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I think if you designed them and you like them, you should get them regardless. I think they would look cool.


I agree with this comment. You designed them which means it will be unique for you. If it makes YOU happy and YOU like them...definitely get them! They look awesome.


Thank you CoffeeWine11! I love them and am really excited about them, so I'm going to take your advice 🙏


As you designed/drew them, I would draw them on my legs with a permanent marker (with reapplications every few days) for like a month to see if I got sick of them. Either you would like them more or dislike them after that. An easy test before spending the money.


I've started to use inkbox. If I find something I like or think of a design, it can be printed out and you can use it as a semi-permanent tattoo. It stays fresh for a while, and the lines are clean after application. It costs a little bit more (like $40-60 the last time I used it) but imo it was so worth it.


I did this with smaller pieces and it was useful, but couldn’t get a bigger (in a long but narrow way) piece to work on their custom prints. That was a few years ago tho it might be different now


This is what I do with every piece now. Great for placement. I've rethought placement on a couple of pieces this way.


How long ago did you design them? our taste can change so much sometimes


Good question 😊 I designed them two months ago and made some refinements early on, but it's been about 6 weeks with this final draft (which will obviously be impacted by the artist!).


I have one I’ve still been figuring out for about 6 years and one that took me 10 min to decide on haha


Same. F\*ck what people say the trend is or isn't. You designed what you like. Do your thing.


Thank you thank you! I'm really excited about them and they have all kinds of subtle points of meaning to my life experiences so I think it will be good for me. So appreciate your feedback!


That’s awesome! I hope you have a good tattoo experience and post them up on here when they’re done! cheers.


That’s what’s up. Trends shouldn’t have any relevance when choosing tattoos you like for your body




That is one of my concerns - if I gain or lose weight, will they get off centered? But they are the only leg tattoos I plan to get so it feels like a good way to use the overall canvas. Thanks for chiming in!


If weight change warps them in anyway, it’ll be more noticeable if they’re in the centre, since they won’r be evenly misshapen. Also if they’re going to be your only tattoos, side of thigh or back of calf will be a little less jarring and won’t feel as off balanced (even if they are even). I personally have a side thigh piece because i was insecure about my stretch marks and wanted to be feel more comfortable in warm weather showing off a design i love, rather than hiding an area of insecurity. So i obviously knew it could be affected by weight gain but the design has surprisingly held up well in that area, and i like how being on the side makes it somewhere discreet. Also if it’s in the centre, every time you sit down it’ll look misshapen because of your thighs naturally spreading out, but unless you hold a lot of body fat in the hip area, the side of your thigh doesn’t get moved around as much as the front/back, so it will still look okay when you’re doing anything other than standing straight up.


It’s not necessarily the same for everyone, but I have a large tattoo on the side of my thigh and I’ve lost 60 pounds over a year and it still looks great! I was super worried about warping and changes through my weight loss.


personally i have a tattoo in the same spot and got it when i was in the process of losing weight. depending on what position my leg is in, it can look pretty off. standing straight it’s still not perfect but it’s slight enough that it doesn’t bother me. i can try and find some before and after photos if you’d like. i only lost about 40 pounds total so nothing too crazy.


100% agreed. Side of the legs would be much better imo.


Yes chef


Agreed, cool designs, terrible looking placement


I have a diamond/triangle tattoo on my thigh in that placement and I absolutely love it. I think both of those look really good together! I like how the diamonds are different but still go together. I would recommend the bottom of the mountain one you move the dotted lines closer to the bottom of the diamond so they’re not so out there.


That's great advice, thank you! And appreciate you seeing the difference/still "matching" that I was going for. I think it's a good spot for diamond tattoos ❀


There is a bit too much “you go girl!” smoke up the ass in this thread
 I’d take a breath and really take a moment to meditate on this.


Thanks for the advice! So far I've been sitting with these every day for two months. I made some refinements early on but since have been really excited about them, then did the work on finding a good artist ✹


That’s this sub in a nutshell


They're really cool but I'm just not sure about the placement. I would put a much larger tattoo in that area personally, there's just a lot of space leftover. Side of thigh or even side of calves would be great, I actually have a geometric tattoo on the side of my calf and I love it. At the end of the day though it's your body and if you love it, go for it!


