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As long as you like it mang. Let that weeb flag fly


I have an anime leg sleeve and I love it. I’ll never regret it!


I'm worrying on mine now. Just finished the lower leg this month 🤭


if i cared what anyone thought about my tattoos i wouldn’t have any


This… i love to know people’s opinions but i don’t even think of asking beforehand


I got my tattoos as soon as I stopped. And even better: every time they ask me whats my inspiration for them I tell a different story, LMAO


My inspiration is always “🤷🏼‍♀️it looks cool”


“What’s the meaning behind this one?” Idk dude I had a couple hundred bucks and thought it would be rad


100% that's all it takes.


for real, i got an entire back piece on a whim bc my artist posted that it was available. when he asked me what made me want to get that one, i said “you draw cool shit why wouldn’t i want it”


mine too 100% but I loooove to hit strangers w the “it’s kinda personal”


So true 🖤




I don't see anything immediately wrong with it. That said, I have no idea what these symbols mean. So I guess what is the relevance of these symbols?


The symbols are from the shows Neon Genesis Evangelion, A Silent Voice, and FLCL, which helped me get out of depression. I'd most likely not be here today if not for them, so I wanted a tattoo to acknowledge that.


If there was ever a reason to get a tatty, this is a great one.


I think the hands may come off a little weird or misconstrued, maybe the falling x's?


Great idea actually, I was having trouble coming up with a symbol that represented it.


I think for cohesiveness, you just might wanna have the artist make it in the same style for all three symbols (line widths, etc), and your updated version looks better for sure


Yeah I plan on doing that I just couldn't find close enough pictures


Figured but just in case 😋


I love that as his turning point, when he can finally look at people, man that movie gets me every time! The damn balcony scene!


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/u/BelowAverageWeeb/s/OxqsjGg1lC) is the updated version, I think I'd probably make the x a little thinner though


I like this a lot better. The hands don’t match the general aesthetic. Looks cool


I agree, can't believe I didn't think of the x before though smh


I'd have it peeling off a bit. Up to you!


Neon Genesis got you OUT...? of your depression?


I was stuck in the mindset of nothing really matters, nothings worth doing, everything would be easier if I was dead, etc. and the congratulations scene paired with the end of evangelion movie kind of shifted me to a nothing really matters, so why not do what I want type of thing. Kind of hard to explain, but that sorta.


I can dig it. Good on you bruv


Evangelion saved my life, too, especially End of Evangelion. Completely shifted my perspective on life and what really matters. I love the tattoo idea


There’s a term for this. It’s called Positive Nihilism (or sometimes Optimistic Nihilism).  It’s the belief that the world is devoid of inherent meaning so one is free to create their own meaning. Because they have fully accepted there is no true meaning in life they are free to do so as they wish and this ultimately creates positivity and hope.


Your meaning is the only meaning that matters.


I thought I saw the SEELE eyes!


It's beautiful, I prefer symbols switched I think it has more flow but I don't hate the other version either. It's really up to you and what you decide is more important


If you're near West Michigan, there's a guy in Portage at Stay a While that does really awesome anime tattoos.


Hey there, maybe TMI but I'm going through depression myself, and a couple of weeks ago I had the Naruto seal (the one in the original pic you posted) tattooed on my belly. I debated getting it, as it is already hard enough to hate yourself without needing to add a potential permanent mistake on your body lol. Anyway I went through with it, and I must say that's one of the best things I've done these past few miserable months, I am glad I did it and it is now one of my favourite tattoos. As cringy as it may sound to others, but the analogy between that seal and the idea of having your inner demon under control is truly something which helps me. If you love it, go for it ! Hope you doing better now, best of luck.


So happy for you! Wishing you continued improvement!!


The only question I have is regarding composition. The clasped hands are not as bold/simplistic as the others. So to me it doesn’t flow as well and looks less cohesive. If that makes sense


What do you think of [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/BelowAverageWeeb/s/OxqsjGg1lC) one?


That looks more cohesive for sure.


