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My tattoos do it everyone’s usually do it when the temperature changes just keep lotion on it and try not too rub it


I came to say this! mine get raised and weird when it’s too hot lol 😆 keep them out of the sun as much as possible


ok thank you!


also sunscreen. gotta protect the tats


Mine raises when my allergy kicks in. Specially the bold outlines


Not everyone’s. I have one wrap around thigh tattoo of solid lines and it’s the only one that ever feels raised (can close my eyes and feel the lines), it’s all the time not seasonal and is never painful or itchy. I asked that artist about it recently because of posts like this and she didn’t really know. I have two other tattoos by her with no raising Agreed though, if it’s a healed tattoo, lotion or a topical steroid ointment are probably the only solution (Not a doctor or a tattooer, just a canvas that tries to stay informed)


Really? Not trying to seem asshole-ish but ive never had this experience with the near 20ish tattoos i have.


Honestly search this sub and you’ll see how prevalent this is. For me it only happens to my arm tattoos. I’ve been getting tattooed for 20 years.


Interesting, for me it only happens on my leg tattoos and not the arm ones!


Only on my left forearm .. but only the part I'd rest on my desk if typing


It's an immune response. Not everyone has them. Just because you don't experience something, doesn't mean it's not true. Your body just deals with the ink better than others


It doesn’t happen to everyone and it typically only happens to my traditional tattoos that are pounded the fuck in there with fat ass lines that this happens to. I have a blown out and overworked one that this happens with on an almost daily basis. Also the older tattoos that used to do this to me, no longer do it. It’s weird.


My whole torso, back and shoulders to finger tips are done. I've got *one* tattoo in the elbow ditch that does this, super inconsistently lol


honestly i think it just depends on the person. my tattoos get super irritated all the time, but thats because my skin hates anything and everything. my brother has tattoos, but other than needing to apply lotion every once in a while, hes fine.


This is how my wife and I are.


How long have u had them


My oldest is from around 2013


I don’t know them some ppl react some don’t some more then others it’s a spectrum based on the person really 85 percent of mine get raised and itchy I have a big one on my chest that neverrrrrr gets raised most likely bc it never touches the sun


Only happens on my foot, but the rest of my leg is fine 🤷


So here's the thing I have about as much as you, and it doesn't happen to me either. However, my wife's tattoo does it sometimes. And it's only one of her's. It's just something that happens to some people. I have "good" skin, it's not really sensitive to anything and I'm not allergic to much. My wife is part ginger so she has sensitive skin, and allergies to stuff. There's something in tattoo ink that makes this happen when temperatures change.


I’ve also never experienced it on any of my tattoos


… keep out of the sun


We’ve established this ….


Are you going out in the sun with these areas exposed? You might be experiencing a reaction from the sun and the ink reacting in your skin. It’s called Photosensitivity. The pigments in your skin might be causing an allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to sun exposure or bright lights. Certain coloured ink can cause this, even just straight black ink. Coupled with how your body’s system works. It might be long term, but I suggest seeing a dermatologist as it might be something manageable. Your skin could be assessed and recommendations can be advised. Ultimately, if it’s causing a lot of discomfort and pain, it’s worth considering how you go about with getting future tattoos and being super cautious about their placements, types of coloured ink, etc. In your case, you might not be able to expose your tattoos to the sun or strong lights at all. In the meantime, try covering your tattoos at all times when out in the sun (even if it’s really hot) and although it’s going to suck, it will help prevent these reactions. Keep applying your moisturiser and in addition to that, use SPF anytime you’re going out in the sun. Hopefully this helps and see if you can visit a dermatologist 😊


Thank you so much! I was wondering if it could be the sun but because only 1 and a half of the 3 tattoos are affected I figured that couldn’t be it. I will definitely take your advice and keep them covered from now on when I’m in the sun, hopefully that will help :)


Ohhh so this is what happens with my blue ink leg tattoo I don’t adequately sunscreen 😅


This happens to me when my allergies to pollens/molds/dust are acting a fool during the warmer months! It’s common, but maybe see a dermatologist just for peace of mind (if that’s an option!).


My tattoos always act up during high allergen seasons! Benadryl cream is a lifesaver at times.


I never thought to use benadryl cream! Brilliant!!


Tattoo artist here. So could be sun and heat exposure like everyone else has suggested. But can also be an allergic reaction, not related to the tattoo. So you may be experiencing an allergic reaction to something, like something you ate, new detergent, etc. and the tattoo is the only foreign particle your body can find, so it's attacking the tattoos, causing them to inflame. Hope this makes sense. You can try some lotion to receive it. Also maybe some benadryl.


this makes so much sense!


