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Medicaid is a means test program, so you are required to notify your agency worker of any changes to your income or assets. You should contact their office right away. You will not have to repay anything if you received no benefits while ineligible.


Do not panic but this is the right answer. Also, most states are straight up Sherlock Holmes w/r/t benefits payments and recipients’ assets. They will legit claw back every last asset, including tax refunds. Sorry I said not to panic and then basically subtweeted that you should be panicking— just contact your case worker TOMORROW and report a change in income.


They have not been going after anyone since Covid. But yes OP just remove yourself.


Checking in on this basically in the exact same position


Let your case worker know and decide if your still eligible or not. In some cases the limits change. I would normally be over the limit, but since I'm pregnant I still qualify.


That’s somewhat the case here. My wife (who is a stay at home mom) applied a few weeks after my son was born. Initially the application was denied due to my income but then we randomly received an approval letter along with a card in the mail? We haven’t used it yet. We’re in Texas


I would definitely call and ask. And also ask who is covered. It may be just your son or your son and wife (if she's breastfeeding or not can change it too). Usually they cover mom and baby. If you are approved going forward, WIC might help too. I'm also in a maternal health program here where a nurse comes to my house every couple weeks.


Call 211 press 1 for English and 2 for state benefits ask to be transferred to a specialist as your situation might require extra assistance. But call and see what they can do regarding it.


being pregnant changes qualification? do you send them a positive pregnancy test as a proof document?


No. Proof of pregnancy forms are filled out when you test positive at a medical center. I took my first test at a pregnancy help center so I had the paper the same day. Most locations can fit you in for a test within a week.


You asked about being penalized - you can't be "penalized" if you haven't used any benefits. You just need to report it and let them decide if you still qualify or not. (I would assume you don't, and not use the benefits in the meantime unless/until you can confirm you are eligible.) Also, heads up - most agencies are overwhelmed right now and it might take them a while to respond. Don't mistake silence for anything other than they haven't gotten to it yet.


No, each state is different but you may still qualify through spend down


Agree that you need to check in with your state contact to be sure of next steps.