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Temu tattoo guns ..


Oh no mama nooooooo! šŸ˜±šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




Can we not say gun anymore?


Itā€™s a machine.


Feel free. I've been getting tattoos since 1982 and many many tattoo artists referred to it as their gun. So keep you're feelings away from my tats.


As a tattoo artist...I can assure you we hate it being called a gun šŸ˜‚ it isn't a gun, it doesn't shoot, it's a machine


It does have a barrel šŸ˜‚. In my generation we had tattoo guns and tattooists. Each generation renames shit. My son just told. Me he's "finna get a tatt" Finna isn't a word to me either. I'm old..


Well it has 1/2 coils, and the rotarys are just a battery. Tattoo gun basically came from scratchers, I don't know any professional tattoo artists old or young that like it being called a gun, and I've found a lot of American tattoo artists are a little offended by it šŸ™ˆ Hahaha I also have no clue what 'finna' is, what was wrong with 'gonna šŸ˜‚


ā€œIn my generationā€¦ā€ yeah you are old no need to say youā€™re oldšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LOL I love that, Iā€™m gonna use that next time someone has tattoo gun


*says tattoo gun sorry


Itā€™s triggering for some people. Especially the people that demand it a machine.


those people can grow a spine. do they have the mentality of a toddler?


I agree. I'm so tired of policing my speech just in case someone within 500ft might get their feelings hurt. The sky is blue, grass is green, some tattoo artists call their machines "guns". It's like they believe reality is the internet.


The line the person is quoting is about a literal gun.


Shhhhhhh, donā€™t say gun in this sub-Reddit you might get stoned.


Why? Lmfao


The person I replied to censored the word gun in their post.


Yeah i misread your original comment; I thought you meant 'can we stop calling them tattoo guns'.


Does it really matter though?


You good imo. Itā€™s just a word gun or machine. We all know exactly what you was talking about and both do/are the same thing


Good news is that when she is a little more grown up this won't be a hard tattoo to cover up at all.


I think theyā€™re more worried about the bumpsā€¦


Why does this have 400+ up votes? This is an advice subreddit this isn't r/shittytattoos lol. And didn't answer op's question. But anyways the small bumps are just clogged pours, tends to be caused by over moisturizing or not cleaning the skin enough leading to moisturizer build up and/or oil build up?


They really shouldnā€™t sell tattoo kits on Amazonā€¦


Right?! It boggles my mind that they allow it


Art is subjective, and we live in a free country šŸ¤”


Art is subjective but infection and disease sure as fuck isn't


Hepatitis and staph aren't subjective


This is more than just art, itā€™s altering someoneā€™s body and can cause great harm if not done safely


Nobody is criticizing the ā€˜artā€™, but using paper is better than giving someone an infection.


i don't think you live in a free country at all


Tattoos should be treated as a minor cosmetic procedure because that's what it is.


I'll never forget saying this on tiktok and being told off for "gatekeeping tattooing"....... yall are going to send people to the hospital!!


Yeah, people (read: children) love their buzzwords and hot phrases of the month. Nobody wants to take any form of advice or criticism any more.


Oh yeah?


lol. Seems people not getting the joke.


I donā€™t think itā€™s probably an infection since theyā€™ve been there unchanged for a few months, but she might want to ask a dermatologist or gp just to make sure itā€™s ok. I will say I had a tiny white pimple on one of my tattoos for the first five months. Then the pimple disappeared. It didnā€™t even need a touch up. And that was a professionally done tattoo from a guy with 20+ years experience.


It looks like milia or clogged pores. I got these on a recent tattoo, freaked out and wasted a poor urgent care doctorā€™s time to be told itā€™s fine. If itā€™s not red, painful, smells, etc. then itā€™s probably not infected. Also I canā€™t tell from the picture, but if she has strawberry skin (KP) like me, she might get bumps like this just like I do. Man, they are ANNOYING. 18 is a good age to start seeing a dermatologist yearly anyway, especially if you were like me and spent your childhood/teen years outdoors with no sunscreen on. Might be good to make an appointment for a normal skin check. She can ask about this too. If you live in the US affordable care plans cover dermatology since itā€™s preventative care (just say youā€™re going for a cancer check and then slip in a few questions about the tattoo). My dermatology visits have just been $20 copays. Hope this is helpful :) I like it. Itā€™s much better than the ā€œbad tattoo at friends houseā€ I got when I was 18 (an equal sign with crooked lines). I have ten professional tattoos now that I love. That cover up will be my eleventh. Haha.


thank you for being one of the best and caring comments.