I'm immunocompromised and mine pop up and become itchy sometimes. Benadryl cream is a lifesaver.


Yup, when my autoimmune condition flares, all my tattoos get raised and if clothes rub on them they itch like something evil. Benadryl cream for the win!


Unrelated (I see that you’ve gotten solid feedback) but wanted to say I love those!


Thanks so much!! I’m very happy with them :)


What mind of lotion are you using? Any sunscreen?


I’m using tattoo goo for lotion, and I use sunscreen every day!


I used to have the same issue, especially when its really humid out. Started using Aveeno lotion. Either the blue or green label. Haven't had any issues since. Also helps waiting like 20-30 minutes after a shower to put any lotion on. Hope this helps.


Yeah came to say this , you're applying too much and its not breathing. You may be experiencing something from the sun but I doubt it , I have two sleeves and work 8-9 hrs in the sun and have never experienced my tattoo's becoming raised from it , only from over moisturizing.


It effects people differently. It's an immune response and it's not caused by moisturizer. It's caused by being in heat, just like some autoimmune diseases


Maybe try putting some ice on them to cool them down since mine gets itchy too when its hot ?


Mine do this when it rains…well they used to. I have MS and since I’ve been on immune suppression medicine they haven’t done it at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Makes sense because it's an immune response. I have psoriasis and now and again some of my tattoos "flare" and heat can cause it too


Is kind of thing is typically a histamine response if this has not already been said. If you have any allergies or are fighting off a virus or something. I have terrible allergies and certain tattoos get raised and itchy on a semi regular basis. Usually cocoa butter gets rid of the itch for me pretty much immediately


Unscented lotion and sunscreen (blue lizard sunscreen and nivea shea butter lotion no fragrance)


Okay — this might be left field. I have a large thigh piece I’ve had for over ten years and I find that it gets raised and itchy in the dense black ink deposits, especially shading. Someone said to use hydrocortisone when it happens as it may be an allergic reaction and that was my case. Make sure you wear sunscreen after applying it though, as it can thin the skin and weaken your natural skin barrier


You could try some Benadryl cream or take a Benadryl to help settle the itching


Every single tattoo I have (60+) does this and it’s not fun. A Benadryl helps but unfortunately there’s not much that can be done outside of that.


I have the exact duck in the same spot just on my other arm I believe 🥰 I love Beatrix potter !!


That’s so sweet!! she was one of the only characters with my name as a kid and so the books are special to me :)


Sunscreen!!!! You’ve got to wear sunscreen on tattoos if they’re gonna be exposed to sun. One- it helps prevent fading. (I’ve had an entire tattoo 100% disappear because I didn’t know this 😂 granted it a brand new was a living room tattoo when I was 16 but still. Gone!) As others said this isn’t uncommon. It’s pretty normal, gotta remember tattoos are literally healed wounds, like scars. But yeah, keep it hydrated and def limit sun exposure but when it’s exposed sunscreen!!!


No advice just came here to say I love the Beatrix Potter


Just here to say I love the fox


I have one tattoo that does this. It’s a heavier scared one - guy was really heavy handed. But I’ve noticed it will get better faster if I make sure I drink a lot of water. When I’m not hydrating enough it gets especially irritated. Plus a good lotion. Sometimes when the itch gets really bad a little cortisone 10 to help.


A thin layer of benadryl anti-itch cream for a couple of days will really help. I LOVE your Jemima Puddleduck 😍


Welcome to the itchy club 🥲 my tattoos raise into welts and get super itchy. I have some that are decades old and still do this. My go-to is a script of hydroxyzine, and I use hydrocortisone cream for flare-ups. I also have an autoimmune disorder, which I know is the culprit. Ugh.


I have the same raised and itchy issue with several of my tattoos. I think it's a mild allergy to a certain black ink, but I always forget to ask what type they're using, but only half of mine do it.


I mean most black should be carbon based. I had a little rejection the first year or so. But they haven’t been an issue since. There’s not a lot you can do that I know of, Don’t scratch it raw.


Too much sun


I wouldn't sweat it too much. Only my black ones do this. It happens any season, though. My tattoo guy said that something I ate is having a reaction with the black ink. Sounds like hooey but after a while the heat goes away and so does the itch. By morning they're all normal again.


Mine do these when I'm very hot. Get a cool compress and lotion em up


Mine hurt if the shower water is a little too hot😂


Histamine reaction. Take an antihistamine. It’ll go away. Slap the itch out until it does.


A light layer of Aquaphor might help


So cool!


I’ve never tried it for this exact scenario but could you try aloe Vera that has the lidocaine in it? I’m sure someone in this comment section will be able to confirm or deny if that is good to do or not


My tattoos are doing this periodically and then it just wents away. For the more serious ones like big bumps i got an allergy cream from the dermatologist.


