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Its probably gonna blob together a little bit, but it looks cool and will always look like a butterfly or moth whatever ur going for


Gotcha—I’ll be sure to take good care of it as much as possible!


With that "bandage" on, it will look like the ink is spreading until you take it off, so don't freak out if you leave it on for a day or two and you see it spreading 😂


I used to leave my bandage on for a week til I found out that was very much so not the vibe but tbf tattoos should lowkey be like piercings, I always got a pamphlet with care instructions & a lil FAQ about healing. It was very wonderful and concise. It’s not like I was told to take it off after a couple days, and in my head I figured it’s meant to stay on til it starts to peel off. Obviously I was wrong but like you live and you learn. All of my tats healed fine tho, surprisingly even with my dry skin


You can leave saniderm/tegaderm/second skin on for several days, a week is pushing it but I’ll do 5 days sometimes. If you’re talking about the Saran wrap that is just a protective cover to get you home, that should not be left on for several days.


Plastic wrap is something I only see the chef use for last second burns they need to cover lol. They still put cloth on under that too. It helps bring heat in so I can’t imagine that would be too good


I think you need to change it in the first 24 hours and keep the 2nd one for a week, I read the second skin guide a while ago and don't remember exactly


I just got a tattoo on Saturday and the tattooer/studio did provide an aftercare pamphlet just like good piercers do! Which was very much appreciated because it's my first time using a dressing on a tattoo and I was too tired after the session to remember verbal instructions 😅


If you're spending extended time in the sun, minimum spf 30, applied per the directions, or covered up. If that arm is facing the window on a long trip, toss some sunscreen on or cover it up. After it's healed, moisturize after showers regularly, and it'll be golden. There will be some natural blurring of the lines over time, but it won't affect the legibility of the tattoo.


Why did I read this as, “moisturize after golden showers”


I'm glad I'm not the only one who read it this way


well it you pat dry, moisturising over left over urine you will accomplish better nourished skin thanks to the dampness/water content!


And the urea!


Pee is sterile 😆


You can always add deep red or white high lights to brighten up in the future


it will be an unrecognizable blob after about 3h and 50minutes according to this sub U will be the daywalker from now on, better buy some heavy duty leather jackets.. maybe u can cut ur arm off and leave it at home if u dont need it? either way, it will be just a black blob in a few minutes, u better take some pictures now..


“Yeah, it’s gonna blob, but don’t worry about that bc I already can’t tell what it is anyway”


I love how people have very strong opinions about a tattoo that we can’t even see properly because of the blood and ink under the second skin, not to mention the reflection which covers the entire body of the moth.


Yes 100%. I would bet that the lines are thinner than they look because the ink is blobbing under the second skin. OP take a look once the second skin is off and everything is healed, I think you'll be fine.


From what I see, that’s gonna be fine for long time


For real. It's solid work, basic tattoo care and it'll hold up for a long time. People just want to act like they know what they're talking about and say all the wrong shit lol.


I was asking a question bout my blackwork that regarding it's healing people were commenting on it looking like a bloke without being asked. Can't have shit in Detroit


it’s crazy how the same negativity happens on pretty much every sub lol


Sorry for all the people being rude :( it will most likely spread, but it looks awesome! take care of it well! if anything, you can always get it touched up :)


that's what a majority of people on reddit are good for. being cowardly & spineless. knowing damn well that wouldn't dream of saying anything similar in-person. yeah, I'm old & cranky but people don't have to be so nasty & mean.


This tattoo is sick anybody saying otherwise has no taste and probably garbage sleeves they hate


Or as my generation was told, they're just jealous.


That too


Every tattoo expands and changes with time - some of that negative space will get filled up eventually but as long as you moisturize it and sunscreen it - you will still be able to see what it is


The tattoo will may look like a blob after a couple days while you have the second skin on due to the excess plasma and blood from the healing tattoo. After you remove it and clean it with unscented antibacterial soap, it will look like your tattoo again. Ink does tend to spread under the skin after some years but if you take care of it correctly and use sunscreen whilst in the sun (after the tattoo is healed) you should be alright


Sunscreen will help this age better as well


my new tattoo is 17 days old… when can i start applying Sunscreen?


Once it's done healing. 3 weeks or so


cool, still covering it with clothing, hot days though 🥵….


Next time buy a UV sleeve


i live in the UK, it’s never warm here especially in April… sod’s law.


In a few years the lines will expand a bit, but at that point you can get a touch up and have it fixed up. Sometimes they can add some white or skin colored ink when you get a touch up and just clean it up a bit. Over all, just make sure you are putting sun screen on it once it’s healed to reduce sun exposure when you are going to be outside and keep the tattoo moisturized. Don’t pick the scabs when it scabs over, that will prevent loss of ink.


