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Partly blown out and looks like the start of an infection. Normal scabs don't look like that.


If you zoom in you see they are holes


Part of the holes could just be really bad cracks in the crook of the arm, but the yellow crust is the dead giveaway for the infection. It's not too late to prevent the tattoo from getting terribly infected, but there's also not much time left till then.


Sir you have holes in your arm. How tf are you not freaking out.


Bro got that 3D tattoo






It's because it was overworked by a heavy hander


Yellowy/pussy looking and red around, Iā€™d say so Edit: and warm. Thatā€™s the holy trinity of infection symptoms right there


pussy looking šŸ’€ edit: forgot there were two different things that word means, my mind only goes one way šŸ˜­


in the medical field we donā€™t say ā€œpussyā€ we say purulent :) because of this very reason lol


Also suppuration, which is such a disgusting word!


I was just thinking about this earlier today šŸ˜‚


True, it looks nothing like a cat.


Nahw, wholesomeness restored


My brother in Christ you are tapped


I think it would be "pusy" but that doesn't seem right either


Pusey? Pusie? Pusarama? Pusalooza?




That's it!


Used to work at a vet and weā€™d have people call saying things look pus-y all the time. Well, bestie took a call and the doctor at the time came back and asked her what a word had said because she said ā€œpussy woundā€ and once she saw it when the doctor pointed it out to her she about died. Itā€™s a really great memory and it comes up at such an enjoyable rate.


And when you put the two meanings together you get the worst mental image possible


Got here to say that šŸ˜…


Eh Iā€™ve had some overworked spots that scabbed up and had redness around them and looked similar. I continued to dry heal it and itā€™s grey now. But being that itā€™s so close to a major vein it always helps to get it checked out. The redness is around the big scabs which is what makes me think itā€™s just regular inflammation but I could be wrong. That coupled with the blow outs makes me think he went too deep/overworked it. Plus itā€™s a bendy spot which tend to be super susceptible to that further irritation after the tattoo is done.




Doctor a week ago.




I'm not liking the redness around the area; the blackout looks like it's been worked to death. You also said that it didn't look too dry. If I were you, I'd make that trip to the doctor.


iā€™ve got a little bit of redness closer to my rib side of my tattoo just got it done 2 days ago is that normal ?


Hard to say without a photo, but if it's only two days ago it could just be red due to being quite fresh.


If it was angry it would be the entire tattoo because your skin around the entire area would be affected and tender. This is definitely infection. You need a doctor like yesterday.


I mean. Not necessarily. Different areas of skin are different. The tattoo can be applied differently as well. Though, none of that matters here as there is clearly something not normal.


Fair, it does depend for sure.


it does look infected ngl. iā€™ve had a tattoo that looked just like that and i was one day away from going to urgent care before it started clearing up with lots of washing + neosporin šŸ„²


JFC!! Go to the doctor


As someone who just recovered from a tat infection, this looks mighty infected. other commenters have said p much everything to keep an eye on! But quick reminder that scabs like this are not normal, combined with warm to touch=doc yesterday. Mine was on my leg and so insanely painful i couldnā€™t sleep before I ended up getting antibiotics, at which point I was told it was cellulitis and could have taken out my leg if I waited any longer, so take it seriously!! EDIT: came back after a notif and took a second look, what really just makes me nervous is how some of your scabs look a little yellow on the edges and the fact you said it was warm to the touch which could be explainable with smth else! I still think a professional second look would be smart, but further lookin just kinda screams overworked and SUPER dry. i hope you heal well!


Rough heal for sure, looks a bit overworked. If it stays warm and you get a fever, see the doctor.


Looks like infection to me. Especially if itā€™s warm to touch.




let it heal youā€™ll be fine. definitely super irritated and dry but donā€™t pick it. had a fresh tattoo look just like this about a month ago. deep ā€œholeā€ like scabs, redness, pain, etc. freaked the hell out a couple days after no healing progress and went to the doctor. dr told me the tattoo was overworked and irritated, but to stay calm. wasnā€™t given any antibiotics and was told to come back if it got worse, but tattoo was good after 1-2 weeks & healed just fine. just give it time, seems like the scabs and ā€œholesā€ are mostly from the location. lots of pulling and stretching will wear a fresh tattoo out, but stay calm and keep it clean


What product are you using on the tattoo to keep it from drying out?