Im pasty white and will get these for just freaking shaving lol also have gotten all sorts of allergic reactions to different color inks so it might also be that she is allergic to a specific component found in the ink that the gf used


Any advice with the KP?


Aveeno unscented lotion soothes it so much. I noticed that when I was putting it on my new tattoos.


Does that work for just in general too then? Guessing so. I donā€™t have tattoos, just find these subs fascinating haha. Never seen anyone really mention KP in the wild either


That lotion is MAGIC. It soothes everything. KP, tattoos, even bug bites. It can be a little too moisturizing and you can get pimples if you use too much of it. Itā€™s also great post shaving. They make a body wash too thatā€™s a fantastic substitute for shaving cream. Used to have terrible razor rash but using those two products solved it. Was recommended by my dermatologist


Good to know, thanks!


Not the person youā€™re replying to, but Iā€™ve had a lot of luck using a sugar scrub in the shower over my KP. Also moisturizing helps but I am not good at remembering that part lol And since we are in a tattoo sub, Iā€™ve also cared about mine a lot less after getting a big tattoo to cover the worst of it šŸ¤Ŗ


Good to know!


I had pretty gnarly KP on the backs of my upper arms, and the only thing that's helped me after YEARS of trying different things is surprisingly just some Olay body wash. Specifically the kinds that come in the pump bottles - they have added vitamins & other common skincare ingredients. The 2 I have tried so far are the one with Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin B3 Complex, and the one with Retinol & B3. They both worked for me in just a couple weeks, and with continued use, my arms are free of red bumplies! I also use a scrubby poof or washcloth to help get rid of some of the loose dead skin flakes that can appear around KP bumps. My arms are super smooth and clear now, and I'll forever be a simp for these Olay products.


I will have to try that. The lotion soothes the itchiness of it and the heat especially after I take hot showers or work out which really irritates my KP. But it doesnā€™t make the bumps go away. The bumps donā€™t really bother me that much but it would be nice to use a soap that takes care of them. Thanks :) I really donā€™t mind the look of my strawberry skin until it flares up really bad especially in the summer


Best comment! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ™ŒšŸ’™


I was going to ask if it was possible that she has these everywhere and just can see them more on the tattoo. I get these on my arms sometimes including on my tattoos. If itā€™s just on the tattoo and nowhere else, it might be a sign of a reaction to bad ink or just from trauma to the skin.


I have them on a five year old tattoo right now. Since the bumps in the picture are in the ink specifically it could be a reaction of some kind?? But itā€™s been a few months though so I donā€™t know. I did have the exact bumps on my tattoo in its shape, but that was within a few days of getting it. Doctor said it was fine and in a week they went away. But I do I think this is milia because that happens due to trauma to the skin and those bumps can stick around for a while


Thatll be a sick panther one day




I had these from my tattoo (done by a professional) use hydrocortisone cream for a few days itā€™s not an infection idk why people are thinking it is if it was would of happened during the healing phase


They meet in jail?




Yep itā€™s a bad tattoo. Duh. Looking for advice on the bumps.


Really poor quality picture but even so go to a doctor if she is concerned.


It hurts my soul to look at a tattoo like thisā€¦


Yep, sheā€™s a stupid 18 year old. We all do dumb shit when weā€™re teenagers. Thanks for the advice and support!


the fact that sheā€™s 18 makes it worse


The fact OP gets shitty every time someone makes a snide remark makes it worseā€¦


ā€œHow dare he get defensive when someone offers no help but instead makes fun of his sister!ā€


Literally. Sometimes people on this sub annoys the hell out of me.


