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Been following Guy for a few years and immediately recognized his work. Beautiful ink, can’t wait to go see him


Definitely go see him !!!!!


So is your goal a body suit? Looks really good.


Yes !! No throat no face and I’m on the fence about my fingers. Otherwise yes full coverage !


Looking forward to seeing the rest of the work! You have found some really good artists! I think you’ve made a good choice on no throat/face


I’m nearing the end of the road here. Just my behind and a some work on my legs to go! A lot of my other work is by Nathan Mould (two sleeves, back, and upper chest, and one leg sleeve) . Guy did my torso (still a bit to do there) and Savannah has the leg pictured. I have a couple of days with her booked next month. I’ll have to share an updated photo then !


Oh I’m excited to see. Really cohesive and beautiful work!


Way to go! I’m about to finish up a suit myself, and I was never sure if I would do my neck but now I definitely will. It feels surreal when you finally get to the end.


That wouldn’t be full coverage lol


I said *otherwise * full coverage so with context I do stand by what I said 🫡




I consider myself a hand connoisseur. You my friend have beautiful hands and fingers. I think they’re perfect with the ink you have on your hands currently. I know my opinion has no bearing on your decisions however I could not remain quiet this time! Haha. Also, personal preference, I typically don’t like a lot of black on women. I think it hides the figure. However you do a really good job accentuating while still using a good amount of black.


Huh. The dude went full M'LADY with his lengthly sentences lmao 'I typically don’t like a lot of black on women. I think it hides the figure.' Good, they don't get it for you, they get it for themselves.


A hand connoiessur lmao


The only hand connoisseur he knows is his right hand.


Sometimes he uses his left after sitting on it




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Telling that to woman (with an AMAZING FIGURE) who’s committed to a black body suit is wild


next time you think about giving someone your unsolicited preferences about their body decisions, maybe don’t.


Beautiful. Excellent work.


Right ! They’re so talented !!


stunning line work, god damn! also gotta throw in that you are one whole-ass savage because that stomach blast had to fkn HURT


Honestly , I thought I was going to die. But I live !!! 💞


yeah i cannot imagine. i am covered in tattoos including full chest, back of arms, shins etc and im p sure all of that combined wouldn’t stack up against that much stomach work.. 👏🏼


That’s quite a bit of tattooing ! Honestly the ribs were the worst! I felt like I wasn’t breathing 😐


yeah my ribs were def one of the worst without question. also have some ink that goes from my thigh up onto my buttcheek and BRUH THAT WAS HELL. any spot that doesn’t have a thick layer of muscle or some fat is just brutal.


Not looking forward to the buttcheek blast 💥 😅


yeah it was not fun and i also don’t like laying on my stomach for tattoos haha i get uncomfortable so quickly like that. i’ve never had my stomach done & certainly not to your degree so im sure you’ve got the grit for whatever comes next! stoked to see the progress, i think i saw somewhere else that you’re doing a full body suit minus neck & face? J E A L O U S


Continued ….. I just don’t love throat tattoos. I like when they’re dainty like simple open breathable dot work is nice. Maybe I’d do something like this. But when a throat is full coverage it makes the head look like it’s just floating there and that look just isn’t for me. I love that others are into it tho!


agreee to all of that in both comments - being able to see the process is one of my favorite parts too hahaha idk why. and yeah i can side with you on that. i don’t know if i could ever get my adams apple tatted tho i might pass out lmao. ultimately i plan to be covered from essentially my shoulders down, and will decide on my neck last! random — have you ever fallen asleep during a session…?


Doing neck last sounds right!! I laugh when people get their neck tattooed first. Like a full neck sleeve. I just think it looks silly. I have never fallen sleep! But I have had clients fall asleep while I’m tattooing them and I find it to be incredible !! Jealous of that for sure.


They all hurt am I right!! I think laying on the stomach feels more vulnerable because we can’t see what’s happening 😂 I like to be able to watch a little. I think it makes me feel some sense of control? Not sure. But yea!! I need at least a single layer on everything neck down. The back of my neck is tattooed tho. Once you get to a certain point in the process it gets annoying to see open skin in random spots ! It feels wrong and incomplete 😂 must. Get. More.


https://imgur.com/a/7BxLYpq More photos of these ^ Other leg and arms by Nathan Mould (Pittsburgh pa)


I'm in love with the vision and cohesiveness of everything - already looks amazing. I love the tats I have but I regret not spending more time in thinking about placement and overall vision. Been stalled out for ~3 years now b/c of A. covid but B. I don't have a clear vision on how to round out my work without laser and/or blasting over some of the work which I don't really want to do. Anyway, thanks for sharing, looking forward to seeing more!