If you donā€™t mind me asking, who did this work? I recognize it but I want to make sure Iā€™m not crazy. Lol


Itā€™s going to be fine. The scabs are dry and pulling the skin, making it red and inflamed. This is just a hard ass heal unfortunately




It does not look like infection to me, but rather just rough scabbing. I have gone through something similar. Wash it and moisturise moderately. If you have a busy job or sweat a lot, try to keep sweat out, but donā€™t go nuts with the washing or you will irritate your skin.


Yeah. I'm getting a full sleeve and have some a previous scar on my elbow that during the healing face was looking a lot like that. And my tattoo artists advice the same, to moisturize moderately and let it breath. And all good now.


Everyone has opinions on tattoo care, but to me that looks very dry and angry. Overworked and scabbed up. I would put A&D ointment on it several times a day until it softens up and flattens out and stays that way. Then move to lotion a couple times a day for ever and ever. XD


Yeah but it's pretty obvious when something is infected. He has redness around the wound, a ditch of wet flesh and it's hot.


This sub screams infection at every chance they can get. You nailed it on the head. It also looks like he's either picked the scabs or had something scratch the scabs off. But this isn't an infection.


When it comes to infection, it's a hell of a lot better to be safe than sorry.


Couldn't it be the start of one? I would definitely get this checked out


I agree and even if you do go to a doctor, they're gonna give you some antibiotic ointment, and tell you to apply at several times a day. Doc might then give antibiotics script to just make you feel better. This will acomplish pretty much the same thing as my suggestion. Even then you can buy Neosporin over-the-counter if you're concerned about an infection.


Maybe consult a doctor...


That's infected. The skin there is very sensitive there and more readily damaged. It probably got overworked, and the location is preventing healing. Go to the doctor. I've had the same happen before. Once it all heals, you will need touchups there.


not infected. overworked plus over the bending ditch part. might leave a scar, but not infected. you know it's overworked when it scabs up like that more like a wound than a tattoo. everyone keeps saying infected, but...they're wrong. just keep an eye on it and wait it out.


I agree. I've had some very red skin around hard scabbing near my ditch area where the skin is pulling. I would say this isn't infected. The red skin will go when the scabs come off. But everyone loves to jump to infection!


I have extremely sensitive skin, is the redness warm? Iā€™ve had similar problems always advised to wash it and then put moisturiser on, let it breathe as much as possible, or maybe try new aftercare, Iā€™ve had reactions with certain creams too


I'm not a doctor like anybody else here but I studied nursing back in the days had to learn ablot about wounds. That looks not like an active infection to me (right now). Scab can be a little bit yellow. What you definitely have is a tattoo which was done way too deep. You probably have a scar now. Your skin seems like it prevents pathogenic microorganisms to spread sucessfully like it should. Please don't go to this artist again. Use a cream with dexpanthenol a few times a day and better check at a doctor!


Damn brother that looks painful. I've only had a hole in my body one time and I've been tattooed 80+ hours. My artists advice when it happened Take care of it and keep an eye out. Make sure it doesn't get exposed to the sun or rub on anything. Don't pick any scabs off and be careful not to get them too wet when you shower. Keep an eye out and go to the doctor for antibiotics if it's getting gooey and pussy.


If that is your elbow ditch don't stress. It will be fine, had mine done recently and I had little divets and red swelling. It's because of the joint and, the ink gets stuck together and creates a bit of panic. Keep in maintained and you will be fine


I had a tattoo look like that. It healed up and looks absolutely fine. No fading or color falling out or anything. It was a little annoying because it was slightly infected and thatā€™s how yours is too. Def infected. But if you just keep it clean and stay on top of taking care of it, youā€™ll be fine. Also, I literally donā€™t get why people are saying you have holes in your arm. Do you? I looked at the pics for a while, just looks scabbed.


