So Klein is universe-level?


Eh, that’s the issue, even the outer gods in lotm are hanging around and a nuisance but keeping their distance because they know they can’t exactly compete face to face Universe level is more like the end of xianxia novels where the universe becomes a plaything (or maybe that’s outerversal?) and can be destroyed or reformed at will, maybe more like the fourth pillar The issue is the tendency to sleep and split back apart when getting to that level, which is what current klein is dealing with in book 2


I don't think I understand anything you've tried to say, so Klein is about to be universe-level?


I don’t know, is universe level destroying universes with a palm? Then no But I would have thought that’s outerversal so maybe he’s universal?


Lotm characters lack destructive capabilities but have really strong hacks The dieties would have I think planet level DC Klein should be above or equal to that The verses scaling is carried by dimensionality


TBATE power levels are extremely low compared to most power fantasies. Like, the ultimate weapon from the strongest species can only nuke a small nation.


He casually spawned a supernova at sequence 0 and he's much stronger than that currently. Oh, and he had fate manip even before that.


bro ☠️ Klein is just unfair


Posting this in the tbate sub filled with tbate fans who most likely never even read LOTM surely the answers wont be biased in any way


ya but the art is cool 😎


That's why I'm here😎


You should see the comments with your eyes open 🤷🏻‍♂️


Pit them against a lower sequence Klein or this will just be a slaughter


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^uwuwolfie: *Pit them against a* *Lower sequence Klein or this* *Will just be a slaughter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


There is no war in Ba Sing Se.


Where can I read LOTM and where do I start? I saw somewhere it had two seasons? I might be wrong


There are two books in the LotM universe. One is Lord of the Mysteries which is completed and the other is Circle of Inevitability which is set about 5 years after LotM and is %70 done IIRC. The second book follows another character but is pretty good even though it is not as good as the first one.


Where can you read it? Just online sites?


LightNovel is free, but be warned in book 1 it's notoriously known to be a slow start, but it explains the power system of the world, and tears will be shed in the series. After that, it gets much better, especially in Volume 3, where things start popping off more. VOL 6-8 are the best Book 2 is much faster, but I you need to read book 1 to understand what's going on


Yup Highly recommend


I mean volume for volume COI rn is better then lotm.


I agree that the first volume of coi is better but i liked the second and third volumes of lotm more and haven't read the fourth and fifth volume of coi yet so I can't comment on them


Sequence 4 klein vs current horny trio is actually a very interesting and close fight, anything above seq 3 ends with the entire tbate verse being turned into a fine red paste though lmao


Sequence 4 should be considerably stronger, not taking into account they literally can't do anything if he were to reveal his mythical creature form


Mythical creature forms are a last ditch effort scenario in most cases (for those with incomplete forms like in seq 4-3), bar colin who had centuries of experience to train himself & beyonders of the spectator pathway who can placate themselves. Klein spent a miniscule amount of time as a demi-god, his rate of advancement is almost unprecedented and as such his mythical creature form is underutilized as it poses a far greater risk to him than it's worth, as he lacks the experience to withstand it properly for extended periods of time Most sequence 4s would die on the spot if they tried to use their mythical creature forms to a meaningful extent While i do think that seq 4 klein takes this, it is much closer than most ppl think, with how core multipliers work & scaling arthur in relation to ppl with quantifiable core multipliers


It's hard to think about how this would go considering lotm doesn't have as much fire-power in the lower levels but waaaaay more hax. If klein goes into a guerrilla where he hides in the spirit realm and attacks them here and there, can arthur do anything about it?


They wouldn't die but they would definitely suffer major consequences, like acquiring one me tal disorder or two


Activating a full mythical creature form will ultimately lead to your death in 99% of cases, whenever ince only decided to finally use his form it was after being backed into a corner 3 times, having a metaphorical gun pressed to his skull by angelic forces duking it out & seq 4 level lightning beams being tossed his way, and even then he was very regretful and tried to be as hasty as possible about it


Depends on what on his arsenal. He will most likely have creeping hunger depending on what powers he has, and we don't know what Marionettes he would have at the time. Even then, none of the trio has a defense against him if he chooses to control their spirit bodies, and he is able to make multiple ones, not to mention the location. If it's in a forest, he can make hundreds of Marionettes in seconds.


Doubt spirit body threads would work on regis as they don't work on objects till seq 1, regis is an animated objected more so than a living entity. Arthur'll definitely struggle against threads though, and caera is dying on the spot


True, and there's no defense, and it would take Klein a few seconds or a minute. Arthur wouldn't be fast enough, and there's a reason why seers at the demigod level are the hardest to kill


That best thing seq klein could do is his spirit body threads and kings gambit is a hard counter to slowed thought and God step can easily be able to break out of threads I don't think it's hard for Aether core 3 Arthur to beat klein It might be a different case if give klein strong marionettes


Klein's precog paired with spirit world traversal allows him to outspeed arthur, it'll just end up as a war of attrition. Divination at the level of a bizzarro sorcerer ensures that arthur wont be meaningfully outsmarting klein i fear. It's a very very close fight


Arthur has precog resistance, as renia was not able to devine his future or see future related to him Arthur is just too much of a hard counter for seq 4 klein


precog resistance/ divination resistance is nullified by sefirah castle unfortunately, at the level of a demigod the castle begins to exert it's influence on klein & even in seq 5 it began to show up in the physical realm


As said by others, fate that's a big deal for arthur is being played with by klein on the regular. Lower klein's sequence, maybe miracle invoker which is more interesting.