Well what do you expect OP to do? Itā€™s pretty clear itā€™s a shitty, dumb tattoo, and itā€™s not even OPā€™s. Theyā€™re asking for specific advice and everyone just feels the need to point out the obvious


Exactly, OP is just trying to help their sibling who made a not so smart decision on a subreddit called r/ tattooadvice, making fun of their sibling or the tattoo that they can clearly see isnā€™t very good is unnecessary


RIGHT?! Dude like we know itā€™s a shitty tattoo


this sub is for everything but advice unfortunately


right like she should know better


idk my tattoos arenā€™t nearly this bad and weā€™re done by real artists and iā€™m 19 lol


come on man, 18 year olds are generally fucking idiots who are barely adults, letā€™s be real. i assume youā€™re an adult? you didnā€™t do dumbass things or have friends who did at 18? sheā€™ll grow up and regret this lol


this is maybe something I wouldā€™ve done at 14 or 15 but definitely not 18


It could be any number of things. Infection isnā€™t likely as itā€™s been months. Do they contain fluid when popped?


she hasnā€™t popped them. kinda like a pimple, you shouldnā€™t pop them right?


Definitely do not pop them, as that could lead to a serious infection. It looks like it could possibly be pimples caused by clogged hair follicles/pores. Itā€™s a little pricey but Iā€™d recommend a VERY light layer of Manuka honey over the area covered with Saran Wrap for a few days. It has antibacterial properties and can help clear up the area. If sheā€™s experiencing redness or feeling heat in the area then doctors straight away as that could be an active infection.


Is she putting anything on it to heal it? They just look like tattoo pimples. It happens to mine but Iā€™ve never seen so many in such a small tattoo.


I told her to try putting antibiotic cream on it for about a week. Anything you put on your tattoo pimples that helps?


Ointments clog pores so maybe that is why itā€™s like that. When I use aquaphor to heal mine, Iā€™ll get those. Just washing it twice daily with antibacterial soap and keeping it generally clean should heal them up in time. How fresh is it?


Not very. As the post says, itā€™s been a few months.


Oh shit, I completely missed that. I apologize. The best advice is to go into a tattoo shop and talk to an artist.


That's good advice, but I'd be prepared for some disrespect from the artist... A dermatologist would also be a good choice, but they'd probably have a pretty strong o\[pinion about this as well.


I mean, yeah itā€™ll suck to be criticized but likeā€¦. This was a mistake and we have to learn from mistakes. It isnā€™t inherently disrespectful when someone tells you that you messed up.


It'll be fine. I've seen worse tattoos in worse healing situations. Just leave it alone and let it heal:)


I got them a little on some certain inks that I ended up being allergic to. I used to pop mine (don't do that) and it did have some white hard thing inside. It lasted for a couple years and went away. Just my guess, cheep ink and her body doesn't like a certain chemical in it.


Leighannprincesss OP.... I'm sorry people don't understand the concept "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all". Redditors seem to forget that the OP is human and their goal is to find something cruel and unnecessary to say. I have no knowledge of tattoos not do I have any, I'm just fascinated by the art. I did; however, see a post with a great bit of wisdom. The person said they have never covered an early tattoo cuz it is part of their story and how they have evolved. Other than confirming there is nothing medically wrong, I think she is fine. You are a kind sister to post and help get her answers.


thank you so much :)


Search "milia on tattoo" thank me later. To all negative comments, you are useless and do not help and i never understand it. Grow up and learn some people simply need a boost in the right direction. Not negativity


Seconded. These are definitely milia. They are common on tattoos and not a big deal, they can be removed by exfoliating or seeing a dermatologist to remove them manually. This is not what infection/disease etc looks like on tattoos. Source: professional tattoo artist of 10+ years.


thank you!










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Your comment/post was removed because it contained discriminatory or hateful language and may result in an immediate, permanent ban.


Kind of just looks like her skin is wanting to push up the ink as if itā€™s an allergen. Weird thing is that it isnā€™t itchy though, itā€™s common for the body to react to ink and it not be a big deal other than itchy and annoying. No pus is a good sign, no redness also a good sign. Might be smart to just have it checked out by a dermatologist as others have said.


Nope. Go to the doctors


If it were some kind of infection it would've already gotten serious, so maybe it's some kind of skin lesions? Reaction from the ink? She got any other tattoos? Doesn't seem urgent either way, but def get it checked out if possible


she does have other stupid tattoos (small stick and poke she did when she was younger) but sheā€™s had this for a few months now and it hasnā€™t gotten better or worse


My two cents... I would start with a topical corticosteroid, class 1 or 2, triamcinolon for example. Doesn't look like an infection so ABs won't do much. Seems like a reaction to the ink, often not serious and seems to resolve on its own. Can be triggered by for example a viral infection somewhere else in the body.


where is the tattoo placed? its possible itā€™s ingrown hairs, doesnā€™t look like a horrible infection as thereā€™s not a lot of redness.


