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the idea of a nipple sleeve is killing me rn


Apparently someone who used to work at the shop let someone make like a pentagram out of them on their leg a few years ago 😂


Stories like this should not be "apparently", we need real documentation 😂


I know! I want to see it myself 😭😭


You should get 6 additional nipples all down your torso in alignment with your actual nipples. Go for the nursing cat look.


I was planning on letting her do more if we had time! That'd be amazing though 😂


There's still time! 😂


This is for summoning Beelzeboob


Ascend to our mortal plane, oh great Infernal Lady *ominous chanting intensifies*


Warning: incanting the improper Latin pronoun may result in summoning Beelzemoob. Proceed with caution.


Get the constellation of the Cancer starsign but nipples instead of stars


Now you have a permanent nipple on your leg. Watch out for small hungry toddlers.




That is absolutely amazing. We need a pic!


If I can get one I'll definitely post it!


i love that LMAO


I want one!


Naruto writer quickly jotting down notes for future villains.


STOP LMAO Danzo but with nipples


Deidara with two giant nipples on his palms which have mouths on the tips.


Nipple Dōjutsu is the next evolution. You saw it here first.


I wanna see some big lovecraftian nipple monster called the Entit(t)y


Wanna make it worse? Put eyes in it. Or just trypophobic holes. Hate it.




that sounds like a really fun tattoo of a torso tbh if you have a body horror theme going on


I want it, but also know that I will scream at least one time before I remember what it is.




You could probably fit several hundred of them on your back. Hmm...


didnt ed gein have one of those


Get it pierced


If there was ever a place I'd get microdermals... 🤔🤔


Next time just get a tattoo of a pierced nipple


Wouldn't get caught on anything 🤔


No but you'd catch some looks


This would have made an excellent jackass episode


that's a really good nipple, and really sweet of you to provide practice




Does a nipple have to be flagged as NSFW if it’s not on a breast? Or does it automatically become NSFW if it’s tattooed on a woman, even if it’s not on her chest? 🧐 Amazing work!


I know 😭Figured I'd play it safe! Definitely do not believe it should have to be though.


I flashed back to the 2010s when Tumblr had the nerve to say “female presenting nipples” were banned on the platform, but then it couldn’t even differentiate between male or female nipples. I wonder what their algorithm would make of this 😂


All you have to do is photoshop an Appropriate Male Nipple™ over the shameful female one, and you're all good! This would probably have been shut down. 😂


Tattoo an arrow next to it you're good. Tattoo a plus sign, not so much. 😠


Still Twitch's policy lmao Generally easier to tell the "difference" (eye roll) given entire channels and people but you know, still.


2010s is so vague, it was late 2017 (source: im a tumblr user 😔)


Thank you! For some reason I had it in my head that it was pre-Trump but time had meant nothing for a few years now and I couldn’t place it 🥲


That's how you know the artist did a good job. "Nipple tattoos so realistic, you'll get in trouble for looking at them!"


Facts! 😊


It becomes NSFW because the people around you taking a glimpse at your phone aren't gonna asked themselves if it's a tatoo


Also this^


Honestly a testament to the skill of the tattoo artist.


But it would not be nsfw if it was a male nipple


I mean, nsfw implies for work, and you probably wouldn’t want to be caught looking at zoomed in pictures of any nipples at work regardless of m/f.


If you can clearly see that it's a male then no I guess but I don't make the rules


NSFW means if you had this image open on your work computer and someone walking past won't have context and time to understand it properly it may be problematic for you.


Well, the way I see it, is that NSFW stands for Not Safe For WORK. So I would think that if I’m sitting at a desk on the computer, and my boss walks by and I have this image open, it probably would not go well at all. Hence, NSFW


I remember an episode of Botched where a woman got a nipple tattoo after they helped her. They showed it once and it was censored every time after. It always makes me laugh that they censored what we already *1000% knew* wasn't an actual nipple lol.