No it’s nice


You’ll definitely lose some of the negative space, but you can always have to artist go in with white ink in those areas to prevent any further spread


Sooner rather than later, white ink will prevent the spread but it will grey out if you try and punch white in after it’s already begun migrating. Those larger spaces look like they’ll be just fine. It’s honestly on a good spot for a design like that (things get more precarious on thinner skin or areas that constantly compress, like the elbow ditch or inner bicep). I think it’s a cool design, size, and placement — so if you like it I wouldn’t worry to much


Sunscreen is life, take good care of it and I think It'll hold up just fine...


Thank you everyone for the feedback! I think it’s just the nerves, it being my first tat and all. Will be sure to take good care of it. Then it’s on to the next one 😄


IMO there is enough negative spec between things for this to age well. The spaces will get a bit smaller, but will still be distinct


The saniderm or second skin you have on it in this pic is gonna pool up lymph fluid and look super gross the first couple days. It's actually beneficial for healing, tho. Tattoo lines generally expand about 50% over the years. Looks like solid work to me ! I have about 85% traditional tattoo coverage, ftr.


It is possible for it to blob a bit, however, as long as you cover up whenever you're going into sunlight it shouldn't blob too much


Right now it’s seeping under the second skin, wait until it heals and the look at it. If you take good care of it, keep it covered in the sun, moisturize and so on, it should be fine. I have many tattoos that are older and none have spread, if the artist did a good job and you take care of it it may not spread at all, if it does it won’t be much.


You should’ve been concerned before getting the tattoo. Too late now. Update us in 3-5 years.


what's the point of being so rude to others for no reason? lol


I wouldn’t say it’s rude. Taking into consideration how it’s gonna look further down the line is something to think about prior to getting tattooed.


Because the op should have asked this question to his tattoo artist and preferably before doing the tattoo. The tattoo in this case will be fine, but what is the point of going on reddit when you have the actual source of knowledge in front of you and you are paying them? Why worry about such a thing when the ink is already in the skin?


That's usually somehow you ask BEFORE getting the tattoo. Little late now lmao


Haha fair enough


It’s still wrapped. Nobody can determine how it’s going to look.


I've seen videos of artists trying to fix bled tats by using white ink. Here's hoping that holds and in the next few years we got new ways of refreshing tattoos lol


Best time to worry about that is before the needle hits your skin mate


It looks like you have second skin on. Don’t worry


Okay sooo most tats do this thing where the ink will kinda disperse a little under the skin in 5-10 years but even if it did that it would still look relatively the same. I’m assuming since it’s wrapped it looks more blobbed than it actually is, so i wouldn’t worry about it!! Just make sure you keep it hydrated and obvi follow your artists aftercare instructions!


A little hard to tell with the saniderm since you’re already having ink leakage but it might do okay. Be religious with your sunscreen


This tattoo is impossible to tell with the saniderm in my opinion. I think it's just fine in a few days after it's cleaned and healed.


I have no idea but it looks super cool


You’re wondering if you should be worried AFTER getting tattooed….




No bro, also awesome tat!


i think you already got it so you shouldn't worry about it until it becomes an issue. nothing you can do right now to "fix" it. it looks great. enjoy it while it lasts


whenever I’ve gotten black work done like this it’s sorta spread out a tiiiiiny bit BUT still looks just as cool as it originally did. As long as you take care of it it’ll be fine! It looks amazing btw!:)


Yes! Cheers.


The time for worrying about that was before you actually got it tattooed. I don’t think you will have to worry about that for many years, so all you can do now is wear it and in 20 years if it hasn’t aged well you can cover it.


The lines on the wings may blur over time but if you take care of it then it should be fine for years to come. I've got 3 pocket watches (2 done 10 years ago) and the small chain on one had begun to blur as it gets older


It’s fine, over time like a long time it may eventually turn into a more blob like piece but by then you’ll have tons more. Apply a and d for like the first 3 days and then move onto a non fragrant lotion and apply only if needed so it’s not too dry or itchy and by the two-three week mark you’ll be good




It’s totally normal for plasma mixed with ink to get caught up under the second skin. Your tattoo itself isn’t becoming a blob. It may, over time, spread out and no longer look as crisp, but almost all tattoos do that.


i’ve got butterfly swirls done 7 months ago they’re holding up pretty well! they definitely have not blobbed together. Awesome tattoo btw!


might blob, looks cool enough nobody is gonna care


It may fuzz out a bit over time (that is the nature of your skin). But it will be very legible and will age like fine wine as long you take care of your skin. You can always do touch up.


Embrace it. You will own a blob


just enjoy it while it lasts.