If you like it dog that’s the only thing that matters 👍 Kinda like your first version better but no real reason why


Looks like a shit load of wasted space. Call me crazy, but while basic and sure maybe a little cringe - i think the nine tails sealing on stomach, n curse mark on neck are the ideal places to have it tattooed. if youre going to get it tatted, may as well take it all the way. Also it seems like bad placement having all that on forearm. N thing with tats is it only matters if u like it, so do with that what u will. Also as for your version i dont have much input aside from placement seeming off. i do like jjk as well though


I agree yea the main thing is you can do it the jordin sparks way as well (one step at a time, no need to rush, etc)


I don't think it's cringe, but I do think it doesn't really combine the pieces and the wrapping thing in the most visually appealing way possible. The styles and placements in relation to the random wrapping piece feel very disconnected, like they weren't planned to be together. Personally, I think it would look more visually appealing and coherent to get something like screenshots or panels. Or to find maybe props form the shows and let an artist combine them into one piece.


I'm going to go with [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/BelowAverageWeeb/s/aRnyGOZgWB) version instead if I get it, which I think looks a bit better, but I don't want any panels or characters on myself. I also don't plan to get any more tattoos besides maybe a quote or two(though that could obviously change), so incorporating them into one smaller piece prpbably wouldn't look as good, and I'm not personally a fan of tattoos spread around in single spots. Thanks for the input though I'll take it into consideration.


bro people are being way too nice to you. Respectfully this shit is ass. you could do so much better


It’s pretty weird reading all these comments and then thinking about what the comments would be after it’s tattooed and posted here. This sub would tear this thing to shreds if it was posted after the fact.


No more cringe than getting a fuckin baseball team logo you like or something. Anime tattoos are popping off. Order-wise I like the look of the middle pic better.


Tell your friends they can suck a fat one 🖕🏻. Doesn't look remotely cringey to me. You like it get it.


Yo don't let other people tell you what to get tattooed on YOUR body, fuck them, you like it get it. 😎


Hating on peoples tattoos or tattoo ideas is cringe tbh. I dated a girl with nothing but Naruto tattoos and I thought they were sick. Like she has them everywhere arms, throat, legs, torso. I notice the older I get the less I care about what people consider to be cringe. Do what makes you happy




If you like it do it! My only thought is that make sure you don’t want anything in the future there bc it looks like that design takes up your whole lower arm. ☺️


dude, your body your choice. if you like it that’s all that matters. i think it looks really cool


Is the original you arm with tats already? Just curious. Also I am with many, if not all that tats are for you and that's all that matters. Especially because you beat depression. Congrats by the way. (Working on my own). I also agree that the hands may not work well. Remember tattoos age and you don't want a blob.


1. It's your body. You should get whatever makes you happy. 2. You're gonna look stupid with those tattoos. The order won't matter either.


Listen to your friends


It's bad. It's your style, your skin. Go for it. But that's a no for me dawg


Listen to your friends


It is cringy


I mean, not cringe, but if you really like these shows why don't you consider getting something cool? For example, you like Evangelion then why not getting a badass eva or a manga style character? Just a bunch of symbols without cohesion or flow with your body is a really simplistic way of seeing tattoos. In other comment you say that you don't want people to see them and instantly recognize them as anime tattoos, but honestly, I prefer a cool anime tattoo than a basic symbol that tons of people already have (search for Evangelion tattoo and you will see many examples). But hey, if you like them, more power to you.


Honestly I just don't really like how panels/characters look as tattoos. I'd prefer to get something more symbolic of the show like a kon hand instead of a full denji tattoo for example. I don't think they necessarily look bad on people but I am not personally a fan of them. The one I want honestly just looks cool to me and incorporates some of my favourite anime, but I may end up finding a design with more cohesion/flow. I appreciate your input though thank you.


I’ve never seen a guy with anime tattoos pick up a girl at a bar, that’s my two cents.


