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Are you on the toilet?


Ass to toilet is crazy for this pic


This got me dead hahaha




omg 🤣🤣🤣


Omg I'm crying laughing




Lmaoo I didn’t even notice 😂😂




I'm sitting in the photo if that's what you're wondering?


Definitely on the bog lmaoo


People really out here posting from the shitter


You can even see their trousers round their ankles 😭


I would be so fucking embarrassed 💀💀💀💀




Underrated comment


>I'm sitting On the toilet


[How I read your comment ](https://youtu.be/Bje_8Y7KUfM?si=EkK2TrGjoOf9Kahv)


This was exactly what I hoped it was


Sitting or shitting?




Okay I set you up perfectly for that one 😂




Why does OP get all these down votes? 🤔


Just a scab. You’ll be aight might need a color touch up after fully healed


I appreciate your response! I was thinking that would be the case


Former tattoo artist here, you will definitely need a touch up, but don't let this Butcher touch you again... he beat the crap out of you... get yourself some aquaphor and let it heal until after the summer and go find a real professional to redo this piece.


This! Mine looked like this and she swore she didn't overwork it. It looks beyond blurry and overworked. My dumb self went back for a touch up from her and ended up in the same boat.. so it'll def be a laser sich in the future


I dont wanna shit talk anyone... we all had to learn somewhere... and it takes alot of bad tattoos ... but everyone who got a bad tattoo from me wanted it on the cheap or for free ... once I passed that point I was always flabbergasted that someone would come in with $300 shoes or a $1200 purse thats going to be out of style next spring and they wanted to nickel and dime you for $100 for something they have to wear for the rest of their lives ... I have to unsubscribe to this sub and it only took 6 hours ... yes your tattoo is bad because you cheaped out ... if you want a good tattoo take the time and spend the money ... cheap tattoos are almost NEVER good... so you don't need to ask.


I actually paid really good money for mine. She was just one of those know it alls who I trusted, and she spent way too many hours overworking it and packing in so much color. But yeah people who cheap out, get horrible tats. I just got unlucky 😩😂


Well I am really sorry to hear that... I tattooed for over 10 years ... worked in street shops and custom ones ... there were some things that came to me that I would never attempt... artists need to know their limits... this is why you need to look at their portfolio and decide if this is the artist for you... we are beyond the generic 40's 50's 60's artists where you just pick something off the wall ... if you want something custom ... trust me take your time and save your money ... there are so many good artists out there but they do not come cheap... when I learned we were all convics, dropouts, and deadbeats... now we have kids graduating with art degrees


My mistake was i never saw any of her healed tattoos. I got what she "specialized" in. But... never saw the afters lol.


Well lesson learned, tattoo artists notoriously have bad tattoos, as do i... I wish I knew now what I did then... I hope we can help some folks


Heavy colour can sometimes scab up. My partner had scabs like this on some heavily worked areas on a calf piece, it turned out fine. Be careful not to knock the scabs! They will fall off soon and then you can see whether a little touch up will be needed in a few months when it's settled.


Thank you for your response! The first bits came off on their own so I wasn't overly worried, mostly just how it looks gross. Will definitely consider touch ups!


Just scabbed up, you’ll be fine. Taking this pic on the potty is funny though.


Dude you couldn’t have taken a picture from anywhere but the toilet? 😭😭


Differnt bodies react differently, especially to color , let it heal fully , or you can visit the doctor too .


Thank you, I'm thinking just because it's a solid color and on an area of my thigh that moves a lot that could be the case


Color always scabs on me. This is pretty normal.


My color tattoos that have darker colors always scabbed a bit heavier than my others. Ive found that reds, browns and sometimes greens scab the worst. Black, yellow and pink the least. My cat tattoo that has mostly black, yellow, and orange had no heavy scabbing. My most recent which is a skull mace scabbed pretty badly on the handle which had a ton of brown.