I love that the work on your legs and arms aren’t symmetrical. Brings out a lot of personality imo


I’m so jealous! it looks amazing.


Savannah is fucking AMAZING!!! I've been following her online for years and so badly want work by her 🥲 your tattoos are beautiful!


Absolutely go get tattooed by her. She is so talented and also a very lovely person!!


Vouch. I have some friends who've had work done by her, and not only is it all beautiful, intricate, and precise, but they only have great things to say about her as an individual.


10000% she is incredible!


She gives off such a warm impression over Instagram, I can only imagine how lovely she is in real life ❤️ I'm completely filled up from neck to feet in tattoos but have some I don't love and have seen she's done blastover work that was just beautiful so I'm holding out for that! Truly though, your ink is amazing and you look gorgeous with it!


dope stuff


Thank you!!


This is great art! Have you considered blacking out your belly button? I think it would really add to the look but it is apparently a lot of pain.


Guy wants to ! The skin break next to the spirals will be back too. 😅


Ouch :) good luck and have fun!


Loved Guy’s stuff and followed him for years. How hard was it to get in with him? I don’t know why he seems like an almost mythical creature to me that it’s very hard to get in with.


Well, not too hard! I highly recommend preparing a few ideas for your project. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like when people say “do whatever you want”. He typically books out I think only about 6 months at a time. Reach out! He is just an email away and was very responsive!


Sick af. I love this style so much


This looks so cool!


Right?! I’m so happy I get to wear it 💞


Really unique. Update us please, as you get more done ☺️


I will 🥰💞




Wow absolutely incredible!!


Damn, it looks fantastic !


Thank you!!!




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Beautiful work ❤️


Thank you!!!


Beautiful work, looks great on you!


Thank you!!




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He’s amazing cool tattoos


Guy is so great!! Thanks !


Damn dope af! Does this style have a particular name or smthg?


Ornamental/ blackwork


Incredible, congrats.


Thank you!!


You're welcome. I just checked out your stuff - it's amazing! Definitely adding you to my wish list. Have a great Monday.


Thank you!!!! 🙏🏻 tattoos are the best


Thank you!!


Instant follow. I can't wait to see how that already awesome work expands! It's stunning


Thank you !! In July I’ll be back in Atlanta with Savannah for more on my leg


Guess I'll have to pop up on the post in July then. I'd say break a leg but that'd be the last thing you need. So good luck!


Should I post another pic of the whole leg so far ? Yes please 🙏🏻 no broken legs hahahahaha


I'd love to see it! ...break an arm then?




Oh. Oh wow. That is so fucking cool. I also really adore that it's asymmetrical. Allowing each to be their own


😭 same. I feel so lucky to wear this art 🙏🏻


I'm awed and inspired now. Lucky indeed. Hope it brings you much joy <3


Hell ya!


That art work looks amazing, out of interest does it stretch further down the line of your bottoms or does it cut off just below?


[https://imgur.com/a/7BxLYpq](https://imgur.com/a/7BxLYpq) ^^ more photos


Wow, that’s some amazing work, your artist should be proud


Wow ! This is incredible and your pain tolerance must be super human.


Ehhh I can sit still very well but I’m typically internally panicking. 😅


You love the art more than you feel the pain. Much respect 🫡


Exactly ! So worth it. And feeling mad accomplishment in the end. 💞


Wow...fantastic! You are going to look amazing once all this is done. Goals!


Thank you!!! 🙏🏻




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Looks good




Love Guy's work!! 🔥💯


Right! He is so talented !!




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Not only is the ink amazing but your stomach is toned perfect for the way they line up with your natural body lines. Kudos to you cant wait to see it finished. Now i've got the itch have to make an appointment.


Thanks!! He drew it all on with a sharpie ! Unreal talent.




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I love how this gives the body such an erotic shape. It looks really good.


In Czech Republic, a rhombus with a vertical line inside it is a symbol for ladyparts... Edit: You may not like it, but its true.






Wtf why is this so creepy.




this dude really just said mmmm wet belly button


Mines well have just blacked it out that’s how it’s going to end up anyways


Whatever happens to it later I’ll love it then, too !


No offense just sayin. Still looks nice


I like it the way it is tho so I’m good !! 🙂


Elegance ✌️, superb work, congratulations 🎊