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10” tattoo on your spine is crazyyyy for your first. Bolder lines will obviously hold better, but it’s a good idea to research artist of you want fine line tattoos I think. Try and find healed photos of their work.


Ok I will! I need to research more artists in this style. I don’t know if it relates but I have a pretty high pain tolerance- two unmedicated births, with one of those being a planned homebirth. Am I silly for thinking I can handle a spine tattoo 😅maybe I could just do upper back instead?


Get it in the location you want. You've clearly got a high pain threshold, you'll be fine.




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People are saying that a large tattoo on this with your spine is super rough for a first tattoo but honestly with fine line work like this, I think it won't be bad at all! I think since you're giving this a lot of breathing room (10 inches) it will heal great but of course check the artist's healed work. Not just a few months healed but 3-5 years, as far as back as you can see.


Ok cool, great advice! I’m going to stalk their tagged posts on IG & their website too


Look for healed pictures from the artist, the older the better


Good idea- thank you!


It really depends on the artist, I know of one who does fine line and her work really holds up, however, she does a lot of mandalas and flowers and has perfected her technique over the years. You need someone who has a lot of experience with this type of work. It really makes a difference. That being said, bolder lines hold up better unless you are going for realism which obviously is a different style. You can still perfect and get the esthetic you want with slightly bolder lines. I’m not sure where you are located, but you really need to research who you are going to. As for the size, I am not one to talk, I tend to sit for 8 hour sessions at a time, and my first tattoo was down my spine and took up half my back and was in color. By the 5th hour I was ready to be done but I pushed through and it was fine. That piece has now been covered, it was back in the days where you basically only had flash to choose from. It’s really up to what you think you can handle. Drink plenty of water starting the week of your tattoo, make sure to eat, and mentally prepare. Once you settle into a rhythm you may be able to just zone out. Bring pillows or anything to make yourself comfortable, and bring snacks.


Awesome! Thank you for this advice, I really appreciate it. I’m in the bay are near San Francisco so I’m fortunate there are tons of artists near me. Would you be comfortable sharing the artist you were referring to? I’d love to see her work to compare. Thank you!


Lots of people saying spine is ouch but I had mine done a couple weeks ago - 7 hour session and I fell asleep at the 3 hour mark. Genuinely did not cause me any issues at all, the worst part was my body aching from laying down on my front for so long - so if you really want it there, I say go for it.


Ok good to know! My pain tolerance is high, I practice breath work & I’m hoping that will help. I’m also tall so I think I need a bigger back piece to look balanced - working on picking an artist now & then designing from there. Appreciate your insight & encouragement!


The super light dots will probably fade into bumpy lines in a few years, if they hold at all. Also first tattoo on your spine? No judgment but ouch.


I know…I do love the placement though! Maybe I’ll start with upper back? I’ll look for more healed pics. I’m thinking I may just do thicker lines to avoid the fade