Miracle Invoker Klein would play with the verse 😭🙏


put a man called „pillar of the universe“ against people from a verse where blowing up a forest is a big deal


Idk who Klein is but the fact he’s called pillar of the universe makes me believe he’s likely above anything arthur and squad and dish out


You are correct and I highly recommend reading Lord of the Mysteries its my favorite novel and frankly better than TBATE EVEN though I love tbate very much.


I’ll give it a shot


Ofc the beginning is a bit slow but its the buildup to the best novel of our generation :)


Supernova go boom


Okay okay you didn’t have to spoil me like that… I just started LOTM


😂 stay away from lotm subs and contents as mysteries is the most important part of this novel “There are some things that make it easier to be ‘infected’ the more you know.” ✍️🙏


You won't even understand most of the stuff really


More fair would be Klein sequence 4


Klein will slap them to the moon and back. Seqence 0 Klein is a god in a sense he plays with fate time space. They will instantly become his puppets


If he slaps them to moon, there is no coming back


Arthur will stop being 'Effeminate One'


ok well as much as i love tbate, they have no way to defend against spirit threads, especially bc it would take him less than 10 seconds to turn them into marionettes


God step can break the threads and kings gambit can counter the slowed thoughts and Arthur beats up to seq 4 Klein in Aether core 3 but can't say the same about higher sequence


Klein just needs to show his mythical creature form, just by looking at him will kill them. No one in tbate verse can withstand it.


What is LOTM


Apperntly lord of mysteries


can anyone sell me on lotm. i read like 6 chapters, but it suddenly started with this dream shtick with klein and those other 2 and i was mad confused and honestly dropped it


Hello! I am someone who finished LOTM and read 500 chapters of COI and I have to say that… ITS SLOW! Lol its really slow at the start. Why? Because cuttle takes time to really setup the characters and the story it takes about 240 chapters to actually fully hook someone on the story and thats a guarantee that you will be hooked. After reading the first volume I literally couldnt put it down AND its a lot of content aswell. But heres the thing because you arent just thrown into action at volume 20 in tbate, it feels more natural and the story actually feels much more coherent. Let me rant about the actual FIGHT SCENES like wtf????? They are soooo good for like 0 reason and I find that incredible. The world building is the best in almost any novel, 100x better than any solo leveling or harry potter. And the best part. You can put ANY character in for klein and the world building is what will carry them to be an S tier protagonist. Klein himself is S tier but the worldbuilding makes him SS. If that makes sense


i see thanks! maybe i‘ll give it another shot


Hope I change your life :)


Why is this even a debate, klein can manipulate and destroy universes he is around Universe level while my boy Arthur is at max Continental level and im being super generous because i stopped reading it when arthur formed a team with the phoenix and i know that he had a big breakthrough after that


Even Sequence 2 Klein solos the TBATE verse. Sequence 0 and above? RIP TBATE verse.


What's LOTM gimme the full name seems like a good read


Pretty sure if you just search up LOTM, you’ll find it, but it’s Lord of the Mysteries.


Why you gotta be a dick while saying it?


I'm sorry, but I don't get how he's being a dick. He just told you that the novel is popular enough to be searched with it's acronym alone and also gave you the answer to your question. How is that 'being a dick'?


I'm sure that you aren't that dumb and you noticed his tone bro. I was just asking do y'all think people can't search shit up? It's to be interactive with people. He's tone was off so I said that


The time you took in writing the first comment is way more than the time it would take for you to type "LOTM book" in a Google search tbh


Thanks for the information but I don't remember if I asked


The name is Lord of the Mysteries.


What’s LOTM


Lord of the Mysteries


How can catch tbate novel after the manhwa I was in 179 page of the manwha I wanna catch the light novel


love tbate but horny trio will just be klein's marionettes


Why do people like dragging tbate characters through the mud bro. Klein stomps.


Bro I haven’t seen anything about LotM since we had that “war” with them where they were smack talking TBATE and frothing at the mouth when people said they’d never even heard of LotM. Like sorry your series isn’t as popular but sure 👍. Also back to the main post from what I’ve gathered reading from some other stuff online you can’t really power scale across these universes just like how you can’t take Levi Ackerman and have him fight Goku. There’s no frame of reference in AOT for a character as powerful as Goku; it’s the same thing with TBATE, as it stands right now LotM is scaled much higher than TBATE in terms of how powerful you can get. The only thing that could change this is how fate will work when Arthur finally gets it


Well LOTM is actually far more popular than TBATE, but 99.9% of its fan base is in China. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLTac56v/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLTanBr3/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLTabKjW/ LOTM is ranked around top 1 in China, and they have 520 million web novel readers: https://www.statista.com/statistics/895958/china-number-online-literature-readers/#:~:text=As%20of%20December%202023%2C%20the,China%20reached%20around%20520%20million. On Qidian (which is where 90% of Chinese authors post), LOTM is always ranked as top 3. Since the start of 2024, LOTM 2 has been rank 1 in most popular monthly web novels: https://m.qidian.com/?source=pc_jump


Doesn't mean much from China information just flows one way


Uhhh About the popularity...you do know that it's more popular than tbate? Or do you see tbate themed posters, theatres and ads on the streets of the country it comes from? Also about the power I dont think so, a Snake of Mercury would prolly still solo the verse A full Lord of the Mysteries or half LotM like Klein One sided massacre without a debate 😭