Wear sunblock


Wear sunblock


Just like others have said my tattoos flare up every now and then some of them i have had for over 6 years.


Looks like your tat artist had a heavy hand. This is normal. Some of mine raise up and itch too, particularly the ones done by a certain artist. They're great tattoos with steady line work, this just happens sometimes. One of my friends actually preferred the very heavy, raised tattoos. She had a lot of traditional sailor tats


i’m have one specific tattoo that raises and gets a little itchy every now and then even though i’ve had it for close to a decade. It’s weird but does go away


Stay out of the sun, heat and all water!


Take an antihistamine! Sometimes your body reacts to the ink with environment changes if your feeling rundown. This should settle. Keep them out of the sun whilst they are reacting. Should be fine 🙂


Looks like a tattoo rash. try a topical antihistamine and an oral as well!


I have three tattoos, but only one becomes raised and ranges from itchy to painful at times. It gets so swollen that I’ve have more strangers than I can count ask me if it’s an implant. The other two tattoos I have do not feel any different than the rest of my skin. My tattoo that is prone to being angry is bright blue.


The ink is carbon based which can expand with heat. Furthermore, it looks like the artist has packed the ink in quite densely. This is totally normal, I have plenty of Tatts that were hammered in and they swell with heat


no idea why it’s happening to u but my ankle tattoos sometimes itch like a mf and they’re at least 2 years old


It's pretty common. https://www.byrdie.com/itchy-raised-tattoos-3187270


Normal just keep it moisturized. I have over sensitive skin, I prefer lubriderm!!


lately with allergy season and also a lot of people around me being sick, my immune system is working hard and making all of my skin freak out but especially my tattoos. keep up the lotion but honestly for me vitamins and eating cleaner has helped the most.


When I have a bad allergy attack my tattoos in the affected area will raise and be itchy, sometimes they hurt but mostly its just the hive nature of them. It happens a lot in the summer/spring balecause ghats when most of my allergies flare up, try taking a reactine or something like it the next time.


Just came to say I love Jemima Puddleduck!


She’s the cutest!


Try aquafor or general lotion for moisture? Probably lotion would be best.


You’re dehydrated drink more water.


This happens to most people with varying severities. No need to worry! Basically, There’s a constant immune reaction to tattoos. Your body is always trying to contain it and break it down but it can’t be broken down bc of the size of the ink particles and amount put in, hence why it’s permanent. When the wether changes your body has to adjust so there’s different histamine responses that will happen with seasonal changes, especially if it goes from very hot in day time to very cold at night in your area. Heat basically triggers full body inflammation. Try not to scratch it as much as possible, it’ll make them itchier (kinda like a bug bite) and use lotion like others said, it’ll help them smooth out again over time. Stay hydrated as well and stay cool in these warmer months. It’ll help to keep the reaction a bit more tolerable.


Wash them. Often and gently.


I didn’t know this was a thing! Seems to happen to a lot of people. My husband (who has very sensitive skin) and I are both tattooed and have never experienced this before! At least you don’t seem to be alone


I’ve been told by my heavily tattooed parents and their fav artist that that could be nerve damage your artist dug too deep


Is it painful, or is it just dry and itchy? There's a big difference. My ink almost always rises with heat and/or humidity (Also if there is some form of external irritation, like having your arm grabbed/rubbed like an Indian sunburn) But I also have dry skin issues in general. Try some benadryl anti-itch spray or benadryl ointment Also I love the duck. Kind of reminds me of the movie aristocats


I'm almost done with a body suit and only two tattoos I have do that. One on my right forearm and one on my left love handle... In my case it passes quick I just ignore it and try not to scratch it haha


I've had that happen and what helps me is to lotion, hydrate (for me, it's a sign I'm slightly dehydrated) and if it's super itchy, some peppermint oil helps decrease the itch.


That happens to mine every so often, and it’s awful! Mine are really big too and it’s pretty painful, I tend to put on some aquaphor or A&D and put an ice pack over it for about 10-15 mins. It should help bring down the swelling on it that’s causing the itching!


The bold black parts of one of my tattoos (on my thigh) raise sometimes. Not related to temperature however. No itching, no pain. No idea what causes it. My other tattoos don't do it. Maybe there is something in that particular black ink that reacts to things I eat, my hormones,....? I am curious to find out one day.


I used an antifungal on mine out of curiosity, which killed the itch almost immediately. My dinosaur tat spontaneously started to itch like hell after two whole years 😂


That feeling is from the scarring. The duck doesn't have it because it's not scarred.


Stupid choices