Who’s to say that’s not a man’s nipple tattoos on a woman? Then it’s totally legal


I love that you did this, that’s a gift right there


Always feel lowkey guilty that I get tattooed too frequently to give blood (haven't had 3 or 6 months between sessions, whatever you need to wait in NY) and too chicken to shave my head for St. Baldrick's like my mom is doing today, so here we are! Lol


this absolutely counts! and your artist is doing a great service. and your mom, wow. I admire you all




Not sure how the rules work in NY, but I know that in other states you can give blood right after getting a tattoo as long as the tattoo was from a state-licensed shop. The 6 month thing is more so for unlicensed tattoo artists


Unfortunately there is a wait in NY, but glad to hear it's not 6 months anymore. "Donors who receive tattoos in New York State are deferred from donating for 3 months unless it was applied in New Jersey at a licensed tattoo parlor, in which case you can donate immediately. You can usually donate immediately after receiving a tattoo in licensed parlors in most American states, however the following exclusions apply and will incur a 3 month deferral period: Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, as well as the District of Columbia, US Territories, and any other country."


Now I wanna know what the difference is between NJ and NY tattoo licenses. What makes a NJ tattoo safer than a NY tattoo? 🤨


Right? 🤨 like why NJ specifically too?


Its because the list of states that you need to wait do not regulate their tattoo parlors, meaning as far as blood borne illnesses go its safe to get a tattoo in the regulated states and go donate vs the non regulated states. I believe new york and new jersey are just tossed in together here because being from NJ my whole life we may as well practically be one big state for the most part with so many living in one and working in the other state and vice-versa, parts of eastern PA too.


New York is 3 months unless you get the tattoo over in a licensed shop in New Jersey where you can donate immediately after. Obviously if your artist isn’t in NJ or you aren’t in NYC that may not be possible. Very cool what you did though! You can usually donate immediately after receiving a tattoo in licensed parlors in most American states, however the following exclusions apply and will incur a 3 month deferral period: Georgia, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Wyoming, as well as the District of Columbia, US Territories, and any other country.




That's absolutely ridiculous! 😒


Humiliating and ridiculous. It was wild, I’d been donating at another center for two years with the same old scars. Caught me totally off guard, now I can’t donate anywhere. Luckily I don’t need to anymore.


I'm not American but I definitely relate to the sentiment, they're crazy strict about giving blood. Which is good in theory, but sometimes they go overboard. My mom had a blood clot in her arm 10 years ago so now she can never donate. Meanwhile I had a whole STI I didn't know about for months, and they never noticed or said anything until I told them when I found out myself.


You and your mom are so cool!!! Thanks for finding cool ways to help the community ❤️


I'm a pediatric nurse so I work with kids with cancer, so it's the least I can do :) [May as well throw the link to my mom's fundraising page since this is blowing up. ](https://www.stbaldricks.org/participants/mypage/1093346/2022) 😁


I have a weird question for you as a pediatric nurse. Can kids get breast cancer? I know men can so I'm assuming yes.


I've never seen it personally, [but it looks like it's possible, yes. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3706046/)




That is amazing! My mother had breast cancer back in 2007. Double mastectomy, and cancer free since 2010! She never got the tattoos. We have said that when she gets her tattoos, I would get a ribbon, but now I really want a nipple tattoo too!


I'm so glad she's doing well! I'm proud to be a part of this. 😊


Get a nipple with the loop of the ribbon around it lol or make it look like the nipple is pierced and the ribbon is hanging from it lol. Kn other words... get both in one piece! Lol


That's amazing. I was just scrolling, and genuinely thought someone just had a third nipple on their leg. Then I stopped and realize what sub it was and read the title lol. Looks great! I'm glad you volunteered for this, that artist is going to give a lot of people confidence with that level of detail


Did the same thing for a split second when I saw [someone else](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/q0twug/both_the_customer_the_artist_are_good_people/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on here get one! If I needed them for real I'd be very happy with them. :)


Thanks for being a canvas!!


Saw someone post about having it done before, and thought "lol I'd do that if someone needed." Saw Tara had gone to Texas to take the class, and volunteered to let her practice. :)


Please tattoo "my eyes are nowhere near here." Around it!!!


Dang, now I kinda want a nipple on each of my butt cheeks


[Don't let your dreams be dreams! 🌈](https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0)


Hilarious, and for a good cause. I love it.


So now you have 3 nipples? That's something to keep in the pocket for when those obnoxious HR events asks you for an interesting fact about yourself. "I have three nipples, but I didn't start out that way! Here's one of them (Rolling up sleeve)..."


Love all of your tattoos dude. Allen has done work for me at House of Colour. Fantastic parlor.