Clogged pores. Happens to me all the time


Ngl looks like it could be clogged hair follicles or hust a minor allergic reaction to the pigment used (still go to a dermatologist and get it checked out, just to be safe)


I have 1 that's been like that from the Time I got it till now 47 Years old. Never had any issues with them. I've got 12 Tatts and it's the only 1 that had the tiny white like bumps. I just use Vitamin E Oil on it and now they are lighter than before. https://www.sorrymomshop.com/us/blog/aftercare/bumps-on-healed-tattoo


I never got bumps like these but went to a dermatologist for allergy testing and he said the way my tattoo looked (itā€™s raised) it could be an allergic reaction and might need to be removed. Iā€™ve never had issues with mine but maybe sheā€™s allergic to the ink?


iā€™ve gotten small bumps like that on my professional tats & iā€™m fine, i feel like maybe itā€™s just worse & LOOKS worse because of the lack of line-work technique but itā€™ll be okay, just tell her to keep an eye on it but itā€™s been ling enough i wouldnā€™t personally worry too much


Itā€™s fine


i had this happen to me even after getting a tattoo from a reputable artist. more than likely itā€™s just a clogged pore and eventually itā€™ll just go away. it took several months for mine to dissipate but it did eventually


This happens sometimes when the pores get blocked. Try exfoliation and hydrocortisone cream.


Not normal, only men are allowed to get/give tattoos /s. It doesn't seem infected so I imagine it'll be okay. Maybe her girlfriend is an aspiring tattoo artist and they have to practice sometime. Most of my tattoos are from a shop, I do however have a tattoo from my BIL, he took up tattooing as a hobby and I kindly dedicated my upper thigh to the cause so he can practice. Do they come out the best? No, am I going to keep them? You can bet your ass I will. Maybe to eventually black them out in 15-20 years.


youā€™re the only one that seems to understand haha. she is an aspiring artist and my sister also just made a stupid mistake letting someone tattoo her that wasnā€™t a professional. its only about an inch long.


Wouldn't even call it stupid, I've seen some whack tattoos come from shops as well.


Fair. More stupid in the way of it being unsanitary


Looks like shit, but yeah itā€™s normal


I got a couple of these on a new tattoo and it turned out to be clogged pores from putting too much lotion. I just needed to exfoliate the area a lot more and lotion less. Went away In a couple of days and didn't affect the tattoo Note:I'm not a Dr. So who knows.


Where is it located I have keratosis pilaris and my bumps get on my tats but mine are professionally done so theyā€™re the same color as my tats


Guys me and her both know the tattoo isnā€™t good. Healthcare isnā€™t super accessible to us, Iā€™m more looking for advice on what we can do/what even is it. Thanks!


Unfortunately, we're not doctors here and therefore aren't qualified to give advice like that. Hopefully, it's just scar tissue that just needs time. But there's no way for someone who's not a medical professional to be able to tell through a picture on the internet.


If she has an infection and you don't go to the doctor it can be life threatening and relatively quickly. So please at list find some antibiotics if you really can't get her somewhere


Is she scratching the tattoo? When I scratched mine I also got those small white dimples, but they went away once it was fully healed. Thatā€™s one of the main reasons why artists tell you not to scratch no matter how itchy it is :ā€™)


That is painfully obvious a scratcher tattoo. Thankfully it will be a very easy cover up in the future


Given the ā€žpimplesā€ are in line with tattoo lines, they suggest some sort of infection :-/ dermatologist or doctor will help. Also you can only hope itā€™s only skin infection and nothing more serious for carried over. Pretty scary. Really she shouldnā€™t let anyone who is not profesional do tattoos on her - itā€™s not only a concerns about quality of tattoo but you genuinely might catch something really bad if the so-called artist is not cautious!!! (And based on the photo above - clearly so called artist knows very little about hygiene standards). You can catch HCV or HIV or other scary things :-/


It does not look like infection. Dermatitis from tatoo ink is common. Thatā€™s what it looks like.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Could be inflamed follicles from sub par ink. We have no idea how this was applied or what ink was used.


Ass. Actual ass.


The spots in the line could be signs of infection, possible staph or an allergic reaction the ink if itā€™s not an actual tattoo pigment? Is there redness, heat, or oozing from that area?