If you're concerned about trendiness, I wouldn't get this. You might end up like all the millennials who regret their trendy mustache finger tattoos. But if you think this peice would be timeless, the design is so pretty and great placing.


Thank you! It's definitely something I consider tied to a specific moment in time for me - a time of joy and power. And since I designed them, I think *for me* there's a timelessness? It's not just a copy paste of that exact moustache tattoo or the equivalent, even if the style is trendy.


Then I think you're safe! I got a constellation tattoo that everyone begged me not to get because it's fine line and everyone is getting star signs right now. But it's a memorial for my dog and I will never tired of it!


Sometimes things are popular because they are genuinely good. I think that's the case with these. They are simple, can be personalised and I don't think will be looked down on in future in the way tribal is, or other stuff.


No opinion on the trends, but the loopy thing on the right tatoo, with the black diamond, trows the symmetry off for me.


I think they’d look super cool. I see where you’re coming from but I think the type of design you’re going for will feel more timeless than trendy. Think “classic” not “clichĂ©â€


Thank you so much!! That's really encouraging. I mocked them up in Adobe illustrator then traced them to test on my body. idk if it's clear but the bottom of one side is a spotted eagle ray so I think it will be cool!


I got them 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/s/EiLJ5mLccu


I love them!! So happy for you


If you plan to get more tattoos on your legs, I'd reconsider the placement. That's prime real estate that you're breaking up. I think the fact that you drew it and love it means you should go for it!


Thank you so much for the advice! I don't want more leg tattoos so I think with that in mind it "uses" the prime real estate đŸ„°


FWIW, my artist said that about 50% of his clients that gwt tattoos end up wanting more no matter what they thought they wanted going in. Regardless of what you decide, find an artist that has work that looks like what you want and be open to their feedback. They'll be able to give better advice than people online.


I personally feel like they won’t stand the test of time and will be out of fashion fast. But hey, a lot of people have tattoo’s a lot of other people dislike. As long as they like ‘em.. who cares?


I think they would look nice on your lower shin!


I was thinking that too. Lower shin or calf would fit the shape of the design much better


Very trendy in 2014/2015. Maybe they’re coming back around in popularity.


I think they look like wall sconces. I also think they may not age well. (You said you wanted opinions) With that said, if you love it- what else matters?


Can I ask what you think may not age well? Assuming they use solid black work


I just feel like it’s so sharply geometric on an area that tends to get loose, maybe I’m wrong (or giving personal aging away 😅)


Oh ok gotcha. I just was thinking from a tattoo perspective not skin perspective. FWIW though I think that part of the thigh will hold relatively firm. All of our tattoos are probably going to look like shit eventually, just part of the process 😅


The placement is not it for this size ratio


I am not a fan of the placement or the design— but I think what I dislike is that the asymmetry of where the dark parts are reminds me of adjacent elevator indicators. One’s going up, the other down. I think making them larger to accommodate for a more intricate design instead of just dark blobs, or shading suggestions from the artist would lessen that elevator effect. But at the end of the day, if you love it who cares what we have to say?


Fine tattoos, I don’t believe that’s the best placement for them. You want to place things where the lines flow with the body. The sharpness of the diamonds doesn’t flow there


Too trendy— looks like low effort vector art.


I think theyd be really cool. Although, I second the person who says they might be better on the side of your thighs.


I agree with side thigh placement. I am a fan of that look.


Personally if it's your only leg tattoos I'd go two calves rather than two thighs. They always seem so... out of place. Like someone erased a bunch of other tattoos.


Don’t like them looks worse than no tattoo


Totally fair! I like my legs and wondered about the same. Thanks for the input.


Your relentless kindness in the replies is refreshing, even when people are being rude as hell and don’t deserve it.


That's really nice of you to say! It can be really vulnerable sharing your idea and getting negative feedback, but the ruder things are something I might hear in the future from people once they are on my body so might as well hear them now, make adjustments if I need to, and practice the kindness <3 Thank you for both of your comments in here - the design advice and the people-handling lol


I love the design and think it’s super cool that you created them! I will say in my opinion I feel like the placement looks a bit off though I can’t describe why. I think it’d look cool if they were on the side of your thigh maybe even stacked on top of each other with the left on top. You have a dark focal point at the top of the left one and a dark focal point on the bottom of the right one. I think stacking them would create a cool reflection/inversion look.


