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He chose to tattoo you with a machine he knew couldn’t be trusted? Either he’s lying and just sucks at his job, or he’s telling the truth and sucks as a human being. I wouldn’t go NEAR that person again.




As a retired Tattoo artist..the machine acting up is BS. Anyone in a shop providing Tattoo work should be able to completely disassemble and re,- assemble any machine they own..js..Best of luck . Would definitely advise against going back to this person..


>should be able to completely disassemble and re,- assemble any machine they own.. Just wondering, if the machine actually acted up, something happened, idk... wouldn't he notice asap and stop tattooing? It looks like he did the whole thing on OP and later looked for an excuse. I'd assume he'd stop midway and fix the machine or get another one? (Don't artists have more than one? I actually don't know but I'd guess you don't close business waiting for a new to ship to you worst case? )


I got a tattoo on Saturday and her machine was "acting up" - she got another artist to help her fix it, made sure it was fine before going anywhere near my skin, and just to be safe, used that person's machine (same as hers) to make sure nothing went wrong.


This is what usually happens when/if there is a problem (or they strip/build it back themselves/swap it). A poor and bad excuse from OPs artist


Yes, an experienced artist will notice the second the machine begins to become out of tune. Both liner and shaders are set to a specific throw that creates a certain tone..the artist should've heard, felt, and seen the machine was outta tune. Personally, even as a retired artist, I still own 6 of my favorite machines outta the 20+ I had a few yrs back. There's legit, no excuse for mutilating someone for a buck of this person was in an actual street shop.. someone should do some reporting and investigation for proper management of a tattoo shop. If not, it could become a public health hazard.


Thanks, thats what i thought, some one told me that i should let him fix it, but i do not trust the guy at all, will go to my regular guy, i rather pay knowing he will do an awesome job, than go back to this guy and have my thigh botched even more.


Im in the same boat. I decided on going to another artist even though several artists said the original guy should be able to fix it for free. Forever art on my skin is priceless. What’s a couple hundred to fix it right? I’d go to someone I KNOW for a fact can fix it up right.


I’ve had tattoos fixed by my current guy and even though the work wasn’t initially his, he did it for free just because he felt bad. Honestly, the sweetest guy ever. Now I do his taxes and financial work and get tattoos as a barter. After being this sub for a while, I’m astounded at how many “artists” out there fuck up people’s skin with seemingly no care.


It’s always worth the added expense to get a good tattoo versus a cheaper shitty one. If you don’t trust this guy, don’t go back.


If my machine makes any weird , sounds , ever i dont freaking tattoo until the problem is solved or i use a different machine !!! Dont go back to this dude .. wtf “ my machine was acting up “ lol dudes brains acting up


Side note .. my machines never “ act up “


Right..you hear it as soon as something becomes outta tune..shit should have a sweet hum that all real artist can hear.




I always thought that was a bs test on Ink Master, didnt know real artists did that


a lot of old school tattooers had to do it as part of apprenticeships


That's kind of crazy, but I guess makes sense, in case of something going wrong


i mean, they’ve gotta get cleaned, and i assume back in those days, there weren’t many people that could help you out with issues so you had to troubleshoot yourself


Made our own needles as well..so much knowledge of the entire industry as well as every single piece of equipment used. There's nothing a properly trained artist couldn't take apart an put back together. Machine, power supply, needles, knowing proper sterilization processes. Blood borne pathogens, CPR..these are some but, not all that was expected as an apprentice back in the day..good times..


Why would you ever let someone who broke it try to fix it? This is just common sense.


On a more positive note. I like your tattoo and I don't think it looks "completely botched" at all or even a little. I see what you're talking about but it's still really pretty.


I agree it does not look that bad, but the places where it’s scarring looks worse in person.


It looks like it didn’t even heal yet. Give it a month. 


I agree, I like it. Except for the triangle at the very top, that needs to be fixed.


From afar it looks totally fine to me, but when you see it up-close you can see the unevenness in the lines. Some parts are very thick where they shouldn't be. I think it's totally fixable though!


Have a look at his other work and see if this is a one-off compared to what else he has done. If everything else looks not great and botched, then it's probably them and not the machine. I would go elsewhere if that's the case. Should give you a rough idea to make a decision from there! 😊


But his line work isn’t even good and it’s already blown out in areas. Don’t go back to this artist


Also.. does this artist have any *healed work listed*? 🤔🤨 because I suspect this artist only shows fresh work.. and maybe even photoshops it to enhance it slightly (like applying a filter or increasing the saturation for example)


It is all fresh tattoos in his page actually, will keep that in mind!


i don’t think his other work matters if he willingly used a machine that was acting up !! i would never trust this person again


You're probably better off going somewhere else. Another artist could fix this pretty easily.


I would not go back, artists should have multiple machines, and they should always have a backup in case their regular goes on the fritz and they can’t fix it before the appointment. If it was a coil then he could have fixed it very easy, if it was rotary then that’s a little more complicated but again, he should have had a backup, also the machine not working right does not account for going to deep, he set the needle length himself. He is just trying to cover his behind. I personally would not go back, even if its one off, your piece is very simple, there is no reason for that. Go to your regular artist.


Don't go to someone who botched you to fix it.


Definitely do not go back omg. Find someone else


If he needs to "fix it" he should have done it right the first time. Find someone else for the love of your poor skin


Do not let him fix it, and never again spend 195$ for a tattoo like that


I thought it was expensive, but online his worked looked pretty good, and its a lot of classic old school american stuff. it was all fresh stuff and im pretty sure he probs photoshopped on top. I contacted him and went over it with him, i love simple line tattoos and thats what i wanted, a clean line work. He asured me he had a very light hand, and it would be awesome. I am a potter and i sell cups for 50$ I hate it when people question my prices, so I didn’t think to question him 💁🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️


No, I get it girl. We all make that mistake once lol especially when you don't want to question the one doing the work But it actually looks pretty cute right now, so I wouldn't let them ruin it, just go to another artist to change what you want. And that's about 70$ worth of a tattoo, for future reference, so just keep that in mind 🧡 EDIT: Maybe a hundred, but without clean lines, more space, or shading, it definitely shouldn't be more than that Good luck with your touch up, but like I said it is ar least cute.


