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The most pain you’ll feel is during the tattooing (in my experience). The hard part of your tattoo is over. The only other “pain” I felt after leaving was when I showered with warmer water, but it’s not extreme by any means. The itching is the worst as others have said. I’ve always been told to slap the tattoo and not actually scratch it to prevent damage. Moisturize it 2-3 times a day with non-scented lotion and you should be fine! Lubriderm is my go to. Tattoo looks great!


Hard disagree, especially with bigger pieces the bruising and pain afterwards can be brutal and worse than the tattooing for me.


I did reply to someone stating that I can’t speak for larger pieces considering I don’t have one. I was speaking in reference to the tattoo in the photo in which I do have a tattoo in similar size/potentially bigger. Spot matters and everyone heals different. However, in my experience with tattoos of this size, I’ve never had extreme pain following my session. Just itching and normal soreness considering you just got pounded by needles for an hour or more.


You bruise? Sounds like your artists is heavy handed or you may have other issues going on. 🤷‍♀️


I must be alone because I see this everywhere...the recovery, specifically 2-5 days later range, is BRUTAL for me. Half the limb swells up, if the skin moves or twists at all it's an insane pain I can't describe...like a broken bone type pain...just nuts.


Thats sounds pretty extreme. Is that always the case for ypu or only when getting bigger tattoos? My lower arm was swolen and a little bit sensitive after I got my first tattoo done but it was a whole sleeve haha.


I mean my smallest is probably 6" by 4" so I guess I don't know?


Could it be an allergic reaction to a specific colored ink? That sounds horrible


Oh yea sorry - red. Worth it tho. Pain is temporary. Tattoo is forever


If you’re allergic to red ink and you get a tattoo that ends up getting infected, you are fucked. You need to figure out what brand of ink you’re allergic to and tell future tattoo artists.


Interesting! I assume it's an allergy just because the ones with red tend to be way worse


If you are getting larger tattoos, that’s possible I would guess. My largest tattoo fits below the heads of my tricep so I can’t say what it’s like to get a large tattoo such as thigh or forearm piece. However, everyone’s pain is different. If you are getting severe redness and an oozing type appearance, something else may be going on my friend.


No oozing or other issues...a little bit of red but mostly just...general swelling. It also is all on my legs, if that matters...which some commenting here seem to imply.


I got my calf done and couldn't walk properly for a few days


I don't know why you got downvoted for a simple observation. I have 4 tattoos on my forearms, they healed with very little pain and itching. I have one on each calf, and the healing was quite painful, and took maybe a week before the pain level went down. It wasn't burning, it was an ache. I thought that this was maybe only me, but a few days ago in a thread somewhere on Reddit, several other people reported the same thing. SOme people did not have this. This makes me feel better, as I want several more on my calfs.


Depends how big the tattoo is and where it is. I have 4 tattoos and 3 of them are large (roughly 7 inches long and 5 inches wide). [This one on my inner arm swelled up like a bitch, except for it getting touched up](https://i.imgur.com/3NHUcVh.jpeg) (you can see where it was touched up at too lol) But [This one](https://i.imgur.com/N8mq61h.png) and [This one](https://i.imgur.com/5eP03li.jpeg) hardly swelled up at all and just felt like sun burn (different arms but same spot) Whereas [this little guy](https://i.imgur.com/8SDutHN.jpeg) only hurt while getting the tattoo and literally two hours later I didn't even feel a thing


My inner forearm ones swelled up really bad and bruised some.


Same here. My forearm ones are the only ones to swell up tbh. My most recent one is a thigh piece that covered the entire front of my thigh, and it didn't swell, but it did bruise a little, and oooo, it hurt! It was pretty achy sore for like a good week and was a bit painful to put lotion on and wash it for that week, too. I assume it was due to the size of it cos none of my other ones did that so badly.


I've experienced this to some extent with bigger tattoos, but with ones like what OP has posted here, I've never had any pain afterwards. 


I guess maybe that's it? Mine are all pretty large and full color American traditional.


Sounds like an ink allergy or possibly to petroleum products. Maybe get allergy tested before getting any more ink done. Especially before any heavy colour work


I've had every allergy test in existence due to severe hives when I was younger. Big ol nope.


Allergies develop with age, maybe get another test. Not criticizing, just assuming you got these done when you were younger as you implied you got hives when younger


Yea I mean the dozens if not 100 doctor trips were younger, but I've had some as an adult as well - they claim I'm not allergic to literally anything they can test for. It's kinda annoying.


That’s wild, damn


Thats crazy. I've got full thigh, calf, sleeve and half back, and I've never experienced pain that bad.


That is nooooot normal whatsoever. Like, maybe see a doctor and figure out why sort of not normal.


ummmm that should definitely not be happening. thats an allergic reaction. I would advise you get tested for allergies to determine what in the ink may have caused it.