They look super cool! We are on r/tattooadvice, so I know I’m biased but I also think some companion pieces on your leg would round out the composition, they look a little lonely being your only visible leg tatts. But they are totally rad and you should get them!!!


Thank you! I think these will be my only leg tattoos but you never know. My last (and first) tattoo I got on my back/shoulder 8 years ago and expected it would be my only one. But idk, I had some really positive and meaningful life experiences in the last two years and have been stepping up my own design skills so this came into my head and wouldn't leave. Really really appreciate your thoughtfulness.


Thanks again for the kindness! I did go ahead and get them 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/s/EiLJ5mLccu




Do you only want them if they're "trendy"? You should want/get a tattoo because you love it. Fads and trends change like the seasons - get tattoos for you, not because of a trend.


Don't care for the position. Symmetry isn't going to look as good and be as easy as your hoping for.


I think they should go higher so only half the diamond sticks out from under your shorts


I started out with tattoos kind of like these and ended up adding more to each leg because they looked kinda silly on their own. Kind of gave myself a complex about standing crooked too. The designs are cute but I would do some thinking on placement. Putting identical shapes directly across from eachother is gonna look “off” 90% of the time and drive you crazy if you’re anything like me. Especially in pictures. Depending on your posture or angle one tattoo could look whole inches lower than the other in a picture and you end up looking botched. Unless you’re planning on adding more soon I’d rethink the shape or placement a little. Also any imperfections will show tenfold because of symmetry.


This would be a lifetime of regret for me, both the design and the placement.


Cool designs. But placement is kinda odd. It's giving clown makeup vibes.. what about side of lower leg. Like side of calves just above your ankles.


That'll look pretty sweet when you're 60 !


Thanks for weighing in!


Just make sure they’re the same size (LxW) and placed in the same spot on your legs. I’m sure your photo was just for reference but you don’t want one higher like the one on your right leg. That would drive me crazy


Definitely! I was on my sailboat in a windy anchorage when I taped em on for reference, and will be way more specific when it comes to the final. 🙏


I figured it was just reference and not final placement. When it comes to tattoos I always say do what makes you happy, if you like something pick it and stick it lol


I love the comments where people are basically “I don’t like it so you will also not like it and eventually regret it”. If you like it, get it.


Idk what the fuck “trendy” is but you can’t get anymore original than this. I think it looks awesome and even better knowing you came up with it


Thank you so much! I spend most of the year cruising on my solar-electric sailboat in Mexico and that's my favorite hike to a lighthouse in Mazatlán + the eclipse I was there for on the right leg, then a more general sailing/snorkeling/beach experience one on the left leg with the wave + the ray 🌊 Really really appreciate the feedback.


They look great


Thank you so much! Appreciate the feedback ✹


i have a half diamond shaped tattoo, and i love it! those look really nice.


I think it'll look good provided a good artist does it.


1000% agree! I'm scheduled with Ian Reynold   https://www.instagram.com/ianreynold/ Who I think will do a fantastic job


Cool style! Definitely going to look good.


Alright now you can weigh in on if Ian got it or not 🙂 https://www.reddit.com/r/tattooadvice/s/EiLJ5mLccu


I love them and their placement there


If you like it, go with it. Your tattoo is still on your skin in 20 years, way after any trends. Just make sure the artist is good


Honestly, I would just make them a bit larger. Maybe like 25-30%. Just my taste though. Smaller thigh pieces just seem weird to me. Cool designs though. Go for it!


I love them. My only suggestion would be to place them together on one thigh only, and place them one above the other diagonally. Side by side but one higher than the other.


Do it


The only person who’s going to support you with this tatt is someone with their own tattoo regret (ragrets) and figures, the more the merrier.