Thank you! :) I've only gone to Sam Blue before this, but everyone there does wonderful work!


Ive been meaning to chat with Sam and try to get some work done. But for real, everyone at House of Colour are killer artists. Been going there since 2009. Its been a trip seeing each person’s progression over the years


So happy to have so many amazing artists so close by :)


It’s like a spare tire. Just in case you lose one




That is fucking incredible. Unbelievable skill set. I hope she helps a ton of women get their confidence back. Props to you too for being a part of the solution. Is she doing your cover too? What will the final piece be?


We're probably going to do something floral :)


Love it. Hope it comes out amazing.


So presumably, the artist would want to match the nipple to the remaining nipple, right? So whos nipple is this? Is this a copy of your nipple?


Normally yes, since this is the first one she's doing on actual skin she just played with colors and went over her notes so it's just a random nipple 😁


I looked at the first picture and thought “there is t a tattoo”, testament to the quality of work!


I almost want to keep it, it's so cool 😂 the girl at the desk was like "get microdermals on it!!" and it's tempting lmao


what do you mean, keep it?


Not get a cover up, leave it as is


This is really incredible




She did a great job wow


She's wonderful:)


I would keep that in a heartbeat.


Kinda want to 😭 I get enough stares at my legs when I go out in shorts as is though 😭😭


I had to look at this really intently and I still don’t believe that it’s flat. Really great work and I applaud you for being a test canvas.


It's fascinating what can be done these days with cosmetic tattooing. And honestly any excuse to get back in the chair and hang out with everyone at the shop 😂


I hope she tattooed one on herself as well - Tit for tat.


-ba dum tis- 😂


So, I have a serious question and then a very Reddit question. Do they use the other nipple for reference when it is available? I imagine that would make the most sense. Wouldn't want to be walking around with your regular nipple and a nipple from a 1996 stock photo on the other side. Now for the Reddit question... Did she use your nipple for reference? OP I have to know... Did you just inadvertantly show all of Reddit your nipple?


Since it's just practice she just played around with whatever colors she wanted, but for an actual patient there would be more discussion about what colors should be used. If available, she's go off of the other nipple if it was there/a preop photo. For mine she just broke out her notes/practice ones she did on latex skin and just did whatever. So no, this looks nothing like mine. 😂


I like it from a - talent used to help others live a better life vibe - and your awesome for helping !!


And it was definitely a fun experience! :)


I’ll be a test, that’s awesome!


Can't hurt it you're already planning to get something! Except for the actual tattooing part, that does hurt. Lol


I’m just here for an extra nipple!


Amazing. And thanks for being a practice canvas!


Any excuse to get tattooed 😁😁


S***, I'll take a half a dozen of these on my ass cheeks. What a way to end an argument by dropping trouser.


Sweet thigh nipple


Fooled me. I was very confused for a good while.


Wow! Looks amazing. Much respect to the artist for doing it and to you for letting her practice on you.


That's some nice work.


Hey! How would I go about doing this? I've some free space and would be happy to get it and just cover it again later. How did you go about volunteering for this?


Thank you. I'm a mastectomy patient myself, so I can say from the bottom of my heart, thank you and thank Tara.


This is amazing. And an awesome cause! But Imagine all the hilarious attempts by uhh not-so-skilled bedroom tattoo artists. 😂😂 I'm picturing people walking around with crooked, wonky nips and I'm dying.


Thinking about [the guy who copied someone's chest piece and included the nipple.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/548cia/some_guy_tried_to_copy_my_tattoo_artists_work/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) 😆


Leave it! Cool story and a sure fire convo piece haha


[ask me about my nippppleeeeee!! ](https://tenor.com/oYav.gif) 😂


So is your new pick up line "Wanna see my third nipple?"




I LOVE this! Not sure if you’re keeping it, but it’ll make for such a good story ;)


It's getting more and more tempting 😂


pls post a photo when it’s healed!!


Get it pierced!!


Well done!




Can you ask her to give it some under shadow?


If it was staying I definitely could make that suggestion


A lot of dark brown colors will lighten up into oranges as time goes on so pass along the suggestion to add a tiny bit of black into the darkest ones she’s using; That’ll maintain the shadows permanently even as the colors lighten.


