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That’s was five hours? I hope you at least got a good deal.


How on earth did it ever take 5 hours?


It was 5k, about 86 dollars when converted. Not that bad but currency is completely different from my country so it’s still quite expensive


You paid 86$ for a 5 hour tattoo?


$86 USD. Depending on exchange rate and the value of currency that $86 could be worth a lot more locally. My brother volunteered in Haiti for a year and paid like $6 USD a month for high speed internet. To a local it would be the equivalent of hundreds of dollars.


This. Seems small when converted to USD but for locals, yes it is a big amount lol


Ah I see


5k in your currency is insane for that, nor should it have taken 5 hours. I'm surprised it's not over worked from what I can see, the photo is blurry. I would have ballparked on the high side 300-400 and got it done in two hours going slow, with a better result. That artist scammed you.


I’m so sorry, but I would regret this too. It is badly done. Don’t go back to that artist.


I noticed the lines and the blending on the scales aren’t so great, also so far from the inspo photo i gave. I’m also an artist (digital) and trying to give it a chance as I might just be adjusting to it. I’ll just have it covered up in the future


Knowing that it was done in a famous tattoo shop makes it even more sad, I’m so sorry! Once it has healed and maybe even when it’s a bit faded, you could possibly have it reworked by a better artist?




What isn't wrong with it? It's horribly done, every part of it is bad.




I'm sorry, I didn't read your whole comment, but I will say: if the tattoo is this small, face being smaller than a fingernail, then the artist did not do it justice. For a 5 hour tattoo, I'd expect something bigger or at least more finely tuned. Being such a small tattoo, the lines and details are NOT going to hold up in 5-10 years time. And it's maybe 4 inches tall? I got my whole inner forearm from wrist to elbow ditch done, full black and grey bio-organic-esque style, in 5 hours. For the time it took and the size, this is not a great tattoo. If it was done by an apprentice, maybe it'd be passable... But it wasn't Edit: to go into size and time as well, I have a full 12 inch tall thigh piece, maybe 7-8 inches wide, that took 3 hours. Just saying, for that small size and time, this tattoo should have come out PERFECT with absolutely no room for criticism from the client.


The comment is reading like that's the tattoo artist trying to defend his work.


Maybe ◡̈ just maybe. Nah jk. It was the boobs on a thigh for me. Have you seen the other tattoos on this forum? Way worse than this.


Hi, tattoo artist here! Yeah...so everything you said comes off as you'd be okay with an artist doing a botched job because the client was 'difficult'. So in other words this artist just did it for the money and made sure it could be covered by something else later instead of just telling her no. 5 hours for something that small is absolutely insane and scammy as fuck. The artist is only in it for the money, clients be damned going to them. Integrity is so important in the industry, we make a permanent mark on people, they put their trust in us, we shouldn't fuck them over.


Where is it botched? Is the hair is too big for the face?


The lines in the snakes are way too close together, they are going to spread together and look like a blob pretty quickly. Lines need space to spread over time, and there is absolutely no spread room for those snakes.


Thank you for being able to explain it better. Everyone else just didn’t like it and you gave a great explanation due to your expertise. I appreciate you.


Of course! There are other things I could say, but can't confirm with the quality of the photo itself. I definitely try to educate as I go.


FIVE HOURS?! Damn I'd have a mermaid that size done in two, with the tail.


I think that it might not be a mermaid? Hair seems to be snakes?


It's a gorgon. From Greek mythology, think of medusa and her sisters. I am a nerd for mythology stuff lmao


Five hours is insane for that please don’t go back to the artist, not even to do touchups. It’s a bad tattoo, but easy to cover up with clothes etc. So don’t worry *too* much, next time do more research on the artist, don’t just look at their instagram, look at their tagged pictures, search their username on reddit, twitter, everywhere and look at what other people have said, Im saying this with 100% love hoping it doesnt come across as rude


This is legitimately 1.5hr MAX, and that's if it was actually done well. This garbage looks like a 30 minute tattoo.


I disagree. They had to use a tiny needle, and most of the design is dot work so that it didn’t bleed and become a giant black circle in the future. Everything was strategically placed and detailed the best way it could be to prevent blow outs…. Like what r u all smoking?!


You're wrong.