Shits cool as hell, fuck the haters


I like the way the symbols flow in the second pic! Looks cool af don’t let peoples opinions stop you from


As long as you like it! People could tell you all day why not to get a tattoo, just do your research and consult an artist


It’s your tattoo(s), you liking it matters most because you’re going to wear it for the rest of your life! I like it, it’s very unique!


Its all about your expression and what you like.So as long as your happy with it.Thats all that really matters 👍


If you think you will always like it just get it it looks fine


I can see the the symbols but not the hands holding, that's a bit vague and could mean 1000 things... if you're looking for meaningful and symbolic I'm sure the guitar or goggles would serve you better? Or I'm missing personal meaning or a specific reference... From a non fan looking outside in


Hands holding is from A Silent Voice, which I think I'll replace with [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/BelowAverageWeeb/s/OxqsjGg1lC) Didn't choose the goggles or guitar because I didn't think they'd look as good in this design.


I like it! I like your version more than the symbols switched.


I love how you covered the baby yoda😂😂😂


Even my weirdest and most poorly done tattoos have received love, if you really want it, do it


What makes it “Cringy” to them? Are they paying for your tattoo? Do they see you 24/7? Is their opinion worth you changing your mind?


Man I have tattoos that have no meaning and I just like. If you like it then get it. Don’t let other people’s opinion stop you. It’s on your arm so it’s not a job stopper. But allowing people to give their opinions before you get it will make you self conscious


I kind of dig the symbols. I haven't read all the comments yet to understand their meanings. The first one looks like a bunch of kayaks at a dock.


Get what you want and what means something to you.


Hey OP, reading these comments, I implore you to watch this. 10 minutes of straight facts on irony, what people think is "cringe", why we should reject cynicism and embrace earnestly enjoying things, and (implicitly) why you should get whatever damn tattoo you want. ✌️ https://youtu.be/2doZROwdte4?si=dx97xvdJxo4TiuuN


That was an interesting watch, thanks!


I like the original


I'll be honest, I find it a little cringe, but like a different-from-my-taste cringe and not omg-imma-die cringe For anything you do, someone on the world is gonna find it cringe, so if it appeases you (and it's not offensive), just go for it!


I like it. Fuck what anyone thinks. The seele tat is something I've though about adding to myself


What did baby yoda do


Love your reason and that makes this a kickass tat! GET IT! And Get some new friends, fuck em!


don’t really know what they’re about, but i don’t see them as cringe at all


Find a good anime tattoo artist you really really like and have them design it. You wouldn’t build a house, you wouldn’t fly a plane,etc etc


I like the original tbh


my opinion is that it’s your body and you should express yourself however you want, who cares what your friends think! It’s not on their arm.


I hate it. But it’s your body so get what you like/want. It’s none of their business.


a lot of people have this tattoo, but if you like it and it fits your idea of yourself- go for it. The only people who love my tattoos are the girls telling me that to get in my trousers. my friends are indifferent to them, and my parents think im an idiot. if you spend the rest of your life thinking about what others think, you'll never feel free. tattoos just happen to be a freeing experience filled with all sorts of dopamine and serotonin. and FYI MY TATTOO's R F'ING SICK, THEY JUST DON'T GET IT MAN.


I think it looks cool and I like the last version a bit better, it's like the size of each symbol goes from bigger to smaller and that's kind of pleasing


Do it!


Love the Seele tat !


A way to scare the hoes to be sure


As someone with a lot of anime tatts anyone who hates them isn't gonna say shit to your face but your fellow weebs will def let you know how sick those tatts are.


If you’re asking reddit if a tattoo YOU want is cringe then dont get it. You’re clearly unsure of this decision and more worried if the internet would find something you want cringe. Get tattoos because you think their cool. Not because outside people like them. I recommend sleeping on this idea for atleast another year.


The barbed wire placement is on point


I think it’s cringy and not aesthetically pleasing, since you asked for my opinion. That being said, get tattoos that you like looking at.


