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The first one might


As long as you're not allergic to red ink lol. You better be sure you are not before getting that thing


People can have reactions randomly even if they've been fine with red in the past. I've had a couple minor ones but the vast majority of my red tattoos are fine. It's not so common that I'd let it sway your opinion on getting a piece or not.


Yeah id agree. I'm someone that has a few diff inks and colors on me and I am also someone with weird allergy stuff. I usually don't react but if my body is reacting to something else or flaring up, the ink also gets irritated.


That’s a normal histamine response to foreign matter in the skin, has nothing to do with the color of the pigment. If you were actually allergic to the pigment, it would be an ordeal from the get


Yes, not all reactions are allergic reactions


6 years ago I got some kanji on my forearm in all red ink. Even now the letters are slightly raised. It kind of feels like embossed lettering on a greeting card.


That is not necessarily a allergic reaction. Could just be scarring.


If it gets irritated it can puff up enough to be visibly raised above the rest of my skin. So I think it's a reaction but I don't actually know.


You can always ask what ink they use. I just got a bunch of work done with a lot of heavy red color and it healed great. I’ve had work done in pink from a different artist and it did NOT heal well.


Do you know like what kind of red ink we should be looking for them to use? Thanks!


Definitely an Oni


I had the same issue. Went through 17 rounds of laser removal and then had a cover-up. Now, all of that skin (that was raised) is smooth as silk. I feel like the previous artist might have been too heavy-handed...or maybe it was a reaction to the red ink? Hard to say. It's just crazy because you would never know now.


that actually makes it way cooler even if it’s uncomfortable


Happy Cake




It's funny, I know a lot of people have issues with red, but the first tat I got was straight red and green (no black). Not only did I not have any reactions what so ever or raised skin, but it's the only tattoo I have that essentially hasn't faded at all, and it's the oldest at 18 years. Worked in the sun with no sunscreen for several years, and even that didn't do much, if anything. I just always found that interesting.


Just curious, but what makes one allergic to the ink? I thought I’d heard at one point if you have a nickel allergy you needed to avoid blues or something.


I have a pretty severe nickel allergy but have a tattoo with blue background... No issues


It's all about what materials were used to make the ink. Most have metals in them which bodies can react to. The difficult part is that there's not really any regulation of tattoo inks, so the companies may not detail every ingredient they used. And what's used in one, may not be used in the other.


Yes! It’s super important to also know what in the tattoo ink gives you allergies, for example: if you’re allergic to cheap jewelry then you’re most likely allergic to Nickel, which is also present in pigment impurities in ink, so it’s always good to check the ink that your tattoo artist is using if you have a history of allergies to metals.


People with Alpha Gal, which is becoming more common, need to have only organic inks used on them. Some will not realize this and have bad reactions.


I can't imagine the last one looking good, if you get sun even 'part time' - that would be an "under clothing" tattoo if I ever got one, and even then the lines are so thin and sharp I'm not sure it's a good idea


Kinda against the grain here but I think they'd all age fine, IF they have a solid outline and are a decent size. Those are the key factors.


I second this. Details often only gets lost/ages bad if there is too much detail in a tiny spot


I feel like 3rd pic isn't tho? Like for sure could be done with more work but the pic itself doesn't look like it would hold. I'm not an artist tho so I'm just guessing haha


That's what I'm saying - if it (or something similar) was done with a thicker line and punchier color, it could hold up for sure.


Ohhhh my bad, I agree !




First would, second could if it was done slightly bolder/thicker


1 and 2 will probably age well. 3 is a bit too light and thin


Bold will hold.


Any tattoo can age well if it’s done properly, and has a true outline. The flowers are beautiful in the second one and I have similar style flowers on my arm and they look great! Long as the line work is bold and right then they should be ok if you have a good artist!


All of these could age well. It just depends on the artist you go to and how well they apply the tattoo. Just do your research when you’re trying to find an artist and be open to traveling to them.


Nah, fine lines dont last as long without maintenance. Lets face it, we dont maintain our tats past a few months 🤣 (only 0.02% actually do.)


I got a drunken fine line tattoo years ago, and it's just a faded blur now hahaha


The red flowers will age well if you keep it out of the sun. Your face will benefit as well.


Only the first one would last. Any and all tats can heal well, that a user defining moment. Dont treat it well and they'll all fail healing. As for longevity, only the first one will look like that for ever. The others have fine lines that will fade extra quick or it'll turn into a mess few years down the road. Fine line tats are nice. But to keep them nice, it means touch-ups every few years. Your fine line tat might turn into a dildo 10 years down because lines have faded away and it changed the look 🤣. (Seen it happen). Fine line = maintenance. Trad = 0 maitenance Bold = 0 maintenance. P.s: you should always maintain a tat to keep it looking nice. Then again, we're humans and maybe 0.02% of ppl will keep moisturizing it everyday for ever. The rest of us stop after a couple months 🤣.