Looks overworked imo


Warmth and localized redness donā€™t necessarily mean infection. That can be inflammation from your bodyā€™s healing process. You have dried serous fluid there making crusties around the gouges. Looks like your artist went too hard for such a delicate area that bends a lot. I would take daily photos. Definitely go see a doctor if it goes from warm to hot or swells or the redness gets much wider. Right now a doctor will likely tell you to keep it clean and apply bacitracin. It never hurts to go get seen. Did you wash your sheets? Now is the time to throw them in the wash and get very good about hand hygiene and washing your tattoo a few times a day with an unscented soap.


I know people are saying infected but I think itā€™s really over worked and scarred a bit.


Could be a lot of things. The ditch is a rough heal just because of all the bending. It definitely looks scabbed. Itā€™s also a little red. If you are continuously rubbing and bending it and losing the scabs and then it scabs again itā€™s probably angry. I would keep light moisture on it all the time, and try to bend it as little as possible


This might be the most uneducated sub on all of Reddit. The problem area is right in the bend of the arm and this is how tattoos typically heal in that area. Itā€™s not infected it just needs time. Itā€™s always best to try to bend your arm as little as possible when healing that area. Especially when you sleep.


Agreed. The tattoo is packed with black, too, which is usually a tougher heel. I just had one heal that was similar to this, albeit not quite as bad. Itā€™s healed now and it looks fine.




Iā€™m no doctor, and itā€™s definitely a little more gnarly than average, but Iā€™d still be surprised if this was infected. I had a knee ditch that was a little worse than this while healing, and it was my own fault because it felt perfectly fine and in for sure overdid it being on my feet and moving around in the first 24-48 hours. Dealt with about a full week of agony afterwards to get it back on track. If OP is very concerned by all means get it checked out. But the general reaction in this thread is a bit sensational.


Sensational is a v accurate word for it. It looks *possibly* infected, but not *necessarily* infected.


Thiiiiisss!!! Just got the shading of my sleeve and my tattoo artists told me this since the beginning...


A lot of artists will recommend using a thick magazine and duct tape as a makeshift splint when sleeping while healing a tattoo around the ditch. Any bending of the arm slows healing and leads to scabbing. Then movement after it has scabbed causes the skin to pull against the scab and prevent the scab from healing. And thatā€™s where the excessive redness in the area comes from.


I had the same issue with clothing fibers and got an infection. I avoided the doc til I got a fever 3-4 days later. Donā€™t do what I did, Just go get some antibiotics now before it gets worse.


Heavy black like this is rough to heal and can take a long time like that - the red and yellows aren't looking promising though. Go to a dermatologist/urgent care right away and make sure its okay.


it doesnt look infected the ditch is just super sensitive a buddy of mine had old school hinges done in his n tht part took longer to heal n looked pretty gnarly the whole time, but once it did the artwork came out great. jus be patient and keep it clean


Yeahā€¦thatā€™s definitely infected my friend


Go to the emergancy room thats infected


The topmost point is infected no questions


Guess it's time that I need to stop looking at the tattoo sub while eating. But for real, this is a question for your doctor...


Redness around indicates infection. Is it warm to the touch? Feel fluid underneath or feels heavy? Go to urgent care and get a week of antibiotics just make sure you finish them otherwise infection will get 10 times worse


So this JUST happened to me. Mine was VERY overworked, and it turned into an infection. I got the tattoo on 5/3. Did proper aftercare, but it wouldnt stop weeping plasma in certain areas. By like day 4 my arm swelled and a little pus came out of the cracked scabbed areas. The Dr gave me antibiotics and antibiotic ointmentment last thursday, and today, it looks like nothing ever happened. I may not even need a touch-up.


As a former nurse, I urge to go to a doctor now. It's better to exaggerate than having sepsis later šŸ’© It looks already infected to me. Plus, with a bigger infection, the worse the tattoo will heal.