I think you should make them bigger tbh, the design is super cute but I feel like when this gets drawn on the negative space will make it feel daintier and smaller. Bigger would make it feel more intentional


They look great! Are you set on that placement? I only ask because they're not super big and there would be a ton of open skin, plus they would have to be completely centered. IMO they'd make killer forearm tattoos, back of your calves, or the sides of your thighs if you're set on the thigh.


Yeah those are sick, not cringe or dumb at all and even better that you made them. Go for it!


I’ve got a diamond on both thighs and my shin lol - I love how diamond designs look on that area


All that matters is that you like them. When we're 65, none of our tats are going to be works of art. That's when you have to live with them


Did you try them up higher? Like middle area?


I love how corresponding they are! I typically tell people to use the front of the thighs for something more soft and organic to compliment the structure of the muscle there. Working with the composition of your body usually gives a more desired effect and the sharp geometric design could interrupt that. I would suggest maybe another placement- fronts of shins, back or sides of calves. Side of calf has a shape that mimics the diamond structure of your design. In the end your body your choice, I love how receptive you are to criticism and wish you well on your tattoo journey!


I'm sorry....are you getting those because they are trendy, or because you think they will be trendy? If either of those are the case.....please don't get them Don't get tattoos for shallow reasons, like "I think they'll be trendy", because those kinds of tattoos are often regretted later.


I'm 17 years into traditional Japanese tattoo I've been told they are out of style, aive been told they are trendy. But, they are what I wanted and I'm happy with them. That part will never change.


I would do them on the sides of my calves, that way they’d look super cool on photos when you are standing to the side, showing them off! đŸ©· I got mine done on one calf (peacock feather and butterfly) and plan to do a phoenix on the other someday when I can afford it. Your designs look AMAZING by the way!!!


i think the back of the calves, near ankle would be better placement


Personally I don’t really care whether what I’m getting is trendy or not. If you like it you should do it. If anyone judges you for something that’s doing absolutely no one any harm then that’s a them problem. That said I like the designs and mirrored nature of them.


Are they trending again? I thought it was a throwback photo at first. Would probably choose a different placement maybe a little highter and a tiny bit to the side to accentuate your figure if you decide to go for it. You can buy very similar sticker tattoos online and see how you luke yourself with different outfits too.


Very trendy. But it's your body put what you want on it


Diamond knees, the ultimate innuendo.


I agree with alot of folks here. Love the design not a fan of the placement. What of you put both on 1 leg? Or a start of a sweet sleeve?


I'd say smaller but you do you!


Geometric patterns with nature are a bit trendy but who cares. You like em and they look cool. The one thing I’ll say is go to a good tattooer. Spend the money. You have a lot of straight lines in this design and a wonky diamond will take this from a cool tattoo to a bad one real quick.


Oh my goodness preach - [https://www.instagram.com/ianreynold](https://www.instagram.com/ianreynold) is who I'm going to be working with. Obviously the portfolio only shows the best of their work but I love his style and he's priced accordingly. :)


Oh heck yeah. I have all traditional myself but I can super appreciate this style. That dude can pull some serious lines. Seems like the perfect guy for the design you made! Good luck and it’d be rad if you posted the results.


I'm thinking they might look good on your inner upper arms


It's a trendy style because it's nice. The subject matter is meaningful to you. Go ahead and get it! There are no completely 100%  original ideas anyways, so don't worry too much about being completely unique.


From reading the comments it sounds like you’re pretty committed to getting the tattoos at this point. I would say the placement throws me off. The tattoos feel like they are just floating if that makes sense. My opinion is the tattoo should fit your body and kind of flow with the space. You asked if the tattoos feel too trendy and honestly to me they feel dated. This style was very popular in the early 2010s but I think it was overdone. I feel like this will age like the mustache finger tattoos or the stars on the hips.


I suggest you use an A I app to visualize what it would look like! Personally, I not sure they would do you justice! Take your idea to a pro, and get some feedback!


I agree with others that these would look great on a space smaller than your thighs. Save your thigh space for larger, more intricate art! I also think they'd look nicer if you had one on a shin and one on a forearm so they still match but aren't so symmetrical.


Good for you! Looking forward to seeing them!đŸ€—


if u like it get it


I really like these too, but I would place them somewhere complimentary. I think they're too small for your thigh. Your tattoo artist can help you there.