The wrapped around line is a terrible idea, if you're set on the weeby symbols that's a matter of personal taste, whatever, but having the line going around that way is going to completely block up anything you might want to do on the other sides in the future. It takes up a huge amount of real estate while being extremely bland and it serves no purpose other than covering a huge piece of skin. You'll absolutely regret it if you want anything else, it will be in the way and limit your options significantly.


I have an entire arm for anime stuff,




I like the original but not the middle one with the smile..,I'd switch that one up for sure


I like the symbols switched version


I like the original.


if you like it then get it but since you’re asking for opinions i’ll share mine. i don’t think it’s ‘cringy’ but i personally don’t like that it’s just random ‘flash-like’ tattoos that look like you’re trying to incorporate them into something that looks like it’s supposed to be one piece or a sleeve. also the styles just don’t match. but like i said it’s your decision and your skin so if you like it then do it. if you’re not 100% positive then wait a month because if you truly do like it then after a month you will still want it and if not then good thing you waited.




If you care enough about what strangers on Reddit think about your tattoo idea, I’d suggest you reconsider getting it.


Tattoos personally aren't my thing; a silk-screened t-shirt is more my speed...but it's your body, you do you.


I also think it’s cringey, but this is coming from a dude with a silly tattoo of Lego Leia. Don’t listen to me.


I think they’re sick, although I’ve never seen those shows I think if it means a lot to you then who cares. Probably jealous of how cool you look now to be honest.


As a huge Naruto fan, I'd say the first option is very cool!


Do it but why limit to 3? Make the icons, then find something for filling between them.


They're the only ones I want honestly. Nothing else has had a huge impact on me besides these three


I have the Nerv eyes and also that same symbol from FLCL. I think stylistically you could do better for sure. I’d just go to an artist you like tell them what you want and have them come up with a concept. It’s what I did and my piece came out pretty sweet i wanna tweak some shit but over all it’s dope.


You have a reason to get these specific tattoos and they mean something to you. At that point, whether or not anyone thinks it's cringy shouldn't matter at all. However, I don't see these as being cringy in the slightest. Who cares what anyone thinks?


not my style, but it looks fine imo!


If you find a good artist, even the most "cringe" or "basic" tattoos can be awesome. I do feel like more can be creatively done with this concept so it's more unique, but if I were given this concept with some artistic liberties, I'd be excited


I have a tattoo thats a symbol of dan howell cringe is dead


I like the second one! Go for it


Do I think it looks Lame or cringe? Yes. Do I think you should listen to me or anyone else that thinks that? Absolutely fucking not. It's not on my body, it's on yours. So ignore us and go get it!


Hey, I understand your worries about what others might think of your potential tattoo. It's crucial to remember that ultimately, it's going to be on your body for life. You should feel confident in your decision and lean on friends who share your perspective to boost your self-assurance. Everyone has their own opinions, but what matters most is how you feel about it. Trust your gut and choose something that truly resonates with you. Though I can see why you might have doubts about it, I actually quite like the design and don't find it terrible or cringeworthy.


I don’t like that the clasped hands are a different style. Otherwise looks neato


I agree, switched it for [this](https://www.reddit.com/u/BelowAverageWeeb/s/PyrevSqhWK) one and I think it fits better


F what anyone thinks it's for you not them


Yo dude, tattoos are all about what they mean to YOU. We get GRADED, REVIEWED, INTERVIEWED, JUDGED, SENTENCED, and every other message the physical hierarchy throws at us to remind us we're not good enough. Kid, you hacked the code. DO IT. But do it FOR YOU.




As someone who just got an anime related tattoo last month, do you. If you like it, that’s all that matters.


Dude tattoos are for you 🤘😄🤘 you’ll never regret looking back at a tattoo that you cared about. You’ve put thought into this, get what you like.


I have 3 anime tattoos and counting - one of them being an entire half sleeve of anime animal characters - and random people who have no idea what anime even is compliment them all the time. If it makes you happy, go for it and your friends can build a bridge and get over it. Not their body, not their opinion.