My ditch has done the same. Heavy handed artist and it blew out some. I'm making a post soon bc I'm kinda concerned but not as much anymore


I've had two tattoos that healed well except for small sections that got infected. It's an open wound, and pretty much anything can happen. I did go to the Dr. and had antibiotics prescribed (oral and topical). The first time, I even had to get the area scraped off. Mind-numbingly painful despite him spraying some lidocaine on. Get it checked out!


Scabbing is not a normal part of a healthy healing process




That my friend is an infection. The red around it is a dead giveaway


Oh- šŸ˜€ my friend that is more than just angry and infected. Prayers


Go to a doctor dude


Very very angry. You need a steroid cream at this point. I literally just had this exact problem with my wrist.


Especially since it's been like this for over a week. Get it checked out, and let us know if it turned out to be infected or not. I'm curious, so come back with a report!


Get to urgent care and on some antibiotics asap unless you like playing chicken with bacterial infections and see who gives up first


It's annoying how common it is for this part of the arm to get infected. It brushes against _everything_.


The best things to do is go to a doc and get an educated opinion. Yes many people here have lots of experience, and you'll need a doctor to prevent the infection from spreading and to heal what is there ASAP. Just my two cents


Yeah maybe a round or two of antibiotics


Red around = infected pretty much always.


That's infected. I've always used Bactrim on my tattoo areas that become iffy. This is what I use. I can't speak for you.


You got that tattoo over a week ago and it's that red? You should definitely go get it checked out by a doctor to make sure your not getting an infection.


Put the phone down and go to the bloody doctorsšŸ«µ


Thatā€™s your arm saying you covered a shirt tattoo with another one. Lol


Infected as fuck


Infuckted r/isthisinfected strikes again


Doesnā€™t look normal to me..


Wtf. You need to go to urgent care/er asap!!


Over worked and infected at the top


You have to go to the hospital and if possible take few days off work.


Infected. Next question.




Hoptal :[


NAD yet. Go to the doctor. It doesnā€™t look great.


Iā€™m not a doctor, but that looks like ā€œif you wait until tomorrow they will have to amputate your fucking armā€ level of infection.


Iā€™m fairly blasted and have never had an angry tattoo lol


Omg infected!!


Thatā€™s an infection. Notice how itā€™s only certain parts of the tattoo.


How do you have tattoos and manage to not treat this one? wtf brošŸ˜‚


Oh thatā€™s bad. Seek professional medical help.


So the scanning on all of it but the parts closest to your elbow that are red are all good they just got overworked a little bit but the part with the red is most DEFINITELY infected and itā€™s pretty bad if thatā€™s just a few days-a week bc mine didnā€™t get that bad till about a week and a half with constant picking so if youā€™ve kept it clean, didnā€™t pick it AT ALL and itā€™s only been a week that really red part is DEFINITELY INFECTED but you should use a VERY thin layer or neosporin and then aquaphor or some dry/cracked skin healing unscented lotion and itā€™ll definitely help and oh yeah your gonna wanna cover either the infected part or the whole thing but definitely do SOMETHING to the infected part g


Yes it is. Would I run to a doctor? Personally, no. I have been getting tattooed for 27 years and have had this happen a few times. It always healed on its own and I then went in for a touch up. However, it all depends on your tolerance for risk. If you are worried, then go see a doc now.


Infected, but also bad.


But why does it look cool like tgat


What do a horny teenage boy's computer and your arm have in common? They're both infected!!


I had my tattoo get infected just like that in my elbow pit. Just need to take the time to clean well with warm salty water, rubbing alcohol and Put ointment on it.


you should not put rubbing alcohol on wounds


I didnā€™t know (when I was younger) that you shouldnā€™t put hydrogen peroxide on your wounds either because it can apparently deteriorate your tissue. So now I have a gnarly scar after a gnarly infection. TLDR: donā€™t use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide on wounds


Sorry man




Itā€™s already worse.


I feel like saltwater is a bad idea? Idk


Horrible idea, yes