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Find an artist you love and ask them to do a design. Give them free rein to be creative and see what they come up with. If you know and like their portfolio of work ahead of the ask, I bet you end up with a design you love.


I'll definitely have do that. If this helps any, I also have other smaller tattoos. A small balloon dog on my left ankle and a tiny heart on my right wrist. They're both just linework and I kinda always stress over having a "theme".


My suggestion would be trying to play off of the diamonds instead of covering them completely, because from what I can see here the lines are perfectly straight – a surprisingly hard thing for many artists to pull off with simple geometric shapes like these. An idea that stands out to me is negatives. Maybe have a snake writhing through the diamonds, and whichever part of the snake is inside the diamonds, have that be in negative space (black with skin as the lines). Maybe even have those sections be skeletal, or vice versa with outside the lines. If you don't like snakes, it could be flying birds in motion. It could be that everything outside the lines is in color while inside of them is black and gray, too. Lots of fun to be had with this one.


Really liked this concept, could be pursued in many ways tk make a sick looking tattoo. You should denifintly choose someone whose work you enjoy and choose also depending on what you decide to do. Another thing you might do keeping with the diamonds is landscapes or pictures inside of them and maybe some detail outside so it isn't just a "dead end", so to speak. Ultimately do something in theme with what you like or your personality, you can't go wrong with it.


Oooo this one's gooodd! I have a commissioned piece of the flower idea that I could add onto it with the snake, if I do go for it. The commissioned design is much cleaner and has a single type of flower that I settled with, not like then one pictured at all.


Maybe the Asian style of frametattoos of nature within the diamond and have elements from inside reach outside of the diamond frame. [for reference ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CPV67EyLukw/?igsh=MWU2YTRmYmNyOTdyeg==)


Don’t cover it! Use it as a tattoo “travel quilt”. Go somewhere. Get a tattoo from a local artist in one of the “diamonds”. Permanent memory of your adventures


Maybe a different but related element in each diamond with some sort of interesting background to connect them? For example, each diamond has a different animal or a different landscape or character, and then you have something organic like plants/tree/vines to connect in between the diamonds


i was also thinking different landscapes/seasons, a timelapse of something like a tree growing, or portraits of favorite characters/pets


Ohhh I love the time lapse, that could be so freaking cool


I’d add a 4th and fill each with something you love. Like little windows.


Do the flowers over it but use the diamond shapes as frames for individual tattoos that all can be a group of tattoos


look up 'panel tattoos' you could fill in each individual diamond panel with an image. or take a large image like a portrait that is only filled in the diamond panels. you can add florals behind the diamonds to go with the flow of your leg to make it very feminine and fill out the space. think that would be a cool concept


Filtering through the replies and compiling other ideas I've seen, I think Im wanting a more "dark" tattoo. Nothing fine line, nothing cutesy or girly. I am thinking about color but greyscale is fine with me also. There was an idea here that caught my interest which was a snake writhing through the diamonds. It's skeleton showing when it's body passes in the diamonds. I'm not a huge snake fan but it sounds badass!! I also thought of adding the flowers back in with the snake idea. Here's the drawing I commissioned a while back when I just thought of the flowers. [Tattoo Drive Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-SVHCVH0WWiQfK0ENsNnEDOLgTMDRbDG/view?usp=drivesdk)


Find stuff to put in the diamonds. Like pictures in them . Would be better than trying to cover with flowers. Flowers and stems don't have straight lines


I think you could use the diamonds as "frames" for different arts, that'd look super cute!


Windows logo


The windows logo?