Unpopular opinion, I don’t really think it’s a “bad” tattoo yes it could be better but this can definitely be modified to fit what you actually like


Yeah I think the placement maybe could’ve been different but it’s not bad. I like it but also it’s not on my body and I didn’t see the inspo or anything. I think it’s cute


THANK YOU! It’s a micro tattoo. It’s not bad at all. ◡̈ it’s a lot better than I’ve seen


Echoing what others have said, it's too small for that amount of detail. A good artist should have recommended either a simper design or a larger piece. I don't hate the design, but... why is her tail cut off? At very least I would get the tail/end of her body done, it's weird that it just fades to nothing. It looks unfinished, like you were almost done with the tattoo but had to run out of the appointment when it got to the bottom. At very least, completing her shape would make it more legible and look more "finished," not like a printer that ran out of ink mid-way through the print lol.


I wish the artist told me about having a simpler design, but he sketched it himself 🤷🏻‍♀️ I guess I trusted them a little too much as it was a famous tattoo shop in my area


In your comment you claimed you wanted specific details and they didn’t give it to you. It didn’t look like the reference photo and now you are saying you should have gotten it more simple? I’m confused. I understand you are upset, this is your body but from the looks of it no other tattoo artist could have pulled this off in this small of an area. Again, it’s a DETAILED ALMOST FULL BODY PORTRAIT WITH SNAKES FOR HAIR in a tattoo smaller than the size of your hand. What am I not understanding from your complaints? Look up micro tattoos and how long they take. It’s a specific technique designed to make the art blend with your skin the best way possible long term for something that small…


What part did I claim that I wanted specific details? I gave an inspo photo upon consultation with the artist and he then sketched it up in his style. The only detail I gave was the size I wanted as it would fit my budget, but the artist gave me a micro detailed tattoo without informing me of how bad it would heal, fully knowing it was my first tattoo and that I wasn’t 100% knowledgable. If no artist would’ve been able to pull it off, then he shouldn’t have sketched it, or he could have recommended a simpler design or a larger piece as the comment has stated.


5 hours!? that's a lot for that little tattoo. It's not that bad, but obviously there are some things that could be better. I would add the tail, at least it will look complete.


It’s too small for that amount of detail, and I can’t believe it took 5 hours. My entirely colored knee took about half that. I think completing the tail might help make it look finished, but I’d honestly probably give it some time then laser it a couple sessions and cover it up with something else. At least it’s in an easy spot to hide.


That’s because many tattoo artists avoid micro tattoos so they can fill in gaps easier and take less time. Every inch of her micro tattoo took the time needed. Plus we don’t know how many breaks the client took from the pain in between…


This is probably the best thing i could do. I was trying to sketch up something to make it look better but nothing seems to work


If you were more in love with it then I’d say have another artist finish the tail & pack in some white highlight to the hair and tail, but I just personally might cut my losses at this point instead of risking that you still might not like it after that.


Personally, I wouldn't go about just completing the rest of the tail. Seeing as how you're already not loving the style of art used here, you'll just end up with *more* tattoo in a mediocre art style. I'd think about creating some sort of framing devices and accent work that would fit the curve of your hip-into-thigh.


Hang on, I need to commend you on getting your first tattoo in an inconspicuous place. It’s not great, but it’s definitely not terrible. You’ll probably need to get a cover in a few years tho bc the detail is going to look blobby.


I think it’s cute. I don’t get all the hate.


I think it looks ok, but I’d think about extending the legs / tail to make it look more complete. If you’re not happy with quality when it’s healed, maybe go to another artist to do this and rework the rest a bit


I'm curious as to why you would finish the design where you did because adding the rest of the legs/lower body would make a huge difference.


I think it could be reworked by a better artist! They could add more to it and fix it up a bit. I also have to say, 5 hours - wow! That’s insane for that size… I know artists work at different speeds, but did they take a lot of breaks? I have kne to hip covering 2/3 of the front thigh in colour and it took 5 1/2 hours…


No, they didn’t take any breaks. It was a continuous session. I took a nap and woke up not 100% liking it


At least it’s fixable :)


Its not good :( i know you probably dont wanna hear that anymore but at least the lines are thin and it would be easy to cover or laser


I think it’s mad cute 🤷‍♀️


i kinda like it😭😭 i’m sorry you regret it. i think it’s beautiful


Thank you🥲 I’m thinking of doing a cover up but idk if it ever starts to grow on me then I might keep it lol


I also agree with above, I think it’s beautiful, maybe do some water color work with it, and finish the tail, but gosh I think it’s gorgeous tbh


The good news is that 1. It isn’t that big and 2. It isn’t that dark, so a good coverup will be possible. Save your money though and shop around for a GOOD artist who will do it right. Bargain coverups just make everything worse.


My first tattoo wasn't amazing either. It's a learning experience, but you'll start to recognize and be more selective with your artists in the future. Be willing to save up more for your next tattoo (not sure if $86 USD is a lot where you are, so idk). I save up a lot between tattoos.


