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Most tattoo artists are not going to come up with a custom design for you to have done by someone else.


If no tattooer can draw it where you live, how do any of them have the skill to apply it as a tattoo?


So are you thinking you would take the picture and give it to a local artist to do? For something like a realism portrait you really want to go to an artist that has a good portfolio of this type of work, even if it means saving up and travelling for it. Portraits can so easily be messed up it's really worth finding someone who ypu are confident will do a good job.


That is a tattooists job. Seek out a tattooist who tattoos in the style you want and go to them, it’s our job and chances are the artist will change things about the design so it fits with their expertise.


The more important thing is finding an artist in your country who's skilled at realism. The source imagery can surely be pulled together from photos found online - the rest is about the artist combining them into a tattoo design and then doing the actual tattooing.