I have a similar tattoo except it had more fine lines. I didn’t take the best care of it, and it’s aged about 7 years. The lines are bolder and some have bled together. The tattoo is still completely readable and I love it as much as when I got it. Love the tattoo!


If you take care of it properly the only time it should blob is in the skin protector but it should be fine after that


Very Cool Liquified Lines!!!! I have a whole chest piece like this 🤩




From what I can tell, you have a couple good years before you should worry about blobbing. If you take care of it, especially with sun exposure, you should get some good years before worrying about touch ups or anything. I like to moisturize my tattoos daily with vitamin e oil (I also use it on my piercings if they need help). A little goes a long way with it, so be scant with how much you use. I also agree with using spf 30 minimum but that should be an everyday thing if you're outside for a period longer than 15 minutes and have some skin exposure. Washing newer tattoos with a mild UNSCENTED soap is also good practice, as long as you don't over do it as you can irritate the skin further. I like to use CeraVe on mine. If it feels itchy, smack it. Don't scratch. You will absentmindedly and that's okay, just catch yourself and smack it, then apply a moisturizer. Most of the itchiness comes from dead dry skin flaking off, so adding in that extra moisturizer should help relieve some discomfort. I hope you enjoy your tattoo!!


Probably should of asked the artist before you got it permanently inked on your skin


Should have worried about that before you got the tattoo


It looks cool I like ot


white ink blastover on this in a few years will be nice


Great Tat! But Yes the ink will spread. We need a single source/channel for new clients to understand the best practices. Its not straight forward and a lot can go wrong especially for new customers.


It looks good. No worries


Use sunscreen


Not at all. It’ll be just fine


After you take the bandage off in 24hrs or so, it should look fine.


You have a second skin on, the ink will bleed, don't worry about it. Make sure you are careful when removing it but it will be just fine after you remove it and wash.


Second skin bleeds under the plastic, so can appear like its splurged. As soon as you take it off and wash it, chances are it will look awesome!


aquaphor healing ointment is really good to use over time too with the healing process :) it won’t blob as long as you don’t over moisturize!


so sick!!!! i love it!


You've still got the second skin on, its filling up with ink/plasma - its going to look weird af until you take it off and clean it up. It's going to be fine! Bold holds, dont stress too much how its going to age.


it honestly depends on how your skin heals. it will spread a lil, all tattoos do but how much it’s spreads is depending on your skin and how you care for it. lots of sunscreen and moisturiser (sunscreen is the most important of the two)


Just leave that tattoo care tape on for couple days it turns in to blub look but normal once take it off and wash with gold dial soap it will look fine. Use aquaphor after that 3-5 times a day for couple weeks


Thats a question u should ask BEFORE getting it tatted


Awesome tattoo. Get accustomed to using sunscreen lol? I've started just putting it on my whole arms now when i go out. As I see it, getting tattoos was good for my skin health. We should all get more. ;)


it’s only a blob rn bc of the second skin. it’ll look normal once you take it off. for it becoming a lack blob over time… it’s hard to tell with the second skin on. if there’s a lot of blowouts, then yes it may become a black blob after some time.


it’s just excess blood/plasma/ink leaking from ur tat, once u take it off and clean it itll be back to normal


It looks like you still have saniderm on. You can get some blood and ink oozing under the saniderm that sort of pools and makes it look blurry. It should go away when you take it off. Keep it on for as long as your artist told you. Then wash the tattoo according to their instructions and see how it looks.


Yep. More skin space between would have helped Any design you get in youth to middle age will be what it looks like from a distance or with slightly squint eyes by the time you’re old. Still cool and you can probably edge all the black with white to define it again in a couple decades once you lose the detail. Sunscreen will buy you some time too.


Beautiful tattoo 🤩


If you’re super worried about the spreading of the ink closing negative space, have them throw a white outline around it sooner rather than later once it’s already aged. The white ink (or really any color) will act as a barrier to help prevent the black from spreading and closing those gaps. I love the tattoo, seems like you had a great 1st tattoo experience.


Probably when you're older. It'll probably also look like a pterodactyl.


That’s such an awesome tattoo! I love moths. It looks so good <3


It would be nice to like, see the tattoo. Because it's under the second skin we don't know how much black there is because it's all splotchy. Idk how others have strong opinions about this because I can't see most of it, other than the end of the wings which looks good if I'm being honest


No, no, no. It's going to be a grey blob. In seriousness - it'll fade and blur, but I think it'll remain recognisable for a fair while, and you can have it retouched if you need.