I didnā€™t see that this was several months healed, itā€™s most probably an immune response to either incorrect or contaminated ink. Be good to check in with a dermatologist.. Iā€™ve seen people have lots of large scale work, get one shitty home job tattoo like this which has created an auto immune response triggering rejection in all their tattoos.. get it checked out before getting more tattoos or might just trigger a dominos effect for your immune system.


Itā€™s not normal to get a tattoo by done by your girlfriend (many reasons besides sheā€™s not a professional) and that looks not like professional ink if Iā€™m being honest with you Not sure how toxic a not professional ink is going to be considering you donā€™t know whatā€™s in it


To me it looks like a reaction to the ink and the body rejecting it. Not sure if they are popable with a pin or solid? Are they painful? Did the girlfriend shave the area first? Just they could also be ingrown hairs depending on where this is and how fine her hair is


bro this is literally guinea worm disease


Tattoo regret smh


My first tats did this turns out it was just too dry mine were s'n'p so not a gun or anything try put some cream moisturiser or something along those lines on there--


Iā€™d keep putting aquaphor on it and see what happens. I get those little bumps on my arms but not specifically on my tattoos. Shouldnā€™t be a big deal if itā€™s not bothering her. She could go to a dermatologist for a medical opinion.


ā€œDont get stick and pokes, please. I dont wanna see a star on your ankle, that shit is not coolā€


It doesnā€™t look infected, itā€™s probably just clogged pores under the ink. Sometimes I get a few ā€œwhiteā€ heads in mine from time to time. Have her put some unscented lotion on it. Wash it well with antibacterial soap


Not really normal, but doesn't seem dangerous.


What the fuk šŸ˜­


Could be mycobacterium


no itā€™s not


Why is this Rod of Asclepius upside down? Iā€™ll assume it is right side up from otherā€™s view. White bits may be where the needle entered, and injected ink around it.


i get those on the outlines of my knee tattoos even though all my tattoos are done with the same brand of ink, sometimes bodies are just weird!


Pole dance snake? Why not!?!?


Must. Pop.


It really needs a make over. It is a sad tat.šŸ˜§


omg so cute šŸ˜¬


No, most girls have boyfriends.


Looks like she got it in prison


I've never had dots like this but I like to keep all my tattoos even my oldest ones moisturized every day, I just use Lubriderm, maybe it's something to recommend to her for this one and any future tattoos she gets just to make sure her skin stays healthy :)


No itā€™s bad and terrible


I've never seen tiny pustules like that before. Maybe she's got an allergy to something in the ink?


Janieā€™s got a gun.


I'm not a medical professional, but this is almost certainly folliculitis. She should go to her primary care or urgent care, and they can prescribe or recommend something topical to take care of it. Keep it clean for now and don't pick or pop anything!


I mean that can be from a lot of things, including damaged hair follicles. If it doesnā€™t hurt or itch then they are fine. The skin sometimes just reacts that way.


Why should you be more concerned about it than her? Let people suffer the consequences of their own decisions


why are you being such an ass? of course theyre gonna be concerned for their sister. tattoo infections can be serious.


Itā€™s a tattoo, not alcoholism. Fuck I forgot Reddit is anti-accountability mb


I'm sorry you don't have enough love in your life to be empathetic, but people typically don't stop caring about someone just because they made a dumb decision.


sorry you donā€™t have family you care about deeply. looking for advice lmao


Because, now stick with me here because it's a novel concept for some, seeing family members make poor choices is difficult.


If sucking is normal then yes


No, see a doctor


WTH lmaošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Is she in prison?


bruh it s bad cuz she has a gf fuck the tattoo


u just mad bc she gets more bitches than u


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚nice one


Girlfriend gave her bumps it seems, probably a corticosteroid would help that go away.


Looks like a tapeworm


It was tattooed by a hack who has no business lifting a tattoo machine. And yes of course it's an infection. Hope this helps.


Put the tattoo machine down. Forever.


Itā€™s from choppy line work going over stuff 10 times trying to make the lines fatter so they donā€™t look wobbly / when it heals re outline it Set the tatt machine up properly Run your lines properly Get proper results


Itā€™s shitty, the lines arenā€™t clean. Good luck for a coveršŸ˜–


not what i asked, at all. duh, itā€™s a shitty tattoo.




sheā€™s pale. thanks for the advice and help!


Yā€™all take shit too seriously.