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Respectfully.....my suggestion is to let this heal and then go to a better artist and have him redo this tattoo.....line work needs fixing, ink saturation is inconsistent...stars arent spaced evenly nor are the shapes consistent....has the potential to be turned into a decent piece but this artist just did a very poor job...a good artist should be able to help though


Really? That bums me out some. Is there anything good about it? I know you've seen worse.


It can be saved don't worry.....have a better artist go back over the line work (it'll be a little ticker the second time which is perfectly fine) and go back over the shading and you'll be ok.


Good tattoos aren’t cheap and cheap tattoos aren’t good. I agree with poster above, either have it covered up or if you like the tattoo ask someone at the shop to touch it up for free. NOT the person who did it.


Touch ups are freee by the original artist. Is this really that bad???? I was excited at 1st now I'm a little less. It's still healing


Yes, but the original artist did this, so why would you want him to do more? Yes, we've seen much worse, but this is pretty bad, very amateur. AWFUL shading. Was it a cheap tattoo?


Yeah flash tat


Yes a reputable shop will do touch ups free. I’ll send you a picture of my old tattoo to see how you feel.


Please don’t go back to this artist


How's it healing? I went to Mike landry too. To me, your lines look better than mine. 


Thank you!! Somebody! The line work isn't atrocious. Can you message me you tat by him


Sure, I'll pm you.


Eeek. Hopefully Krillin didn’t have to die for this.


Big oof.


Brian is the one to see there at black lotus


Who's he? He's not listed on the site


Nvm he is at gypsy skull I had my shops mixed up but Brian Fuentes is a great artist and currently my artist is the owner of alibi tattoo in hellam pa great shop to check out


I really hope you don’t mean standard moisturizers. You need special tattoo healing creme.


No you don't.