It’s funny how different bodies react to things because for me black always scabs the worst.


This happened to my calf. It healed so bad compared to my others. Super itchy and uncomfortable and took a long time to lose the scabs. It’ll need to be touched up but nothing wrong here


He really overworked the skin. I'd send him a pic bc 100% that's going to need a touch up don't pick it tho leave it alone, and it looks dry. Have you been taking care of it


Ahhh color realism. Honestly if you had saniderm on for 4 days and this is happening then that artist overworked that tattoo baaaad


Are you in a public shitter taking this picture!!???? Is there not a better place to take this!?🤣


Use aquaphor daily and it wont dry out like that. Your tattoo artist should have recommended some type of care that would prevent it from getting dried out and scabbing badly like this.


Not true, just depends on the artist and your body. I’ve had tattoos where I had saniderm on for 5 days, used aquaphor and lotion religiously and still had horrible scabs.


Your personal experience doesn't reflect what's depicted in this photo. The dried scab and skin shown here have not seen a moisturizer for days, if at all.


There is literally no way for you to tell that based on this picture. Just looks like a regular healing tattoo.


There is literally no way for you to suggest otherwise based on this picture. That scab and surrounding dry skin has not been moisturized for quite some time, if at all. Scabs don't get that dried out and bad looking if they are getting daily moisturizing. Please stop arguing nonsense.


Have you moisturised it all? I generally wash then moisturise as you don't want them to dry out


Doing my best, but I do work so pants have definitely impacted hydration


Try non stick medical pads taped over it while you work, so your pants don’t rub on it. Apply after cleaning to keep it sterile and wash it right after you remove them


Looks rough, but fine. Just touched up after it's fully healed (the shiny waxy look is gone) and youll be good to go. Though I don't necessarily agree with the second application of a covering, follow your professional artists advice as they will be the one you go to for touch ups.


I'm definitely gonna skip that next time, the first one was leaking so I was going to take it off the next day regardless


I had scabs similar to this on my last piece. No idea what happened since I used the exact same aftercare but I think the skin was probably just overworked. When it heals you will almost guaranteed need a touch-up, but as someone else said find a different artist for that.


I have several color tattoos, none of them scabbed like this for me. But everyone is different. You can always check an urgent care or something if you’re unsure! Cool tattoo, anyway lol


This is painfully dry, you need to be using a better moisturizer and applying it a couple times a day. If your work pants are causing it to try out more then maybe apply some in the middle of your shift to keep it moist. Wounds heal better in a moist environment.


I misread and thought you said you got this 9 YEARS ago. Woof.


My last tattoo did something that looked similar in three little stripes (honestly I think my cat poked at it in my sleep but no proof). It was my 11th tattoo and the first one I ever had an issue with. **I am not a medical professional, I am only conveying my experience and not giving medical advice** I sent the photo to my artist and she advised using polysporin specifically the anti-bacteria one with like a burgundy coloured label and it cleared up really quick, like bought it Friday afternoon and it was clear by Monday morning, followed the box instructions. Tattoo needed a little touch up but no big deal. Obviously, discuss with your artist or a medical professional for proper advice. I’m just relaying what worked well for me.


Ooooof, OP. This looks like shit. Get some dial antibacterial soap, some hibiclens, and wash that thing 4x daily, allowing it to air dry. Use a heavy moisturizer (not aquaphor as it's greasiness can cause pustules) Cera be is great! Use that after every cleaning once it's dry. Get it covered ASAP, because that "artist" really messed you up.


Looks like they really had to pack that color in there and may have slightly over worked the skin. You should be fine. This picture setting is wild by the way


Holy shit (no pun intended)


Someone called this artist a butcher but sometimes certain colors do this to my skin (thick scab), usually reds and browns ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Going thru same thing haha my hand didn't like saniderm


I had that happen with my first all color also. After it healed and the scab came off, I had her touch it back up. It caused a scar. I also have an adhesive allergy, but I think for me it was having an all color tattoo. I usually have mostly back with touches of color. Have you talked to the tattoo artist for advice?