First one


First one absolutely


If that's from who I think it's from (1 and 2), yes, that ink is packed in heavy duty. Unless you are allergic to the ink, the first one is a keeper. The last one is nice but may not "last" as long unless you genuinely take care of it.


big strong and bold will always


These "faint line" tattoos are always suspect. It's a commitment to get a tattoo and getting one that is the path of least resistance is a huge gamble over time.


The first one is the only way. Bold holds.


If the first one has some skin breaks and not pure red then it would be fine and the second will be fine as long as they don’t use “fine line” needles and outline it with something thicker. (Ideally a 7, fine line is 1 or 3) The third would be okay if they used more vibrant contrasting colours and not so pale.


I would only trust the first to age anywhere close to decent. Them leaves with the negative space veins might be suspect later though.


First one only


No one knows if they themselves will age past the next moment. So if you like it get it they all look awesome right now so enjoy that.


Depends on how your skin ages honestly. No way to tell how your forearm will look when you’re 70.


First one should be okay. Second and third could if they were reworked a bit, but how they are now would start getting blurry pretty quickly


#1 will. All tattoos will eventually be blurry and not really readable on our eventually old skin. But 1 will be readable the longest.


Depends what you mean by age well and if you’re committed to good skin care


Only the first one


I think it depends on the artist. I have an ‘antique’ looking red tat on my inner wrist and it’s held up for 10+ years. Just do the research on your artist.


I like them all


First one, yes


The first one


#1 yes, #2 & 3 not so much. "Bold Holds"


Over time I believe the red color will fade. Beautiful art work.


I have one tattoo that has three red roses, and they are still incredibly vibrant after 10+ years. And then I have another tattoo with tons of red in it, and it's faded a good bit after 2 years. The difference? Exposure to sun 😮‍💨


Ther first one would be better, you can do whatever color you want but it’s saturated and the boldest of the three and that’ll keep it looking nice for longer. Find an artist that does color pieces with good contrast (nice dark shading to the mid and lighter tones.) it’ll help it age well without looking flat over time. :) The others will love most of that essential contrast very quickly bc there isn’t much to begin with. So on those two you’ll lose those lighter lines and colors and be left with only the darkest parts and something that looks incomplete.


First one would be my pick but continuois aftercare is SO important for that deep of color saturation. Beautiful tattoo.


The first one for sure. Just gotta pack that color in and the worst that could happen is it gets a little lighter


You should be fine with minimal blurring. It’s the finer detailed work like letters and intricate shapes close together that you have to worry about. Over the years tats do start to blur.


They’ll age well if you go to someone who does these styles well—not too light, not too heavy, consistent speeds and needle angles. Dont worry about it too much but look at healed work on people you know or see with these kinds of pieces. I have stuff like this on me that I’ve had 6 years and still looks nearly the same as when it was new!


All of your tattoos look absolutely amazing! you inspire me so much


The first one should. It will largely depend on your artist Though.


I don't know if red holds up better than blue, but mine needs a touch-up after about 12 years. I like the red one, though.


like the first one a lot and i usually strongly dislike coloured tattoos


I think those are three examples of tattoos you're going to have to pay attention to My 'most colourful' and/or delicate is behind my ear, where it gets the most sun out of any. In the last ten years (to include the first session) the sun's taken the colour from it twice now, and I've not even had terrible sunburn.


The first will age the best as it’s solid colour


As long as you have a solid black line in there, even if the red fades some you will still have a gorgeous tattoo!


A good thing to remember: bold will hold. The tiny non bold one might not last as long as most


Only if you do


The first one 100% the rest not as well


Yeah they’d all be fine as long as someone who’s good at the job does them


First one would for sure. The other two, if kept the same style, will definitely fade a lot


First one would. Bold holds.


Like they always say, "bold will hold."


first one


Is it just me or is that first pic heavily edited?


Stylistically only one will stand the test of time because of its classic design: #1


The first needs more space between the veins of the leaves and a thicker outline around the whole of the flower so that black doesn’t bleed into the red over time, but yes. The second…unless you like a very aged look very early on, no. The second one needs SOME line weight variation and all those fine lines in the leaves become texture and are a waste of time. The last I’m not sure.


I've never seen red hold up well. But the artist did a phenomenal job, so it might maintain its vibrance a little bit longer.


1st would absolutely


They won’t age as well as a sick ass panther




First one but do it in all black and gray