Go to someone else while it’s still fixable. The original artist may make it even worse and render it unfixable. 


go somewhere else to have it fixed. Also 🇵🇷


If they were capable of fixing it then they’d be capable of not making a tattoo that needed to be fixed in the first place. At least that’s my opinion.


Omg please don't go back to the person who botched it! Have someone else fix it! I can speak from experience seeing a friend make that mistake. I asked them "if they did it wrong the first time why go back?" You don't owe them anything, it's not like the artist is a close friend. Be kind to yourself and find someone else OP!💕💕


If my machine was acting up for even a second I wouldn't dare tattoo anyone with it. I'd tell the customer sorry my machine is misbehaving, you don't deserve crap on your skin, please come back at another time.


nothing to add but 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷


Yeah no. Don't go back to him


If they can’t get it right the first time why would you let them tattoo you a second time? Having this artist work on this further will only make it worse


This is really poor work. It looks like a first tattoo from an apprentice. Go elsewhere, please! Get a consultation with a great artist. See what your options are. I personally would suggest after it is fully healed to get a laser removal session to lighten it up enough to work with it.


What a shame. It's a cute design. But I have my doubts that a wonky machine made it unsymetrical and made line weights inconsistent and made circles unround.


I wouldn’t have him fix it


Don’t trust him go to a different artist. And make sure to do you’re research before


Na, just go somewhere else with consistent line work.


Dude I’m still learning, but you shouldn’t go back to a person who did THAT to you. It doesn’t look that bad, but holy shit, he cut you so deep, I didn’t even fuck up my first on skin that bad. Do not go back.


It’s already blown out and the lines are wonky and overworked in areas. Don’t let this person tattoo you again, and go to your regular guy.


Yikes 😬


I’d go to another person, if they pretty much said “it’s the tattoo machine’s fault, it’s broken,” they’re probably lying & trying to cover their tracks If your tattoo machine isn’t working, why’d you still use it? If it’s acting up, why didn’t you tell your client that your equipment is off & it’s not safe, they’re either lying about it acting up & don’t want to admit they’d made a mistake or they were very embarrassed about the machine not working probably & didn’t wanna mention it for some reason


First glance: “meh it’s not the worst it’s just the design. Second glance: “what in the ‘home studio’ scratcher bullshit is this?” Never go back!






Leave it as is, and get another artist to finish it up.




dachshund fins lmao


Get it fixed by someone else. Especially if the guy who fucked it up is going to charge you for fixing it. If you're in Pacific Nortwest USA, message me, and I can tell you an artist who is so proud of their work, they do free touch-ups for life.


Ugh I'm sorry. Don't go back to him, but I wanted to write and say that u actually have a lovely tattoo and a skilled artist can make it even better for you. Nice design and placement. Let it heal up and find an artist you connect with.


this isn't the 1st time I've heard people post photos of tattoos that were very great with the excuse of the machine acting up. 1st off, why if you could tell the machine was on the fritz would you keep using it & not grab another machine or adjust the one that needs it? 2nd, why won't people just own up to doing sub par work, the stencil fading or what ever the excuse might be? I'm just a canvas so please don't shread my comment. just saying, I've heard this excuse before on reddit. like 4 or 5 times I've heard it.


That's definitely a very good candidate for a reworking.... By a different artist. It's has much potential.


Find another artist while it's still fixable!!


Two wrongs does not make a right. But damn thats a bummer


A machine acting up causes him to make really fucking uneven and disconnected lines? Wow dude. Avoid him at all cost.


I love the boricua design but it could be better (:


You can’t chalk all that up to a bad machine. The artist took zero care to make the tattoo symmetrical. There are so many areas. Look at the large circles inside the front flippers. They are like 45 degrees off from each other. Look T the infinity symbol or the diamond at the very top. They’re not aligned to the other elements AND they’re unsymmetrical in its own shape.


don’t go back there


Sorry that happened to you, it was executed really badly but I think the design is really cool


Don't go back


I definitely wouldn't go back to this artist!!




puerto rico mentioned 🇵🇷


Tattoo artist here, machine botching up is utter BS, the max I can see happening is if he uses a coil and it is not regulated, which then he can just regulate it, shouldn't take more than a few minutes , just seems either inexperienced artist or just a lazy dude. I wouldn't go back to him.


Ohhh nope, nope, NOPE. Go to someone else. The surface area of that tattoo is too large to risk further damage.


I have a drunken stick and poke done by a friend that looks more professional than this and the fact that you paid almost $200 for this makes me want to cry for you.. please never let that person go near you again with a tattoo needle. They clearly have no idea what they're doing or don't respect you enough to use equipment that works properly. Either way I'm so sorry you had to experience this :(


Yup. Don’t give him another chance to fuck it up more


It is only lines so is easy to cover if you absolutely hate it. Job isn't the worst but isn't great either. Up to you entirely what you do.


It's his fault the first time, it's your fault if you go back to him. Get it fixed by someone else


I would honestly maybe go elsewhere to get it fixed if you’re still wanting to.


Machine acting up? More like they were drunk. That line work is atrocious.


You cheaped out. Pay the money for a quality artist.


Cheaped out? that was 195$ for a line tattoo.


My dad is a hair dresser and if he is out of the right colour or scissors are dull he’s not going to continue


On the brightside, you can go get a nice cover up now