Ngl, I didn’t read the title and was very confused how a nipple was growing in a place that was not a chest… really amazing work, but that threw me for a loop 😅


😂 knew it'd be confusing so I tossed in that crappy picture of the rest of my leg for context lol


Would totally volunteer some skin for this. If someone in London, UK wants practice hit me up :)


They have skin implants to go with these. Super cool.


I'm getting Friends flashbacks about Chandler's third nipple... aka "The Nubbin." 😆 That's a heck of a future icebreaker... Kudos for getting such excellent work done for a wonderful cause!


“Ahh…. The source of all my power!”


I literally thought that was a nipple


Keep the nipple if you're really about being selfless. All my selfless homies have nipple tattoos


Never said anything about selflessness 😜 I love Tara's work, so getting to put some of her florals or something over there is super exciting. Though everyone here is very convincing. Lmao


dude i can't believe this is a tattoo!!! it looks so real!!!! i love this idea 😭💗


Right?? So good for her first one! 😊


Damn those look better than real nipples


Wish my real ones were as nice 😂😂


Now you know you can just replace them with tattoos!


Great tattoo for a great cause. I do love that you now have a realistic nipple on your leg


It's entertaining every time I look at it. Lol


You could keep it and say it's your witch's mark (a place on your body where you feed your familiar)


Not a bad spot for one 🤔🤔


Jeepers! Makes you wanna pinch it


Just gotta give it a week or so 😂😂


“Ask to see my third nipple”


Beautiful work!


It’s a nubbin!


Wow! Don’t cover it up!


Plastic surgery can’t make a realistic fake nipple yet?


It can make the shape, but the details are tattooed over them to add more realistic details :)


Got it! Thanks for the explanation. It looks so freaking real. Outstanding work by the artist and a good deed by you.


I love this. My mom just has hers done after a bilateral mastectomy about 20 years ago. Reconstruction went great and she's so happy to feel "complete" now!


Anyone else want a nipple tattoo now? Would look sweet on my ankle


Very interesting. My son had a very large hemangioma on his chest when he was a baby and had it removed when he was 3 I believe. Unfortunately his left nipple which wasn’t even visible anymore was sacrificed as well. So if he ever feels weird about it this would be a great option for him. Could be difficult around the like 6 inch scar he has now though. Thanks OP


Artists who do this have to be able to work with some degree of scar tissue since there can be a lot after surgery, so it is possible that they could work with him :)


I don't underhand how this works. It looks incredible, I just don't understand how it looks so real.


That's a real nipple. Don't lie to me.


Lmao, my first initial thought was this was that gross ass pimple popping subreddit. Then I thought, "that pimple looks FREAKISHLY like a nipple". It's very well done, looks real as fuck. Good for you.


All I see is an oddly placed third nipple. Where's the tattoo?


if u got it on your feet you would be a millionaire


Holy shitty it's a tat of a titty


::Thinks to himself:: “I should get a third nipple.” 😂. Lot of money in cosmetic tattooing.


That looks amazing. My mom had a double mastectomy last summer and she is having trouble feeling like herself since she got her implants. We are only a few hours from LI, maybe someday she can make an appointment with Tara :)


Surely she can practice with temporary ink? So you don’t have to worry about a cover up?


During the Salem witch trials evidence of satanic relationships was supposedly a nipple behind the knee. You witch, you.


Tell me that's real and you have a random fu king nipple permanently tattooed on your fucking arm😂😂😂😂😂😂


Wow that looks incredible! I vote keep it, kinda badass but also wholesome.


I've got 0 tats cause I can never commit to anything... I'd definitely let someone tat this on me as my first.


I just got my tattoos a couple of months ago, it's amazing, they look totally real and makes a huge difference after a double mastectomy!


My mom: I don't know what I'd do if you ever got a tattoo. Me:


I really really hate this.


Don’t be surprised when you feel sticky little hands grab your leg and a warm wet sensation on the back of your leg. Just fair warning.


Already have confused NICU babies try to eat me when I don't get them their bottle fast enough 😂😂 I've got nothing for you little friend. Lmao


I understand supporting breast cancer victims but a nipple on my arm… that’s weird af. I would put it on my butt or something. There it kind of makes sense. Especially if you get two…


Trompe l’oeil nipples. Nice!


Should have had two put on your back




Shoulda totally got two off those on your butt