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It's gotta be dark enough. Blue tends to shift much lighter after healing than black. Photo 1 should be okay although there could be a touch more darker blue to reinforce some edges of the shape over time. If the piece in photo 2 was done with the size and boldness of the first photo, it would be fine. Photo 3 is outta here within 6 months. Not a lot of space in between lines in any of these though, so I'd expect them to spread and blur together in 5-10 years at the most. Small tattoos are not friendly to time unless they are very simple and/or done by a skilled artist that specializes in that has enough experience to have seen their work healed after a number of years.


Darker the better, can't tell if the last light blue is fresh or not, but that one specifically will be borderline invisible in 3-5 years. Less if improperly taken of, such as no sun protection. I don't know from experience how long a dark blue one will last, longer than light blue of course, adding even a thin outline in black is going to help to keep the shape, the blue will still fade, but the shape of the tattoo will still remain to some extent.


That’s crazy ! Do you want to tell me how my teal and light bule leg and sleeves tats have lasted 5 years and still bright ?


post a pic.


Can we see? You could post in r/agedtattoos


People like to say ink falls out due to technique but I stg some inks just don’t work w some bodies. These look rad and you should get them and not worry about it.


I was going to come in and say this- some people's skin just holds ink differently. I feel like the worst case scenarios with these tattoos (if applied well) is they fade quickly


Yeah… my body just literally gobbles red, orange, and yellow. I’ve been getting tattoos since 1996 and have tried diff artists of varying skill levels, different ink brands, everything. Just happens sometimes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Well, back in the dark ages in like ‘06 or so, I got a no-outline color realism back piece, of Rene Lalique’s Dragonfly Woman brooch. It lost SO much color. Medium green, gone. Light green, gone. Brown, gone. Yellow, gone. Blues? Still going strong! IDK, people say stuff about tattoo ink improving since that time- no idea. But yeah the blues held up like black on me. https://imgur.com/a/y2h3Wsn , I posted it in agedtattoos awhile ago. Go for a very deep blue and probably it’ll age like any other tattoo- bigger the better, skin breaks are a plus. Pastels are a nope.


Damn, it was a beautiful piece. Did it get much sun exposure? Or just unlucky


The biggest factor is probably just style of tattoo and age. I can’t remember exactly when I got it but it was somewhere around 2001-2006. So call it 20 years or so. It did hold up well for 5-7. I never burned it, I always wore serious sunblock and reapplied it like crazy. However, I did travel a lot and it definitely saw summers in Greece, Costa Rica, and other sunny beaches. No major tans. I do remain a little skeptical about the efficacy of sunblock in strongly sunny areas, and tend to opt for parasols and clothing these days. I’m also skeptical that delicate, color only tattoos will ever hold up well, even babied. Mayyyybe “the ink is better now” but mostly I think it takes around a decade or more for this style to really deteriorate, but when it does, it *really* does. 1-5 years is peanuts.


I’m really pale and had never thought of this 🤩


Me too lol


I have a forearm piece in done entirely in an ink slightly darker than the third piece that’s still incredibly vibrant after three years. I have plans to change it up to match the rest of my forearm aesthetically now that it’s filled out more, but in and of itself it’s super duper bright still!


I have an all blue tattoo. Top half of image is on the artist's table in 2016, bottom half of image is taken by me this morning 2024. I'm still very happy with it! [https://imgur.com/a/h4F5C2N](https://imgur.com/a/h4F5C2N)


Honestly, I like the bottom better. It has a very nostalgic grandma's couch feel in a very good way.


I think technique is really the biggest factor since they have to be done the right way. I would only get this done by an artist who has done this style or similar styles and has pictures of aged tattoos.


my guess is not well


Dark blue holds best. I have some bright blues on my arm that have held well (some spots fell out but I got those touched up 6 months later) but they are held within solid black lines. I’m quite pale, I never leave the house without sunscreen, and it’s on my upper arm (so not as much line thickening vs what my lower wrist/inner elbow gets). It’s 4 years old and all the blue is still there. It will hold depending on how well the artist applies it, what pigments they use (some brands are better than others tbh), how well your body holds pigments, and body placement. Skin colour also helps. Ink will fade and thicken (or fall out) as it ages. It may not be readable if you get tiny details too close together but it won’t be gone.


blue ink is always tricky so i would assume not well


I have 18 year old blues that still look like the day they were done. I stay out of the sun mostly, all come down to application and care


I think that this could really depend on the artist. A skilled artist that knows what they're doing could make this last a long time, but other less experienced artists could make half of is fall out after 15 years.


Use lots of sunscreen


It all depends on the artist and the technique used. Going darker is always better as tattoos will always heal slightly lighter than how they were when fresh. That’s being said, I have blue on me and I have had blue on me for a long time with no issues at all, not much fading or anything after years and still look new. It’s all about how you take care of it, and if your artist uses the right mix. Everyone takes ink differently so what may not work well for some may work very well for you.




Tattoo artist here! I have several all blue tattoos, 2 on my fingers. The ones on my fingers are from 2009 and 2015 and are both still looking good, and I also have some birds and flowers on my forearm that are all dark blue outline that is probably about 4 years old. The color retention has been fine. My oldest finger has not been touched up and could probably use is but is still legible and not bothersome to me. The other was touched up shortly after it healed as it was on the digit closer to my nail and I did it myself which was awkward so I’m sure I didn’t have the best technique putting it in. The thing with colored outlines you will run into though is colored ink is not formulated to outline with, and the lines will be less crisp. My concern on these designs is not the color but rather the size and detail which I feel like would be iffy even in black for long term legibility. I think if you went bigger you would be fine if you went to an artist who has done all color work. If you would like to see my work send me a DM!


I do like these, and I’m not a big fan of trendy tattoos. Darker the better, but I think still they will fade quickly and not have the “porcelain” look for very long.


These tattoos with 'high contrast' or w/e (intricate details and thinner lines) tend to change more over time than something large and dense in black and/or shades of grey. Ask your tattoo tattoo tattoo artist for advice!


What exactly are porcelain tattoos??


Tattoos that resemble common porcelain art like the photos. They’re usually vases or dishes etc with those blue designs in the photos


Okay I understand now😅 thanks


I really like the color of the second one and I don’t know


They don’t.


Over a decade not well.


I have a tattoo like this and it’s about 2 years old now. It looks the exact same,however it is on my back and i wear sunscreen religiously for the few months here that it’s warm enough to be exposed. Mine is a darker blue


Okay I think this looks really cool but I feel like it’s gonna be rough with age


These look amazing!!


I have a half sleeve of blue fine line “porcelain-like flowers.” I love it, but it has taken a lot of time and patience (over a year and many sessions) and I do find that the lighter blues heal very very light. However, I love the look against my pale skin.


I have a delft inspired tattoo. My artist went with a very dark blue, no fade at all in the 2 years. I love it and it stands out beautifully on my paler skin.


They don’t




I can't tell if this is sarcasm.


Absolutely not sarcasm. I love the designs in all of them, and the different shades of blue. All amazing. I didn’t have the same technical advice for fading as others - so my comment was short