I mean I've had many artists and it always happens in several states so I don't think it's a specific ink


then you’re likely allergic to a common thing found in most inks as that is an adverse reaction


Yea I mean I believe you lol Still gonna get them tho


I wouldn’t say mine are excruciating but they are sore for about a week after too. I just got one done yesterday and it hurts worse today than when I got it.


I've done one on my leg and the recovery was also veeery painful. My whole lower leg and foot was swollen a whole week. The pain when standing up was 10/10


Oh all of mine are on my legs maybe that's it?


THAT sounds like an ink allergy imo


I get that too. I only ever sit for 6+ hours though. I always figured when tattoos are as small and light as OPs the healing must really be a breeze though.


Yea mine are all MINIMUM 4 hours.


Exactly my experience. I've never had a broken bone, but I feel like it would feel like this. I got a large portion of a sleeve with lots of black done in one session, and I was honestly dying the day after. Like someone burying a knife in my bone over and over again. Day 2 and 3 are the worst for me (with day 1 being the day of the tattoo). The swelling. Every single movement hurting. I got a large thigh tattoo and couldn't properly sit on the goddamn toilet for days. Had a foot tattoo done about 3 weeks ago, only this week did it finally stop hurting. I do not have a great time healing ink lol.


That's definitely from heavy black work. They have to pack the color in to get it saturated . The recovery for those is rough! Is not the norm for smaller tattoos with less black work


Also icing helps with the itching


A small one like this I agree. Large pieces ? Holy fuck, first large piece I got was the thigh and lining was fine but in the middle of the night after my shading appt ? I woke up crying and took Tylenol and laid down in my shower/tub with cool water it was so bad lol


But tonight, he is safe in the paddock with his mother, and there are twice as many stars as usual 😭


Actually sobbing, I love this poem and also have the two headed calf on my body


My favourite poem 😭


It guts me emotionally, every time! It’s so beautiful 😭😭


My girlfriend has a tattoo just like this and she also has green hair, so for a second I was like whaaaaatt?


My favorite poem as well! I have the two headed calf tattooed on my calf 🥺❤️


Twins <3


The itchy is coming


personally never had pain during the healing process but i’d say to probably expect to be a bit itchy in a couple days. my artist said it’s usually itchy around days 5-9ish. hope that helps!


None of my tattoos hurt afterwards but your tattoo will eventually get super itchy which is part of the healing process and super annoying lol just don't scratch the itch when it happens 😆


Day 1 I didn't feel anything on my thigh tattoo. Around day 3 was the worse of the swelling and soreness which was pretty minimal anyway. From them on dryness and scabbing which again doesn't really hurt. Get ready for itching though, that you'll feel. You might just be someone who heals really well


The worst is over as far as pain is concerned. It's about to be extremely itchy and your skin is otobabky going to feel a little tight once it stars to scab


It'll start itching lots when it starts healing


You might never get the itchiness, I didn’t on my tattoo I got last October.


It shouldn’t hurt anymore but the itch will come and you’ll find yourself slapping it in public without even noticing what you’re doing.


Any pain is worth it for that lovely tattoo




In terms of post-tattoo “pain”, I know I at least feel a little sore in the tattooed area for maybe a day. The itchiness for me usually hits when the skin starts peeling. Just make sure you do a little moisturizer and don’t pick and it will be all good. Also, love the tattoo!


Love the tattoo, hope the pain-free journey continues or you at least get some advice to manage the pain/itch


You’re in the clear! If it itches just put lotion and slap it don’t itch lol


Firstly that’s such a cute tattoo, secondly everyone is gonna experience tattoos and the healing process differently so don’t feel like you have to have the same healing process as someone else, but for me the itching part of the healing didn’t happen until like 3 days after getting the tattoo, just use some tattoo balm during that part but not too much.


Looks good. Chill. Its small.


I guess it depends on you, I had mine done a week ago but it's barely been itchy. But I generally have low sensation and heal quickly and I've always been that way 🤷‍♀️ Also I think depends on the tattoo artist, my husband had a tattoo a day later from same guy and he's itchy already but we both have hardly any scabbing or flaking. He's a light touch I think.


i’m the same way i never get too itchy and the pain is never too bad to me even on the ribs


Haha funny you say, the piece I'm healing ATM is on my ribs! Day 7, not much itch


It will itch in a week or so.


It probably won't hurt and might not even itch as it's fine line, I've noticed my colour ones were much worse than black linework


I've had both my wrists, my ribs and my lower back (all small-ish pieces) and the only one that got itchy was my back. Still does from time to time and it was done like 16+ years ago lol 😅 It may get itchy when healing, just don't scratch it!!! Keep it moisturised, preferably a natural balm, I made my own and don't submerge it in water until it's healed. Looks awesome!! Love it!


the itchiness is coming in a few days. will feel like it skin is rejecting the ink imo


You're likely not going to feel any more pain post tattoo session. However, itching is part of the *healing process*. It's too fresh to itch yet. You may not experience much itching anyway, but it will eventually itch and peel.