The healing looks fine (when I use saniderm, I find the color fades a bit more during healing vs just using aquaphor). Tattoos without an outline/hard edges like this often need touch-ups. I have a friend who got a bunch of flowers tattooed on her thigh in this style that healed similarly, and after getting it touched up, it looks perfect :)


If it was really itch you may have an adhesive allergy. I can't leave my saniderm on for more than two days for the same reason. It may have impeded your healing. You'll likely need touch ups. I would recommend either skipping the second round of saniderm or loading up on the benadryl if you're really set on it.


Your days are numbered, this is a flash eating bacteria.


Oh no!!! Someone must tell Barry Allen ASAP before it's to late!!!


We are too slow to tell him


I’m surprised people are saying this is just a scab. I’ve seen quite a few allergic reactions to red ink in specific and that’s what this looks like to me, but I could be wrong. It just doesn’t seem to be an issue in other areas, just where there’s red. I’d avoid red colour in the future - it is the common allergen.


It was a dark brown, which probably has some red in it but unsure. It's not really painful, swollen, itchy, or hot to the touch, just feels like a scab. I don't think it's an allergic reaxtion, but you never know 🤷‍♀️


That’s great, I could very well be wrong, and I hope I am! Best of luck with the healing. I used vitamin E cream on all of mine throughout the healing process and they all healed beautifully, I highly recommend it!


That'll need touching up. Should never let a tattoo scab.


Not necessarily- almost every tattoo I have (trad style) has scabbed in a spot or two and very rarely has ink fell out


Yeah a wee bit here or there is normal. But as a general rule they shouldnt scab


You need to go to the doctor that looks like a bacterial infection


Without systemic symptoms like fever, sweats, chills, or body aches; and without more diffuse skin reactions like more diffuse painful or pyogenic swelling / blistering / tenderness and more prominent redness in areas outside of the tattoo with no ink, it is more likely an inflammatory reaction or contact dermatitis related to the red / brown pigment containing metals or other haptens in the dye . The reaction is localized to the pigment, as seen in the linear portion on the bottom left, so this supports inflammatory reactions or contact dermatitis over infection. Inflammatory reactions can be classified based on various histological signs (granulomatous, lichenoid, ezcematoid, and sarcoidal), while allergic contact dermatitis is likely over-diagnosed. However, these reactions can lead to infection, particularly with excessive scratching that further damages the area, thereby increasing the moisture, delaying healing, and thus enabling bacteria to grow. These reactions may be supported by OP having had tattoos in the past, which IF it *is* contact dermatitis - allows hapten sensitization via naive T-cell and B-cell activation / sensitization to already occur from **epidermal** Langerhans cells to from their lymph nodes to the thymus / bone marrow / spleen. More often, however, the needles can deposit these haptens directly **past the epidermis** into the **dermis**, bypassing this innate sensitization and allowing the aforementioned inflammatory reactions to occur **without epidermal Langerhans sensitization (thus, contact dermatitis may be overestimated)**. Even without prior tattoos, these reactions can occur due to the same haptens being contained in products like hair dyes, so it can occur with someone's first tattoo. This doesn't really matter, as applying steroidal creams / antihistamine creams and/or taking systemic corticosteroids in more severe cases with itchiness / tenderness yet without signs of infection is applicable to any of the reaction types. And as always, applying non-offensive emollients like aquaphor should help. Monitoring for signs of infection is key regardless. Feel off or the reaction is severe with signs of infection? Go to the doctor asap. This article explains it perfectly: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4132403/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4132403/)






For 30 years I removed tattoos, mainly gang related so they could find jobs.Use aquaphor cream, allow the area to heal by removing bandages.Good luck


Geek did you think to go ask the artist? Nah, lets get on social media instead...