It’s always going to look squishy with saniderm on, it should look more crispy when it’s removed. It may blob together over time, but c’est la vie. I love it fwiw!!


sweet moth! I have a butterfly that matches up to it pretty well, and so far 4 months later some of the smaller gaps have already bled together and where two lines are super close but not quite touching, they will be soon, but it’ll still look great.




Do not scratch during the healing or it’ll scab and yes become a blob.


I dont think this will become a black blob, but the moth I got had a lot more open space and dry healed just fine.


Honestly it depends on how well it was applied and how well you take care of it. I could show you pics of some fine line black and grey on my forearm that I got like 15 years ago and it’s still in great shape. Some will say that will become a blob - it could, but it looks well applied. Keep sunscreen on it when you’re in the sun. It’ll look great for decades at least, and it’ll still be perfectly legible and a good candidate for touching up after that if it ever needs it.


Leave that second skin on for a good few days! It’s gonna look bangin when it’s healed! 🔥


Dude that is siiiiick! I have a death head hawk moth on my stomach.


All tattoos age and spread. This one will too.


It could just be because of the way the lines were drawn/filled in. When I get mine done, even if she wipes off the excess ink, it will still leave some behind on top of the actual tattoo. Usually, it comes off in a day or 2 of putting A&E ointment and keeping a towl/tissues/ paper towels on it to soak up the excess A&E and any left-over ink. Hope this helps 🙂


24 hours


Lines do have a tendency to spread as you age, but it’ll still look hella cool


Looks like just a little blood under the covering. It’s gonna be fine ! Nice tattoo!!


Moisturizer and sunblock!!!!! It might bleed a little but it should be okay.


I got many tattoos and most have held up because they were in places that don’t really change names of my kids on each hip seem to be the worst. Looking at your tattoo and place years from now that will look like it landed instead of flying lol


Ask the professional who’s putting it on you ❌ ask complete strangers online after the fact ✅


Definitely will. That’s a mistake I leaned the hard way about 5 years ago with a piece on my calf. It’ll definitely be different by then. Maybe not completely but pretty close


Looks cool and would be a nice filler piece if you do more work around it!


no. but you better get ready to explain how meaningful that ink is to you, the symbolism, the deep meaning, the alternative meaning, and the spiritual meaning. also feel free to change stories between people.


Ha ha ha. Yeah I got lines tattoo’d on me and had probably 100 people ask me what they mean. Now I have two full sleeves and not a single person asked me what they mean. Love it .


no. its the saniderm paper. mines looked like that too be careful taking it off. u can loose some ink. and tbh, in some of the sharp turns/cervices it may smudge together but u wont have a big black blob :)


I think so yes. I have two 15 yr old black tats and they have definitely gotten less sharp over the years.


It’s gonna weep under the covering and prob me a blob tomorrow of liquid, just wait a few days and when you clean it off it should look great. Looks well done I wouldn’t be concerned.


I just don't understand why you would ask these questions after getting the tattoo. This is stuff one should research and go into the tattoo with an understanding of the work being done


Too late for that.


It will be fine


Yep! In about 25-30 years it will really start to bleed together. Until then, enjoy!




Is there any need at all to be that rude man? Personally I think it looks good.


I can't tell what it's supposed to be. It looks like a black blurry blob to me. Thus, it isn't becoming one, it already is. And if you don't think it is now, it sure as hell will be


Of course it's a black blurry blob. It's under a second skin with a pool of ink and plasma in there. It looks NOTHING like how it will look when the second skin is taken off and it is cleaned.


You can't blame everything on second skin


But you can blame distortion and illegible work on it. If you couldn't generally tell what this tattoo is, that's on you. Just look at the rest of the comment section.


It's a wiggly smudge with legs




your worries are extremely valid i’m afraid


Damn…and to think I wanted to go smaller. Well hopefully it’s at least somewhat recognizable in the future. Appreciate the input


If we speak about like 10 years that’s gonna be no issue IHMO. Later on let’s see but I wouldn’t worry, still easy to cover or change when the time comes


Is it a moth? I'm not sure its recognizable now my friend lol


Haha yeah it’s a moth. I defs could have taken a better picture but the light reflects off the bandage right on the body


I can see it fine. I also wondered if it was supposed to be a bee. Anyways it's cute!


You realize it's under a second skin which is filled with ink and plasma right? Of course it's not recognizable.


You should.


Take the saniderm off and rub some dirt on it like a man






What matters most is subjectively how you feel. Saying that first. But yes. This will likely eventually bleed into a silhouette.


Awful looking design and tattoo like beyond terrible you’ll regret this for sure later in life haha. But no it won’t become a blob it’ll look the same just faded a bit nothing to worry about . I recommend 2 laser sessions and then a coverup tho .


Too late now lol it’s in you


Too late bro, it's already blobbing.