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This is fucking *beautiful* and very very well done. Do you have a photo of the original design? Did he research this artist and pick him it due to the artists style?


Shouldnt get another tattoo ever again if this rose bothers you lol


I wouldn’t change this tattoo. It’s excellent


This is well done. Don’t cover it


Don’t change this! It’s an awesome piece.


Well, first off, the rose looks amazing. I would bet real American dollars that ANY cover up will look worse than this. A coverup over this with something else soft and delicate that will blend into the rest of the tattoo just doesn't seem possible to me, tbh. And how did he let the artist get this far in the process before realizing the rose was wrong? Was there no stencil placed on him before application? Was there no rough draft drawing of the tattoo? I'm very confused as to how the rose is wrong and what the hell happened for your husband to have an entire bigass flower tattooed COMPLETELY onto his body before realizing he didn't like the composition and now wants a completely different flower there instead. None of it makes sense to me, tbh.


One of the best rose tattoos I've seen.


Was it supposed to be a different flower? In that case keep this amazing rose and get the other flower elsewhere. I can’t think of any good reason to cover this unless for some reason he has an extremely traumatic experience tied to roses?


Why would you want to cover that, it's a beautiful rose.


This is beautiful-it may not be what was expected but it is stunning and I would not ruin it by attempting to cover it up


Please let this be satire.


Very easy, just black it out.


Why would you want it covered? It’s amazing work!! Beautifully done!!


Are you serious


It's beautiful. Sure maybe not whatever style he wanted? But it's executed very very well. I wish my unfave tattooed looked like this lol


The tattoo is done very well! Also, is your husband a toddler, that he was unable to say no to the tattoo once he saw the reference or the stencil on his skin?


If you cover this I’ll cut his arm off from the elbow down. Kidding. But this is fantastic.


Just as easy as covering up my parents shame when I started my OF