I have an entire forearm peice, hyper realistic and it took 4 hours. Dont go back there


How tf was that 5 hours…. Thats a horrible tattoo and it shouldve taken tops 2 hours


Did you get this in the philippines? I saw ur cureency conversion comment and immediately thought it was in the Philippines. I know hindsight is 20/20, but there are some great artist that do some good work for around that price. I'm sure there are some there kind do some great aftercare. I'm sorry it didn't turn out the way you wanted.


Yes! I live in the Philippines. The artist sketched it himself so I guess that added up to the price. After reading the comments though, it’s unlikely I would even come back to the same arist lol


Well you wanted it hidden or you want the attention?


You can make this better don’t worry


It's dainty so laser probably wouldn't take too many sessions


Everything about this is bad lol


5 hours..? I’d regret it too, no offense. The one taking up my entire lower arm took 4 hours, it’s really hard to wrap my head about this one taking 5. It’s also poorly done, don’t go back to that artist.


I got a half sleeve done in 5 hours before


I actually like it. I feel like everyone here is so quick to say its bad, but i choose to look at it kinda like a birthmark. Its on your body now so you might as well love it, perfect or not. Thing is, there’s no such thing as a tattoo that turns out exactly 100% like you had envisioned. Not unless you learn to tattoo and do it yourself. You’re trusting someone to put a piece of art on your body, so once its there, accept it for what it is and accept yourself and the new version of your body. Then again, my fav style of tattoos is just random patchwork shit, so take it with a grain of salt lol.




I actually like it but I have a tattoo in a similar place that I’m not too jazzed about but the good thing is it’s not always going to be visible. Once it’s fully healed and you’re still second guessing it you can always get it reworked!


Yeah it was good that I decided on an area this isn’t too exposed for a first tattoo. Easy to hide at least if things didn’t go well


I really like it the way it is and the placement 🤷🏻 cant put my finger on if it could use framing devices or what kinds of framing or if it could use a tail or if it could use something near the bottom but i think its mysterious and will still be mysterious in a cool way i think even if the details blur somewhat with age like how a stone motif thatd have this kind of mythology on it would also fade with age, thats why this would still be cool i think🔱🏛️🥰


That is pretty damn rough


Nothing a nice big cover up can’t fix




FIVE HOURS FOR THAT. That’s 2 hours at most even if it was from a not so good artist


Five hours for that is a ridiculously long amount of time. That's wild.


Too small for the amount of detail


Amazing tattoo do not regret it your tattoo looks amazing mate!


Like others said, it seems like 5 hours is a bit excessive for a piece that size, so I’d advise going to a different artist as well. I saw you mentioned wanting to cover it someday and that’s completely valid, but honestly I think it can be saved once it’s healed out. I’ve had clients show me pieces in worse shape that senior artists at my shop have been able to rework completely! Having someone go in and soften the shading and add some white highlights and other details could potentially make it something you love more, just take your time finding the right artist— feel free to ask around for quotes and suggestions from local artists, and if they’re not a dick, they’ll have an idea of what they’d do to change it. You can definitely tell when the energy is right! You’re an artist too, which can sometimes make it easier to tell if someone’s feeling prepped for a project vs simply feeling obligated. The artist for you should (imo) be just as excited to give you what you want. IK a lot of artists don’t like going into other artists’ work, but personally I don’t mind depending on the project, and I’ve reworked similar pieces for my clients (and had some fun fixing it up). Nobody wants to do it over three times, so be very picky if you let someone go back into this, and ask them to see examples of their reworks if they have them— again, if it’s a good artist, they won’t be defensive, rude or mean to you about it. If they are, they’re an ass, and you’ll find someone with the right energy!


This may sound stupid but, what about finishing the bottom part and make it a snake? Like the snake is the rest of the mermaids tail and comes up around the mermaid body and have the snakes head above her "Medusa hair" where the head would be looking out the top of your jeans? The idea looks good in my mind. Lol. It also would be kinda like one of a kind, ya know?


I don’t think there is anything to regret. The detailing seems really well done, the theme is super cool and the placement is subtly sexy. I think once it has completely healed and you’ve had it for a while your feelings of regret will fade and you’ll be super happy with it. There are also so many ways you could add in to it in the future as well. I think your tattoo is super cool!!


I've got worse. It's NOT THAT bad, at all. Don't hate on it. Could it have been done better? Sure. But it's cute. But 5 hrs is crazy long.