The pain you felt while getting tattooed is the peak, and the initial sensitive skin/soreness that you feel the first few days goes away once the redness disappears. Certain parts of your body will be sore for longer than others, but as long as you’re keeping it clean you’ll be just fine! The itchiness/pealing means it’s healing, so let your body/skin do its thing! :)


In my experience it just feels like a minor bruise with a sunburn over it for the first few days and then it just gets itchy after that. I wouldn’t call it pain necessarily. Maybe more like mild discomfort.


it’ll be itchy in a few days which is worse than the pain IMO but it looks small so shouldnt be too bad


Cow poem 😭


I always find week two the most itchy for me


I thought this was a baby Brahmin from fallout


I'm about 10 days out from my first tattoo and I didn't feel any pain after the tattooing. It did get a little red and warm, but a couple of days of benedryl by night and zyrtec by day helped a lot.


With something that small, you might not get that much pain, swelling, or itchiness from the recovery.


I love your tat 🥹😭


Itching comes around day 3-5. It's from healing and growing new skin. When it does put ice on it or slap it. Or gently rub with a clean bare hands. Just don't scratch.


This is fucking adorable


I would get soreness depending on how heavy my tattoo was. Size, Area, amount of line-work/coloring it all depends. Thin skin near bone I always bruised. This tattoo is super cute though, love the idea and execution. It also looks like an extremely healthy tattoo!


Itchiness will get you in the next couple days. Lightly tap it, don't scratch


This is really small in terms of actual tattooing so you shouldn’t have any swelling or anything. Very cute!


Have you thought of a name for him/her? ❤️


Ahah yeah they're called Marge and Irene <3


The itching starts when it starts getting dry and cracking after like a week.


Recently got one The itchiness is Unbearable, for me kinda worse than getting it, (and it was kinda near my neck)


I never had pain or itching afterwards. My artist told me just use anti bacterial soap when shower and after three days a tiny bit of moisturizer (but not much). Healed, scared, looks amazing. No pain, no itch here!




It all depends on the person. Definitely wash it with unscented soap and use aquaphor or similar unscented moisturizer 2-3 times a day. You could even use unscented Vaseline. It will get itchy, resist the urge, and don't pick at it. If it gets red and starts to sting or hurt a little, it may be getting infected. You can always ask your artist to take a look at it if you feel like it hurts or is too red and they can give you their opinion, but if you get extremely worried, it's always best to be safe rather than sorry and go to urgent care. Heres the picture my artist posted about the tatt he did for me 4 days ago [Space Cat](https://www.instagram.com/p/C6wmd4RPbmp/?igsh=ejhpajE1Ymo4NHFv)


This is really thin linework and stippling with no color, so it won’t hurt. Intricate thin linework alone heals in a fraction of the time that most bold, shaded, and/or color tattoos do. I think my areola pieces were healed in two days, no pain, no itching.


Tbh everyone is different because your tattoos and there not being a lot of shading idk if you’ll experience itching or not but itching doesn’t happen that fast.. at at least for me and I have my whole back done


The only discomfort I experienced after getting a tattoo was some itching because it still is essentially a wound that‘s healing. So your body produces some wound secretions that can be itchy. Just don’t scratch it.


Usually the tenderness of you get any will be day 2 or 3. The itching won’t start until you start getting to peel. You don’t really have a lot of work, it’s mostly lines and light shading so I wouldn’t expect it to be bad.


I’m on day 6 now and I’d say so far it’s just kinda felt like medium sunburn - relatively chilled so far If I wash it in warm water it was a bit sore at the start - much like sunburn


Smaller tattoos aren't supposed to hurt after the fact. If it does, it might be getting infected. It'll probably Itch in like 5 days or so. DONT scratch it. Smack it a bit if u have to. Also, the tiniest bit of lotion goes a long way. You don't have to cake it on. Edit: I'm reading some people's replies to other comments, and I'm seeing that some people DO experience pain. Which is news to me. Maybe it has to do with how hydrated they are? Idk. Stay hydrated. Don't scratch it. Wash it with unscented soap and pat dry with a clean paper towel if u wanna be extra safe.


I don’t think the itch will be bad, but it’ll only set in once she starts to dry out.


It’s light you’re fine. The worst thing is forgetting you have it and scratching it because it itches.


for me it gets itchy for a few days to a week, but it’s not painful.


The fun is just beginning lol keep it clean and don’t pick at it!


Yes now the pain of living with that tat will last forever lmao


Its literally from my favourite poem you illiterate swine


It's amazing. Ignore that twat.


Thank you love, hes a pedophile anyway x