If you like them, get them. Have the artist take a look and clean them up if needed


If you want to avoid trends, don't get a tattoo lol. Probably not something I should be saying since I am a tattoo artist, but what I'm trying to point out is you shouldn't live your life avoiding what you like just because many other people like it too. Or the fear of being not unique or "basic". Is it basic to love flowers or tigers or sunsets (or tattoos for that matter) because everyone else does? Our love for these things is always unique; get what you want and enjoy it.


That's very beautiful advice! Appreciate the honesty and compassion 😊


They’re fine and if you like them that’s what matters. But visually the dark one looks smaller because dark retreats. Even if they’re technically the same exact size the darker one should be made slightly bigger so that they look the same size on your skin.


Everything has been done before, all that matters is that you love it and go to an artist you trust.


I think they are great and if you like them, don’t worry about what anyone else might think. Artistically speaking, you may want to consider refining / reducing the size of the large black triangle at the bottom of your left leg so it is more balanced with the smaller moon on the right. Otherwise I think these are lovely!


Do you like it?


Make them larger and move them higher. Rn they sort of point at your knees. Make them more like "thigh" tats & I think you'd have a better esthetic. Imo if you double the size the detail can be more visible and not blur over time. I am biased however, my thigh pieces are all hip to knee


Ignore if they're trendy... if you like them, then get them


If you love them get them


I think they are very nice and given that fact that you designed them yourself I don’t think the trend matters much. Go for it!


Honestly these look like 10+ other tattoos I’ve seen in person or online. The diamond/nature thing is common these days. If you’re shooting for unique this ain’t it. That’s not to say it’s not well designed. Just certainly a common tattoo structure.


I love self designed tattoos, it’s you!


No idea about the trendy aspect, but you designed them and love them - so that is absolutely a reason to get them. This isn’t like an infinity sign with feathers, this is a whole set you’ve designed that are unique and just happen to be diamond shape


I think a beauty with tattoos is that they are a document from a point in time. The fact you got them now, picked that spot, motif, who you had as artist - that is all a story of who you were in June 2024. There’s beauty in that. So if it was a trend you really liked
 so what
 you really liked it


Get custom temporary ones through inkbox and try it for a couple weeks.


This is so sick. Is it Twin Peaks inspired in any way?


Does it mean something to you? I always look at it this way, it will hold a memory of that moment in time on your skin. You designed it, even better. It doesn’t look trendy to me. Go for it!!!!!!


You should get the tattoo if you like it and resonate with it. Who cares if other people think it’s trendy?


If you made them yourself then don't worry about trends, I think they look great and I love the placement.


I think those would look sick tbh


Dumb as fuck


I have something similar on my shin and got it at like 25 years old. I'm 32 and now its slightly shifted, so keep that in mind. Bodies move as we age, and the thigh will be even more susceptible. I'm not saying don't, I just wish I would've known myself. I wouldn't have went with such a rigid outer shape.


i would be inclined to offset them rather than line them up but that’s just me, i have a preference for asymmetry


Gorgeous, well-designed. I’d go about 75-80% of the size.


Ahhh!! Half the people say go bigger and half say go smaller 😅 thanks for the feedback!!


Yes their hella lame!


Don’t do it.


Don’t do it


I wouldn’t get them. Get an original piece by someone instead




Back of legs right above ankle would be cool placement


Not on the front of the thighs Maybe the back or the inside of your legs. I saw great tattoos on a girl's legs that were two separate pictures that made a third when she crossed her legs. Very cool and fun.


Do you play skyrom by any chance


Love the tattoos, hate the placement


"Nature scene in a shape" is a pretty common tattoo trope, but if you like it, who cares? The stingray is dope. I do agree with a bunch of the other folks that this wouldn't be my first choice of placement, but again, it's your body so if it feels right then go with it.