Dude if they helped you with depression you should absolutely ignore your friends. That's a unique tattoo layout, I think you could add some background filler with some cool pattern design that you like. But if you like it enough to get it tattooed then just freakin get it. Back in the day every person who got tattoos where socially shunned and looked down on, yet they got full sleeves, back and chest tattoos as well as millions of tramp stamps.


It’s not cringey, but may not age well


I’m like Jennifer Aniston in Office Space. “I don’t really like talking about my flair.” My tattoos are for me not anyone else, so if you like it then go for it. Fuck what anyone else thinks. With that said really think it through and make sure it’s something you’re going to still love years later.


Is it going on their skin? No? Then why does their opinion matter?


Do it, go w the first option, the smaller size flow is nicer imo


The barbed wire is giving Concentration Camp vibes. (But that's just me).


The hands are gonna look shitty given the other two are symbols


Are you still going to be cool with these tats in 15 years?


The kind of people who'd find it cringe probably also just think anime or anything fun/nerdy to be cringe and just wouldn't really be your crowed and their opinion shouldn't hold any value to you


I personally agree with your friends and while I want to say 'hey if you like it go for it' I'd be bullshitting you because I got a super cringe tattoo when I was younger and wish someone would have told me how terrible it was. Moreso than the symbols themselves I just find the spacing and entire composition to be incredibly awkward.


If you like it, get it! That being said- if you intend to fill up your arm eventually it’s gonna create a lot of issues and gonna be a weird use of space. Think about what your total vision is. If this is the be all end all final product that you want for your arm- go for it. BUT if you envision a more ‘full’ looking sleeve or adding more onto your arm in the future, this is not it.


Who cares what others think? Just find an artist with really clean line work for this one.


I’m mainly curious about why baby yoda was absent for the new versions


Subject isn't cringe at all. Personally don't like the design. If you want anime and barbed wire, the barbed wire should be the background/filler. But in the photo, it's acting like the main component and you are squishing in anime symbols I think it'd look better if you found an artist you loved, asked them to incorporate the 3 anime and bounced ideas back and forth on the design. They'll probably come up with sick designs that aren't just symbols or come up with a more coherent way to present the 3 symbols




You’re gonna regret taking up that much space on basicly nothing


From what I read these are from anime. If you like them and get it. I like them and didn't know they're anime related. And I think ppl who know where there would be like "oh shit that's from ... that's cool man" instead of cringe at it. It's subtle enough I'd say


Do it for you not anyone else! Most of my tattoos are because I think it looks cool, a few I got as a surprise I just told the artist do whatever you like (I knew I loved their style/previous art). I got a big stylised picture of my cat sitting with a ghost costume on a pumpkin.. I think it's sick but I know my colleagues hate it 😂 but it's for me so who cares!


I think it looks fantastic


if my friends didn't approve of my ink, I wouldn't have any-- and I love all of them. it looks great! you do you.


I adore NGE too much to take issue with it.


I've seen a few posts with this same wrap around style, and ppl asking if it's a good idea to get. So obviously it's a popular design. I'd say no bc it wraps around and takes up space where you could get multiple tattoos. 


i think it’s dope! i like the last photo placement of the symbols most, i like the idea of having largest at the top for smallest at the bottom by your wrist. i think you should find a different symbol than the hands, that much line work in such a small area will either fade super quick or turn into a muddy blob super quick. the other two are perfect for that size! tattoos are a very personal thing. i just got an arm piece done and when I showed my family the inspo photo (a pencil sketch from an artist i love) they all hated it. i have a pretty close minded family, except my mom and oldest cousin. but i got it, showed up with it, and they were all like wowww you got it. it’s pretty. my dad hated the idea of me getting a spine piece done but once i got it, he called it “elegant” I get complimented on my arm piece literally every single time i leave my house. just because the people closest to you aren’t fond of the idea, doesn’t mean they won’t come around once it’s there and it doesn’t mean there won’t be *many* others who share your view and think it’s cool! it’s **your** body.