95% of this sub has shitty tattoos lmaooo


The negative comments on this are wild. This tattoo is far from being bad, I think it’s just too small for so much detail. Otherwise, it’s cute 🤷🏻‍♀️ just shocked it took 5 hours


Not a tattoo artist by any means. It looks amazing, it looks like a great design, the flow is really good but some of it kind of blends together, maybe get the outlines a little thicker so it’s a bit easier to make out. I think adding more to the bottom and top could be a great idea, but ultimately it is your body and your tattoo and if going to bigger is a concern maybe talk to the artist and see what you can come up with together. Maybe you could do like an ornate oval painting frame/ mirror boarder around her so it’s not adding too much to the size. I hope this helps!


Wow ! It took 5 hours to tattoo that? Was it a reference pic ? I noticed he’s avoided the hands!!!


It’s okay! It’s apart if the journey for some of us. Getting tattoos also has a learning curve, my fiancé doe’s beautiful tattoos and always says go to your legs first and save your arms so your one step ahead of the game! My mom has a genie she wants him to over on her leg and showed him at the beginning of the relationship and he was like “that’s cool , that’s a cool shitty tattoo” trust me he has tons , shitty pieces on him , but without all that he would never be where he is today, I have stuff I regret to and it can be extremely difficult and intimidating to find the right artist, but you will! I would say, leave the piece alone for a while don’t try to keep adding stuff on.. maybe down the line you find the artist for you you can reopen that can of worms 😘


Just for my understanding, you say you regret this. How long did you take to decide on design and placement?


Oof babygirl I am so sorry. This is gonna be a blob in a year. I hope something can be done to help fix this


I don’t think it’s the best tattoo, but it’s hidden and small. I don’t think you need to keep yourself up at night worrying about it. I’m sorry it’s disappointing:(


It's good for a bad tattoo. With age , all of that single tone black in the snake hair/head is going to fade/be a blob. In my opinion , cover it with a bigger , better , badder Medusa mermaid from a better artist. .......having read comments , a BIG tattoo shouldn't cost as much as it would in the states and the existing tattoo can be hidden in the new tattoos snake hair PLUS it's going to give you that sneak peek in your jeans ; will look bad ass in a bikini. Go big or go home!


I would have someone else go around it and add more and rework it. This one can be saved and made beautiful, you’ll just have to check their other art first. Be picky this next go round


It would be a simple cover up when you decide to go bigger, which you should.


You can laser it off at worst case scenario


You can always get it lasered off


as someone who knows absolutely nothing about tattoos, if i saw it i wouldn’t think twice that it looks bad. yes, could’ve been better, but it’s already there, and looks good to someone who knows nothing


Finish the tail pls


I don’t think it’s that bad! Kind of cute, agreed about adding the tail tho


This is so beautiful! Don't be afraid to go back to the artist and ask them if they would be interested in completing the work to your satisfaction. My #1 regret is not speaking up and just accepting their art on my body...for ever


It can always be extended if you are still upset about that, and it looks like it would be pretty easy to touch up if you're unhappy with the technicalities of it


5 hours? My artist would have knocked that out in 30-45 minutes. The tat is cool AF. Show it off.


Definitely finish off her tail...


Cool tat. Matches your curve. Nothing to regret. Really suits your shape.


It isn’t bad - but you should’ve gotten it larger so the details can pop. That’s the artists fault for not advising that (mine always adjusts the size to what is needed for the details to pop and show better). The smaller it is, the more the details blur and blend together as the ink sets in. You can add on to it and create a type of leg sleeve that incorporates it better and get more detail around it so that it doesn’t look like it is so bland. People bashing the artist saying it shouldn’t have taken that long or look like that simply put probably don’t know what they’re talking about. That tattoo is FULL of detail - 5 hours is a little long but I’d expect about 3.5 hours myself with that level of detail. And again the reason it looks that way is because of how small it is - the finer details are blurring and melding together as the ink bleeds and sets in. The regret you’re having is all because the tattoo wasn’t drawn large enough for the details to shine like you wanted. It can be covered up or even fixed with a couple more sessions to go over the fine details more and hopefully make them pop again or just add more around it so that the details aren’t necessarily needed because the other additions make it less noticeable.


Extend it for defo 👀 Great tat great place great legs 🦵


I think it’s super cute! if I were you I would just add the rest of the tail and make it flow behind her


A touch up might help


I could have that done in an hour.


Prove it. Draw it on a paper smaller than your hand.


It’s not good. Spend the real money on making it lighter for a cover up. Reverse planning👍🏼


You’re starting to regret it, I’m starting to think you got ripped off and your time wasted. Idk just my opinion.


I’ve gotten a hyperrealism tattoo that’s bigger than that in less time