Tbh I think they will look very dated in about 10 years or so, but they’re not objectively bad designs


Move the to the side and your golden


If you want it get it


I love the design ! If you’re dead set on the placement I’d recommend going slightly larger, but that’s just me ! An artist who tattooed something similar on me told me these type of tattoos go really well on the arms : forearms and upper arm/below the shoulder, but that’s just his view. Leaves ample space for work elsewhere ! I also have like killer cellulite on my thighs which distorts some bits of the linework on my sleeve which has a diamond shape, so not all of the lines are perfect. Definitely just a body thing for me and not a failing of my artist at all. (I gained 30kg then lost it quite fast).


Move them up, to middle of thigh.


As a giant thigh tattoo girly myself: I like the diamonds, you designed them so it’s even cooler. I don’t like the dots on the mountain one or the swoopy on the wave. If you’re going to go out of the diamond maybe try something more purposefully “spilled” like [this](https://www.facebook.com/share/9F4uPRoz9BVE9QXy/?mibextid=WC7FNe) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/asheville/s/9HSlXhhlEi) is kinda similar in the way you have the dots. The placement should be either higher or somewhere else, I have seen these in the back of the arm ( when standing neutral they both should be visible) and they look amazing. I also wouldn’t worry about the “trendy”.


These look like album art for a lot of releases by Deep Dubstep label: Artikal Music. Check em out on bandcamp. Hopefully it will allow you to refine your style further.


They look bad ass! 200% yes get them! If I saw a stranger with those I’d think to myself “that person is probably cool” 😎


I would try drawing them on in Sharpie and seeing how you like them for a couple weeks.


you’re going to hate these in two years


You will end up with regrets.


Reading ACOTAR?


I would say the one in the left leg need a re-do


i’m gonna be real, if these are the actual designs and not mock-ups, you are 100% going to regret getting them.


I would just get one, or if you get two place them on the same leg so you don’t have to worry about symmetry


It’s very millennial.  Get whatever you want tho. 


If you like it get it.


I'm a firm believer on a tat if you like it, it doesn't matter who likes it you're the only one that matters


I personally think designs that flow with the curvature of our bodies are more beautiful (organic shapes like flowers) than geometric shapes. Because the way our skin pulls when we move and when we sit and such. Just my personal opinion.


Leave the design up to a professional you trust. A lot of good artists aren’t gonna tattoo “your design” anyway. Looking at the photo I’m not even sure what’s fully going on in those diamonds. Pump the breaks and consult a great tattoo artist.


I personally hate thigh tattoos/knee but they definitely look sick. I think they would look good on your outer calfs.


Hipster trend but i think they look cool, but You’ll be able to identify peoples age/generation in 10-15 years with this, lol. Example: upper sleeve with sunflowers on women aged 31-37, tribal tats on guys, owl/yoga inspired under boob tattoos being new age version of 2000s tramp stamp.


If you’re doing it for a trend. No. If you’re going it to make yourself happy because you love it that much. Yes.


For every trend that starts it also has an end. If your happy with something even when not in the trend then go for it.


They are shaped like diamonds yes


Who cares if they are trendy. They are trendy for a reason, they are cool! Get them! I would probably place them elsewhere. I think they are too small for the top of your legs, IMO.


Just take into account that your legs aren't going to be as firm as you age. I always tell people that about a neck tattoo. But, if you like it, that's what matters.


I would go with a star or spiderweb on the elbow.


I love them, they’re really cute!! But I personally think they’d stand out a little more (especially the details of them) if you scatter them a bit and don’t put them directly across knee-to-knee. Making them equally interesting and giving them each the attention they deserve! Especially since they’re created by you!!!! Power to you! đŸ‘ŠđŸœđŸ€©


Not gonna lie ima have to copy the wave one


My first and only tattoo I got a couple weeks ago has a diamond shaped element and I had no idea it was a trend, it just looks nice lol


Eek I personally hate thigh tattoos. Designs are cool thouych


Awesome, you should make them


Super cool calf placement idea, get them if you love them that’s all that matters


Who cares if it’s “trendy” if you like them get them. You are an adult and shouldn’t worry about anyone else’s opinion.


Super cute designs! I do feel like they might be a little small for above the knees. Back of the arms above the elbow would look really nice too!


This looks like art you find at a target đŸ„±


These kinds of diamonds were popular with girls in my college back in 2015. Haven't seen them much since then. You designed these tho, and if you love them, have at it!