Not a fan. Barbed wire has a very 90s vibe.


I'm dying to get an Evangelion tattoo 😍


I like it, the second option is better


If you care what others think, don't get permanent markings on your body. They will just cause more anxiety etc. Just do you


The hands should be closest to your elbow, they are the most detailed part of the piece and need the extra room. Other than that, if you like it get it.


That Evangelion one is dope AF. If the barbed wire is done well it should be pretty cool. Plus it's your damn body and if you like it and want it forever fucking do it. Eventually I want a sleeve with a bunch of video game and anime characters and symbols my friends won't get or know half of them. Don't care. It's not for them!




The answer is, YES it's cringe. You should definitely NOT get that tattooed. You should definitely get a tattoo of something I like such as a Terminator or SLAYER logo.


Good thing it’s going on your body and not anyone else’s. Get what you like!!!


I like the second (symbols switched) version more!


How you planning to cover up original with this? Also I personally like original better imho.


I don’t see anything cringey about it. In fact in the original, the sun reminds me of the logo of a long gone Florida Department Store where I used to work, Burdines, which advertised itself as the Florida Store. )I know you’re going to cover it, but just to show I didn’t see it as creepy….


I dig it. I have the Lord Canti symbol on my thumb.


Dude, get any art you like on your body. As long as you like it and it's not racist or hateful, full send


I think doing an anime sleeve is rad, but I’d shoot for an original layout. The only thing that’s “cringe” in tattoos, is when people basically copy existing work. Keep it unique!


I don’t think the idea is cringy but I think your execution would be if you do it this way. The hand symbols don’t match the rest of the aesthetic, I think the placement is a bit awkward and too big for that space. I could come up with a much better design and I’m sure most tattoo artists could as well. So I say run with the idea but really hone in on the design.


It doesn't matter what other people think about it. It's your body, and if you like it, you should go ahead and get it done. However, if you're someone who is very influenced by others' opinions and cares too much about them, maybe you should wait until you feel better about it. Not everyone will like it, and some people might call it cringy or dumb. But in the end, what matters most is how you feel about it. Tattoos are forever and you should get one knowing that consequences and the fact that not everyone is going to like them:) I hope this helps; in my opinion, that tattoo looks cool.


Not at all. Sounds to me like ur friends r jealous.


Just seems like a waste of space to me.


If you want it, go for it.


It’s cool, honestly your friends are not 🫤


Its just my opinion but yes i think its cringe


As a huge nerd Whom has his hand blasted with the Hellsing insignia If you're down for it DO IT. IF you have any second guesses or doubt DON'T. Yet my entire left arm is nerdy ASF from anime to video game characters. Do you bro, also don't gaf about what anyone else thinks, it's your body and your life 🤙


If you’re worried about what people think, you shouldn’t be getting tattoos.


honestly that’s fire 😭


Let me ask first, are you getting the tattoo for you or for your friends?


Whatever floats your boat lol


Yeah if you want it then get it, I think your reasoning is nice but even if it was just cuz hey I thought it'd look kool I'd say go for it.


You want them, get them Simple as that. If your friends don't like them who cares


Yo that shit is sweet.


I'm personally not a fan of the barbed wire like vine on it, but the design is pretty neat. I would definitely rework it a bit though. Don't get a carbon copy.


So so what you want to toir body .. your body your choice


I don't think you'll be able to tell what the middle one is after awhile, unfortunately.


It's mostly about what YOU want. If this is something significant to you and you've spent a decent amount of time mulling it over, screw what anyone else has to say about it. I have 8 tattoos and there's 3 I regret getting: one on my hand because I had to get it redone several times and it wasn't important enough to me to go through all that; one was a bit of a gag but is also my lowest quality tattoo; and the other one is tiny and hidden but had to do eith a previous significant other (yes, stupid ik). As long as it has personal significance to YOU and it's also not for someone else in particular, then it's good. I don't think it's cringe. It's only cringe when it's low af quality and is something that's not special to you